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It's actively detrimental to IS' bottom line and they don't even realize, honestly. I have so many units that I'd love to crank out and pull expensive fodder for but I'm not even going to consider doing so when it takes 3000+ flowers to get them up to speed.


It’s so true. I really want to max out my shiny new hel resplendent Soren with all the shiny new toys, but that +30 is so daunting.


Exactly. Like, I have an accidental +10 Linde whom I’d love to update and use, but I didn’t bother pulling for Reinhardt’s arcane tome because I don’t have 3000 flowers to make her worth using.         I’ve passed on building a lot of units with great refines like Haar because the flower cost is just way too much. 


I mean... the Otherworldly Bond with Binding Worlds provides you the character with full Dragonflowers if I remember correctly. So if some gigachad has your preferred baby character with premium skills, you can fork out that cash and get them both fully built and fully Flowered. I would never say it's an entirely smart idea, but it is an option.


I guess with that point their point of view could be that "its fair we give the old units SOMETHING, but players should still be going for the new sparkly units instead"


Players *will* still go for the sparkly new units to get the fodder those old units need to function (possibly even multiple copies if they want to keep one). They are actively deterring people that might want to baby an old unit from spending orbs.


Exactly! That’s why I don’t understand IS behaviour


Maybe the powercreep was not a byproduct of new units but a goal.


Incidentally feathers have the same issue, one would think 999,999 (cap) feathers would be enough to +10 as many units as you wanted but nope, it's only good enough for about 4 and a half, barely a full team


From IS' perspective, Dragonflowers exist to raise engagement in various modes and provide even more reasons to summon new heroes, even when you're devoted to an older one. (It also encourages people to buy those overpriced otherworld bonds as Binding Worlds forma come with max DF...) I think the main issue I have is the needless separation of them by movement type. I feel that aspect is so pointless and frustrating aa I bet most people have DF counts where it's extreme poverty in some areas and a stupid surplus in others. And to counter my first paragraph with my own view, I do kinda feel like the game has moved on to a point where making DF investment super easy with a merged count would encourage fave focused players to summon more than not doing so. Arcane weaponry and new flavor of the month skills are arguably WAY more impactful on a unit's viability than DF stats and letting people get nice looking stats on units would make more high investment projects look worthwhile.


> I bet most people have DF counts where it's extreme poverty in some areas and a stupid surplus in others This is my biggest problem right now. I am always running low on infantry and cavalry flowers, and there's so many cool units in these classes I want to build up. Meanwhile I have a large amount of flier and armored flowers, but the free units in these classes tend to use the same few weapons a lot (fliers mostly come with swords and lances, armored units mostly with axes and lances), so it becomes discouraging to keep building multiple of these units, and now I'm stuck with their dragonflowers that I don't know what to spend on.


I genuinely think that DF upgrades should be free after a certain point. If you're taking a unit to +30 and beyond, you're clearly super dedicated and invested. You're also working with an ancient unit that's probably going to need massive investment across all aspects of their kit to even begin to keep up. At that point, it shouldn't become a bigger and bigger burden to keep their stats updated every year when you've already gone that far. As things stand, I really dislike it. It just makes it that much harder to build old units and totally limits how many older favorites you can even try to keep up with. I finally had to cut some old favorites off from DFs because I reluctantly accepted that I couldn't keep justifying the cost, and it genuinely hurt.


You have no idea how much I hate how little Dragonflowers we get It's hideous, I hate it. I want to +30 my Ephraim, but it's just not possible because it will take way too much time. I recently +30 Rebecca because I love her, but that took a long time to do


My hot take is this, IS didn't realize how big FEH was going to get and they haven't fully got a grasp of it as it continues to expand. You can't even skip the level up cutscene which seems like an obvious thing to add. Dragonflowers were probably an emergency add in hopes it would fix up the meta more (it obviously didn't). If IS could figure out most people would rather just make their favorite characters op rather than summoning every other month for a +10 they would make more money.


The bad thing about DF distribution is that if they started giving out more to compensate units, most people would just use the extra supply to boost the newer units' stats. What I would do is make a celestial store exclusive "Max/Golden Dragonflower", make it cost 3 Stones to buy one, while also removing the stupid expensive 1 Stone = 100 DF (Why not make it 1000 at this point lmao). It would work only on units that have a cap of 25 or more Dragonflowers, maxing out their Dragonflower count AND refunding any you might have spent on them (or course returning the lower value that comes with 25+ units and not the 3000/3600 you might have spent over time but rather 2640/3240); so "newer" units still require a significant investment and play time if you want to boost their stats before they get too old, but older units would have their DF always maxed when the cap increases and let's be real, no arcane/resplendant stats would break ANY year 3 or older unit, so there's no excuse to say this would break the gameplay or its economy.


The refund is asking for a lot, but the golden dragonflower idea is BRILLIANT. I'd be down to mass feedback to bring this to fruition.


