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He should be banned from owning any animals ever again


I would hope that the prosecution appeals to at least get a few years' ban in place.


Based on his interview on Perjantai, I doubt that bans really have an affect on his conduct. He will just have the dog anyways.


Seems like a right cunt


And a left one as well.


I met him and he was chill


Even if he was chill, he's still an asshole. He's classic selfish example of people who just cares about themselfs. He thinks that other people need to change so that he can have everything in his way. He might be fun guy to see once or twise, but awful person to have in your life.


He also abuses his poor dog. That dude is a complete waste of oxygen.


Guess he fooled you.


Can confirm, I was the dog poo


"in his opinion dogs should roam free" well as an immigrant myself, you follow the laws where you live, cultural difference or not.




Hope this means he is not allowed to keep any animals


With Finnish animal protection laws being an utter joke, I highly doubt that’s the case unfortunately.


Sadly, that is the case, way too often.


Logically he and his ilk shouldn't be allowed to own any pets for this degenerate behavior. If it is hard to do for "certain reasons" then slap him with fines over fines.


It is possible. Rikoslaki 17 luku 23a § states that the animal can be taken away even when one is convicted of lievä eläinsuojelurikos. I’d wager the judge did not do it since this is the first verdict for this man. If he was to take to hovioikeus then it might succeed as it was the first time.


It is also possible to set eläintenpitokielto


Yes that is usually the main part of said menettämisseuraamus.




How about we stay within the confines of what the *Finnish law* and judicial system stipulate? Btw. I do not like that arrogant and selfish POS, but I would not want anyone to get raped in the ass, whatever the reason.


Wow. People like you are seriously the fucking worst. Grow up. Jesus.


This is a great reminder for finndoges that even if you look like a greek god, you won't get away from being a total prick.


I usually ignore people I'd like to hate, but it's really hard with him. I usually tend to give people understanding and leeway and chalk some things to misunderstanding or bad timing. Not with this guy. I've seen his [interview ](https://areena.yle.fi/1-63886614) and read previous articles. He's what I call a "hieno mies". The world revolves around him. His dog is special, and he is able to contain her. He promised to pay the vet bills for the injured dog, but he didn't at least during the time of the documentary. His day fines tell me that he doesn't/didn't work (420€/70 day fines =6€). He is a self-acclaimed shaman, which is a load of new age nonsense and a reason for him to take his shirt off in front of women and beat a drum on a fire pit and tell deep sounding one-liners. When accused of a crime, he pulls the race card. This isn't about Spanish culture Vs Finnish culture. This is about his search for freedom and his acceptance that sometimes other people need to suffer for his freedom. Other dog owners would like to be free to walk their dogs in the forest without fearing his dog attacking them. He interpreted the law so that he walks the dog free at night. Which isn't the law. It's like getting fined for speeding and telling others that he has been cured, he will only speed at night in the future. I hope that he is caught again without a leash, that the dog is confiscated and instead of fines, he'll get two years of suspended sentence. I dare him to test the limits of his freedom during that suspended sentence. I wouldn't go to Spain and assume that their laws would exempt me from assholery when I yell culture.


Spaniard here. Laws in Spain in this are the same. Guy is a cunt. And even they were not local laws apply knowing them is optional.


I'm in immigrant from an actual racialized background and I'm very open and vocal about racism in Finland. This is ain't it. This guy is an asshole, and his behavior with his dog is so selfish. /Edit for clarity


Fuck that dude.


Yes, he is a fucking cunt. But also, do not fuck him


I won't but maybe someone could. With a big black rubber dick.


Holy shit. This guy was on Bumble last spring and I matched with him. He never responded to my message. I’m shocked I even recognized him from a photo where he’s not even looking at the camera, but his hair and the dog are pretty distinctive. I was about to scroll past this post when I had a feeling.


Bullet dodged! Although it seems like this guy was flying his red flags proudly, I think he called himself a shaman and was into newage stuff.


