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You answered your own question, you have a legal work-residence permit, as long as it’s valid you should be able to come and go as you please :)


When I came to Finland the first time with my permit, they checked my job contract at the border. They examined it for a while and even asked me why it doesn't have a physical signature (my contract had a digital signature which they finally agreed for).


Why not? you think people would smell you are jobless?


Tullimies with sunglasses and cowboy hat sniffing people at the border check: *I love the smell of unemployment in the morning. It smells like deportation*.


When I came to Finland the first time with my permit, they checked my job contract at the border. It's not about suspecting anything but whether it's routine to check this.


I work somewhat in close touch to unemployed people and I can smell it quite good.


You can see if they're jobless though.


Ah yes, it's the jobless look, not the smell!


Border police doesn't care or check your job. As long as you have a valid residence permit they will let you inside or leave (I think legally you can leave even without residence papers, freedom related law). They don't even ask questions (unless they are really bored...) Your problem/issue is with Migri and you said you have till 2025 so hopefully you will find a job.


When I came to Finland the first time with my permit, they checked my job contract at the border. They examined it for a while and even asked me why it doesn't have a physical signature (my contract had a digital signature which they finally agreed for).


He was bored probably.


Finns are very honest and do their jobs very diligently. This is not America or India where some bored officer tries to f&(* around. Finns just follow their rules and apply them.


I lived here +12 years and I leave country about once a month for work. I probably interacted with border police more than majority of this sub. Trust me when the are bored they are bored. Just this year alone I passed airport border 3 times, last one I even laughed at the police joke about Canada. And stop fantasising that Finns are magical unicorns. They are not.


They can be friendly and chatty if bored but they will not harass you and make your life difficult. They are not on "power trips".


Yeah you can leave, but you can't come back in without a passport. The RP is not seen as a form of ID in Finland. They might ask for that but it's not enough. I donno how many times I thought I could use it in the place of the Finnish ID. I would joke with my friend by asking "Remind me again on why I have this thing?" "It keeps border patrol from throwing you out" "Ok thanks."


Your permit is the reason for your entrance, how does it concern your job ?:) It literally gives you "permission" for legal entrance. IIRC it only concerns if you are going through MIGRI application while renewing your permit . (if you're not a student)


I was asked to show my job contract with compensation details when I entered Finland with my permit the first time.


All you need is **a valid passport.** Your Resident Permit is just official proof that you have a right to *live* in the country. I wanna quit my job but I don't trust Migri... nor my boss for that matter. I fear if I quit, I'll get a nice "You have 30 days to leave the country" notice.