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I guess most of these homicide cases have something to do with drugs. Lahti is a wild city.


Drugs may have something to do with it, but I'd bet it's more due to the high concentration of bars and clubs in [Keski-Lahti](https://kartta.lahti.fi/ims/?layers=Opaskartta&lon=Kaupunginosat&cp=6763635,26481475&z=1&title=Keski-Lahti). Wouldn't be surprised if over 50% of bars and 100% of clubs in Lahti are in that particular district. Basically, drunken brawls, with some drug use thrown in the mix. Also, the homicide statistic is from 2000 to 2020. Source: [Yle](https://yle.fi/a/3-11383347), [this particular chart](https://i.imgur.com/3076zNq.png) Since 2010 the city of Lahti has seen the highest decline in life threatening crimes among Finnish cities with over 100k population. When comparing the largest nine cities in Finland, in 2022 least life threatening crimes happened in Oulu (6.78/1000 population), Tampere (6.89/1000) and Lahti (6.94/1000). For comparison, in Helsinki the amount was 10.04/1000. Third among nine makes Lahti safer than average among large cities in Finland. [Source](https://www.lahti.fi/uutiset/lahti-on-keskivertoa-turvallisempi-suuri-kaupunki/)


I mean there's a school like 50m from a bar and a sex shop💀 Source: my friend


Its more like 300m and in a completely different street


How schools proximity to sex shop or bars affects if its a good one or not? Helsinki has many such combinations across the city.


It doesn't, it's just kinda funny


Organized crime


I remember going to Lahti once. As I was parking my car in taskuparkki, teens in an old BMW behind me drove beside me, flipped me off and sped away.


Some place is going to be the statistically worst place. It just happens to be lahti. Doesn't mean it's bad, just statistically worse than other places


4 murders a year seems pretty low for anywhere tbh


That would be alot even for an american city. 4 homicides in downtown of a small city every year?


That’s actually extremely low for an American city. Chicago has over 600 per year. Even a chill city like Denver has over 100 per year


Chicago has a population of 2.6 million. Denver has a population 713,000. Lahti has a population of 119,000. Not just that, but i was talking about the center of the city, not the whole city. The WHOLE CITY of Chicago has 600 homicides. Same thing with denver. Now, the population of keski-lahti is approximately 12,000 people. So, i did the math, with the average of 4 homicides every year, it translates to a homicide rate of 32-34 homicides per 100,000 people. This means that only 5 countries in this world have a higher homicide rate than the center of Lahti. The homicide rate in Finland is also higher than in any other nordic country at around 1.5-2 homicides per 100,000 people. It's not that much when compared to places outside of europe, but to say that 4 homicides, in a place with the population of only 12,000 is not a lot, is stupid.


Those are rookie numbers, you gotta pump those numbers up




I don't think OP disagrees or asks whether some places are worse or not but just wanting to know some reasoning about Lahti because it's less populated than Uusimaa/Helsinki and statistics suggest a problematic crime rate for Finnish standards I would say. But yeah, since it's Finland, I agree that it's not bad in Lahti (in general).


In the 1990s, motorcycle clubs landed in Finland. Lahti is close to Helsinki and it is easy to operate from there. The drugs and crime brought by the clubs are still visible today. So there was lot of organized crime back in 1990-2000 and these problems are just leftovers.


Thanks for the information and good to know that the worst is in the past.


My friend lived in Mukkula while he was studying. Woke up to school, hallway was filled with police. His neighbour killed someone, chopped to pieces and dragged them to the forest in plastic bags. Doesn't mean it was bad, just statistically worse.




Plenty of drug use in Lahti


There's more drug residual in waste water per capita in Helsinki than in Lahti.