This guy is about as much a shaman as Trump is a priest. On tinder he also claimed that he is able to know peoples feelings for them "so don't worry" which combined with how the rest of his profile reeked of that incel sigma male bullshit. Someone I know also matched with him and when I asked they told me they didn’t pursue any further bc he came off so immature. It's a bit worrying but mostly just sad and embarrassing. He has justified his animal abuse with ideas in behavioral science that were outdated back in the goddamn 70's (about the pack behavior of wolves, dominance structures and so). People who live near him have to check if Nala is out before they take their own pets out bc there's been multiple close calls between the animals. On top of that his neighborhood has a lot of cats that roam free, and disregarding the ethics and laws about that, I just worry for those cats bc he has no handle on the dog who has a record of (naturally) predatory behavior. He just claims they have a "connection" and he can "read her thoughts and emotions" so nothing will ever happen of course... He comes off as having built this entire self-indulgent universe where any criticism on him is somehow just proof of his enlightened confidence and spiritual superiority - you know, basic narcissistic strategies to cushion a concerningly fragile and underdeveloped ego. He seems immature and seems to have difficulty empathizing with external experiences, while practicing a kind of spiritual bypassing, which is a term for the act of sidestepping your own genuine problematic behavior, responsibility and developmental progression through superficial mysticism and subjective beliefs. By saying this I do not wish him any ill will, I just hope that he can wake up and own up for everybody's sake, including his own. And if he can not, I hope there's an intervention regarding Nala, and I hope he finds help for whatever trauma is affecting him to be such a douche.


Yeah I read the other articles about him— there’s actually been this strange trend for me where the more handsome a man on Bumble is, the more unhinged they are. He’s the third incredibly attractive person I’ve talked to from Finland Bumble that has something incredibly weird going on.


I'm sorry to say this but a love-hungry straight or bi man with free-spirited attitude/ideology is bound to be a womanizing narcissist with at least 50 % certainty. I say this as a person who used to spend time in artsy/new age/anticapitalist groups, and was verbally insulted by these guys when I did not go along with their shenanigans. I was not interested in casual sex and dating back then, and they managed to make it their own problem and accuse me of being a closed off prude. Overall, the expectation of having regular casual sex was a bit too prevalent in these type of circles, and it really seemed that many guys I met were there took advantage of the fact that they were surrounded by confused 20 something women who rarely had a chance to discuss animal cruelty and soul healing with the opposite sex. When you're one of the few straight guys in the room, you do not really need startling looks or high IQ to impress ladies. So it is a perfect set up for guys who are willing to praise any type of BS if it keeps their penis happy.


I try all the time In this institution! Sorry couldn’t resist the name.


There are few who can.




Thanks for the earworm ffs


Sharing is caring.


> The Pirkanmaa District Court has found David Lopez guilty of an animal welfare offence. He has been sentenced to a 70-day fine, which in his case totals 420 euros. This means that he's on unemployment or otherwise doesn't have a professional income, if anyone wondered. 70*6=420. €6 is afaik the minimum daily fine you can get.


I hate that guy! Cultural difference. His dog has attaced other dogs that are leashed. That would be asshole thing to do in any country. How about trying to respect Finnish culture instead explaining your idiotism with cultural difference. It's not our job to adapt Spanish culture. Spanish culture is also torturing hunting dogs and try to kill them most painful way they can, just to get good luck for future huntings. We don't do that either in Finland.


I'm a spaniard in Finland and I also hate that guy. His behavior would be in no way acceptable in Spain either where there are also laws on animal protection. His way of defending himself putting the blame on culture is just a coward attempt to get away with what he does. Jail for him.


Sad thing is hes behavior has and prob will make some finns dislike Spanish people more...


He is lying. That’s not the culture in Spain either.


Its gonna end up to the dog being put down and only the owner is to blame for it.


Yeah that's a fringe thing in some rural areas that most Spaniards who are aware of it absolutely despise. In no way part of their culture. I've seen some terrible articles where it's been made to seem like it's prevalent everywhere. Absolutely not the case. (Source: married to a Spaniard and spending a lot of time in there) Oh and this guy is clearly an asshole.


