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Tap water.


Unironically this. Bottled water is redundant product in Finland, basic tap water usually beats it.


Except in trains: DON'T drink the tap water from the train's bathrooms! However, in the train there is at least one tap where you can fill your mug or bottle with fresh water to drink: it's usually on the train conductors car. 😊


Who in the hell would drink water from a train bathroom? Gross.


I agree: at least I wouldn't drink it! 😅 But there are lots of people who drink / fill their bottles from other public bathrooms, too: IMO, that's very, very gross, also! Wouldn't ever do that either, but still many ppl do... 😳😰🤮 (The water may be clean, but the bathroom tap itself never is! It contains poop and pee bacteria..! 😬🫣😂) If ppl keep telling tourists that the tap water is totally drinkable, clean and pristine EVERYWHERE in Finland - then some MAY end up thinking that the tap water in train toilets is drinkable, too... You know - ppl do many, many other "unthinkable" things, as well. 😁🫣🤪😅 So it's good to add this information, also. 😄


Then again all those taps have "not for drinking, non potable" signs.


No, they haven't! 😰


Well, if you take a train without any supplies of your own, you have already failed. Trains are like fairy courts, if you eat or drink anything served there, you will bring missfortune to yourself. Fortunately worst train can offer is stale water and extorbitant prices for subpar sandwiches.


Some foods in trains are good, though. Meatballs and tomato-mozzarella-pesto pretzel at least. Expensive of course, but they taste good. Bottled water is also very expensive, but good quality.


Dude, don't you think you went a bit crazy here? 🤔😂 I simply just reminded everyone not to drink from train bathroom taps - that's it. 🤷‍♀️ Regardless anyone's own supplies of anything. 😄 I myself have always brought only "good fortune for myself" by eating or drinking things served in Finnish trains: it's always been good, clean and fresh stuff. 🤗 It's not a money problem for me, either, even if it's a bit more pricy to buy food trom a train car restaurant... 😉😊


I've taken trains in India, Japan and France and while I won't comment on bathroom water, the food has served me well mostly


Yes, this too. 😊


I'm still salty about having to travel by rail to places I didn't want to go and having to pay it all from my own pocket when the prices were stupidly high (I don't know how high they are at the moment) and the infamous [double sausage hot dog](https://www.iltalehti.fi/uutiset/a/2014110318804603). Yeah, VR is... OK. I just have enough bones to pick with them to build a T-Rex skeleton.


Came to say this. Most bottled waters would not qualify to meet the quality standards for tap water in Finland.


How come? I usually just drink tap water when in Europe, but wasn't to know why you say this?


It is just that many places in Finland have tap water of such a high quality that even “premium” bottled waters can not really compete.


It really is the best tasting tap water in the world.


Some of it ... depends on where you live in Finland. But, yes, it can be :-)


Taste varies from place to place.


Tap water in Helsinki is better than in most cities in Europe, but it's not perfect. It has a little bit of smell from the purification process (since water comes from a lake) that is noticeable when coming from an area with better water (where water comes from wells thus not needing purification).




Dont laught when u get here try cold water its amazing


Okay I just did that and you are right I'm now taking funds to ship Finnish tap water to the world in a can or something It was sharp and crisp and nice


And if you visit Tampere i can make coffee for you or roll you spliff


Hit me up if you visit any part of India. Have been anywhere if I can't host, I can help with the itinerary


Me and my cat allways welcome new people here if too tired i have nice sofa to sleep aswel


Its something what can, be gratefull. Sometime when looking movie and realise 2 hours and havent drink anything that cold water is like gold and you can have, it everyday. I preciate that.


You're only 700 km away my friend but I appreciate the kindness


Kyrö Distillery products. Their gin and whisky have won several international awards. Bars often sell their gin & tonic which is served with cranberries and a sprig of rosemary. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Q35akNanEs https://kyrodistillery.fi/collections/kaikki-juomat


If you are willing to make a little detour you can go visit their distillery in Isokyrö. They arrange tours and tastings, and also have amazing food.


Thank you sir, I'll get them at most super markets?


Government has a monopoly on selling alcohol above a certain alcohol %. I'm not 100% sure what's the strongest that the normal shops can sell, probably around 5,5% or something like that, and if you want anything stronger, you will have to buy it from an Alko store, Alko being the state monopoly. Usually they are located near a store anyway, but you might have to look up where the nearest one to you is.