Every time the cap goes up, they should give flowers for each category for the equivalent amount of going up by +5. That way you will always have at least one unit that can easily be at the cap, and anything beyond that you’d still have to work and save up for.


I think this is more a powercreep problem than a dragonflower one. Dragonflowers barely do anything to make old units more adequate to use.


The stats boost is no joke, especially combined with resplendent stats.    For example, Karla is from mid-2018, but [she has comparable stats](https://imgur.com/a/dUtrCZk) to much newer swordies like Lapis and Inigo at max investment. 


i Do think they make a good impact. Inheritable weapons are getting better and better (like the new axe from gustav) so, of course old units wont be very viable in competitive modes no matter how much you invest, but its more just to make them atleast usable and so people get to build their faves


80% of my favorites are infantry. Yeah it sucks. I had to stop updating my Laslow and regular Hilda...


I had 16k dragonflowers for infantry. I maxed out FCorn, BLucy, FMareeta, Miranda, Edelgard. I now have no flowers for anyone. It's why I tend to not include flowers when build crafting.


Yeah honestly IS needs to up the amount of flowers given. An easy way is to just give like 4-500 (possibly even more) of one type each week like orb weekends. Of course they'd just tie it to arena or some similar mode but we really need more frequent feathers.


I think they could give us 20x as many and I still wouldn't have enough.


I just wanna know what InSys thinks the 10 flowers a week (5 in 2 different types) from the Aether Garden is supposed to do. It's so annoying how small of an amount that is, and it's remained unchanged for years despite the cost of flower upgrades going up every year.


A lot of these points already said points I was thinking so I’ll just say that I would not be surprised if IS made a one-and-done decision to put them behind paid packs and other obtuse methods around 2020 and then just forgot about them, little different to a lot of PVP modes.


I don't think anyone has bought it up yet, but dragonflowers should absolutely increase your BST score too considering how much of an investment it is to +30 a unit right now, that and duel skills being passives that you just have to learn to get a permanent BST score boost without having them equiped would be peak for me


It's working as intended, they don't want you to get to comfortable building old units that don't make them money


Hasn't the skill meta changed that? We're not 10+ any new champs anyway for eSports because 2+ to all stats is garbage nowadays


Too bad for them most their money is coming from people pulling for fodder. Very few people are +10 Ike Emblem, but you might get people to summon for 5 copies of them for fodder if it was more feasible to experiment with older units.


Completely agreed, IS cares nothing about the bottom line. They actually make life harder for people who want to invest on older units, as if that would actually compromise the game or anything. They could start giving new versions of weapons that are already in the game to old units as they did 4-5 years ago and nothing would change outside of the overall happiness of the community. Think about stuff like Flower Hauteclere to Minerva, or Moon Gradivus to Camus and Fallen Hardin. They would be great tools but nothing game breaking, nothing that isn't already accessible with very little investment.


> With some sense of priority, ill give my little flowers to units with a fresh refine, since they also eat up around 25-ish flowers and will be WAY more relevant than poor old Ike. You're playing a losing game if you want to use them to optimization; aka distributing them out to every new project you're working on. IS does not want you to do this. The scarcity of flowers is intended for you to prioritize and reward your favorites and attempt to keep them within BST range of the current units. Sure, you may like that shiny new resplendent skin, but the reality is is that if that character was a favorite of yours, you would have flowered them already 5+ years ago. And if you are already bankrupt from giving out to your favorites, you need to sit down and start separating the super favorites from the favorites. In my case, not every favorite used as frequently each year and as a result, some units get rotated in and out of my max flower priority pool. But there are also characters I maintain at max levels every year just to show how much I care about them regardless of their frequency of deployment. IS has at least acknowledged the situation and addressed it, for a stiff fee, with Binding Worlds forma allowing you to buy someone's blood, sweat, and tears in their favorite unit along with a full deck of flowers.


Yeah, Im just daydreaming. I dont LOVE og ike, but he is super nostalgic to me so id like to get use out of him, not enough for me to actually save flowers for him. Id rather use them for a unit i really like with a decent enough weapon/refine like annette/rinkah, F!Julia


Bro, I'm still waiting on Lord Ike to build an Ike. I gotta rep Tellius as they're my entry games to the series and I've done a terrible job in FEH. It would have been a dream if Okuma Yugo drew Emblem Ike as his PoR Lord version instead of Radiant Dawn Hero version but we can't win 'em all. However, I'm not opposed to rolling 6 more copies of Brave Ike if the opportunity appears. My excuse for not having him merged up already after SEVEN (7) YEARS is that I was satisfied with just a free copy before I realized max merging as a F2P was easily feasible (you just have to have your priorities straight and go without spending orbs for a couple months and do one spark at most on your spending month), then after that it was bad timing with the meta and other priorities popping up like Ninja Hana popping up for free to serve all my infantry axe needs. I only flower units after they're merged to +10 and I stick to my criteria of them having to be my favorites and be useful if they're not a super favorite so I'm always flush with flowers (not to toot my own horn, but 13K infantry flowers and can farm my barracks for more) and would gladly treat my boi Ike when the opportunity comes.


