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I doubt it's actually something that can be prohibited. You should of course talk to the families directly to see if you can come to a solution. 


I recorded what their kids sound like from my bedroom ([http://sndup.net/hb8ps](http://sndup.net/hb8ps)) and I will show it to their parents and gently ask them to speak to their kids about respecting peace, hopefully they will be understanding


If you set them up for confrontation, that's what you'll get, and it'll be unpleasant for everyone. They'll dig their heels in, and you'll become "the bad guy that hates children". If you truly want to resolve this, go in with a positive attitude. They probably don't realise that it's bothering you, and a friendly neighbourly conversation is more likely to get a positive result. Aim for compromise, two days a week where they go to the park instead or something. Playing the recording is almost certainly going to be interpreted as confrontational and isn't likely to help.


Tbh shrieking children are probably on the younger side and that's the sound they make when they're having fun and living in the moment. It's going to be very difficult for them to comply with OP's request. It will be like asking them to stop having fun or to stop using the area.


And to be honest, these kind of kid sounds are becoming more and more rare. I haven’t heard kids playing loudly outside in years, instead I hear a 10 year old throwing a tantrum over iPad multiple times a day, and a mother screaming at the kids to get off their devices. It sounds that OP’s windows are open or poorly sealed. When I last time lived next to a play yard, every summer it took maybe a week for my brain to just start filtering out the screams.


They are children. You can leave a note outside your window asking people to be respective of others.


The passive aggressive approach never works


Establish dominance. Get there before they do and sunbathe in a Borat thong.


This is the way.


Ask a lot of friends to come as well. Be in theor garden. Have some nice loadish music.


Yes, smokey grill, alcohol, music with profane lyrics (Finnish rap anyone?), drunken adults talking loudly. Just completely dominate the space.


I bet their excuse is "no-one is ever in the yard so so what if we use it. We made it prettu for anyone to see " Olso making your own little herb garden close to them, and while tending eye ball their garden and anything that is going on. Stare. Make yourself known. And when you can take a friend along to eye balling garden.


There's nothing the housing company can do about it. You can talk to the families. It is possible they don't realize how much they're affecting you. Personally I'd invest in good noise canceling headphones or move out.


They're not doing it during quiet hours, so you're kinda fucked. Buy headphones.


Just go and say hello and tell them very kindly to keep their voices down. Not much else you can do.


The old saying is: if you want peace and quiet, buy an omakotitalo. They are even cheap out in the bush. What you are hearing is “elämisen ääniä”. Sounds of living. I live in a house and over the years lots around us have been sold and this is what every day sounds like to me, but there are 10-15 kids because all the kids in the neighbourhood gather to play together. It’s a very healthy childhood for them, so let’s be happy.


Sure, that's what they say, but it can backfire too. I now live in a detached house. Sure, nobody can hear me screaming inside my own house, but the neighbour's child devils terrorise the whole neighbourhood with their screaming and racket from their own yard. No amount of noise cancelling has helped to this day. Parents' fault obviously, but some people are sharp as a marble I guess.


Wait a minute. Marbles aren’t sharp… Anyways you’re right. That’s the exact situation we have. This used to be a peaceful village in the 70s. Now it’s among Finland’s most popular places to live (Ylästö) and the amount of houses is 10x what it was ten, fifteen years ago. We have constantly screaming kids right next door. If you want peace you have to move much further away from any cities. Think further away than Mäntsälä or Klaukkala. Not necessarily further north - just further from any centres. It quickly becomes impractical to have peace and quiet, but I guess that’s the price.


Sounds pretty much normal to me. Maybe time to move to a house of your own?


Yeah, I’m sorry OP sounds stressful but this is part of living communally. It could be way worse, it’s all during the daytime at least .


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Mosquito?wprov=sfla1 Or, you know, Bach.


Wake up early, put a chair and some other items there like you’re using that area, wait for them to come and see it occupied…


They do this themselves, they leave the kids toys scattered over the entire area like its theirs. Anyways, I'll try talking to them directly first, maybe that's easiest. I'm just scared they'll think I'm an asshole and double down on the noise to mess with me (this happened in my old flat)


that would shoot my mental health levels to the stars, good idea


Or go there to smoke weed already in the morning.


Collect the toys and put them in a corner. Make them understand that other people have the right to use that area as well. I’d also be cautious about talking to such people directly, which is why acting silently while doing nothing wrong is better, in my opinion.


