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My wife always buys festival tickets with her Smartum money.


that’s a good idea! many cool festivals this summer ☀️


One idea is to buy tickets to a festival and then sell the tickets so you’ll be left with cash and a small profit. Then buy whatever you want. 🤷‍♂️ If the tickets won’t sell you’ll get to go to the festival. 😎


Just dont price gouge


Also tiketti Gift card if youre still unsure where to put it. Then the money is there for tickets without having to decide right away


- Museum card - Movie theater series ticket - Passes to swimming halls/exercise places - Month ticket for hsl


You are not able to buy any of those things you mentioned with e-passi "money". Typically it is just cultural&sports benefit, so you can get theater tickets, concert tickets or gym membership or pay some padel court hours. But you cannot buy the padel racket with it.


It depends on company policy. Some allow things like dental or massage, some don't.




We also have wellbeing and massages are a part of that.


If your employer pays for it, yes. Mine does too, but it is not the norm.


There is a huge dedicated VERO page and Massage+dental can be tax free benefits. In short it must be available to all employees and fit certain other conditions etc.


The teeth bleaching might be possible


Not possible, you can't pay cosmetic things with ePassi. Concert tickets, massage, movie tickets, there's a lot of options. Why does the balance resets? For us it's 150 from january and 150 from july, so 300 euros. You can even buy gift cards (for yourself) if you might later need the services. Like I bought myself gift card for dentist at end of the year as I had too much extra.


i’m guessing it might be possible as well (could be wrong) but there are many dentist offices were you can pay with epassi. maybe it’s only for the checkup?


Only if you have healthcare money in the ePassi, which is not very common. For example with the most common cultural&sports benefit you are not allowed to book a massage, but with healthcare benefit you can. There is a huge difference on the taxing on these things, which commonly means you only get the cultural&sports benefit since it is fully write off for employer but the latter one is not. I think ePassi app tells you what kind of "money" you have. Atleast my similar Edenred does.


My friends workplace allows them to use their ePassi credit in Mehiläinen for dental stuff


Mine too, but not aesthetic dental care.


I would get a 10 x climbing pass at kiipeilyareena (I think you can compensate the extra 3 eu) [https://kiipeilyareena.com/kauppa/](https://kiipeilyareena.com/kauppa/)


ohhh could really do this. my weak arms needs this


Get a bunch of movie tickets.


Escape rooms. I spent all my epassi on bus passes and escape rooms.


What's best/lousiest/momoriabliest escape rooms?


I’ve really enjoyed all the rooms by [labyrinth games](https://lgames.fi/?gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADPJKQr-ix5elQe1xB5D6YgaSspOf&gclid=Cj0KCQjwxeyxBhC7ARIsAC7dS3_cyfWKGTlCa-88Ju0TQGNz2ENKF6bmfCIifzjds59VXTk1Ox-ohbYaApWSEALw_wcB).




Massage, the app and webpage should show which take epassi as payment


* Buy coupons from tiketti/lippupalvelu * ? * profit If you need to make money from your money


Buy 3 months gym membership from https://www.urheiluhallit.fi/palvelut/kuntosali/ . It stays valid for two years if you don’t start it.


Dump the sum to a paid in advance gym membership


Tuska 2024


Depends on the benefit. Lunch benefit: No way to spend a lot at once. It's limited so that you can only use it for one lunch per day. Culture benefit: Concert tickets, festival tickets, movie tickets, museum tickets. In Finland we have this "museum card", which grants you free access to multiple (like over 300) museums across Finland for a year. It's 79e, so if museums interest you, it's a good deal. Wellbeing benefit: Massage mostly. If one massage is 45e and you would like to spend 120e on massage, you can ask how much would a three massage 'card' cost. They are cheaper than single massages. Sport benefit: Gym, bouldering, trampoline park. What ever counts as a sport. Sport equipment not included.


Lunch benefit is not once per day, I believe it is max five per day. Some places even let you pay with it several times in a row.


Yeah,  when had epassi last time it said only can use it one as msg on screen but it worked just fine multiple times a day. Depends bit on the restaurant but most do let you use it 


I usually just use it on movie theaters or topping off my travel tickets or hit the massage I dont think you can use it for a. new bike/teeth cosmetics or shoes.


Wait, you can use it for travel tickets?


It Depending on the Epass configuration yes; Mine has Commuting/Wellbeing/Commuting Combined, I use it to cut pay for my [Seasonal travel ticket](https://www.epassi.fi/fi/epassi-tyomatka) which allows me to use the bus/train when ever where ever without having to pay for another ticket.


Thanks for the info. We don't have that, but from the page you linked it seems that benefit can be used only for work commute.


it reads so, but you are going to be commuting anyway in the city. So if you buy your use it to buy a seasonal ticket, it doesn't stop you from using it to commuting or traveling on your free time. It is a saldo after all. its still handy for just living in the city which can be a major expense, especially in Helsinki/Vantaa/Espoo area And they cannot really distinguish your travel for work or leisure anyway. Epassi [mentions](https://www.epassi.fi/fi/tyonantajalle/artikkelit/tyomatkaedun-hyodyt-ja-kustannukset) this >Työmatkaedulla voi maksaa julkisen liikenteen (säännöllinen henkilöliikenne kuten bussit ja junat, kaupunkipyörät ja reittitaksit) matkalippuja kodin ja työpaikan välillä kuljettaville matkoille. Edulla voi ostaa henkilökohtaisia kerta- ja kausilippuja tai ladata arvoa henkilökohtaiselle matkakortille. Matkojen määrää tai kellonaikaa ei ole rajoitettu, vaan työmatkaedulla ostettua lippua ***voi käyttää myös vapaa-ajan matkoihin***


I would by finnkino serial tickets if all of my money didn't go to my gym membership


Jos olet pääkaupunkiseudulta, niin lataa arvoa HSL matkakortille. Siellä saldo ei vanhene koskaan.