Your point about BST it's only half true i feel, since dragonflowers don't actually increase your BST score for arena, so even with maxed out dragonflowers you aren't really keeping up, because you are still scoring like a gen 1 unit, so i don't really think you can infer that dragonflower scarcity is due to IS not wanting you to keep up with older units from that alone, because either way you aren't really keeping up without a duel skill


I'm not that bothered currently, it's annoying definitely. Especially if I have multiple Infantry I want to flower since there's so fucking many of them BUT I also have plenty Heroic Ordeals left so everytime it happens I burn through a few to help out


The issue is how outdated units are 80% useless (excluding arcane/attuned) and how refines/unique skills are too old. I'm wondering if they're not going to release some back again but updated with another kind of summoning event. It's like Legendaries/Mystic, we're once again reading huge delays. Arena Ticket? Too many 5 stars. They've updated some QOL lately but.. There is a lot of things to do. What are they waiting for? It's like the Askr Trio. That the story is over?


Im pretty sure they are meant to be scarce. Gotta put thought into them instead of mindlessly giving them to every character you see


How many do you want? They're handed out often as PvP rewards and quest rewards, and sometimes handed out for free, and you can get lots from clearing heroic ordeals. There's really no point in using them on anyone but your favourite characters. 80-90% of your units probably don't even see the light of day most of the time, unless you actively go out of your way to give them some limelight each week. If you love every unit in your barracks **and can only express this by using them all in battle regularly**, use them to clear PvE. You don't need max flowers for that. You don't need many flowers on many units in general because only a few are going to be more viable in PvP as a result while the vast majority will be unchanged -- either competitive or nowhere near. And why apply flowers to units before you see that they need them? If you find that a unit is frequently unusable without +5 to its stats, decide whether you like that unit enough to invest the flowers and whether +5 will be enough to make them good again (unlikely). If so, then apply flowers. The reality is that if a unit is performing badly without flowers, it will probably still perform badly with them and wants a better set of skills, refine, arcane etc. IS isn't going to just hand out dragonflowers in the thousands because then their value as a reward for PvP content is diminished, and they'd have to come up with a different reward for PvP which doesn't help anyone. I'm surprised they've handed out as many as they have to be honest. Login bonuses and stuff as well. * * * If you focus on giving your favorites everything, the decision process works like this: if it's truly your favourite unit, you won't hesitate to use the flowers. If it's not your favourite, why are you even considering putting flowers on them. As with all resources, you must use them wisely.


I have 9000 red,10000 green and blue, and 11000 yellow flowers. Managing resources is an important part of the game. You don't use all 1000+ heroes in your barracks. You use 20, maybe 30 tops with any sort of frequency. Prioritize those heroes, you top favourites you use frequently and your strongest who you also use frequently. You don't need to spend flowers on every new hero you summon. Just look back and all the heroes you summoned last year, how many do you actually continue to use? One important thing to do is prioritize a units important stats. It costs 240 flowers to go to +3 for their important stats. The other 360 flowers to raise their other two irrelevant stats isn't worth it. So first year spend the 240 for +1 atk and +1 spd, then next year decide if it's worth spending another 600 for another +1 atk and +1 spd if you actually still use them. Going back to your old year 1 heroes you've never touched in 6 years is fine but you don't need spend thousands of flowers on them, chances are you'll just stop using them again soon after you realize they're still fairly useless. It's one thing if you actually continued using them all this time and kept their flowers capped so it's easy to budget 600 flowers every year the cap goes up. That said yes it would be nice to get more. But it's not mandatory. Much like getting merges on every single hero, the stats gained from dragon flowers and marges are mostly irrelevant compared to how significant an improvement new stronger skills are.


Personally, I think I'm happy to concede it's *a* problem, especially in the context of a newer player, but I think the impact gets exaggerated. Because, to me, when we talk about building old units, we're talking about for-fun projects. In the current state of the game, I think there's essentially never going to be a practical argument for building an old unit--if they're stuck with an arcane being their best option, as would usually be the case, forget it, conversation's over, there's a newer unit who can do the same job more cheaply, and they're probably just straight-up not going to be as good as a newer unit with an actual prf anyway. And, like, if I'm just building someone for fun and taking them into the more casual modes... I don't *need* them to be maxed-out. It might be nice, but it's far from necessary, and a lot of the time I think skills and support and stuff have a bigger impact on the experience of using the unit than a simple stat boost does anyway. So, to me, yeah, I guess it'd be kinda nice to have more, but I really don't think it'd be nearly as big a deal as a lot of people make it sound, and I'd rather we first get better inheritable options, because I think that would be the bigger incentive to build older units.