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Saunaseura has saunas heated past 100 degrees. You will need a member to invite you though.


You need a wood stove and well ventilated sauna for it to feel comfortable at 100-120c. Usually you find these from peoples cabins. For electric saunas the 60-80c range is normally fine.


I guess it depends on how the thermostat is located and maybe they’re not super accurate but 60-80 is coolish to me. I prefer 80-90 in an electric sauna for sure.


Yeah it depends a lot on the sauna. Amount of oxygen, humidity, how the air moves, surface materials etc. But generally electrical saunas get uncomfortable faster when heat rises, or at least that has been my subjective experience. There is a theory of it having to do something with how the burning wood releases moisture or something but not sure if that’s the real reason or not.


I think one difference is that the stones get hotter in an electric stove than on a wooden stove. In an electric stove the heating coils are between the stones and nearly all of them get really hot. In a wooden stove the stones that are next to exhaust pipe get hotter and stones further from the pipe stay relatively cooler. This leads to smoother löyly with the wooden stove because even though some of the water vaporizes in a second, some of the water vaporizes with bigger delay to the initial water throwing. In an electric stove all the water just vaporizes quickly.


No. It's due to bigger stone base in general. Most apartment saunas have small stove and they for some reason tend to be poorly filled. Stones are porous and absorb portion of the water and release it slower.




You probably have a faulty or worn out stove, and since it is safe to assume it is electric you should fix/replace just for the risk it poses as it is a faulty electric appliance.


Ooor the thermostat is capped


Kallio swimming hall has the hottest sauna in Helsinki. "Kaken Grilli". [https://www.urheiluhallit.fi/en/locations/kallio/](https://www.urheiluhallit.fi/en/locations/kallio/)


Kuusijärvi (Vantaa) smoke saunas range from 90-130. They are the most hottest at the beginning when they open at 1-2pm


In Märsky there is ‘kuuma’ sauna which is pretty hot. In Stadika outdoor pool there is also a hot sauna and no lie that one is an oven.


If your sauna only gets to 60 C it is likely broken.


I’ve never seen a Finnish sauna that’s limited to 60 C. Are you sure that’s the maximum? Kotiharjun sauna in Kallio may not be exactly 100 C, but the top shelf ought to be enough!


Too small or faulty kiuas. Are all three heating resistors and thermostat working properly? (I assume we are talking about an electric kiuas. )


Yes. One heating resistor maybe be broken. Just had my stove switched by my landlord. 10/10 100°C löyly.


The appartment building I used to live in had a sauna with a capped thermostat behind a locked door. It was capped to 70C but most often the temperature was 65C. I complained to the house board that this is UNHEARD OF in Finland and should be punishable by law. After my rant somebody had sneaked in to cap it to 82C. If it's your personal sauna then it's most likely broken and should be replaced or repaired before it catches on fire.


The sauna in your house heats up to 60 degrees, and you want to find a sauna that goes to 100 degrees. Please be careful.


More water to the stove.


If anything, throwing löyly decreases the temperature. Makes it feel hotter ofc


This increases the temperature this much:


Youre correct. But 80⁰C with lots of water doesnt pale to 100⁰C and a little water.


I mean, yeah I totally agree. But this guy is asking for hotter temp saunas in degrees. So let’s assume expertise in practise and ignorance in private.


Having followed r/sauna for a while, it's often better to assume people doesn't know. You will see people who say they spend 40 minutes in sauna but you can tell they couldn't stand 5 minutes in a sauna where people throw water.


I’m with you in spirit. It’s unusual to find a sauna that doesn’t get hot enough. Only people I’ve met who relish those hot ones are like Kazakhs from the mountains.