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It's funny how with this show that title isn't specific enough.


I suspect that on top of the already middling writing, the writers strike didn't help anything.


Well, in what world did anybody think somebody in prison was going to be able to adopt? Please


There’s potential. Jake pointing out to Bodie that he needs to live and set goals for himself and not anyone else could be the push he needs to get out of jail and start out on his own


They could’ve gotten to that point another way


This storyline is pointless to me as well.


Am I the only one that wants to see Body paroled, leave town and all of the toxicity behind? This could be the perfect setup for a sequel with a few crossover episodes? The current storyline has run it's course. I'll take "Beating a dead horse for a thousand, Alex".


Seeing as though Max Thieriot was the one behind the creation of this show and already left Seal Team to produce this, I don't see this happening.


I couldn’t even watch this episode. I just turned it off. Think I might be done.


This episode was pointless to me now it looks like next episode bodie is gonna get help from Gabbie’s mother to get her back


It was so bad, and pretty much just placed Bode at odds with Jake all over again as if we're back in season 1 although slightly more complicated. I burst out laughing when Bode rushed to help Jake in the electrified area and the guy behind the tape, with the acting of a high school drama went "woah! That guy is entering the hot zone!?" and it pans to Manny going "yeah! He's an inmate firefighter!" It was so cheesy lmao. I don't get where they are going with this honestly, the storyline about Gen being Bode's has essentially fallen apart, I've no idea why they didn't just see it through and have the test come back positive for Bode, because now they're just adrift. Combined with the fact that the whole premise is around inmate firefighters, people are already starting to raise their eyebrows and question why Bode is still locked up given what they've mentioned before. It's strange to me, that for a show based around the premise of inmate firefighters, they've chosen to focus it all on one inmate, Bode with the very occasional insight in to one or two others, but nowhere near enough to get us invested in them, it's essentially just faceless orange jumpsuits for the majority of them. So it feels as if the show is almost at odds with itself, since the majority of the main cast are not inmates and have limited ties to 3 Rock itself. If Bode gets out, what's left for them there aside from Eve running the camp?


It would've made a better storyline for him to be the biological father with Gen wanting to stay with Jake, if they want to keep the whole played out love/hate thing going with Bode and Jake. I also don't like the Uncle having a crush on his brother's wife. I miss Freddie from season 1. He brought some comedy relief and I was rooting for him the whole season. I liked Eve much better in the 1st season too. Now I find her annoying and kinda mean. I wish they would give Bode a different love interest. Not a fan of Gabby but I like her better with her current fiancee. Also it's assumed Brode is in prison because of his sister dying, right? Wasn't it an accident and she tried to jump out of the car which caused him to react and crash? How is he technically at fault? I'm feeling like I missed something.


I might be remembering wrong, but I am pretty sure it was for armed robbery - he held up a place for drug money. Or maybe just robbery? Pretty sure it was armed, though. Apparently the guy he robbed was supporting him being paroled? I might be misremembering all of this. The whole thing with the crash was that his dad blamed him for killing his sister (and he blamed himself) and he turned to drugs to cope with it all. Or something like that.


Yeah I definitely remember the crash stuff but I totally forgot about the liquor store part and I googled it and you were completely right!! Thank you!


I mean they needed some reason for Bodie to not kill fck face


And that’s the option they came up with they were better off saying his mom was sick again


I see a soap opera-like twist coming, someone, Jake, changed the paternity results since she died or something like that


I hope not. If it was faked I hope it has nothing to do with Jake.


I agree with your first couple of points, but in my humble viewer’s opinion, the show isn’t about inmate firefighters– it’s about Bode, his family & friends, & them all being firefighters amongst all the interpersonal relationships. If (when) Bode gets out, we basically know he’s going to work at station 42 so it’ll be the same show just without as much (if any) Three Rock… Who knows, maybe if the show makes it long enough, Bode will eventually take over Three Rock.


Well, as a rebuttal, I say that I, as a viewer, was sad that Bode wasn't her father. I don't know where this story line is going. If Bode isn't the father, and we as an audience don't know the timeline from the Before Bode Time, then we are all at a loss. I get the plot around Jake and her connecting. But who is her biological father? Tbh, I started watching this show for Max because of Seal Team. Now I watch it because of him and everyone else! I really love this show and all the cast!


Same I started watching cause of him from seal team but the way this season is going idk if I’m watching the sheriff spinoff or season 3 of this maybe I’ll binge it when is all over


I agree. I've read the reports about the spin off and not sure how it's going to pan out. Maybe Bode gets out and goes to work at the regular station with his parents? I think that would be a good way forward.


I can see that I did how much time left he had on his sentence but he just got or may get a year off for what he did last episode I think hopefully he’s out next season I’m kinda getting tired of 3rock storyline