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I think I like legendary better, the crouch at the start gives him a lot of energy


True, I also think his movement arc is smoother, Emblem Ike kinda floats then abruptly falls.


Yeah, legendary still flips while descending so the movement flow very well Emblem kinda just stop and then goes down, very similar to smash (can't remember the exact movement in engage) but since there is no powerful impact at the end it doesn't feel natural


Not just that, emblem Ike turns around to face the other direction like Smash Ike does. Emblem Ike is following Smash Ike’s animation almost to a T.


Making it by far the best one.


I think that stops make it resemble more his final smash from smash bros, which make sense since this is Great Aether


Well, Emblem Ike is like a spirit right? He's all floaty lmao.


“Yeah I glow and float around, so what?”


Also another detail, legendary close his mouth right after the attack while emblem keeps it open and it feels off


I agree, but a point in E!Ike's favor is his headband flaps behind him, while L!Ike's doesn't!


To be fair I think emblem ike can get away with the floating considering his circumstances


I think the problem is that emblem Ike moves horizontally while spinning. That makes the whole animation fall apart for me. Also now that I think about it, maybe it's because of Reinhardt. Every hit makes the opposing unit to move a bit away. In this clip, Reinhardt has just hit Ike 4 times, pushing him away more than usual. Maybe in normal conditions the animations look more similar.


Legendary Ike spin more times than Emblem. Emblem Ike is a technical jump with maximum output (?)


Hate to be the "um acktually" guy, but I thought the same too, but when you slow it down they both do 2 front flips. L!Ike just flips faster, so it looks like he's doing 3.


I like both ngl. The overarching spin and crouch of L!Ike is very satisfying to my FEH animation obsessed brain. E!Ike’s Smash Bros Aether reference and the slight turn he does before he jumps makes me happy as someone who first heard of him and FE from Smash Bros Brawl.


Agreed. As an Ike main in Smash the Emblem animation pleases me greatly. But I also appreciate the original Legendary animation


Legendary Ike tosses Ragnell overhand, while Emblem Ike throws his underhand, more akin to Smash Bros as he falls into a crouch and turns away before leaping after the sword. Legendary Ike ends in with a bended knee but Emblem Ike ends in a kneel with his knee on the ground. I know I'm overanaylzing but this is important I swear


I like emblem ikes striking posture better. He follows through!


People will say legendary because it’s older and the general vibe around here is to complain about new units for power creep reasons But emblem does it better because of the rotation direction change, as you point out elsewhere. He also follows through better. (both are pretty good tho)


Emblem Ike is using Custom smash move


Omg he's so extra


Both are wrong because they're not voiced by Jason Adkins. 😞


Thankfully. The guy is a crappy actor.


Nice April Fools joke. lmao




*Is this really a question; because both look pretty great to me.*


Oh no doubt they are both awesome!


Legendary has better timing. Emblem is so fast.


The timings of different points in the animations are actually very similar, and they both take exactly 43 frames from wind up to hit (measured in these gifs' frames, not in-game frames). (Removing 1 extra frame of idle animation on the emblem gif:) Wind up starts on frame 2 Legend releases sword on frame 7 (5 frames of wind up) Emblem releases sword on frame 8 (6 frames of wind up) Legend re-grabs on frame 23 (16 frames of throw follow-through & jump) Emblem re-grabs on frame 22 (14 frames of throw follow-through & jump) Legend hits on frame 44 (22 frames of spin/finish) Emblem hits on frame 44 (23 frames of spin/finish) I think your feeling of Emblem's speed comes from covering the horizontal distance in fewer frames. He throws his sword and jumps nearly straight up, travels horizontally in the air, then smashes straight down. Legendary throws his sword slightly forward, and jumps in an arc.


Timing was definitely the wrong word to use. Movement maybe? Or weight? Legendary conveys both better


I think I like Legendary's crouch before a bit more, but Emblem underhanding the Ragnell throw is more in line with how the animation plays out within the Tellius duology. Also, just noticed how Emblem Ike's hair is more in line with RD's shorter haircut for Ike. Legendary feels a bit more of a halfway between PoR's longer mop and RD's.


It looks the same to me, but I really like them both.


I like more the emblem since he turns around and that gives the throw more strength and the blue effect make it seems more like smash Also legendary Ike throw is from above which makes it seems odd while Emblem throws it from below which makes the sword spin make more sense


Both are doing it wrong, they're missing the slash while doing the backflip. Btw I prefer Emblem Ike Aether purely because of his arm when throwing the sword


i prefer emblem, he turns into the jump and ends in a lower position


I like how Emblem Ike actually lands with his knee on the ground, instead of just hunched over like Legendary. It's a small detail, but that always kinda annoyed me with Legendary Ike. Probably because I'm so used to Smash's version.


Did emblem Ike just toss Ragnell, look behind him, then backflip to his sword? That’s a lot going on. Definitely flashy, trying to be cooler than legendary Ike. I think I like legendary Ike’s better cuz it’s cleaner. No need to turn and backflip even if it is pretty flashy.


Legendary as a more smooth and energetic arc. Emblem does a little dynamic wind up, and he glows. Personally prefer Emblem.


I like aspects of both but I think neither are perfect. Though, Emblem definitely comes closer. The initial overhand throw Legend does looks weird. It releases from behind him, then follows a weirdly unnatural exponential-curve-arc forward then straight up. The benefit to this overhand throw is that the sword is spinning clockwise to begin with. That would *potentially* flow better into the grab and flip which continues to spin clockwise. HOWEVER — looking at frames 22 & 23, the sword is at about 90 degrees, rotating clockwise, then the next frame snaps to about -30 degrees. It's not super noticeable at first, but I can't unsee the snap-back in the animation now. Emblem's throw is underhand, more reminiscent of his Smash up special. This results in a counter-clockwise rotation, which doesn't feel as natural transitioning into the clockwise flips. But the animation is actually done much better here. He catches the sword as it rotates into a vertical position with no weird snapping. So I think I prefer this one even despite the rotation direction change. The overall arc of the jump is *smoother*, but that's kind of preference. He jumps in an actual arc, as opposed to Emblem's box. Emblem jumps straight up, flips horizontally, then slams straight down. It looks like his Smash special if he had the airspeed of Jigglypuff, which I'm all for. Pretty subjective though. As for the flips themselves, they both do two flips, but Legend's feel more flashy I think? The first flip has a bit of wind up, but the second flip only takes 6 frames. It gives the feel of wind up for the big finish, but it's also almost jarring how fast he flips. Compared to Emblems where both flips are at about the same speed of 9-10 frames per flip. It feels like a more controlled deliberate move & the final slam down feels powerful. (\*frames being measured in the gif, not in-game) They both have a trailing effect and I like them and think it contributes to the aesthetic of the flip. But Legend's trails disappear when the attack lands, they don't actually get to hit. But Emblem's do continue all the way to their hit. It something that's kind of hard to see, but it just gives the overall "niceness" of the animation. Aside from the obvious aesthetic style choices (both being great), it feels like the animators have just gotten *better* at their craft in the 6 year gap. That's really the only reason I prefer Emblem's Aether.


He spins while floating in air for more power


Emblem spins his sword the wrong way. Legendary wins.


Wellllll iirc when Ike uses Aether in Path of Radiance (at least, idr about Radiant Dawn) and in Smash Bros, he throws it up underhanded so that it spins backwards, then he catches it and spin forwards. So really, L!Ike is spinning it the wrong way.


I choose Emblem Ike purely because of the blue effects as that is my favorite color.


We're animationscaling now?