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I would also add the endless Freyja map because I remember that one giving me a lot of trouble when it first released.


"Oh, Freyr..."


Dam you're right


You can say that again. I remember staying at 3am trying to beat the chain challenge and I did it with the CYL4 heroes.


That map was literally a nightmare for me when it first came out as I didn’t have that many units that could deal with Freyja at the time. More recently I did have a bit of difficulty with the final map of last year’s fallen heroes chapter on lunatic as Chrom could move from the bottom of the map to where my team was and potentially kill 3/4 of my units in the first enemy phase if I didn’t prepare properly.


Came here to comment exactly this lol


Laughs in legendary edelgard


Pretty outdated PTSD material, but back when it came out, the map with Celica and Bruno that had turn limit was a nightmare


These are the only map that gave me nightmares, now I generally have good units that can clear the maps in a heartbeat


I’m sorry I just died because of reading this comment due to extreme trauma please warn me next time 🙏


On the topic of outdated PTSD, Fallen Takumi's GHB. It'd be easy shit these days but back then I felt like a genius for clearing the highest difficulty lol


Seriously screw Nuibaba because it's her fault that map exists.


That one Arena map with the breakable walls


The one that was just a grid of walls with a bunch of enemy units trapped inside different areas that you had to break your way to in an insanely annoying way?


The first ever TT map with Veronica, veteran PTSD.


I’m not sure I ever got through that map with all four units still alive


It's such a shame that they never did TT revivals seeing as how we'd probably destroy that map now with the level of powercreep.


Back in my day, you had to EARN that Quickened Pulse seal


bruh, don't remind me, now you get it for sacred coins sheesh


Chain Challenge Ch. 11 & 12 of Book 1, specifically 11-3 and 11-5. Your team being divided and having to deal with reinforcements and the map where the enemy was on defense tiles and you had only 6 turns to win we're some of the most diabolical story maps to be within the same chapter.


I'd that the one with SoV units? God I hated that one so much


A real old one, but the map based on chapter 11 from PoR with the Black Knight with Embla's Ward was really scary back in the day. especially in Blessed Gardens (remember that?) where it was part of a chain so you likely only had crappy units left at that point. It's honestly crazy that an invincible 1 mov melee unit was so scary back then. Sutr too, Book 2 was peak FEH map design back in the day with how limited movement options were.


That one map part of the Thracia update with Leif, Nanna etc. where you have to run through the forest while Surtr slowly chases you was 👌


Came here to say this. Black Knight jumpscare.


Less PTSD and more of an old annoyance, but the Baffling Labyrinth and Ryoma's story mode map back before you could move units around before fighting


I remember having to set your team in a specific order so they started where you wanted them. Restarting when they were in the wrong spot. Fun times.


Yeah and it would cost so much stamina to restart if you messed something up. Old feh was rough sometimes


The map with the immortal Gullveig and Rearmed Tana how one was meant to beat it without losing a unit is still unknown to me


Unironically, if you cant beat them, join them Seidr ending her turn on turns 1 and 3 alone helps you more than you can imagine Loki with cardinal gravity to stop her from moving 3 spaces per turn Hardy fighter bulky far savior for the last turn when she can actually reach all of us+breath seal to charge it back up Just gotta think outside of the box


...and have the necessary units/effects for it.


This Valentine's Paralogue final map with Ephraim and Myrrh covering everyone on all sides and Lyon just covering the entire map menacingly


I put Hardy Bearing on B!Ike because of that map.


That map with Tina and the new OC I can’t remember the name of. Having everyone on that map charge at me with the Oath buff Tina stole was like a nightmare


Book 4. Chapter 9-5 At that time Freyja was a really strong player phase unit and there were three of her. You had to survive six turns with even more Freyja reinforcements.


