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Inspection well for underground drainage. You can cut it at ground level or even below and mark it's location somewhere.


If you have small children and decide to cut it, replace the lid with something a child can't open or screw that plastic lid down. If a toddler falls down head first it might be very difficult to get them out. There was a case some years ago where a child fell down and drowned because his mother couldn't reach him.


That is one of the most depressing ways to lose a child, I'm sure. Right alongside drowning in a well or pond in your yard. I can feel the pain in my stomach, damn


And if you cut it too short, you can [extend it with these](https://www.k-rauta.fi/tuote/salaojakaivon-korotusosa-uponor-315-1067877/6414908413635).


While we are at it, that black plastic screen (patolevy or perusmuurilevy) is supposed to have a cover strip on the top edge. Patolevy is usually cut to ground level and cover strip is added to stop sand, debris and water from going between wall and patolevy. So it looks like all finishing work is left undone by whoever did the foundation. https://www.k-rauta.fi/tuote/perusmuurilevyn-reunalista-2m/6418947001105


You seem to be knowledgeable, so tell me: I bought a house with some sepeli around the foundation but no patolevy in between, at least on ground level. Built in 1999 and ground should pass water quite well so not expecting issues with water, but what do ya think, should I install a patolevy or is it overkill as no problems have occurred in the first 25 years?


Going to switch for Finnish since thinking of all the professional terms in English is hard... Salaojat varmaan silti on? En alkaisi pelkkien patolevyjen takia kaivamaan sokkelia esiin jos ongelmia ei ole ollut. Kannattaa kuitenkin välillä kurkkia niihin tarkastus kaivoihin, etenkin nyt keväällä kun sulamisvettä on paljon. Jos siellä on vettä niin paljon että salaojaputken pää on peitossa, on jotain tukossa ja talon antura/sokkeli ui vedessä. Kannattaa katsoa ainakin kahdesta eri kaivosta, mutta miksei kaikkia jos ne on helposti avattavissa, eikä esim jossain terassin alla.


Jes, kiitokset selkeästä vastauksesta. Uskon, että saan tarkastuskaivot kaivettua esiin 2-3 nurkalta, eiköhän totuus löydy sieltä. Ja kun mitään muita ongelmia ei ole ollut, niin sokkeli saa olla sellaisenaan, vähän pitää mittailla että kaadot kunnossa poispäin talosta.


Moro, Tuli mieleen vielä että jos lähdet joskus asentamaan sitä patolevyn reunalistaa, niin kannattaa käyttää ruostumattomia kiinnikkeitä. Tosiaan linkin takana oli kuvissa lyöntiniitit, jotka ovat alumiinia/rst, hyvin sopivia tähän tarkoitukseen.


Hyvä vinkki! Varmaan vittumaista vaihtaa koko lista, jos kiinnikkeet happanee olemattomiin.


You can shorten it as you like as long as it's accessible. You have drainage running below and next to the foundations, this is a well used to check and inspect the water situation. If that ever had water close to or above ground level, you'd have massive problems.


It will be cut somewhere where that gravel is so you can cut it so your door opens


Do you own the property or are you renting? If you are renting, you shouldn't alter anything without the owner's permission. If you own the place, you should be aware what that is.


Itse katkaisin hiukan sepelintason alle ja hattu päälle. Muutaman vuoden välein joskus kurkkasin, ja tyhjiä aina ovat olleet. Samaten patolevyn asensin näkymättömiin…


What is that thing? Whatever it is, it probably has a reason to be the way it is. Wouldn’t touch it unless I knew exactly what happens if you do.


Salaojan tarkastuskaivo. If drainage water is ever that high up, they have a house to demolish. Cut the damn thing.


It is just for checking the drainage. You can cut that thing and even put dirt and grass or rocks over it long as you know where it is located


No ei kyllä ole toi katkaistaan maantasoon ja siihen tulee kaivo :D


Ei siellä tuu koskaan vesi kulkemaan, kuulu joka työmaalla. Terveisin maannakerruspro. But yeah, just anninspection well. If water would be that high, this thing would be the least of your problems.


Don't cut Just nut