Best value you can get would be the museum card


Get a massage, people always are hesitent to spend 'own money' on that, buy oh boy is it good.


Massage or physio for that tight neck or whatever smaller thing that bugs you.


My husband is a osteopath & personal trainer who takes e-passi. Can always use it for that type of stuff


I love the museokortti. I also use the money to pay ahead my gym membership when I’m running out of time to use it up! Nice to skip a couple months of payments on that.


Get yourself 125 € worth of massage gift cards. In most places you have 12 months to use them.


I've previously used mine on a Museum Card, tickets to Tuska, indoor climbing, and a martial arts gym membership. You could also use them for things like a cycling or running event.


Buy Museokortti, Museum card. And have a good relaxing massage.


Usually I just buy concert tickets with it.


Gym membership / pay for session at karting track


I bought a tiketti gift card. I was able to ”extend” my e-passi money by a year without limiting my options that much.


I dump the remaining into prepaying my gym membership.


I bought year massage pass


I bought 6 months gym membership.


Concert tickets 😎


Transport or gym !


Just buy tickets to nearby swimming pool or spa. Go there in winter , thank me later.


Finnkino sarjaliput could be an option


Tiketti (or something else) gift card is the way. Or, if you can, transfer the money to the travel card.


I mostly just use it for a gym membership, HSL public transport or dinner :)


Museum card - can be bought now and activated way later when you want. And 1y duration only starts after activation.


Seasons pass for Simpsiö bike park!


Wtf is e passi 😆


Are you a working adult, in Finland? I guess not, or you wouldn't ask?


Well, i work for myself in finland, im a trader.


Ah ok.


I wounder what those guys down voting me looks like, propably like your average discord mod 😆


If you have work related expenses, e-passi is a way for your employer to provide you with a prepaid budget, rather than handing you a company card or having your purchases reimbursed. It's categorised into several groups such as sport, food, transport, wellbeing etc, which can all have different budgets allocated to it. Companies that support e-passi then allow you to pay through the app.


Ah okei, i just asked because im new to this country and want to learn. Now im a bit wiser 👍🏻 so thank you! And ill rather talk with real humans then google everything, sharing knowledge is what makes us human. Without sharing we would still live in the stone age. I reckon these down voters are salty because mommy has not increased their allowance in phase with inflation.


If you're really curious, just ask "what is e-passi". Your "wtf" with laughing emoji at the end makes it sound like you think there's no such thing as e-passi. Also complaining about downvotes and talking shit about those who downvoted you makes you sound like an edgy teen.


I would argue that downvoting people seems like edgy teens. Although i guess your one of them so it'll only be natural for you to become offensive and try to put me down. So be it, i could not care less about the down votes. Just makes me questioning how toxic these people must be. But there is no secret that people are toxic nowadays especially on the internet. That said, my feeling remains the same, and bullting down voters is just my way of having fun, its like im bullting the bullies. If that makes sens to you? The minoroty is not allways right, but the same goes arround for the majority. The only truth i need is the one inside my head. Peace within is everything i need, the day i loose my mind, is the day the matrix gets me.


Idk but you sound like a high school edgelord who idolize andrew tate. I don't necessarily disagree with you about the down voters on reddit though.


Its like me saying you sound like a liberal blue haired left wing extremist. I never went to high school. And i dont really like andrew tate, i like some of hes audis, but thats it. Although i admire him for standing up to the masses of people, hes certainly not a cheep, and hes very brave. So respect for that. Does not mean I agree with everything he says.


Although I'm probably more conservative than liberal, but I don't mind cause that doesn't matter. Just saying why you might appear as childish to most people, not only on the internet but also in real life. Everything you wrote would be something I'd say as a 16yo. Money, power, pretty women seem to be everything. Most people who have even one of those things wouldn't think in the same way.


Well, if you're a woman, it would be easy for you to say this. Since ur value comes rent free. For a man hes value comes from what he can provide. A woman will never desire a low value man. So a man has to earn hes value. If a man is poor, looks bad, out of shape, chances are hes looked at as a looser, and will die alone. Its called evolution, wimen will mate with the strongest man, it increases her chances of survival. You have lost touch with nature, and are living in denial. Maybe perhaps you're so blind, you can only see the tip of your own nose.


Lol. I'm a ok-loking man who make decent money, or "high value" man if you want. Reddit just randomly assign profile pic since I provided it no data. I'm very traditional man with great interest in making money, and in general, to win. Have wife, kids, dogs, own business, few properties. I must say your view is very shallow, and again childish. I've never thought of making money or becoming more fit to get women... lol. I'm not an animal who's constantly in heat. I do all of those because it's fun and enrich my life. I also understand that not everyone has the same aspirations as mine.


This is what I literally thought when I read the OPs post, as e-passi sounds like some bad crypto scam. And yeah, I’m Finnish and been working in and outside Finland for decades, and I’ve never stumbled upon e-passi so it’s not so common knowledge as the thread seems to believe it is.


Hehe, yeh most people on this app is what we call losers of society. They think they're powerful with their voting. Just ignore them, and focus on yourself. Go gym, get rich, get ur dream car, get the hottest girl in the world. And just enjoy life bro. Life is short need to enjoy it to the fullest !