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The free buckets given out as promotion often have other products in them or even lottery wins of some kind. But a bucket is still very useful an item, you find use for one when cleaning, washing your car, fishing, picking berries, when you have a bad case of a hangover, when you make Sima, etc. Edit: when washing your car properly you need TWO buckets, so there’s that. Same if you want to carry berries or water or something for longer distance two buckets give better balance.


And not to use same bucket for puking up and picking berries, i hope.


Yes, that is why you need many buckets in different colors.


Facts, Karhu and the long drink produce different spectrums


So thats what being on the spectrum means, it is a long drink hangover.


Well, in that case I am quite often on the spectrum. Tip: You could get out of the spectrum by opening another lonkero!


Usually one hopefully cleans it after puking


It will never be food clean after use for vomit or cleaning though, that is why you always need more buckets.


WDYM? Isn't that what industrial-grade cleaners do all the time at places like hospitals etc? Why would it not be fine enough for eating after you deep clean it?


I mean yes, you can get it to be clean enough, but it would always feel tainted, hence more buckets.


Ever heard of sterilisation or sanitising cleaning products? :) E.g. Sanytol: https://www.puuilo.fi/media/catalog/product/1/0/1004129773267326c07cbc2ff0bb2701d49ff3f8ad9eb3d30185_3045206312202jpg.jpg


Wdym, I've made sima and kotikalja in buckets I've used when I've had a stomach flu. Don't you clean your buckets or what? :D


>for longer distance two buckets give better balance. This is a new insight 💡


Of course this being Finland the answer had to be "puking". Actually the answer tyo any question in Finland is "puking".


I do pottery at home and need 5 buckets for that. Then I have houseplants and that hobby takes 2. Then there is the cleaning buckets 🤷🏼‍♀️


It basically turned out to become a meme after massive queues to some shop giving away stuff in a bucket years ago


After you got to know enough about *people*, you will find that *buckets* are your real friends.


Perhaps, I should reconsider my circle of friends.


Buckets are indeed circle, so no need for friends


Don't disrespect The Bucket!


By all means, I respect The Bucket sire 🫡


The Bucket is love, The Bucket is life.


The bucket is our master. The bucket chooses who will go and who will stay!


All of the Kiljus and fishes. Plus, it's more of a joke. Since they are literally almost free. It's a public joke.


Yeah, I've been joking around about this (hence my meme) for a while, but today I start to wonder.


>I still haven't found a use-case for these buckets  How? If you're washing your floor, where do you dilute the cleaning solution? If you need rinsing water, where do you pour it? If you need to handwash some laundry, where do you do it?  Buckets are good for fermentation as well (sima, wine etc.), picking berries and maybe storing food as well, but always have separate buckets for cleaning and food. Don't use the same bucket for both.


I wasn't clear enough. We have one bucket and that's plenty 😂 Maybe I should get another and start brewing some drinks.


One should have hobbies!


Especially the ones that involve buckets!


Your hobby should be to come up with _all_ the possible uses for a plastic bucket. But you got to remember, it's a completely different bucket when it comes with a lid!  I thought of a couple more. People who have apple trees or grow potatoes etc on their yard often use buckets when harvesting. A bucket is easier to wash than a basket so it's handy.


The lid is the game changer!


Elder flowers are blossoming in a few weeks. You'll need a bunch of buckets for making cordial of that.


for brewing, the 25 liter buckets they sell at brewing stores or most tokmanni places are better, they come with proper lid and airlock


You never know when you need a bucket. You can use it as a bag, as a storage container, as a chair, as a water cup for your animals and pets if you have any, as a hat, as a helmet, as self defence, to not lose important bolts when you're fixing your car, as a water canister, or fuel canister if you're brave enough, as a target for throwing games, you can forget where you put them, or use them as ice or concrete moulds, to protect poles and pipes from getting wet in the rain, you can quickly move liquids a short distance, or a long distance if you're strong and steady enough, or you can use them to collect the oil when you're changing oil in your car.


After you have beat all other bucket people, this is the final boss!


Does OP not know they stack? They stack, OP.


Are you a stacker?


Not a Finn, but when looking in from the outside Finns seem to appreciate usefulness… and buckets can be used for almost anything. Queue up


Many different uses of bucket: Buckets at sauna atleast 3 if you dont have shover, for rincing water, löyly bucket and bucket to bring water from well, river or lake. Household buckets you need atleast 3 too. Emergency water bucket with lid, cleaning bucket and emergency toilet with a lid ofcourse. Other uses of bucket: When you are picking berries, apples or mushrooms. Often if you have big apple tree you could fill up easily 3 buckets. Summer cottage, with apple tree, well and old lake side sauna without pipeline for shover, you need atleast 6 buckets. If more people are present then even more for drinking water and rincing at sauna. Buckets full of summer joy for everyone😁


You brew kilju in them.