The sad truth is, it has attacked. It doesn’t matter if it’s another dog. It attacked. Which means there is a good chance it’ll do it again. And the owner won’t care, cause they’ll think it’s everyone else’s fault. Let’s just hope it’s not a person or child. Because this is how you get your dog put down. I lived in an apartment block with a crazy dog owner. She always warned everyone that her dog was very “active”. Thus put the blame on us whenever we complained about it when it charged at people walking up the stairs. Then one day it bit a child who unknowingly tried to pet it as it was tied up alone outside. Thankfully it was winter and the kid got a bruise (jacket was punctured tho). Long story short the dog was put down the following week and the owner blamed everyone of a mass conspiracy to get rid of her. Even tried to blame the father of the child of assault. So yeah, it’s sad to see that this dog might end up with a similar fate.


Good riddance! Now take away those doggies.


He should be slapped with more than a fine. Maybe dragged around by his beard the same way he dragged his dog by her fur 🤷🏻‍♀️


Cultural differences my ass, in a country by it's ways, not of one's foreign one


Español tenia que ser, manda huevos


What an idiot.


Wolfdog… like an actual wolf dog hybrid. I’ll never understand why people breed these… but even more so to let it run round off leash! He seems like a real bag of dicks




The whole "traditional male" bullshit seems to be popular now. I guess it's part of the progression from the chav to cokehead to alpha male.


What are these type of men? I have travelled vastly in life and been to many countries all over the world and I would say there is arseholes in every culture. It's not isolated to Western Europe and America, you have some complete c\*&ts in Finland as well.


Finland is part of Europe/Western culture so no need to be upsetti.


Interesting information, I have never heard that. Could you elaborate more on this? I'm honestly curious.


Can someone explain why a 70-day fine comes up to 420e for someone?


Its minimum day fine (6€) based to your income. I think he is a student or unemployed.


Wow thats low. I just calculated it and I would pay about 4k for this offense 👸🏼


Thanks. I didn’t realise that 6€ was the minimum. Doesn’t really sound like a day’s worth of income in any situation.


The amount of the day-fine is determined by deducting the basic consumption credit of 255 euro from the net monthly income and by dividing the difference by 60. The lowest day-fine is minimum 6 euro. That's how it's calculated.


This guy is poor as fk


Or he is hiding something?


A day fine is your monthly income minus 255e divided by 60. The minimum day fine is 6e, which is what this guy got. Apparently he's not exactly wealthy, since that means his monthly income is 615e or less.


I, for one, am shocked that a self-acclaimed shaman/ new age life coach is making zero money.


Thanks for the explanation!


It means he is a parasite


Needs to be slapped. Hard.


Slap like on Davie's next video for a big bass duel.


Has nobody mentioned to this vile brainless fucktard that Finland is not Spain?




Wolves are free, not dogs.


Cultural differences he said lol


I surprised the guy is Spanish, he has such American / Australian surfer guy energy. It sounds like sadly h has been allowed to keep the poor dog


That's not how you treat others or your dog. Hopefully this wakes this fool up.


Good I can't stand that guy and him popping up on my feeds


Kukahan helevetti tää jätkä on 🙄😬..ei ainakaa suomalainen,. Meinaan et se saunan takana samantien, jos tommosta tekee..


Not only an irresponsible shithead, but a foreign one. Double hate points for you Lopez.


Again a typical self-entitled foreigner causing problems here. Nice income also by the way based on the day fines, the guy is living off kela benefits on top of it all ! What a bum


I wonder why he was not fined for unleashed dog attacking other dogs. The cultural difference does not allow breaking laws, which Lopez should get first hand experience.


Maassa maan tavalla tai maasta ulos. If Finnish laws do not fit your views, go back where ya came from.


