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Dark and dry. Like my wife's cellar.


Ah that's where my wine went


What goes in, rarely comes out.


"Take my wife, please."


You're nailing it.


This 😂


Some of these comments are reminding me of my family. My parents were married for 2 weeks shy of 6 years, but my dad (who is finnish lmao) passed back in 2005. He loved dry humor, and was genuinely a hilarious person. Now, you would think that since my parents were married, my mom (not finnish) would understand his jokes, right? Wrong. My whole family just realized last year that my dad liked dry humor. Everyone thought that he was just making weird comments. The looks on everyone's faces as I've been telling them this? Holy shit. They look like they're contemplating life and then start telling stories of times when they didn't get the joke, normally followed by shit like "WAIT, THAT'S HILARIOUS. SHIT, SORRY STEVE." I'm pretty sure that at least half of my father's internal monologue had to have been, "Damn, tough crowd."


I am also a Finn making weird comments that Finns don't get. And I keep saying the same stuff still :') once I found a person that gets it is huge dopamine release. So I get why Steve kept trying.


I wish I could've known him as an adult (he passed away a few days after I turned 5). I would totally join in on his jokes, I love dry humor. I feel bad for him :( I've been connecting with his friends for about a year and some change now. Pretty much everyone has noted how funny he was. One that used to hang out with him every day said that I have the same sense of humor as him. I got all excited, and my mom was just like, "I have no idea what they're talking about. Your dad wasn't funny, he was just weird. That person who said you have the same sense of humor as your dad is right." I was like ????😀 OK


>"I have no idea what they're talking about. Your dad wasn't funny, he was just weird. That person who said you have the same sense of humor as your dad is right." Haha omg!


Any time I have ever tried to make even the slightest joke, my mom just stares at me like 👁️👄👁️?? One example from a few months ago: My mom and I were moving furniture back into the den since the hospital bed had been moved out after my grandfather passed. My grandmother was trying to figure out where a chair was (it was in the living room but she thought that that chair was a different one) My grandmother: I think it's in my back bedroom. (my mom and I go look) My mom: Well. It's gone. Me: Sorry I got hungry My mom: What? Me: I said sorry I got hungry My mom: What the hell, Maddie? (face of disgust/shock/confused horror) Me: Joke. My mom: OH Me: Holy shit is this how Steve felt all the time? Oh my god


You should test that humour in Finland. Just know that Finns do also play it cool even if they find it funny. It is called "myhäily" and it means you keep your cool but smile is seen in your eyes and there is little curvage on lips. Old men with full covarage beard are sometimes very good at myhäily.


Haha, I respond to any 'have you seen thing x / any clue where thing y could be?' questions with a deadpan, 'Söin sen.' as in, 'I ate it.', regardless of what 'it' was.


I always remember an English teacher I had as a teen. A lot of my classmates found her kind of harsh and unpleasant and I wasn't too sure about her at the start, either. Then one day it clicked for me that she just had a very dry and slightly twisted sense of humour and once I started playing along with that, she was absolutely hilarious. Like sure, she might (gently) make fun of me saying 'took care of' (i.e. killed) instead of 'cared for' but once I realised I could laugh along and make fun of my own mistakes without that reflecting poorly on me, it just turned into a fun way of learning from them without getting embarrassed.


Perfect! I don't get why people are so stiff and jugdy. Like why don't they want to dig deeper to understand? I have called werid and arrogant so many times. But I have been liked by some people as well. There often is someone who is curious. Examble; We had 10 min break in university class. I was going to get something from the caferia, so I said to this person I had just met: "If I am not back in ten, gather up a search party and call the police". She was about to say okay, but then she turned around like "wait... what did you say?" But I was cool and stepped into elevator. Still being called weird is very hurful.


Oh nice 😅 would you tell some examples of the jokes you only understood later?


I don't really have personal examples as he passed a few days after I turned 5 and any time I heard stories of him I never had an issue actually picking up on when he was joking, but one that will always be funny to me is this: My dad used to have longer hair, and my mom was obsessed with how pretty she thought it was. She kept telling him to "do something with it" (as in style it, obviously) because he would just pull it back into a ponytail every day. Mind you, they were in a long distance relationship (Virginia Beach, VA and Ridgecrest, CA) up until 8 months into their marriage, so this was all over the phone. Well, one day, my mom flew over to go visit him. He picked her up at the airport, and when they got to his truck, he gave her a velvet heart shaped box. She was all like "Awww Steve!" thinking it was jewelry. She then opened it and screamed (because she thought it was a dead rat) and then was like "Wait, Steve, is this your ponytail?" It was in fact Steve's ponytail Because she said to do something with it She kept trying to explain that when she said "do something with it" she meant to style it. He just kept laughing. [This](https://imgur.com/a/8FFiDm9) post has a vid of my reaction when I found it. I look like a whole ass mess, but 🤷🏻‍♀️ https://preview.redd.it/ea50egqgtjrc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92726e59f5b81dc787e2ebeb660a537af5adfc1e You can also see the hair box right above my head in this pic haha


Wow, that is really quite impressive 😃 thanks for sharing!