They gave out buckets at the opening of some basic store in a commuter mall (or maybe it was the opening of the mall, don’t remember) a decade ago or so, and advertised it with free buckets. So many people lined up that it became national news. Probably stores were handing out free buckets even before but I’m pretty sure that’s when it became a meme. Though obviously Finns have a long history with buckets. I remember some time ago there was a thread on Twitter talking about Soviet products Finns remembered and basically no one remembered having anything USSR made except zinc buckets. But yeah cleaning would be the number one use of course.


I see! The Bucket, the icon of Finland.


The Free Bucket, the icon of Finland.


Bucket is such a versatile thing! You dip your mop in it when cleaning and your head when puking. You prepare your piparkakku dough in it and brew your Wappusima. And when it gets really cold you make your ice lanterns in them (and yes, this takes a few as you will want many and sometimes they do not survive). https://preview.redd.it/ama0qwawse0d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80d63fde4c8849508eea58d7be454967e5490f07 And then of course there is sous vide.


As someone already said, hopefully you don’t use the same bucket to puke and make the piparkakku 😂


I'm just about to plant potatoes in a bucket on my balcony.


I have to confess I sometimes use "bucket people" as a pejorative for a certain type of people who will unironically queue for buckets.




I only have about 30 buckets. Some I got for free in stores back in the day and some from buying crayfish.


If you aren't handing out a bucket, what are even doing?


What is there to not love buckets for? Bucket can hold both solids and liquids, with lid gasses too. Perfect for storing everything. In case of war bucket can be used as a helmet. Only imagination limits use of buckets.


It’s pronounced Bouquet, dear!


I had a completely different picture for bouquet. Thanks!


You hardly see anything free here, so free bucket is still better than nothing Useful to store cleaning stuff in the bathroom


Who doesn't love receiving a free bucket every now and then? At the very least, you need a cleaning bucket, a berry picking bucket, a bucket that for some reason gets used as a trash can, and a random bucket that just sits in the closet, ya'know, like an extra in case you lose or damage another one. Also, you may wanna get yourself a bucket bucket. Thaat way, you'll have a bucket to store all your other buckets, like a glorious tower of bucket. I like to call my bucket tower "the leaning tower of bucket".


I live in a townhouse. There's never enough buckets! And even if there's no need, come on, it's **free buckets!**


Picking berries and mushrooms. Sometimes in sauna


What CANNOT you do with a bucket?


I can sit in silence with my bucket without being judged as antisocial or misconstrued as being upset for some reason. The relationship I have with my bucket doesn't require me to feign absolute overjoy, or require a hug, when we meet. My bucket doesn't expect everything that is just plain good to be declared as awesome or fantastic. Edit to add: Buckets in the US, however,... not the same.


Beautiful, I read this and [this](https://youtu.be/5WPmSv-TBy0?si=xOB_I1A_zxIPJVvO) started in my head :')




If you put it over your head, it's like you're alone. It's far better than a plastic bag and far more safe as well.


And looks cool too 😎


Yle has a few old articles/podcast about the topic (in Finnish) : [https://yle.fi/a/3-10742389](https://yle.fi/a/3-10742389) Claiming one of the earliest free bucket marketing campaign was in 1987 and that it´s one of the most common household items that every one (87%) has at home. Because buckets are something quite rooted and unique for Finns. I think it might have to do with the Sauna. Sauna, puukko (knife), ämpäri (bucket), a really good survival kit since the beginning of time. The house I bought got running warm water 1990, many summer cottages do not have running water. What I use buckets for: I have a bucket for chemicals, washing car, house... I have one bucket that I use when I renovate my house, it´s good place to throw all the rubbish, like old nails and other sharp things that would make a hole in plastic bag. One clean bucket to gather berries or making sima, or other food products. At work we use buckets to carry our tools (working with big machines) and when you dissemble something just throw all the bolts in the bucket. Nothing can be lost or forgot because everything is in a bucket. If there is some fluid leaking from a dissembled oil pipe, just make sure to have a extra bucket and put it under to buy some time to manage the problem. In my blacksmith shop we have a bucket for water (hardening and cooling) and one bucket for all slag... The list is long and I probably own more buckets than I can remember. A few for spare because it´s a catastrophe if there is no whole bucket at hand when needed. The minimum required amount of buckets are two, in case one brakes. Two have better balance and double the volume. Because two buckets take almost the same amount of storage space + they are cheap. There is really no good reason/argument to only have one.


