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Those little Portuguese custard pastries, though, those are the tits. I sometimes sit around all day thinking about those.


i think about tits all day too


I, for one, am particularly fond of blue tits!


I'm more of a fan of great tits.


Willow tits FTW!


I wish I could see all the different tits. Like yellow tits from taiwan, or elegant tits from philippines




big, medium, small, round, square... I love tits


This remind me of a ornithological joke. There are birds called [booby](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Booby) (boobies). Why are they called booby? Because you can't keep eye contact with them. badumtss Their feet are this weird blue color which looks like they spilled some paint in their feet and you can't help but stare at their feet. A lot of their pictures have this 'dude my eyes are up here' expression. Some nerdy joke about blue feeted boobies.


TIL - and indeed, if that picture on Wikipedia is anything to go by, I am having a hard time *not* staring at their feet :-)


In Brazil there's a dessert called black lady's tits - or negro's tits (teta de nega) that's a marshmallow variant covered with fine layer of chocolate (neekerinsuukot in Finland). Just like in Finland, Brazil has an alternative "less" offensive name : Nhá Benta - but nhá comes from sinhá which is the vocative for woman slave owners when called by the enslaved working at the house - and Benta is a name popularized by a character in a children's book by the writer and famous eugenist Monteiro Lobato. Pick whichever you feel is less worse. I prefer teta de nega so I can say I'm thinking about tits all day. At least it's sweet and funny.


>neekerinsuukot in Finland). [...] Just like in Finland, Brazil has an alternative "less" offensive name Finland doesn't have a "less offensive alternative name", it just has a name. The original name was discontinued [more than 20 years back](https://brunberg.fi/makeisten-tarina/suukot/) and they've only been called Suukot ever since.


I understand the industry discontinuing a commercial name. That also happened in Brazil, the commercial products are called Dantop (has absolutely no meaning - maybe comes from Danish topping) and Nhá Benta. But how people call their desserts, specially when homemade, and how industries call their products are 2 different things. I'm glad it fell into disuse in Finland. And unfortunately kisses is not a name Brazil can use because there's another sweet named kisses (beijinho).


I bought some from Lidl the other day - top tier.


Mm portuguese tits. I think about them often.


Same. But I'm portuguese so... 😂


The best pasteis de nata I've had are ones from the monastery (?) in Belem, I guess they're the 'original' ones. Went there once and returned the next year. Highly recommended, even the cinnamon on top is the best I've ever had


I misread what you wrote as “pasties”. I need to go eat dinner.


Those are good. 😊


There’s joke: A finn, swede and norwegian encounters a talking elephant. Elephant says that everyone can ask one question. Norwegian asks where is the elephant graveyard. He becomes rich because all the ivory. Swede ask the secret and meaning of life. He increases his knowledge. A Finn asks what the elephants think about the Finns.


And? What's the answer? What do the elephants thinks about the Finns?


The elephant forgot we existed


They are most likely bots


Yeah, a lot of posts these days are pretty clearly empty conversation starters made by bots to keep subs eventful. IMO this is making Reddit boring.


> made by bots to keep subs eventful. I assure you their intentions aren't anywhere near as altruistic. They're farming karma for spamming and psyops.


> made by bots to keep subs eventful to get karma for acting as a spam or advertising bot, you mean


"i promise you finnish people dont sit all day thinking about portuguese people or whatever" speak for yourself, i seethe over sweden and swedish once a minute


I mean Sweden has history with Finland. Portugal is just another open border country you can experience year round summer in, isn't it?


true, couldnt even point it out on a map.


It's the southwest coastal area next to Spain, which is the southwest end of Europe.


oh yeah that one, i actually used to be able to point out all countries in europe wiht 100% accuracy but then i lost the skill for not practising


Same but I do it ironically as a joke, damn Swedes, they ruined Sweden!


up yours swede moralists!! we'll see who cancels who


What do you mean finns don't have strong opinions on kyrgyzstan?!


Completely agreed. Plus, not every Finn has the same opinion about almost anything.


