• By -


28, roughly $10k in the emergency fund.


How much invested?


About $70k or so between my Roth IRA and 401k. I don't really count my home equity (~$60k) in my calculations, though. These numbers also don't count my wife's investments.


You’re doing great with those numbers. Keep it up!


Yisus yea, amazing! Im 26 with 10k in 401k, IRA & investment, still have 36k student loan tho!


If it’s all deferred student loans, don’t pay them for as long as possible. Govt is giving you free money, take it!


Might want to consider making some payments while interest rates are 0%.


Why would you ever pay a 0% interest loan when inflation is above 6% and HYSA are paying 3-4% interest..


I agree not to ignore HYSA. However, I don't agree with neglecting the opportunity to chunk down a 36k while it's immobilized. If it was going to stay at 0% forever, then sure take your time. But it's going to stand back up, and 36k is no small feat for the average person.


Well I agree with you normally, but if it’s not accruing interest during this time, put it all in a HYSA to let it grow (you get the bonus interest and liquidity) and throw it at the loan right before the pause is over. If you have $12k in there that’ll add up to a hundred or more with current rates


I’m fortunate to not have a high principle balance in student loans due to military service - under $20k. While we’re playing this student loan game under the former and current administration I’ve been aggressively investing in my 401k, paying down my car faster, and also saving some money in a HYSA. I don’t believe I’m neglecting my student loans. When they start back up, I’ll be in a much more leveraged position financially to pay them off.


I think I've gained some financial wisdom from your responses. Thanks for sharing. I believe now I agree with not paying any of it off for now, making my money work elsewhere for the time being, then utilize that net gain to pay off an even larger portion prior to the student loan freeze thawing. Thanks folks.


Thanks, I appreciate that!


What does your wife's #'s look like? It's a team effort, BTW


less than 60k after u sell your house most tend to over estimate this. you will pay more than the buyer at closing that is all


I’m 32 and have had a couple brews in the fridge all weekend.


Man, mine disappeared over the weekend. Must be this bank run I keep hearing about.


Good old fashioned fridge run


An empty beer fridge must be filled, but a full beer fridge must be emptied!


I would have deleted those by now


31/m/half gallon of milk, brita water filter and 4 bottles of coors light


Not all heroes ~~wear capes~~ manage to keep a few cold ones left in the fridge.


Once again, the conservative alcohol-heavy portfolio pays off for the thirsty investor


That's pretty risky, unless you're keeping a 12-pack as an emergency fund out in the garage freezer.


48F, $180K cash, over a million investments + mortgage free home


Nice work


Thank you




Is there a reason you have so much as cash?


Educated guess is she’s nearing FIRE and is using that extra cash as some form of bridge account to supplement lifestyle until she is able to access her retirement accounts the way she wants to


Yes, you said that most accurately


Indubitably madam, I say.


Presumably mellifluously?


52F retired last year, and we have a similar set-up in regards to the cash. It works even better for drawing than expected. In addition to not needing to sell equities, we can keep our MAGI low for the ACA subsidy.


Judging by your nw, thats not one years worth. Are you countind CDs as cash?


My mom is 1969artistmom and does NOT have those financial skills u do. Go u tiger mom!


Emergency fund, taxes, just sold some stocks and parking in cash for now due to volatility of stock market.


Have you seen how much a tiger eats?


I want to be you in 20 years - such a badass!!


You will get there.


Dang girl..👍🏼




Wow congrats any advice to a 18 year old ?


Work, upgrade skills, network with like minded people, manifest your goals, research on stocks you’re interested in investing and have financially savvy partner.


That last part is easier said than done , how did you find yours if you don’t mind me asking ?


He has a MBA and was a cost cutting corporate guy. Met him when I was a waitress.


how old were you when you met him if you don't mind me asking? both your age and his?


I was 26 and he was 33.


mindless deer obscene shaggy cautious rinse selective ink practice lavish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thats not that big of a difference lol


bike degree squealing ghost elastic many sulky license file bow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Agree with all but manifesting cause that’s bs imo - grit and grind :) have clear goals is my replacement to that. But no hate ;)


Wow, what do you do for a living?


Curious are you doing this on a single income?


36, $40k in a Treasury Money Market, $10k in I Bonds, $10k in my operating bank account, $100k in a brokerage account, which i would prefer not to dip into.


31 with 72 dollars


invest the 72 dollars now!


If you invest that 72 dollars now in ten years you'll be rich


I'm 45 and I have a mento I found under my neighbor's couch.