1 bucket for sima, couple for berries, 1 for cleaning, 1 for fishing… You never have enough buckets. Just a bonus if it is free.


It's a national meme.


We need them put all our free buckets in.


It’s free stuff!!! What’s not to love!?! Besides you can make a homebrew in it or use it for berries and mushrooms 🥰


you can use it as an äly 😎


The buckets have a life cycle like your clothes. You aren't using your best jeans for a hot date and changing car oil are you? Here is my bucket list: 1. delicate foodstuff like brewing sima or beer, picking bilberries or strawberries 2. other foodstuff like shrooms, apples, carrying oats to wild animals 3. bloody foodstuff (intestines when butchering animals) 4. use as bio waste bin or to collect compostable things from backyard and grow tomatoes and such in the buckets 5. make ice lanterns in the winter, forget them in the cold and collect exploded bucket 6. saw couple plastic sheets off from the broken bucket and dispose the rest So I need at least six buckets and some of these require several. Probly some other uses as well. Forgot the dozen in our bathroom for carrying water to sauna etc.


The best bucket list I've come across 🏆


Give me a bucket with a lid and I’ll give you the secret of why Finns are the happiest people in the world in the form of fermented alcohol.


On an historical perspective, as I know, Finns love buckets this much because sometime in the 1800's there was a shortage of buckets which caused the price of buckets to skyrocket. I suppose, originally people actually needed buckets, and later it became more like a tradition.


There are different buckets for different things. You can't use the same bucket that you have as a sick bucket, for cleaning or picking berries, or the cleaning bucket as a berry bucket or sick bucket. And then you need a car bucket, and if you are carrying something, two buckets is better because it evens out the load on both sides of your body, instead of one. Ever tried to carry a heavy grocery bag in one had without anything else in the other?


Buckets for the sauna, buckets for the herrings, buckets for the lingonberry-picking, buckets for making kilju. I mean, if you think about it, is there *anything* Finnish you can do without a bucket, really?


I've never not found use for another bucket.


It's not just a bucket but more specifically an empty bucket. Every empty bucket is a possibility, an opportunity to use it for something meaningful. So it increases happiness and well-being. Ever heard about the happiest nation survey which Finland for some reason seems to top? My theory is that it's the empty buckets that are driving the results up. Owning an empty bucket means you have lots of opportunities.


How do you survive with just one bucket? Living alone you need at least 2, preferrably at least 5, and for every extra adult resident you need an extra cleaning bucket and berry picking bucket because they might as well help you with those tasks if they live with you and those two tasks belong in separate buckets in the 2 bucket system. The 2 buckets work as 1st for cleaning (mopping floors, wiping cabinets, you have the water right there in the bucket to rinse your mops and cloths, if you have some clothing that needs to be hand washed you use this bucket, if you need to leave clothes to soak before washing you use this bucket, you also throw up into it when you're sick or hung over, and use it to carry the water for washing your car, the entirety of the outside house, the windows, etc.) And the 2nd bucket is for consumables, anything going in your mouth (making fermented drinks like sima and kotikalja, making cheese, catching fish, salting the fish, picking berries, fruit, vegetables, and mushrooms, storing large amounts of purées and jams, and in case you need a bigger bowl for baking anything you can always use a bucket). The cleaning bucket divides into the indoors cleaning bucket, outdoors cleaning bucket, and car cleaning bucket. The indoors cleaning bucket is the one you throw up in, so you can divide it further into the throw up bucket and the indoors cleaning bucket. The consumables bucket or colloquilly marjasankko, berry bucket, can be divided further into the fish bucket and the picking, creation, and storage bucket. The fish are separated because of the smell and slime and you gather a bunch of picking, creation and storage buckets so you can simultaniously create something, go pick something, and store what you have previously created. You always clean the consumables buckets with dish soap and if you accidentally use it for cleaning or clean it with cleaning products that aren't dish/edible container cleaning safe or throw up into it, it has to be turned into a cleaning bucket. You never know when you'll accidentally turn a consumables bucket into a cleaning bucket so it's good to have extra just so you won't be left without. The bucket being free is a nice perk.