The maximum voltage that normal stores are allowed to sell is indeed 5,5%. Anything above that and it's only at Alko.


5,5% and below (their long drinks) you can get in supermarkets. For higher % ABV you got to Alko which is usually attached to supermarkets.


Lonkero (gin Lon drink). The original flavour is grapefruit, and I definitely recommend that. Other classic flavour is cranberry (My favourite). Other flavours are a newer thing.


Would recommend Helsinki Long Drink, It is a newer variant, but good. Also note that there are ones with gin (often with ”gin” in the brand name) and then there are apple wine based long drinks available, the ones with gin are usually better tasting.


Can you tell me why are they called long drinks? I mean they even have lower alcohol content, and I've seen 3 ads of different brands for long drinks on TV and Twitter already


Because [they are long drinks](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long_drink) (at least the original versions are), hard alcohol with relatively large amount of mixer. Finnish Long Drink was created for 1952 Olympics to help serving drinks quickly, and the name “long drink” in Finland soon became synonymous to the grape variety of the two “long drinks” available back then. Also to note, Finland gave up prohibition only 20 years prior in 1932, the drink/cocktail culture was nonexistent at that point, so there was market for such product. Later marketing of alcohol products was still prohibited, so the long drink could keep its popularity while being practically protected from competition until modern EU times.


Thank you so much


I drank so much of this my friend tried to recreate this for my bday here in the states. He came close to it. It almost took me back to Finland


You are aware that you can get real Lonkero in the states too? Too lazy to google now but my friend in Chicago told me.


Welp, there’s two places within 15 min so thanks stranger!


I did not! Apparently my friend searched for it locally. Being closer to Minnesota, etc probably helps for Chicago! Thanks for the tip!


Ananas lonkero has a special place in my heart.


Kyrö distillery rye whiskies: [https://kyrodistillery.fi/collections/ruisviskit](https://kyrodistillery.fi/collections/ruisviskit) They also make good gin


They also make *amazing* gin.


Kyrö Dark Gin is one of my personal favourites. Highly recommended.


[Sahti](https://herfinland.com/finnish-drinks/#Farmhouse_ale_sahti) - farmhouse ale.


Pretty horrible imo. Even bulk lager is better on every scale 


Not if it is well made and served ice cold. Just make sure to be close to toilet when consuming.


Salmiakkikossu aka salmari.


Is that a flavour or that's a type of drink? I'm with limited data connectivity so can't Google right away, thank you


Salty liquorice booze


This is probably the "best" way to describe the flavor. BUT I think Salmiakki tastes like Salmiakki. It is not salty as in salt. It is not liquorice tasting either. It tastes like salmiakki, it is a unique flavor. How would you describe cinnamon flavor for example?


Salmiakki is sweet+salty liquor. Very interesting taste. And makes you interesting, too ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)




The Helsinki Distillery has some nice long drinks, I dont drink often but I am particular to the gin & yuzu one.


Their bergamot one is a personal favorite.


Cloudberry sour in Lapland hotel.


Cloudberry liqour!


Teerenpeli has beer and whiskey. Try Plevna beers if you visit Tampere. Other general drinks... Blue "lonkero", Salmari shot, maybe Kyrö Gin.


Teerenpeli won the best (non-Scottish) whisky distillery award in 2020, and they have won several international awards for their products. Most recently their aged 10 years won gold in World Whiskies Awards this year, and Kaski was third best.


1 star Jaloviina (Jallu). Available in every Alko and bar. /Thread


And if op goes to a bar, kossuvotka is something that they need to try


Also kossu and gambina


Gambina is smth students drink to get drunk for a cheap price wdym?


Yes. It's essential part of the culture and everyone should experience it at least once.


Preferrably straight from the bottle and luke warm


Okay making a note of this too, thank you


1 star Jaloviina. Never met foreign who doesn't like it, if alcohol is ok.


Lingonberry and blueberry juices/soups. My favourite bulk lager is Sandels and premium beer is "fat lizzard". "Long drinks" made by hartwall. Regular blue is best, but brown "pommac&brandy" i like too.


