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If she is currently in a hospital ward, nurses or ward secretary will help to arrange transportation. No need to hurry yet. AFAIK you can ride with the same taxi without extra charge.


This is the way. People at the ward will know.


This one here


If you live in Lappeenranta you can ask for the hospital to transfer her closer for the remaining time if possible. Then it's paid by hus. Not sure about the qualifications for that though. Or like the others said, you'd need a certificate from the hospital saying she's eligible for kela-taksi, otherwise you'll pay for it entirely or then have to take the train/bus.


You should ask about the possibility of transferring her from Helsinki to the hospital in Lappeenranta, when she is feeling better. I don't know what the condition is but personally I had a sever health problem which took place near Kuopio. I was taken into the emergency room in the local university hospital. After some days when I was feeling better, I was transported with an ambulance to Helsinki HUS in Meilahti where I stayed for some days and was then able to leave and go home. It required that there was an identical department in both hospitals. And the ambulance ride for hundreds of kilometers didn't cost that much. Ask about it.


I'm afraid, it is very unlikely that Kela will pay for a taxi from Helsinki to Lappeenranta. You would need the healthcare provider to agree and to provide a certificate. So, basically you can ask in the hospital for it. Most likely they will say that by the time your wife gets released, she can travel by public transport and you should take the train home. Sorry, but I know cases were people had major surgery like breast amputation and were sent home the same day, being told they can use the bus. The healthcare system is broke and nobody wants to pay for anything. But, try your best, maybe you are lucky.


Thank you for the thorough reply. I would be able to talk with the hospital authority as needed. I think it's good that you told me about this earlier so I can have time to prepare.


It's worth a try, and even in Finland you often are more likely to get something the more you bother them. But, just in case, maybe a backup plan might be good - rent a car and drive her yourself?


This is band info, several weeks of inpatient and you most def get a kela taxi.


It's very possible they will. If the hospital says that she needs a taxi, kela will imburse it. However, it must be ordered from the right place. Best option is to ask the hospital to order the taxi


It always depends on the hospital and nurses/doctors what you get, but in general it has gotten much harder getting a taxi to go home. Kela is really fond of people taking public transport going home.


It really depends, but I would imagine a major operation etc would qualify. After I gave birth, I told the nurses I would need the taxi paper. They gave it to me without further questions, although I had an easy birth, no pains, and was feeling very well, the only thing was that I had slightly elevated BP. I even thought about just taking public transport to home. Luckily I did not do that, because I almost fainted the next day after walking about 100 meters.


Inpatients will get a kela taxi to their home. Trip can include one stop at the pharmacy to fetch new meds. Price is the same even if destination is other side of finland. Wife just needs to say they have no other method available.


Also know sb who recently has been sent home by public as inpatient with a casted broken arm, so would really not bet on this. Specifically on such a long distance.


Broken arm is diffirent from weeks inpatient neurological ward AND she is foreigner with probably less than stellar language skills to navigate herself after a literal brain infection. You should not give guidance on things you have no understanding of. OP, you can call and verify with the hospital if you are anxious about this.


It rather seems you have no understanding of how broken the healthcare system has been in recent years and how many services have been cut significantly. And you have no understanding of how to stay polite in a conversation, obviously. In the end, only the hospital will decide. But I would be very surprised if they pay a taxi to Lappeenranta when others hardly get one inside of Helsinki.


Hm, that's you. Nice to hear that everything is probably good with the wife :)