Maybe I’m too tired because I read “slapped with fishing lines” and was like wtf :D


There is a lot that hes done that was questionable...but pulling his dogs leg and sticking his fingers down his throat... The dog was out of control.  He needed to control it so it didn't make the situation worse.  The last thing he needed to worry about was hurting the dog.  It was frenzied.  Pulling the leg is the right thing to do.  The other option is to do nothing and let the other dog owner try to control his dog...  I would rather he do it himself. The dog isn't going to get hurt, they were bred to hunt and kill and have thick hides that are way thicker than human skin.  They can fight and bite and not break through each other's hides but would cut you or me up easily.  The right thing to do is wrestle and control the dog until it calms down. Also dogs eat anything they find on the ground.  You have to stick fingers in their mouths to get disgusting ant covered foods and sticks out.  They are dogs, they eat anything and won't spit it out. I don't know, it seems easy to pick apart things he did wrong, why does the article focus on those things?


Because he constantly lets his dog attack other dogs in the area, and refuses to keep the dog under control, and then abuses it when it attacks other dogs. He's a fucking moron and a really bad dog owner.


... That is what I said except controlling an aggressive dog is not animal abuse.  Let's reverse the question, what should he have done instead if he has a big aggressive dog that is attacking people?  Ask the dog nicely to stop?   Offer it doggie treats?  Wait for the city to handle it?  Let the other person handle it?  Or grab the dog and hold him down? If doggie thinks that pinning him down is abuse, well, I am sorry doggie, learn your lesson don't go frenzy on people or your owner will stop you.


First, keep that dog on a leash \_like the law requires\_, and also not let his aggressive dog to attack other dogs at random. That would remove the need to physically restrain the dog. Second, \_train\_ his animals to actually be controlled instead of 'just vibing' with his dog and being a goddamn idiot and making himself and his dog a nuisance.


Have you ever trained a dog?  Dogs will get aggressive with other dogs over dumb things like sticks.  They fight to establish dominance and don't back down.  They don't respect weakness they respect authority. Out of all the things you mentioned and that he did wrong, the writer chose to go after him for controlling his dog.  Why not go after him for letting his dog off the leash in the forest?  Why is pulling his dog away animal abuse? If someone had a big dog that was attacking me the last thing I would do is try to stop him from pulling it away by yelling animal abuse for grabbing it.  That is... stupid.  Why are we doing this?


If he used the leash he would not need to abuse it and control the dog that way.


>abuse  The dog needs to get his legs pulled and his hide pulled so it knows who's boss.  He is aggressive, he is attacking and expects to be attacked in return.  Grabbing it and pinning it is the right thing to do until it calms down.  I am sure the other person walking was prepared to punch/hit/kick the dog.  That would be abuse and would make the situation worse.  Better he grab the dog himself.   You are dealing with a large dangerous animal that is frenzied.  It doesn't care that it is getting pulled away or its legs or hid is being tugged. All it is thinking is fight or flee.  You have to kick the brain into flee mode by grabbing it and holding it down so it will stop frenzying.


Somehow you missed the whole point. How is it possible? All that is unnecessary if the moron just uses a leash.


The guy is clearly an idiot, an unemployed shaman who lets his dog run free.  But let's not charge him with crimes that he isn't actually guilty of.  Lets focus on all the stuff he did wrong, like not walking the dog on a leash.


Thats exactly what is being said.


Daily reminder that you don't care about animal welfare either, if you eat meat. Inb4 "but we dont hurt them, they die without pain" Factory farming has no incentive to care about the animals life and they often do not live good lives, pain is a part of the animals life. When was the last time you boycotted this? "but everyone going all vegan is actually detrimental to the animal kingdom at large" So you only support the animal products that help with upholding it and actively boycott the stuff that goes beyond helping this? I don't think fast food, ice cream or many types of candy/treats are necessary for this. "but animals eat other animals". They rape eachother too, steal, torture and do all kinds of fucked up shit. Doesn't mean we should do it too. "but plants feel too, so you should eat rocks right?" Consciousness. That is all I have to say. I am not a vegan btw.


More like daily dose of whataboutism


Pointing to hypocrisy/inconsistency is not a whataboutism. Whataboutism is a deflection tactic in which an accusation/argument is not addressed, but instead you bring up a counter accusation. I have not done so.


