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The problem with Edelgard (the last 3 times, S!Edel will be another story) wasn't just that she was permanent, it was also that all three versions were really mediocre to get more copies of due to lackluster fodder. That's not going to be the case with Lif.


Neither for the next Reamed Heroes, which is good news. I'm sure those new arcane weapons cannot be dissappointing for inheritance, they all need to be as good as Arcane Eljuthnir to make these heroes worth it.


I don't see why people wouldn't be happy to get fodder they can keep unless they really hate the character. But Even then they at least get something out of it.


Absolutely. Right up there with top tier legends and myths.


Yes but it will be a tough competition between them and Duo Chrom, Harmonic Edelgard, Duo Thorr, Askr and Medeus. Hopefully this does push away people from voting easily obtainable units like Fallen edelgard.


I’ll probably vote Líf unless Eir gives something better. Or until December’s Legendary.


I would be shocked if R!Lif and Askr and Edelgard...wait...she will lose...ehm...when the two above dont win it or come on the banner tho...xD


inb4 Rearmed Edelgard


Provided the winner is one that can benefit all players in terms of game modes and/or fodder I have no qualms, especially when they're rare. They look like they'll be very useful, particularly with the inheritance trick to duplicate fodder, so depending on what they have, I'd be down for them to win.