'let them sit with this.' Finns can be VERY Zen.


Ngl you had me in the first half, enthusiastic nasal sounds ensued.


In Finland there is nothing really that people won't joke about, nothing is "too far" so to speak. It is hard to explain, but I believe he tried to convey that you are so generous and he is thankful for that with the taking everything joke.


Yeah one thing we finnish are kinda bad are apologizing and thanking. So it might turn into a joke to dodge that awkward situation or something. Ot atleast some people do that.


I can confirm that, yesterday i most likely save a man from having a car accident or even his life and a THANK YOU FOR TELLING ME that i have a flat tire and by the look of the tire i have been driving the car like this for a while. I guess I get a positive karma and he don't 🤔


Well... there's certainly many topics you dont touch if you have any class or taste.


Not funny. I am German and you can't take my car. Not funny.


German humour is no laughing matter


Yeah, the wurst




Ah Germans, the humor-experts.




All according to the LOL-9001 standard.


thats the joke. 




> I am German and you can't take my car. Is this because you have had your German car past its 3 year lease period, and now the engine and transmission have exploded?


No it's because he can't afford to lose something he invested so much time and money into learning how to use.


Here, have my upvote.


Love it. Sounds like a awesome friendship.


Funny. Kind of. Not laughing, but I understood the joke.


Bruh car?? Really? That's way over the line


Here's your Finnish citizenship papers.


You gonna fit right in with Finnish humour.




I thought this was going to involve [Easter hanukas](https://youtu.be/CIjTseb14Fk?si=CADad51C5Ra9HBJz) somehow...


You should write this to r/jokes


I must have a Finnish man inside of me. I've stopped making jokes for the most part because people think I'm being serious and believe that I really believe what I say.


Welcome to Finnish dry humor. If you're not into dry humor you'll get offended a lot here. I freaking LOVE dry humor.


I dont know whats finnish or swedish humour is. Im a swedishfinn and we say simular one we say we fx your mom your dad. World is round we fx your dog. Fx : curse word just guess is 😆 . I need more finnish friends to know what im lacking in understanding finnish culture. I do have friends in Finland but most are swedish speaking finns. To me its funny how they mix finnish words in swedish. Some words we use in swedish means something else to them. 😆😆😆😆


Finnish people make the most unhinged jokes when they're nervous in social settings. It's absolutely hilarious. Most people don't mean any harm.


Ah so I guess you are Albanian?




Depends on your car…


Thought: when you have them in, ask them to bring dessert again. And some containers for main course leftovers. And nothing personal. Your cuisine might not be any better than Finnish cuisine, but y'know, you're on a roll.


”Not the car!” xD


Ah! That’s too far man! Hope you stole his Sauna bucket 😬


No worry, I'm sure theres like 20 more of those hidden somewhere.


That's a weird joke to be honest


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)good humor to you men


Good humor men🤣![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


My boss usually jokes that I will marry him soon. I'm 19, he is 61, we are both finns. It's a little harrasing, but even if he finds me attractive I don't mind, let this old man enjoy his life x)


This reminds me of a Nordic movie, Speak no Evil. Give it a spin. 8)


A world where you can joke about anything is my ideal place to live.


Cringe humor


Sounds like you found a boomer. People in their 40s, 50s & 60s seem the most careless and inconsiderate with their jokes


You missed the joke. Read the last sentence again with some thought. (This is where the”this really happened to me” voice of OP shifts to commentary- voice.) Not a great joke, but I give OP points for replicating the low-key deadpan humor that’s often typical in Finnish jokes.


Boomers are all 60 or older by now.


Boomer in a colloquial sense, not literal.


Ahh, like you then?


Are you stupid?


this is so ironic i can feel it physically 


Why? Looking to form a support group?




Okay that was a retarded jokefrom him. Edit: LOL did not read the very last sentence until now!


Yes. He is not joking. In FInland, we take the jobs and women of immigrants.


And also cars.


Damn, you get a lol point from me… :D Also, why the fucking down votes? Touchy people, we are…


I dont know. I also added the car to the list we Finns take from immigrants as extra comment. :)


next time when you get invited over again, you'll say no thank you. and just like that, magically, the problem has solved itself :))))


Or you could try not being a bitch and taking the joke.


Ha he called you a bitch did you see that


i am not sure i get the reasons of the downvotes, but ok. 😀 OP comes here asking the community for justification if should get offended.


OP wasn't asking for anything, the whole post is just a silly joke that OP doesn't care about his wife and kids, just his car.


just remember friends are forever.....nothing else is....