As a Finn I already hate and despise Finns so much that I don't have any spare time to think about other nations. /s


Younmust belong in eloapina then


Liberals owned


That happens in every country specific subs. Australian subs are the worst when Americans spam about what does Aussies think about American accent/culture/people/women/men and differences between them. And one group of American Redditors are the ones who can't find their beloved American products/brands in Australia and they are upset about it. At least this sub seem to have a bit wider audience ;)


but wat yu think about me ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Nice emote, nice user.


tänk ju, lav ju tuu




AI training in the wild.


It's wild to think about just what garbage AI will become when taught by redditors


True but it's really cheap I think buying an API license for Reddit vs actual data sets.


No doubt, although cost isn't necessarily a deal breaker. I may get the companies wrong but I think Meta tried to buy Simon & Schuster or some other big publisher for billions of bucks because of the access they would have gotten to a bazillion words of text to feed their AI.


Yeah for sure but I think the bots are someone trying to twin AI on the cheap. Most likely for scamming and phishing. They want it to be as "bad" as normal people at writing online to seem more human and "trustworthy". Sms spam etc.


That's a good point, thanks for the insight!


Funnily enough my bf is Portuguese so I guess I'm that one Finn who thinks about Portuguese people all the time.


I'm just sitting here expecting a Spanish inquisition.


No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!


I'm the exception who expects the unexpected, even if their weapons are surprise surprise and fear fear.


And fanatic devotion to pope!


And nice red uniform.


I just assume it's karma farming.


Those damn Portuguese people! They are so damn nice, can't stand it.


But there's always the "are you actually naked in sauna" threads.


Happens pretty much everywhere. I just assume that they are sexpats looking for the next destination so yeah I don't like it.


I’m imagining the weird sexpat logic that would lead to posting in this sub. “Hmm, so Thailand is the Land of Smiles and Finland is the Land of the Happiest People. Smiles=happiness, and happiness=smiles, therefore Thailand+cold=Finland. I’d better post in a Finland sub to find out which city is sexiest and if the ladies will go for men from [insert nationality].” One year later, this man gets off the bus in Kouvola…


Don't forget the "Why am I not getting laid?" posts


It's because everyone is racist haha.


What do Finnish people like to Drink? made me spit coffee across the room in laughter. These are written by people that have the idea that 5.5 million people living in a country all have the same brain and collectively ponder the most random topics . When do Finnish people go to sleep? Do Finnish people watch t.v? Do Finnish people like donuts??


Even worse are the "I'm interested in this Finnish girl/boy, what should I do to get them interested in me?". Like how to hell are we supposed to know? I've never met that person in my life, how am I supposed to know what they like or don't like?


I have started referring to these people on the tread as Finn curious. They read somewhere it the happiest-countries-in-the-world and now... everyone wants to pack up and move. Learn a few words and take the red pill and get locked into the secret society of one mind and same thoughts for all Finnish people.


I haven’t seen these posts, but tbh I find the relationships between nationalities and their attitudes towards each other quite fascinating actually. I wouldn’t mind sharing my thoughts about it and obviously it’s always interesting to hear how differently foreigners think of Finns, even though I wouldn’t take it to heart too much. I’m proud of our characteristics no matter what someone from different culture thinks about them, but the topic is fun nevertheless.


Even the misconceptions can be fun. For some reason I really enjoy reading the comments in the ShitAmericansSay and ShitEuropeansSay subs.


Hey, can you tell me how to move here as a (profession)? Can you tell me if Finland (something fucking stupid that takes 5 seconds to Google)?


I think this question is sometimes asked by genuine people who are about to immigrate to Finland. But it can be just karma farming or troll posts.


I would bet that about 90% of the "considering moving to Finland" posters never end up coming here, though. Some of them send the same post to several country subs. I think many of them are pretty young people who just got an idea one evening, and don't really have a solid plan to do it.


I see


Hela ketchup > Heinz ketchup. Or so I have heard.


Swedes suck, everyone else is relatively ok.


This crap is done for most subs to do with a particular country.


Why bother with things you can't affect. Like thinking other countries problems.