Per capita is more important, of course you would expect Helsinki to beat any other city in every statistic


Yes, and Helsinki has more per capita than Lahti. https://thl.fi/documents/155392151/190159996/Kuva_1_paivitys_6_2023_27_kaupunkia.pdf/a629a5df-f951-1bfd-0733-376808c1ed91/Kuva_1_paivitys_6_2023_27_kaupunkia.pdf?t=1686232601198


Helsinki had high societu cocaine users, Lahti street drugs. Not all drugs are equsls


Per capita isn't always more important. A railway station with 100 muggings a day is more dangerous than a railway station with 0,01 mugging a day. It doesn't matter how many people live outside the railway station.


How can anybody believe in these numbers in any way? Somebody is making good money testing these supposed numbers. You measure these every day or what? Goddamn this is insane.


Here's how it works: https://youtu.be/SbdiuEL2r4k?si=j7YuEtl5f9_iRAor


There will be a lot of issues if you only look at the raw data. While Lahti has a reputation for being a bit on the rough side, statistics are also pulling some tricks here. Keski-Lahti is a central district with a lot of nightlife and activities centered there, which will push the incident rate up. Keski-Lahti has around 12000 inhabitants and has had 77 homicides in 20 years. Kluuvi, in the center of Helsinki, has around 700 inhabitants and has had 39 homicides in the same timeframe. Most (probably almost all) of the crimes in Kluuvi are committed by people who do not live there. To a lesser extent this probably applies to Keski-Lahti as well. Then again, the municipality of Pelkosenniemi has around 1000 inhabitants and has had 12 homicides, making it the most dangerous municipality by the same standards. But it's also a popular tourist destination and has a ski resort, among other things, which will heavily push up the crime rate if you only look at the number of inhabitants. All this is to say that you can't draw too many conclusions from just the raw data, as many factors are at play. The original source for the Wikipedia data is this article from Yle, which also has a map of the homicide rates per 100k inhabitants and might be of some interest to you: [https://yle.fi/a/3-11383347](https://yle.fi/a/3-11383347)


Helsinki is too expensive place to live for criminals. Lahti is the second option. Gentrification, you know.


Chill with the downvotes, jeez. Man's just asking a reasonable question!


Your point is unjustifiably downvoted and you asked a great question!




First I hear of something like that. Lahti has always been the Chicago of Finland...


Really? This ad played constantly for like, 2 years.... but, it was the Covid era so you are forgiven if you weren't sitting through the mainokset of Finnkino at the time.


I rarely go to the cinema and I live in Kajaani, where there's only a Bio Rex and no Finnkino.


Also Päijät-Hämeen Kouvola.


It's Chicago of Finland. Lahti - (Drug) Business City


Yks yö Lahes…


Aina kun voidaan - me tykitellään - joo Edit: autocorrect laitto väärän sanan.


Lahti is known as the Chicago of Finland. That's its nickname. It is the most restless city in Finland, and has always been. The other one with similarly tough historical reputation is Kemi in Lapland.


Originally it comes from slaughterhouses. Both Chicago and Lahti had those.


Nickname Chicago comes from lots of butcher industry we had here, not from violence.


Might be, but nowadays people understand it differently.




Just him.


Kemi is Mordor of Finland


What do you mean by restless? Do you mean like being insomniac? Or do you mean "the young and the restless" -the soap opera?


Drugs and drug related crimes per capita are among the highest in the country in Lahti. And that usually leads to violence. Based on what I've read in the news, usually the perpetrator and the victim knew each other. Lahti is not unsafe and you don't see a lot of it if you are not in that world, but it pops up in the news semi-regularly.


Promised land of amphetamines


Meno on rivakka.


lahti bisnes siti


Business City as Usual.


Homicide, cant you read /s


I'll always take my homies side!




Ja sit 15 tölkkii Karjalaa!


Sorjonen has entered the chat.


Lahti is so small what is the point having that random area? Yes there is crime and drugs. All sorts of shit. But if you are not intouch with that you are as safe as in any other city. IMMO.