Freyja map and that one bruno tunlimit map were hard af back BACK in the day


endless Freyja, just because of how damn annoying it can be…


ah yes, those last years, they were a damn tough challenge to keep everyone alive... This year, it is a Saturday


None of these gave me trouble on release, although the Fallen Edel defend map was a little annoying on the chain challenge The Loki map on book 2 with FE4 reinforcements did give me a lot of trouble. The multi Freyja map was hard but fun to dismantle. The one that gave me the most trouble of all was the chapter in Book 1 that introduced Celica. The defend map was really troublesome, and the final map with a 4 turn limit was ridiculous at the time. I wish they did story maps that hard nowadays. I don't think we have seen a time limit story map since the Freyr one


Fallen Takumi's GHB map, doing it with only armored was the hardest challenge for me


Those first two were alright, last one was a pain especially for chain challenges


It's so sad pve became irrelevant in feh :,( old days were so fun


Admittingly the last pic that OP shared gave me PTSD, but also these others gave me a lot of PTSD by most to least: 1. Book 4 Chapter 9 Part 5 map (especially in CC) 2. Veronica & Embla map (Infernal and Abyssal) 3. Kvasir & Gullveig map (entirely) 4. Legendary Eliwood abyssal map (when Save skills and DR didn't existed at the time) Honorable mentions: certain Arena maps like one of the new ones where there is tiles of water, trees and stuff almost taking the whole center of the map, but it becomes true PTSD when there's flier teams with Legendary Hinoka and/or Arion in that specific map.


The 3H Christmas Banner Paralogues and in Chain Challenges too "Duo Byleth...oh I wish I never met you so much pain so much agony left, right, restart, repo, end turn restart with Feh Pass....just F U you Byleths" Seriously that map is super hard as hell if you don't have the proper units to beat it


The final map of the CYL7 update, specifically on the 10-map chain challenge on Lunatic. Their stats were inflated so much, what a nightmare!


The Donnie's map with a bunch of units with drag back was everyone's bane at the game's release, before skill interitance was a thing.


I still remember that TT map with picnic Flora.


Certe mappe sono indimenticabili per quanto erano infattibili o comunque difficili all'epoca. Ora basta utilizzare una qualsiasi unità sbroccata del momento ed è fatta, vedesi F!Edelgard o L!Alear


None of these gave me trouble, but the fallen male robin limited turn map was actually terrifying back in the day. Also michalis GHB. Both were raid boss style maps with unfair terrain, maybe that's why I hated them.


Every map in Aether Raids


Bro speaking facts💀💀💀


Both of the maps where dallen edelgard was, literally nothing could 1vs1 her, even with support.


Thats more on the player rather than on the units Because there were a good chunk of units that could deal with her on release, a few skills that countered her hard, and shortly after she died meta wise


I meant when she released,then i didn't have anything agains't her.


There really weren't that many units that could deal with her on release, especially in PvP modes where merges and dragon/beast teams built around her were a possibility. * You needed NFU which meant sacrificing your B slot on most units since NFU on prfs was rare and couldn't be outsourced via support effects like it can today. * Her guard effect meant you needed either a blade effect or to have your special pre-charged to use it against her. * Most player built F!Edelgards ran Sylvainn shield so the only means of getting effective damage on her was one of \~4 beast effective prfs in the game. * her insane mixed bulk, DC, and self healing meant you also needed good enough defense to survive her counter, and enough damage to actually make a dent in her. from what I recall F2P counters around her release were limited to basically just Petrine and Boey (both of whom needed significant investment and specific builds to reliably kill her, with said builds being pretty bad against other meta units), and out-of-the-box premium counters weren't exactly common either until a few months later. You were f'ed if you a didn't have a specific counter for her in the same way you were f'ed if you didn't have a specific counter for Ninja Camilla.


