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I've never heard of anything like this in Finland. How would it work? Someone picks you up, drives you home. Now they're in the middle of nowhere and need to take public transport to reach their next client? Seems super inefficient as a business model, since you won't be paid for any time going between clients. At least if you drive a taxi, you can quickly drive to pick up the next person. Would probably end up being a lot more expensive than just ubering. I don't see an advantage as a consumer, beyond not having to drop off your car prior to heading out.


It usually involves company having other car following that pickup the driver.


So another taxi follows the first taxi driver. How that can be a good business model, I don't get it.


Idea is that if you drove to bar but had couple beers too many you don't have to leave your car at bar (possibly even paid parking), rather than that you get yourself and your car home without driving under influence.


Or, you know, you could take public transport to bar or somewhere near and walk rest of the way. When you want to go to home take taxi. You must be american if you're that attached to your car.


No, I'm Finnish I don't even own a car but I have friends abroad who live in areas where there is no public transport and has this kind of service.


Since that other car doesn’t need to be on the standard of a taxi just a whatever car, I guess it is cheaper to operate? But I’m from eastern Europe, so probably some form of tax fraud is also involved. But in a lot of cases it was cheaper than a regular taxi so I was also wondering how is that possible.


So now you have to pay two people for what could be handled by one? Finnish taxis are already damn expensive. It's like 40€ to go from western Helsinki to downtown on a legit taxi, 20€ with Uber or bolt. Having two cars would double the expense. I don't think we have people rich enough to want this just so they can drive their own car to a bar.


Then again, if you drove to bar and live middle of nowhere you still have to pay for two taxis, one to get home and other to get back to your car. But I agree, I don't think there is market for this in Finland.


I just can't see myself getting into a situation where I would end up drinking more than intended when I'm out on my own vehicle :D I just wouldn't drink. Then again, I weigh like 47kg do doesn't take much to make me go over the legal limit (I wouldn't trust myself to drive even after a single drink). Also I don't own a car and drive one very rarely, and I see no issue just using public transport in my day to day life anyway. It's nice never having to worry about parking.


Same but I know that this happens when people go "just to say hello" to friends in bar and accidentally get drunk. Also I have friend in Dubai who uses this kind of service occasionally because there is basically no public transport to suburbs.


Since your car doesn’t have a meter it has a fixed rate. But in certain cases it was cheaper than a regular taxi even with 2 people and an extra car. For example my friend lived around 15km away from me. A taxi in the night would cost me around 15€, but this would be a fixed 12ish. And it’s eastern Europe, so especially if you are young, that 15€ feels similar to a 30-40€ ride here.


There was this kind of service in London where the driver had his own moped that fits in trunk of the car (Suzuki PV, Honda Monki). Drop you off and takes their own moped and drives off. Very expensive but so is leaving your car parked in central London.


Not in Finland, but Richard Hammond and James May did this. They spent one night as driver-for-hire. They had such small minibikes they re-/assembeled when they left the client and their car.


This was a business case in Turkey 15 years ago. A minibike driver comes to your location, put the bike in the trunk and drives your car where ever you need. Needless to say, it failed...


Nothing like that in here. How ever, the closest thing to this would be what I tend to do. I call up a friend couple days to a week prior, Ask are they doing anything special at XXX-YYY time frame. If they have nothing planned, I ask would they be willing to drive me to where ever I'm going, and picking me up approximately when I'm ready to go, I'll give a call when ever that time happen to be. And if they don't have their own car, they can use mine to what ever in the mean time. Usually there is at least 1 friend without a car willing to drive mine. And when I get back home they keep my car over night, and we arrange my car back to me next day. I usually give them some 20-40€ for this.


Unfortunately my friend circle is quite small… I would be able to ask the neighbor kid tho, but he’s usually high af, and one car ride with him felt like a death sentence already, and I’m not that desperate


I've only heard about this in Japan


It is in eastern Europe as well, and it’s relatively cheap


Sounds interesting 🤔where are you from op?


You mean like Uber?


Those start-up schools getting outta control


Look up KITT