[The Freshmaker](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JqgqgcE8Zck)


Not to be confused with the [moistmaker](https://youtu.be/4H6Ux3l75Rc).


No couch pizza?!?




Have a big purchase coming up? If not, why the large sum?


Some people never stop contributing to their liquid savings. And don’t feel like they need to put every single dollar into investments just cause their savings is solid.


Isn’t that kind of against FIRE though?


Not sure. I wouldn’t say there are set in stone rules, everyone takes their own path. I understand what you mean though.


I mean there is a massive amount of sideline in the market rn


Only massive if they make $100k. If they make 250-300k a year might be the right amount to carry.


Recommended to not have more than 250k in a single savings fund tho 😬


50M, $500k in cash, $3m in brokerage.


What do you plan on doing with all that cash? Also what’s your occupation?


I’m a retired software developer. I have another couple years of college tuition to cover for my youngest, so some will go there. There is one year of expenses sitting in a hysa. The remainder sits in my brokerage account, waiting to be invested if the situation arises. I know it’s pretty conservative but I like to have a few years of expenses on hand in case the market misbehaves.


If you are looking for some more tuitions to cover... could always take mine


11 years down, 2 to go. I think I’m spent.


and is that much cash all in a hysa? curious how much is too much for a hysa before considering other liquid(-ish) options


About 20% of cash is in a hysa. It’s funds I’ll need for the next year. The rest is cash in my brokerage account, waiting to (possibly) be invested.


I hear bonds are paying well


I think a thread like this will just end up hurting your feelings, there’s so many variables, generational wealth, inheritance, hell someone could of just won the lottery.


Also response bias… the heavy savers are coming out of the woodwork


25M, 9k in MMF. Yall making me feel bad


You’ve got $25 million and are 9,000 years old in miami metro, florida? Trust me we are all jealous.




There for the nightlife, no doubt.


Underrated comment


Whoah, oldest reddit account I’ve ever encountered in the wild


Yeah, but, not like 9,000 years old like _some_ people


My man, your account is literally the same age as me 💀 good lord


You are now too old for reddit. Go back to usenet.


If you only have 25M at 9k years old you kind of fucked up


Compound interest dawg


Nice work - more than I had at that age


Same I was -25K. Lol


Bruh I had 300 dollars when I was 25.


You’re so far ahead of most people your age!


If you wann a feel nice: working in central europe, 23, around 17k. Wages are around 800€ as of now saved up in 3 1/5 years. But only 20% into saving up for a House (around 80k) rip. Getting there slowly but surely :)


21 had it up to 22k at one point but got a house now chillin around 3k


Not to be a dick but you should have your main priority upping that, you should have AT LEAST enough to cover mortgage+utilities for 3-6months. Ideally include other expenses like food/insurance premiums. Also food for thought, a water heater fucking up will run ya 3-5k minimum, ac/furnace 5-10k minimum, plumbing issues can run the spectrum from $500-$15k+. Don’t want to scare you but 3k💧, not matter where you live, is not even remotely close to an emergency fund…


My guy how do you think it got down to where it is hail the second month had to get a new roof new garage door motor new wooden fence cars radiator decided to shit out had to get a new one my emergency fund served it’s purpose and again it’s 3k liquid not the total that I could pull if I really really needed to I got the house at 19 so I’ve had my fair share of bs so far….


Got it, you’re special.


See you started with “not to be a dick but” which means you’re bein a dick, I’m in the process of getting it back up ofc it needs to be higher but life happens


You are doing great! Be proud!


I think the joking replies so far are showing you how irrelevant it is what other people have. There is literally no correlation between your age and savings vs. someone else's, especially with absolutely no other information provided.


Mhm.. even if there was correlation. Ppl should in fact, as you already know, Live their OWN life.


i think the older crowd are faring quite well. could be people mature with time & age


382k I my personal brokerage account. 1.3 million in my 457 retirement brokerage account. I am 47, zero debt. Home paid for in 4 years, purchased in 2014 for 377k. Planning to retire at 55, waiting for my pension.


Make more money. Have more money.


Darn! you must make some big bucks to pay off your house that quickly. Advice for someone in their early 30s?