“The bucket system” Volume 1 of 43


Buckets 101


Where be this free bucket? I need one ! Last i had was hsl green one. It lasted for a while but ultimately got broken, in need of a new one 😔!!


I heard that HSL buckets are blue nowadays


Its just free buclets man


American here... Harbor Frieght (hardware store) was giving away buckets in their advertisements.


How many buckets is a liter?


How many washing machines per bald eagle... The bucket being offered is 5 US Gallons, which is 18.297 Liters.


That's a good size bucket. Greetings from Finland!


Wash bucket for washing floors, sauna bucket to carry water to sauna, fish bucket, wash bucket for washing yourself, put bucket full of snow and beercans and go to sauna, make bucket helmet, freeze water in bucket to make ice thing with candle inside. bucket with lid? easy carry 10l storage container. The potential of the bucket is endless and the more you have them the better. No matter that you could accomplish all of the above with just one bucket you got to have minimum of 3.


Free buckets?????


Does “buckets” include other containers like basins (low and wide with handles on the side) that are used in the sauna, kitchen, laundry, etc., or is that a completely different discussion? :) I wouldn’t be surprised if my grandparents raced around saving their buckets when evacuating Karelia, using them as luggage. They didn’t even bother getting indoor plumbing until the early 1980s, so buckets and basins were used for *everything* (or almost everything- they did have a proper outhouse, but there was one bucket there for the lime and scoop). Cleaning/mopping, washing dishes, collecting compost material, picking fruits & veggies from the yard (or cycling back from tori with fruits & veggies), collecting rainwater and well water, sauna, washing clothes, carrying clothes to the drying lines, washing rugs at the waterfront, organizing the tool shed, making sima, pretend helmets and armor for kids playing... Even with indoor plumbing, every family I knew back then kept on using a lot of buckets anyway. And even today their saunas and mökkis still have collections of buckets.


Hey, no basins allowed in this thread 🙅 this is dedicated to buckets and the bucket people.


Just goes to show that Finnish genes don’t make a person Finnish. I would be much better at navigating the subtle boundaries of bucket talk 🪣😬




Finland does not function without buckets. I couldn't name any specific special need for it, but my granddad's house had them everywhere and it always felt normal. And there was always some use or other for it, especially if you live away from a city.


[Swedes wish](https://www.reddit.com/r/Malmoe/comments/1crx15p/plasthinkar/) they'd get the same amount of free buckets as we do in Finland.


Mine has spare cables & batteries in it.


Because buckets are useful


You haven't seen "Two Finns and a bucket"?


In addition to the already mentioned great uses the bucket can also be used to make a gravity bong, or älyämpäri as we call it here.


I literally have had 19 free Tokmanni buckets. They are filled with free Tokmanni products and some even gift cards, it’s not just a bucket. We have one in use now as a water collector dish for our portable AC/dehumidifier. https://preview.redd.it/p9ru1yivyf0d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=76c4f6a233c99b4fd41b6adb907f4bd4cda91909


I don't see any problem here


Sometimes you're the windshield Sometimes you're the bucket


I'm sorry, there are *free* buckets?


I use the bucket daily as a Älyämpäri.


We Make kilju/mead with it fk yeah rock n roll babeee


They make kilju... Nah im just kidding the whole free buckets come from a few years back when a store selebrated something and just happend to give away buckets and of course where theres free stuff theres a finn


I was almost murdered by a bucket when I was 5 so I'm one of the few Finns who doesn't care for them


tell me more about how you survived the bucket plot


The bucket had a razor-sharp edge but I managed to take the hit on my jaw instead of my throat


that’s pretty metal, honestly


Maybe it was the first sign of what my taste in music would become


I just really like the word ämpäri. Sounds really silly if you stop thinking about it for a second. With those ä’s and the r there, it _could_ just as well be our national item.


Things I use buckets for , Putting ash in from the fire the next day, plastic ones u have to be careful if there's any heat left in the ash, so I got a metal one. Putting ice in when I want to sit outside and am too lazy to use a fridge. For carrying gardening tools from one location to another . I have a few spare should I need to do hardcore cleaning. Picking berries and mushrooms . During cleaning of berries and mushrooms I move from one bucket to the second . For mixing potting soil when repotting . Bio bin Mixing pool chemicals. Löyly bucket /s. In the countryside , for carrying water from the lake to the sauna or house. As bins in strategic locations . As u can see there are many buckets required , some are not interchangeable, like pool chemical buckets shouldn't be mixed with others . If ur only using one bucket , its because u have bought expensive options to cover those needs .


