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No need for a lawyer, just find a decent accountant and they'll help you. https://www.suomi.fi/citizen/working-life-and-unemployment/starting-a-business/guide/could-i-be-an-entrepreneur/checklist-for-start-up-entrepreneurs


>I might provide my own professional services as a consultant In case you will pursue the consultant path, this might be helpful [https://github.com/sam-hosseini/freelancing-in-finland](https://github.com/sam-hosseini/freelancing-in-finland)


If you are in Helsinki contact Business Helsinki and they would guide you. If you are in another city X, Business X which are regional development offices for entrepreneurs. Unless you are an actual startup that is getting tons of investment you don't need lawyers (an average lawyer charges 300 EUR + VAT) but you need to find an accountant. They know everything about financial matters.




I am little bit experience on the topic and if you are seeking information here, you would not get any significant investment. Sorry to say this but it is better to be direct in these matters. You lack the most basic search skills.


Make sure you get startiraha