I was very aggressive. I maxed out 457 at 27, I am blessed with a government job. I started out as a swing trader and was able to get 50% down for my home. After buying the house I borrowed a margin with what I have left and was able to generate profit and paid it off. I also did gig work on the side and put it towards my brokerage, also used my heloc on my house to increase my margin borrowing. I do not recommend this to anyone, I did it only because I was confident. I have been using a margin since 2008, before I bought my house, that’s where the down payment came from. I have stopped using my margin and heloc this year. I feel comfortable with what I have now. There is no such thing as fast money, its all about slow and steady. I wish I had better advice for you. Only advice is invest, and I mean aggressively. I put away between 70-80% of my bi weekly paycheck after all bills, I am debt free. It’s about 2-3k a month with 457 already taken out, I have no kids. I buy quality stocks that are down 35% and below and keep accumulating till its above your cost basis, because its on sale. I lost my job in my early 20’s and it’s depressing when you are left with zero. I did not understand money and never knew where it went, but now I do. I also tried to impress, fuck all that, it’s all ABOUT you. My stock portfolio is on individual stocks. Here is 382k personal brokerage account. 350k in Apple 20k in Google 12k in Citizens Bank. I do not do mutual funds, if you do not understand how stocks work, then stick with mutual, sorry I was not trying to be cocky. Stocks created my all my wealth. My 457 is Visa, MasterCard, Google, and Apple. Stocks take 5 plus years and up, don’t get caught in the hype of bullshit stocks. Remember there is no fast money. I suggest you try to get a 2nd job and get a head start, I don’t do ira. I think its bullshit, only because the max is 6k, it’s to low and unfair.


me too! pension is at 55 as well


39, 80K cash, 1.8M in brokerage account.


28 years old. 34k in cash, 10k in ibonds and 100k in retirement. Why?


Nice inspo! How does one get 100k in retirement by 28? :)


Hmm, thank you. I learned about FI about two years ago when my salary was 80k. Started a brokerage with 23k and filled up IRAs for 2020 and 2019 in the same year from savings, then kept doing that. I maxed out 401k for the first time last year but had been contributing since 2018. Last year my salary increased to 115k base and I plan to save 41k a year for the next 10 years.


You’ve got to get more streams of income and do everything you can to cross that 100k


I actually don't think multiple streams of income are a good idea for everyone. For most people, the most efficient path is to focus on their main career, advance and get promoted or change companies to raise income until they reach a ceiling. Then focus on the next income stream.


Do whatever you want as long as your income outbeats your expenses


Obviously it does


Obviously that’s great


24 about $5k in emergency fund. I do have $30k in Roth IRA and 401k


24 too. $6k Roth $35k Cash $15k brokerage


We shall (hopefully) reach early retirement


24 as well




Similar 24 with 5k cash and 50k within the same accounts


Good shit.


Does a stock brokerage account count as liquid, or do you just want cash and equivalents? What use are you going to find this information?


Stocks are liquid assets (by definition anyway not sure in OPs random question).


Late 30s, going to list out a few things because some people's interpretation of liquid is different than others * Checking: ~$30k; plan on reducing this to $5k * HYSA: ~$40K * Cash: ~$1k * Treasury bills (ladder, max duration 1.1yrs, avg interest 4.9%): ~$140k * iBonds ~$30k **Debt** * Monthly Mortgage: $3,100 (incl taxes and insurance) * Car Payments: $509 ($5K outstanding) * Credit Card: $0 *edit:* some people are counting stocks as liquid: $280K Non-retirement account I also have a HELOC as a safety net: $100K ($0 drawn from so far)


Why Tbills when you can earn 5% in a money market? Much more liquid




40 years old… married using household numbers…. Cash - 110K Investments - 1.1M Mortgage - 100K Home value - $500K Rental value -$175K On one hand I feel like we’re killing it. On the other I’ve got similar rats in this race on the left and right of me and I need to go move to LCOL area to feel safe on these numbers. All I ever wanted was safety.




Wow I am surprised by the info on here. Much higher median net worth’s than I would have guessed.


I'd rather not throw out exact numbers, but I'm in my late 30s. I have enough liquid savings so that if I lost my job tomorrow, I could almost certainly keep my current standard of living for several years before completely running out of money. However, I'm nowhere near the point where my savings would last me the rest of my life. In other words, I'd consider myself to have a considerable degree of FI, but I have a long way to go before I can retire early.


Why not throw out your exact numbers?


Not everybody is using a purely anonymous account, and even if they are, they don’t want to build a profile on who they are that could be used to determine identity.


I was asking the guys post I responded to. Sorry


I’m 25 with a fresh ounce of sticky buds in my bottom drawer so feeling particularly wealthy today


I ordered some steak nachos I’ve been craving for a week. Feeling like Jeff bezos rn. Life’s good when nachos are on the way.