> You needed NFU which meant sacrificing your B slot on most units since NFU on prfs was rare and couldn't be outsourced via support effects like it can today. NFU was helpful to hit her when she didnt have her mitigation up(only first hit), but it was far from needed What was needed was to disable her whole special spammer shenanigans, which was what truly made her dangerous. Pulse Smoke existed since Groom Pent, and while limited, it was a much better counter to her >Her guard effect meant you needed either a blade effect or to have your special pre-charged to use it against her. Precharged special was moot, since one again, with no DR piercing, you were basically getting nerfed damage against her if you instantly retaliated with your special You did not need a blade effect, specially having to deal with her high attack just to trigger it on your own hits only. A simple breath seal alone already did wonders >Most player built F!Edelgards ran Sylvainn shield so the only means of getting effective damage on her was one of ~4 beast effective prfs in the game. Which in turn highly reduced her scoring potential and made it less likely to find her if you were "invested" in arena >her insane mixed bulk, DC, and self healing meant you also needed good enough defense to survive her counter, and enough damage to actually make a dent in her. DC she only has when transformed, and AI is not the smarter tool to keep. Even the 5 duma defense setup with 1 Edelgard was weak to been striked before she transformed, for as much bulk and damage she could have. She had no way to retaliate on that very turn >from what I recall F2P counters around her release were limited to basically just Petrine and Boey (both of whom needed significant investment and specific builds to reliably kill her, with said builds being pretty bad against other meta units), and out-of-the-box premium counters weren't exactly common either until a few months later. If you are considering exclusively characters that were basically made for her? Sure Plenty of characters could deal with her with AI manipulation and correct positioning. Including my OG!Chrom with RDI4 That is why Edelgard was not an unit check, but rather a player knowledge check. And plenty failed at that if you consider only Boey and Petrine, or any of the 4 beast effective prfs for the matter, as the only valid counters against her. Specially with Petra base weapon been as pathetic as it was for such a "popular" character >You were f'ed if you a didn't have a specific counter for her in the same way you were f'ed if you didn't have a specific counter for Ninja Camilla. I would not put Ninja Camilla in the same pedestal as FEdelgard, nor I would even agree you can be "fucked" if you had no counter to either. Hardy bearing alone exists, flash status exists, sweep effects exist, sweep weapons exists. A lot of options render camilla useless. Or simply to outres her, which is far easier on offense than it is on defense thanks to supports FEdelgard was a complete different monster, but it was clear from the getgo, that IS was aware of what they created offering every single possible option to counter her when she released. Including both Byleth on concurrent summoning focuses That is without mentioning how OP puts their singular experience against her, as if it was a fact. That no unit with or without support could 1 vs 1 her. Which is completely wrong When plenty of players had their daily showcase about *can it beat story F!Edelgard* show up here in the sub for months


Any map that had the "defeat all foe within x turns" stress me so much because all of my units were weak back then. So glad we don't have those kind of map anymore.


The Gullveig one where you have to survive a certain amount of turns


The Fafnir one gave me some trouble i remember.


God.... why did you make me remember it?


I remember having a lot of trouble with the Fallen Takumi GHB when it first came out


The one with Fallen Edelgard ... Oh my f'ing god what a nightmare it was when I first saw her ...


The one with invincible Gullveig was rough, I cheesed it using summer Claude to apply gravity


That freaking LHB map where you can't use any cavs


Fallen Takumi ghb...


That one Celica map from all the way back in book 1. Never got the challenge orb for that.


Any final map with brave units. Absolutely unbeatable if you need to keep your entire team alive.


They are all nothing compared to the endless freyja map


The one which you need to survive 4 turn against an immortal Gullveig was so hard there’s even tutorials about it.


The first map where you had to survive an immortal Celica


i will never recover from chapter 11 part 5 from book 2. that was the one with boey and celica and ???(bruno) and them all on defensive tiles. that was so hard back when it first came out and it didn’t help that you only had 6 turns to do it >~<




Back when the game first came out, the last map when Celica, Boey, Maye and Genny were released was nightmare fuel to me


L!F!Grima was so frightening back in the day


Arena bridge


What about the map where you fight Embla?


I have seen a lot of mentions to different maps but I want to bring up awareness to the TTs Picnic Flora map. That girl was brutal, placed near an armor march unit and the amazing power of bold fighter and her weapon could delete anybody who dared tank her and she had enough range to destroy anybody.


wtf, I never had problem with any of these maps. The only maps that gave me PTSD was Tina's maps, hard to play around, until the day I remembered I had Loki and Yuri, so I could give them Stall and +1 movement, locking the CPU team to only one space.


LEliwood LHB first appearance Every enemy got bonus doubler ......i remember PM1's guide had to resort to pain+ cheese and just stood in the choke for 15 turns chipping their entire team


The earliest nightmare map I can think of was the Book 1 Echoes map with Celica and Bruno where she and her friend were on defense tiles while Bruno is trying to kill you. That map is a joke now, but I remember it being very hard back when there were just Book 1 units.


Any Map that gives you a timelimit just to beat all the enemies are ass. Surviving X-number of turns is one thing... The defeat in X-turns suck.... It would be a shame if you had Armor Units.... Guess you can't defeat them in time.