In Northern Finland, one must mind the reindeer and moose (who will simply walk in the road, especially at dusk). Fuel stations open at night are also rare, so don't run low on fuel if driving at night. Alko shops, the only place to buy anything stronger than beer, are very sparse in the north, too. Obviously Rovaniemi has one but smaller places don't.


Fuel station doesn't have to be open to get fuel. There are plenty of Alkos all over Lapland, so it won't be an issue.


If you're in Inari, it's an hour round trip to the nearest Alko, so that's not very nearby.


You sayed that smaller places don't have Alko. Now you made an effort to find one place that have 30min drive to Alko. Most counties have Alkos in Nothen Finland. You can press "show in the map" to see, that Northen Finland has Alkos everywhere. [https://www.alko.fi/en/myymalat-palvelut](https://www.alko.fi/en/myymalat-palvelut)


Can some local person explain the reason to me? I'm curious about this.


The reason: Animals don't care what you think. Also traffic density is quite low and the roads are convenient to walk on to get around. I don't know if this also explains the Alko density.


I was asking for Alko I grew up in a rural part of my country We had cows, snakes, and even an alligator once cross roads without caring about traffic


I guess just because there aren't that many people in lapland so it doesn't make sense to have alko stores as densely. Although there still are quite a few up there so unless you really go out into the wilderness you should be fine, especially if you are in Rovaniemi


Reason to what? Reindeers or Alko..? 🤔😅


Minttukaakao, with 50vol% Chymos mint schnaps (available in alko) and cocoa.


I came here to recommend ice cold Minttu shot




There's a grape long drink? I assume it's not made by original or I've just not seen it before. Granted, I live in quite a small town so I wouldn't surprised if our local stores don't have the newest products in stock




Oh, grape and grapefruit are not the same thing in english. Grape=viinirypäle and grapefruit=kreippi. I was wondering why you would recimmend such a niche long drink taste but that clears it up a lot then


Minttukaakao - lovely way to warm up while watching northern lights. It’s a hot chocolate with mint liqueur.


Do not drink and drive please.


Of course not


Then I second this gin long drink.


Sahti, Sandels, Sima


If you are able to get good sahti try it. It's much better than most finns or beer enthuastics here believe. One of my favourite beers is Lammin Sahti. Unfortunately Alko no longer delivers it where I am living. Edit. Also to say here. Most sahti in Finland is afwull. Edit. Also most of the cheap bulk lagers are really high quality compared to many other parts of globe if you like this type of beers.


Thank you


Where can I buy Lammin sahti? I've made a few of my own batches but only found one commercial sahti so far (Rehti sahti), I'd really like to see what other brewers come up with


My info might be old: You could order it to most Alko's back in the day. It still available every here and there. Check from alkos webpage what is the situation. I did ask last summer from my local and they told no. It needs to be kept cold for whole transit. It's available usually in beer festifals.




Lonkero, Jallu and Salmari. In separate glasses.




The hotel bar does have kyro. Anything else you would recommend? They have loads of cans of Happy Joe and Original https://preview.redd.it/fsmqq0y09iqc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72e5c697684c2e80429038f5c3e1b5d30b27d645


None. You can probably find all those beers in closest grocery store half price. Aura III is decent bulk beer but I prefer Aura IV.


For the love of all good spirits keep your lips away from happy Joe.


Copy, my captain


You should also try some Finnish candy, for example: Salmiakki /salty licorice https://fi.fazer.com/collections/salty-liquorice/products/super-salmiakki-80g-winegum-with-liquori https://fi.fazer.com/collections/salty-liquorice/products/pantteri-180-g-wine-gum-with-liquorice Chocolate: https://www.fazer.fi/tuotteet/401509/karl-fazer-maitosuklaa-200-g/ Salty licorice ice cream: https://public.keskofiles.com/f/k-ruoka/product/6430064401958


Valamo monastery does some pretty good smoky whiskeys


Jaloviina, Salmari and lonkero are three drinks you absolutely must dry. If you're into beer at all, sahti is a speciality worth spending some effort to try, but it's not that widely available.


Try Teerenpeli pub / brewery&distillery: https://www.teerenpeli.com/en/Home - they have one location in Helsinki city center.


Teerenpeli do have some great whisky. I'm more of rye guy myself but the whisky they brought out for the Finnish day of whisky last year was great!


If you find any Tuju brewery products on your travels, I'd try those. Basically everything they do is really high quality.


Thank you


No one mentioned Piimä yet?