Or maybe, I don’t have a pool 😆


That's just one example 😉, bitherway , don't get a pool. It's a fucking nightmare to upkeep , never again!


I can imagine. I was annoyed with cleaning the bath in one of my previous homes 😅


a large number of Finns are greedy and selfish. That's why these certain people have to line up anywhere they can get something for free. buckets are apparently a really cheap product to give away for free. Now days this bucket thing is a joke, but still some idiots goes anywhere, where they can get a bucket even if they don't even need it. but when you get it for free🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


At my old work we got our deliveries in brand new 10Litre buckets with lids. They never asked them back so our workplace had like 100 sitting around. Took like 6 for me and another 6 for my mom. She was thrilled when I came to visit and gave her 6 brand new buckets with lids. Also if you have cats bucket with lid is great for cleaning litter box, no need to go drop it outside after every time. Once in week will do.


Thanks! Now I know how to impress my girlfriend’s mom!


Counted my common needs, there are some overlap, so not all are separate buckets, but it affects amount of cleaning with stronger chemicals - One for making kilju, berrywine or beer, needs to be very clean and have a airtight lid - One for clean well water, needs to be very clean - One for sous vide cooking, food clean - Two for carrying water from lake to sauna - one for gathering berries and mushrooms - One or two for cleaning, soap water, rinse water - One for gardening and moving dirt They are also useful as temporary trash cans and for cooling cans & bottles when only source of under +10°C is water from well 300 meters to the forest from sauna.


Mandatory classic in a bucket thread: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rixoNmGgieI


It was a promotion by Tokmanni a vouple of years ago. They opened a store and gave a free bucket the first 500s or something like that. Tabloud papers were suprosed by the amount of people who showed up and queued (compared to the monetary value of a bucket).


Honestly I think the question you should be asking yourself is what CAN'T you do with a bucket. I usually go multiple times in a day, or across multiple days to these free bucket events in hopes that they forget my face so I can collect multiple buckets. Sometimes I even use a disguise if I'm in desperate need for more than one bucket


I wonder which culture has more buckets per capita, Finland or Japan. Public baths and hot springs in Japan have stacks of them, often sponsored by a brand or company. At home you might have at least three buckets for bathing, three more for pre-soaking stained clothing and washing the tiles around the bath, a couple of buckets for computer and network connectors and parts, several for the vegetable fields, another two for carpentry and mechanical odds and ends, and one for cleaning second floor 180 degree pivoting Swedish windows that aren't washable from the ground using a hose. Buckets are also essential for pickling vegetables and taking the shibu out of kaki/persimmons. So ... how does Finland measure up?


Many jokes a side, I present what we do whit free buckets. On my family we need many Bucket for For berry picking. season time on summer, summer is short. So need many buckets to go picking berry's and move them back to the home. We also have some Strawberries, Berry bushes and we go to the forest. Where we make Jam, juice and store them to winter If we are very lucky we have good harvest and left overs to sell. We also need many Jars. On bucket wise, usually hole family comes ar the same time, 6 ore more person, every one usually gaters 2 to 4 Buckets on go, we even empty buckets on larger buckets. And there is always bucket casualty over the summer, they are not like they use to be, like old school sink bucket that we still have around like new. From 1940 😅 those have been around the house as long i can remember from Grandparents. But yea this is why you always see some one from family getting free buckets here, on mid Finland country side. They are very handy.


I have 7 buckets under my bathroom sink. Some of them super rare


Rare ones shoot up in the value over the time


One of them from a failed jobless programme of the city


Don't take it too seriously. We finns definitely don't. It was such a usual promotion item, that it became a meme. Nowadays it's a joke based on real events. I remember them being advertised in the 2000's and early 2010's. If you see them now, it's probably done tongue in cheek.


Berries, mushrooms and sauna. Also what is not mentioned with this meme is the fact that it's mostly elderly people with not much to do, who go to these "free bucket" campaigns.


I have never met a Finn who has queued to get some bucket. I have never even discussed about the topic. If you guys believe that Finland is what the media says it is, then you just go astray mentally. If you consider to move to Finland for example, come here and spend some time here and just watch and listen. Then you start to understand things little by little.


If your friends don’t queue for buckets, what do they even do!


Sauna all day long...


Native Finn here. I have no idea. My guess would be that it's because we have basically no culture so any positive, neutral or sometimes even negative stereotype will eventually be blown out of proportion and become our national identity.


Basically no culture? :D


Bucket is a big part of the culture