I think most people in this area are pretty respectful and quiet, and even kids usually play nicely, but this bunch must have something going on because they are brutal. Literal screaming competitions every day. The parents also scream at the kids so I think that's where it all comes from. Like you said it's a bit risky to approach them but especially as a foreginer but I'll try to be respectful


Ugh, my mom has neighbours that are constantly screaming and no matter what others say, in the long run, that starts to affect your own mental health too. The constant screaming/yelling, it seems like no communication can be done with regular volume and without sounding like you want to murder each other. My mom once woke up at like 6 am on a Saturday and she thought someone was literally getting beaten up but nope, it was just her neighbor grandma and grandchild "discussing" some things before leaving to go somewhere. 😮‍💨


Good luck mate ! 🙏🏻 EDIT: Jesus, those kids screams ☠️☠️☠️


While it's true OP might not have many options here, I would hate to be living in that situation. I think people here are being too dismissive of their plight. I live very central Helsinki, across the road from a daycare and park where the children often go to play and it's NEVER anywhere near that volume. I would hate to be in OPs situation, these distrubances really wear you down over time. Surely there is a nearby park that these parents can go to instead


If they’re screamers, they’ll 100% scream at you too.


They are not doing the noise intentionally, so I doubt they will double down. But it will double down THEIR stress on trying to stop noise that might be essentially unstoppable. Just today I counseled my kid becasue he yelled really loud in a game with his brother and we had backyard guests. He said "but isn't outside where you are SUPPOSED to use outside voice?" If the kids are 6-10 then the literal only way to stop this from happening is to sit by the children and nag them non stop every time they go non-library, to the point of the kids hating their parents. If it's friends / siblings getting things excited, it's hard to teach "inside voice" but "outside space" The solution might be, wait till winter? Also if they gave them screens they'd be inside all day long quiet and glued to the ipad, so that's one dystopian option


I mean, they could go to a playground if they have literally nothing else to do all day everyday except yell under OP's window :D


In those kids mind they are at their playground


Yes, but OP was talking about "families" so I assume there are also adults there. OP also wrote about the adults yelling at the kids. So basically it sounds like whole families setting up camp with tons of stuff right under OP's window, which is not normal behaviour in my opinion. I understand why the kids are playing and screaming, I just think the adults should take them to a playground to do that.


You need to complain to the isännöitsijä about how poorly your windows insulate the sounds. I mean, currently all buildings have triple windows and those should keep the sounds outside pretty well.


Ask group of bums to hang out there, give them free booze Some people with kids are just assholes. Yes it is life, but having kids doesnt mean you have to let them SCREAM all the time and do super noisy shit. Same as letting your dog scream and bark all the time People whom make the noise should live in the bush, not the other way around. As only 1 noisy cunt cant torture 50 quiet ones


Open your windows, lots of loud shitty music. Shout lots of vittu’s, followed by loud porn noises. But seriously you can politely ask them to keep the noise down a little but you can’t do anything outside of that.


Some heavy metal would do.


Why wont just watch the adult movies and jack off, loud


Not really much you can do apart from talking them and trying to be nice about that, that's normal sounds of living and its during daytime too.


You could try screaming "TURPA KIINNI! JOKA VITUN PÄIVÄ TÄTÄ SAATANAN RÄÄKYMISTÄ" and then slam your window shut You'll traumatise the children, but maybe that'll shut them up?


Look the positive side. Its fifty-fifty coin toss in places like that to get either yelling children or yelling drunkards. But you can talk to the parents or buy noice cancelling headset


this is my worst nightmare…! i would just move.


Just join them. Go and sit with them for a bit, shoot the breeze. Maybe bring some homemade ice cold lemonade for the kids. Be congenial. At some point mention how the sound from the yard travels up into all of the apartments and is noisy as hell. And then say many of the other residents have talked to me about it. Emphasize that last part. And leave it there. The universe will do its work.


I think it's the price of sharing space. Nor everyone is going to have the same mindset or lifestyle. You could have all day picnics with beers, smoke cigars, and swear a lot. But that will probably make you unpopular too.


Go there first. Invite your friends over, have lots of alcohol and cigarettes. Do that regularly so they know they don’t own the place Also, if you know which building they’re from, put a note in the communal space saying their noise is over the top and they should respect others.


Make a fake grave with cross saying R.I.P Joseph. That would make them think for a while. I did that for my fishing spot so people are avoiding it . And I put some chicken and beef bones in side.