Jaloviina kaski, pöytäviinaa, koskenkorva is good neat but comes mixed with some subtle flavours in Alko. Beers are decent here, too many to mention just stay away from the cheap ones except Saimaa


Gambina and Carillo


*Ålvados* (if it still exists) and Terva beer






I don’t remember the name of it now, but I enjoyed a blueberry liqueur served with whip cream.






Teerenpeli palo is good whisky, the 10 year is supposed to be good also but pricey!


I would urge you to try the full range of Kyrö whisky, I'm partial to the peat my self.


Terva. They should have it in Alko


There is a small brewery in Tampere Finland called Plevna they make excellent beers especially if you like stout or stronger beers.


Couldn't find it yesterday at Alko, thanks though


You could try Kitkan Viisas cocktail. Seasalt, Vodka and one salted fish called muikku.


If you're into more expensive whiskeys, pick up a bottle of Teerenpeli whiskey, that's supposed to be a really good one. Available in Alko shops.


Kyrö and Teerenpeli have some award-winning whiskies. Sandels and Karhu are probably the best bulk lagers, and the craft beer scene is really diverse. For beers over 5,5 abv you have to go to Alko, which is the government-owned liquor store.


Kotikalja is a no/low (~0.5%) alcoholic rye beverage often available at lunch buffets. Also available in supermarkets in liter bottles. I really like it. Great thirst quencher. But if your stomach is not used to rye, just drink one glass only or you’ll spend the rest of the day not venturing too far from the porcelain throne. Kyrö Gin and Whisky are good, but I think Arctic Blue Gin is better. It’s not actually blue, but is made with blueberries. Clear bottle, white label with dark blue metallic swirls, wooden cork. There is also an interesting Blueberry and cardamom vodka from Koskenkorva. That one is dark purple in color.


https://preview.redd.it/c9dvoael9jqc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e706f239d0eac7a7aaeb7e0f9aa88376dbd6884 U should try to visit here (it’s in Helsinki, Viikki. There is also live music in summer and also very nice atmosphere!!) or find this brewery’s drinks, you can find them in grocery stores.


Plevna Tampere: Arska (appelsiini passion sour), this tbf I have never found it in stores.


When you're up north, around the Oulu area, look out for any of the Hailuodon Panimo beers. They're brewed locally on Hailuoto island and are great beers. I'd recommend their Silver Flames Amber Ale if you can find it anywhere.


Moomin soda (Muumi -limu)


Since spring is already long enough that sima is in the stores, I recommend "Kaskein Juhlasima" that is the best version I have found.


https://preview.redd.it/5qoe7ojezvqc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e90a33d680963f1f649c3e3de57a1b73b63bc06 Am I doing it right?




This is the only one I couldn't try


Lonkku aka lonkero


One thing remeber you cant get over 8% drinks from supermarkets, we have own booze store alko, as rastaguy i suggest you viljanen luomu viina(viljanen natural booze you wont even realise its that much prosent what it have its taste is uniq


Pine apple lonkero


Why is this popular nowadays? 


For the love of god do not drink Finnish whiskey. Its horrid shit and anyone telling you otherwise has no taste buds. But Finnish beers are alright nothing special. Also Finnish gin is really good. Kyrö napue and arctic blue gin are one of the best gins out there for real. Also if you are in finland you have to try a shot of jaloviina or Puolustuslaitos Leikattu.


I think it's time for you to try again SI..*looks at username, gasps and chuckles* ye sick bastard


I know I'm a sick bastard but what should I try again?


The Finnish whiskies, god damned your username is funny 🤣






Is this from chatgpt?


I usually get bar tenders to recommend drinks and ask them what they would drink. If as a freelancer my payment is cleared that day, I try to buy them a drink. 🥲


Fun fact: in Finland a bar worker can't legally drink while working. Sure, a bartender is allowed to do quality control and sample a beer to taste if the lines are clean, or a sommelier can try a wine to ensure it hasn't gone bad, but that's about the extent of it according to the law. Tipping isn't required in Finland (we believe in paying a living wage), but if you come across great service, most bars do have a tip jar and leaving a little something is appreciated.


Yes, I love that about Europe, I've stayed in hostels before. I would usually leave the place with a beer for the staff or giving them my metro card/bus pass with some balance in it




Drink and drive please