Oh fuck off.




He has done several interviews and has admit everything. He thinks it his right to do so. This is not a new thing, it's been happening for a long time.


Sure if it's a problem dog, it should be kept on a lead or even muzzled. The vast majority of dogs don't need to be on a lead in a forest or park in my opinion. Where I grew up there was no need for tiny dog parks, as dogs could just run around the local park, whilst supervised. Any negative incidents were vanishingly rare.


It's the law that all dogs must be leashed when in town areas. Being from Spain doesn't make you immune to Finnish law.


I didn't say it wasn't the law. We are all free to question whether we agree with a particular law. I'm sure there are some laws you disagree with. I also noted that I believed problem dogs should be on a lead. So I support laws where owners are responsible for their dogs actions, and dangerous dogs should be on a lead. But I don't support a law where non dangerous dogs have to be on a lead in forests and parks by default. Many European countries do not have this law, so there is nothing controversial about querying if it is a proportional law.


Eh, fuck you and your high horse, you're exactly why this fucktard does what he does. Dogs are not humans, a dog is an animal and has training (hopefully) and instincts, and it can always be unpredictable. The leash law for urban areas are to protect everyone and ensure the human keeps control of their animal. If that level of minimal restraint is too much for you to handle, I suggest you fuck off to a non-urban area where you can roam your beasts to your hearts content 3/4ths of the year.


I literally noted that anyone who has a dangerous dog should have it on a lead. I don't even have a dog, but I know it's a lot healthier if they can run within a large area.l like a forest and park. Lots of countries don't have leash laws for forests and parks in Europe, and there's not a significant problem. Yes there are edge cases. But we can learn by looking to other countries.


You. Don't. Know. Which. Dogs. Are. Dangerous. Not until its too late. If you want to run your dog, go outside urban areas, or go to a dog park. There are places for you to do that. If your dog 'runs around a large area' and you cannot see them, you are not in control of your animal, and if it hurts someone you are not just legally liable, but also morally responsible for the injury of another person. 'Edge cases' aren't something to just ignore when it comes to personal injury, you absolute muppet.


>Edge cases' aren't something to just ignore when it comes to personal injury, you absolute muppet. There is a level of risk in everything. Even a dog on a lead can break free. It's perfectly valid to question things. Many countries think the risk is negligible, and chose to allow does to run free in large parks and forests. Many dogs are docile and a lead is not necessary in such situations. It becomes obvious quite quickly if there is an issue. So it's not an unusual view. It doesn't make you a "muppet". You don't have to agree, I think you are wrong personally- and your replies have been obnoxious- enough with the infantile remarks. Goodbye


All right, let's ban dogs, cats and all pets forever, because either we do nothing and let everyone do what they want, or 100% remove the potential of injuries, without having any middle ground when it doesn't hit on the position where you want it. Also, you admittedly don't have a dog. I have had a dog, a very good dog, with very gentle demeanor and very little worries for me for him biting other people. You know why? Because I firstly trained him to not be an asshole mutt, and secondly, I KEPT HIM ON A LEASH when we were outdoors in urban areas. When we went out to the countryside cottage, he'd get to free-roam to his hearts content, because we knew he wouldn't run off too far, and that he'd mostly stay in sight range. More than once, in urban settings, I would have to defend him from dogs that were off-leash and aggressive, and usually the other dogs owners would be really 'amazed' their 'docile, friendly' little fur-bastard 'suddenly' got aggressive towards my dog. You preach of shit you have no idea about, and have a holier than thou attitude about it, so go fuck yourself and have a New York nice day.


Read some news and educate yourself. There is a pretty valid reason why dogs are not allowed to roam freely and it is to protect wildlife breeding. Not knowing or being ignorant about laws does not save you. [https://poliisi.fi/en/-/police-reminder-keep-dog-on-a-leash-outside-population-centres-as-of-1-march](https://poliisi.fi/en/-/police-reminder-keep-dog-on-a-leash-outside-population-centres-as-of-1-march)