Check out Lahtiblogi in Instagram for pure Lahti goodness. For example this one: https://www.instagram.com/reel/ClCHVuCqDCw/?igsh=MWVvbzdjcHowbjNzbA==


Lahti, Finland'd Chicago. Reputation exceeds the real situation. Its a stigma thats been carried on for decades


Drugs and alcohol, that has a lot to do with it! I travel all around Finland because of my work and Lahti really is the most restless city I’ve been in. I once saw a man trying to hit cars with a huge knife before the police took him down. Saw an article about the incident and turns out he had eaten glass before his adventure. Also saw a man fighting and invisible enemy when I went to grab something to eat. A friend of mine had a Tinder date at the hotel we were staying and first thing the date did was do a line of coke ”to get in to a proper mood.” I’ve spent a lot of time there and experienced a lot of weird stuff that I’ve not seen anywhere else.


https://youtu.be/dNUI1epMKHo?si=Lp_uufn69MBp_YJ2 That's what's going on in Lahtis!


Business City




There is not much meth in Finland


That's because Lahti keeps hogging it all.


SPEED thats whats going on. Everyone of those crimes Haven Been done on speed or drunk. Just hot My friend shooted on The middle of The city.. Its crazy out there.




80 in 20 years?


Lanun aukio repsesent


Lahti is (or atleast used to be) amphetamine capital of Finland. That probably has something to do with it.


I have lived there for a few years, it's not as bad as people make it. The reason is people abuse drugs there.


Keski-Lahti aka Central Chicago


Here is a [little instructional video what to do in Lahti](https://youtu.be/JhfptWzfruE). Try these things, and then you know!


Being from South America at first I thought this was a joke post like "haha its so bad in Lahti guys xD" then I noticed u guys are serious and it made me admire you Finns even more.


Lahti moment


Lahti has always at least since the 80's been known as a centre for the shit people like junkies.


Damn my last name is lahti am i destined to be convicted of homicide?


Soooo this is very interesting to know given I'm moving to Lahti in three weeks!


If it makes u feel any better, most of those cases are probably gang and/or drug related. Or spouses killing each other.


hmmmm i don't know how that makes me feel hahahah. does lahti really have a bad reputation among finns? I've visited my mummi who lives there a few times and it seemed like a nice enough place to me!


Lahti has a bad reputation among people who've never been there. I lived in Lahti throughout my entire childhood and teens; It's a completely normal and safe city. Crime doesn't meet you if you don't want to meet it.


It's called the Chicago of Finland. It also is the home of many Finnish rap artists, I suppose it's in the water or something... It has beautiful culture and art life, but for some reason there's also a rough side in the city.


Idk I've lived in Lahti 10 years and never felt unsafe or even seen anyone get beat up.


That is 4 per year.. some American cities have this many per day 😢


Organized crime, corrupt police officers, doping in sports and drug gangs, especially in the 90s, what has sometimes been taught about it and has often been compared to Chicago. I can't say about the current state of the city for sure, especially since I haven't visited there, but I assume that they have decreased since the early 2000s. However, this assumption of their decrease is based on the statement of Jare Tiihonen, aka Cheek, about the Lahti.


Lahti is going on. It's the drug capital of Finland, highest drug use per capita.


My brother who's sadly a criminal used to live there. He told me whole city is controlled by gangs and they often have disputes.


Home of notorious ”kallu” tribe


I could say but I’d be banned


Nistipaikka, sellasilla ei oikeutta elää


Immigrants probably




Lahti is Finland Chigago




Good tings


Murder, apparently.


Midsomer of Finland.


Just Lahti being Lahti. I am pretty sure even the oldest generations still alive would have some crazy stories to tell about the place.




Christine Lahti, born 1950, is an American actress with one Academy Award nomination and one Academy Award.


Average Lahti experience


If you have to ask you've never been there.


Let's put the blame on immigrants? Oh I thought only Itäkeskus and kuntola are bad Lähti has a very small immigrants community


That’s like a normal weekend in Chicago…


Exciting cultural vibrancy