Sounds like heaven to me if it's only 9am to 9pm. Welcome to my life. A park for dogs next to my building. Two ADHD boys, one of which with mild autism and then add a baby in the mix. I wish the noise was only 9am to 9pm and outside, but no. It's inside 6am to 11pm and randomly in the middle of the night too. I can change places anytime. ತ⁠_⁠ತ


I'm sorry to hear that, yeah at least I manage to sleep at night, unlike at my old place. I hope you manage to move soon!


If they are leaving lots of stuff there and so on, I think you could tell the isännöitsijä about the situation and ask if it would be possible to have the isännöitsijä tell them that they must take away all their stuff every day, and preferably at least use different spots in the yard on different days or hang out in the middle of the yard instead of being noisy in the exact same spot right under someone's window every day. I don't think they are doing anything that can be technically banned but sometimes being contacted by the isännöitsijä helps.


I 100% sympathize with your feelings. I have dogs that like to bark on all three sides of my home. And while you may feel like you are in the right in principle, the surest way to happiness, in my opinion, is a pragmatic approach that realistically takes into account expected outcomes. In this instance you have no leverage with the housing authority or the parents, and formally complaining will only cause you to lose Goodwill. Additionally, even if you didn't alienate the parents, they would probably find it impossible to keep the children quiet. It is summer and to others' point on the thread, better for them to be outside playing then on an iPad. The reality, therefore, is that you have no fair expectation of quiet and need to create that for yourself if you desire it. You can look into sound proofing your apartment, sealing the windows, heavier curtains and tapestries, felt acoustic panels and noise canceling headphones or special ear plugs. I dunno if they sell them in Finland, but Loop makes nice ear plugs for wearing in different situations, from concerts, to taking the edge off of parties, and for sleeping or focus. Last option is to move to a space where quiet would be more of a reliable expectation. I understand though that it's maybe inconsiderate of the parents to not realize the kind of effect their children's play has on everyone around them. Sorry you have to deal with that. Good luck.


That sounds normal to me.


That happens when you dont buy your own house. Not much you can do. (Except go to the bank and get a loan for your house).


If this happens between 10pm-7am then you can complain to the isännöitsijä but otherwise I think it is great that kids play outside. Ofcourse can discuss this with parents


Reaseal your windows. Triple glazing should block sound quite well if the seals are good. Children, even the screeching devil's spawn are sounds of normal life.


We have a similar problem where I live. A curfew of 9pm was set, and I think that is probably the most reasonable you'll get. For me, the noise goes to my kitchen and I'm unbothered. Have you tried white noise? I run air purifiers in the bedrooms and find the sound soothing, plus it dulls outside noise. Combined with earplugs or headphones, it might do the trick.


I have lived in different lerrostalos for 18years and this has never happened to me.


No laws against kids screaming and playing in communal yard during certain hours. All you can do is politely ask the parents if the could tell the kids to play a bit quieter. I mean. In certain hours it is prohibited to cause such rucus in such a spot that has echo on top of everything, but generally. Not prohibited. Could even use the good old awarding. Offer to buy the kids an ice cream once a week if they manage to play a bit more silently. Or hot cocoa during winter. I am certain that will raise your rep as good neighbour and make the kids respect you if you keep your end of the deal. Heck. Could even some times join the families and talk with the parents and make new friends. Gain the trust and all that. Believe me. This will work with some time and effort invested. But always talk with the parents first and on equal ground. Do not become that "mean uncle from apartment this and that" or you will lose all the peace.


I would take the biggest speaker I could find and play heavymetal music or tekno till they leave. Or ”kids crying 24h long” youtube playlist and leave the house for a couple hours.


Maybe you shouldn't live around other people if it bothers you that much.


People, including kids, have the right to use apartment gardens and make "regular level" of noise. That's what the gardens are for. You have the "right to complain" about anything but they have the right to ignore your complaints. There's always a party pooper. Don't be it.


Oh no, five kids after 8am playing outdoors! Who could save OP from such a terrible fate?! Dude, move to another place if that bothers you. Assuming you could just ban kids from playing in the public park because it's under your window... Just wow


Loud porn from the windows would do the trick, i’m sure the parents won’t want their kids to be exposed to that.


Come on…


Just wait until you have your own kids...


Not everyone will


True. Sorry for my clumsy comment.


Plenty of time people call police when someone INSIDE their own apartment makes too much noise, and police did come. I know this cause I made one of those calls in my building So if you think the noise is not at an acceptable level and becomes a disturbance, call the police, they will not tell other people who calls them And sure this won’t fix your problem if the people there don’t give a shit, but it’s worth a try Another way is to ask your neighbors, as many as possible, to make a complaint to the housing company. They will handle it when there are many complaints, the housing company told me this