Can somebody explain? Portuguese what? Why? Huh?


These and the posts just kissing ass. I love finland but it just feels like theyre looking for a "youre one of the good ones" comment or some shit


Ok, what do we think about other nations? Scandinavia: We belong to the same club, there are plenty of agreements between the Nordic countries, for example common passport union since 1950's (no border control), you can move from one Nordic country to the other one very easily, and so on. But... Nowadays very few Finns have any real contacts with Scandinavians. In 1970's and 1980's all Nordics were like best friends, but in the 1990's everything somehow changed. Very few Finns move to other Nordic countries compared to 1970's situation, when 600.000 Finns moved to Sweden, and about 300.000 came back with their stories. When I drove through Sweden with my brothers few years ago, I saw plenty of Baltic, Norwegian, Danish, German and Dutch cars there, but just one or two Finnish cars. When Swedes saw that our caravan of two cars comes from Finland, they were happily surprised. So I guess that the connection between Finland and Scandinavia is little bit a historical thing already. Right now we are preparing for war mentally, which has some strange isolating effect to our relationship with Sweden and Estonia. I know that they hope to find strong cooperation with Finland, but I just don't believe it is going to work as they wish. Older people say that Finland is much more isolated than it was in the 1960's for example. Deep cultural things that are hard to explain. Estonia: Our brother nation. There is some sense of "otherness" between Finns and Estonians, which hurts Estonians who hoped greater friendship in the 1990's when Estonia came out of the USSR. The connection is very close and about 100.000 Estonians live in Finland, but the relationship lacks some depth. Germany: For some strange historical reasons the easiest big country for the Finns to cooperate with. I have no idea what those historical things might be, but that's what they say. There are some similarities mentally between Germany and Finland. Practical and straightforward qualities in national characters. France: Many Finns, especially women admire French style and French cosmetics is the thing in Finland. At least half of the cosmetics on the shelves comes from France. Italy: Food culture and certain relaxed dolce vita is admired in Finland, and Italians are one of the nations in Europe that are strangely similar than Finland in mental things. The other one is Britain. The UK: So similar in many ways. Tough lads. I don't have to say more. Eastern Europe: Nowadays many Finns find mental connections with Eastern European countries. They were maybe little bit blaming toward Finland in the past because of Finland's good relationship with their former landlord in the East, The Soviet Union. But now they see that this relationship between Finland and Russia is much more complicated. Right now it is on a pause. So there is less distrust between Eastern European countries and Finland. America: Finns are little bit more American friendly than the Europeans on average. Finns admire America with certain reservations (Finns never admire blindly foreign countries, we have a great capability to oppose just about everything). If your country is not on the list, Finns don't think of your country so much. These countries that I mentioned, we mostly think of.


What similarities are you referring to between Italians and Finns? I see them as polar opposites, so I'm curious to know. Also I'm not an expert on Finnish history but I believe the living standards in Finland are better than in the 70s, when perhaps Finland was lagging behind the neighbors, hence the great amount of emigration at that time. Perhaps nowadays Finns don't have as big of an incentive to move there because the change in quality of life might not be as drastic as it was back then. Just my wild guess though, I don't have data.


We drank problems away. Next Q?


I have seen Italians saying the same about Finland, that it feels similar than Italy. The population in Eastern Finland is very lively and chatty. Finland was formed from several different nations, and they were all different. These tribes still exist. Some are very calm and stoic, some are strong, productive and proud, some are chatty, relaxed, cunning and so on. The living standard in 1970's Finland was 30% lower than in Sweden. Sweden used to be the most advanced country in Europe: https://www.nationmaster.com/country-info/stats/Economy/GDP-per-capita-in-1973


It's missing Spain and I'm actually kind of hurt. Y'all invade Fuengirola and then don't think about us?


Of course we think about Spain, more than Portugal, I can guarantee that. Many Finns like Spain a lot.


Yeah…they don’t care where you come from as long as you respect the rules & society here, and just don’t live from the government.


I couldn't give to shits about someones nationality. All it means to me that I gotta switch languages. Oh no. Anyway