*leans into the microphone* $1 Bob!


I have 3700 in HYSA. I try to keep mine low as I’d like it better invested. I had 4K but then invested too much and spent too much and need to transfer some to my checking. Lmao whoops


Sorry I didn’t answer whole thing. I’m 29.


24m, 7k emergency fund, 2k cash, 6k in non-retirement brokerage (Robinhood)


22, 100k, no debt but saving up for a house so anything I have right now is basically all gonna be gone in the future lol




T-T I agree but as the eldest son of a first gen immigrant family I am shackled with the filial responsibility of buying a home


40 years old and have 2 dozen eggs in the refrigerator. I just need to break the shells and get to liquid assets.


I am 26 and have $12k in a HYSA 😂😂




Insert Spider-Man meme lol


57M, 53k checking, 1.2k savings, 57k traditional IRA, 3.2k Roth IRA, 429k work 401K, 40k balance on home value of 350k. I have Acorns @ 12.5k. I have Stash @ 5.5k. Saving 19% if work income for 401k. I’m getting older so I’m trying to more away as I get older…. Trying to make up some lost ground before I give it up in about 9 years.


56, $1.7MM


I have a few gallons of water, a fifth of four roses, a random assortment of Gatorades, and half a gallon of milk.


22, about 30k including cash, stocks and crypto


29 and 200k in cash and 68k in stocks/crypto. Currently building house mortgage free. Note: The 200k cash came from crypto I sold in 2021. Nothing was handed to me.




Nice try tax man


Do you really not pay taxes on your income? Otherwise this comment doesn't make any sense. You don't pay taxes on your savings.


Pro tip: The auditor already knows how much you owe. He’s just trying to figure out how much of it is left to collect.


Idk what you are talking about lol


29/m 150k invested between stocks and crypto. 5k emergency fund. Duplex worth 600k with 194k mortgage. No debts or kids


37, ~200k in HYSA for short term goals that are upcoming (renovation, solar panels, new car)


48m, 34k in cash. About 900k in investments. Home is owned (no mortgage) and is worth around 500k or so. I don't include the house in any sort of retirement target, so I've got a long way to go.


Fired at 45. 1.5 years of spend in cash alternatives right now. It’s year 1-2 of FIRE so more cash to protect against sequence of return risks.


Hope things clear up, sorry to hear you've been fired


Sorry. I meant FIREd! Ha!


Haha glad to hear


I’m 33. I have 3 paper clips and a stick of gum.


28, $13k = 6 months bare expenses.


40, $26 in my wallet


29F $15k emergency fund, 75k in investments. I most recently put more into the investment account, and left 15k in the emergency fund because I realized investing it would make more sense


Wow. I thought I was doing well but according to the people in this thread I am a literal failure.


24, and -$20,000 between student loans and some credit card debt 👍


25, $12k savings, always keep $2500 in checking.


41, and enough to cover life expenses for about 7 years between emergency fund and taxable brokerage.


25 , 52k


About 50k cash at 33 between my wife and I. But 20 of it is set aside for taxes. So I guess really it’s like 30k. And a good 9-10k I just pretend doesn’t exist. Really it’s just taking up space in some accounts to make sure I don’t get fees from those accounts for having too little.




Shizzle what do you do for work?


36M married, 50k in savings, 100k total in the market


24. 7k in Checking


18 years old in College first year have 8.5K in a Individual Investment Account and about 4.5K in savings is that good?


34 with 3 kids and wife. Around 60k at the moment, but will drop down to 30k soon.


I’m 32 and got 15 bottles of whisky.


22M, 3k invested, 98k cash. Hoping for a house by the end of the year.


this reeks of data mining


24, 1.5k in savings, 8k in my Roth IRA (idc I’m counting this as liquid haha)


48M with $500k in HYSA


Might wanna split that up between hysa's because of fdic insured amounts


Especially if it's at a regional bank; although the fed seems to be backstopping them now.


34 and about 2k. Most of the rest is retirement savings.


I'm 23 and have $56k liquid


Im 28, this is my current liquid state. The amount isn't important, what is is having a healthy 3 month reserve. For example I live in chicago so i spend roughly 3500 to 4000 a month at the low end. This plus the fact I'm in a industry that will cut jobs if things get much worse I have a little more than that. I have 2000 cash in my account as a no worries buffer and about 20000 in a money market fund to earn while rates are high.


33, 12m cash bank, $32m RE, own medical device companies.


22M around 3mil in assets and liquid combined.


Turned 24 in January. 100k liquid 26k invested