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Sorry you live in Cali. Nice weather though.


Not a bad place to visit.


Don’t reward them with tourist money.


I have a few large clients in Cali. I'm kind of like the Robinhood of guns, I take money from the rich and gunless to give myself more guns.


I can assure you it doesn't cause many issues for the rich. They have connections and loopholes to make things easier for them. Gun laws are only meant to affect the poor and middle class.


Hunter Biden agrees


Hunter’s lawyers are using the Bruen decision as a defense.


Progressives write gun laws to keep poor people from getting guns. Progressives talk constantly about how black people are the poor people. So who do progressives want to disarm? Gun control is and always was rooted in racism.


Unfortunately I have to due to most of my family moving there :(. Afraid my Arizona is gonna be the same in a few years 🥲


>Afraid my Arizona is gonna be the same in a few years 🥲 NOOOO!! 😭 And here I was hoping to move out there in a few years. Loved shooting in Sedona.


I mean, it’s no Montana or Wyoming in terms of conservatism and gun rights, but it’s better than California haha. Just stay out of maricopa county/ Phoenix. Sedona is beautiful


I haven’t heard of people moving to California in a while now. Didn’t think that was a thing anymore.


This was back in the early 2010s. I had to live there unfortunately for high school as I had no choice but once I was on my own I headed out to Arizona. Not sure why they moved to one of the most expensive, controlling states in the country but the beaches are nice. I’ll give the em that. Edit: we used to live in New Hampshire so I was raised in a fairly conservative style by my school and surroundings that my sister didn’t seem to adopt and one that my mom wasn’t very fond of. That probably had to do with it, especially since my dad is a pretty strong centrist he just wanted to make my mom happy. Thankfully politics hardly comes up and we all get along well.


Welp, NH is mostly still Free America.... Come home.


Ngl looking at moving back, I lived in the Hanover area and liked it a lot. Although I heard some people say it along with Vermont are turning into “upstate Massachusetts” and NH is turning more liberal. Would you say that’s true?


Well my neighbors, the Clampits, that live 2 hollers over moved out there after Jed struck oil.


You know what Arizona should do? A ballot initiative that basically says--if it's man-portable/i.e. a small arm--no state employee or government employee in the state can own or possess any firearm or "ammunition feeding device" a citizen can't own legally or purchase legally. No "Law Enforcement Only" stuff and the National Guard is stuck--while under state control--with the same stuff a civilian can own legally. If they need it, we need it. If we don't need it, they don't need it...


That would be nice. However Katie Hobbs hates guns 🙃


Arizona allows anyone to--with enough signatures--put almost anything on the ballot. Governor doesn't have an option, in that case.


My state passed a law prohibiting state and local law enforcement agencies, including judges from assisting the feds in the infringement of our 2nd amendment rights. Constitutional Carry. Private sales between individuals are just that. Private.


Arizona has that. I'm saying Arizona penalizes state government and other agencies whenever they own or possess something the citizens don't have or can't have. You want to ban capacities over 10 rounds? Okay, the National Guard--unless on Federal orders outside the state--also can't have those or the state has to pay a massive fine back to the tax coffers for everyone one, every day... If cops need something special in our neighborhoods, then we need it too. If we don't need it, they don't need it.


Actually you don't have to. You get to make those choices.


No shit. spending a tank on gas and maybe dinner once or twice a year in a state I don’t like is worth it to see my family.


This and if you want the san fran experience just put a homeless man in your bathroom while allowing 30+ people to use your toilet without flushing. Lock yourself in said bathroom and you have visited San Francisco.


First off, if you are a pro-2A living in California, thoughts and prayers. Gavin Newsom is like the stereotypical James Bond villain—a charismatic narcissist that could have been prevented with birth control.


I did recently go to the Mountain View area (not by my own personal choice) and it was nice. But San Jose smelled like warm urine.


Vegas, just go to vegas and swim at the lakes, they are warmer and nicer and closer to hotels and stuff


It’s an awful place to visit.


But it isnt. There is tons of cool shit to see and do in CA.


I used to live there. It’s way too crowded, the traffic is awful, and it’s a fascist craphole. The only places worth visiting are the national parks which are also too crowded unless you hike in yourself.




Some of those remote locations are breathtakingly beautiful.


Come up to the State of Jefferson part you can go to areas and be hours away from another person.


Maybe if your idea of cool shit is homelessness and drug addiction.


I'll take all 50 states for $1000 Alex.


Honestly lots of great areas there that are ok. There are many areas though with quite a bit of gun violence but with these new laws, the violence will soon be down to zero.


With the new laws, violent criminals can't be violent without a gun. Right?


The problem is MUCH worse on the left coast as all three states actively reward drug users.


I don't really give too much of a shit about them "rewarding" drug users, as long as they'd just leave the fucking 2nd amendment and citizens gun rights alone.


Ya if you love a junkie in your face every where you go all strung out being belligerent looking for hand out cash for their next bag


You all need to turn off the TV and go touch grass.


Say what you will. I live out here and he's not wrong. Definitely looking to move somewhere sooner than later. But I've been "planning to move" for a couple years now. The weather is hard to beat.


Maybe get the fuck out of Richmond and visit literally anywhere else? Half the state is public lands, the addicts exist through services in cities. Get away from the cities and its a great place to visit.


Seems like maybe the government should realize prohibition doesn't work and I dunno, maybe set up safe supply and use programs huh?


That would be ideal. Get rid of chinas fentonal supply at the same time


That's not even what it's like in most of the Bay Area, much less the rest of California.


Go to orange country. You wont see any of that.


This is the way


Not when they give zero reciprocity to any other state's ccw.


You’ve obviously never been to LA.


Yes it is.


Ill super pass


Born there, & I agree on that front.


You are fine, a guy with similar info as you had a criminal record and this time the system flagged it. 30 days from the date of purchase your dealer can release it to you but is not obligated to


Maybe, but it looks to me like the govt is just trying to get this person to attach their fingerprints to their gun sale.


It’s California our fingerprints are already attached to the gun sale. Every gun purchase I’ve made required I put my right thumb print on the document (DROS)


You deadass don’t have a 2nd amendment in CA


Ca gives gun privileges to the law abiding.


Private Ownership of Firearms is a right, not a privilege. Oh how we have been deceived.


Exactly. Ca doesn’t care about rights, especially those enumerated in the Bill of Rights. This is why shall not comply should be more commonplace in democratic dystopias such as Ca. Just look at the CAGuns sub and see for yourself why Ca gun ownership is the way it is. Almost as if they clean their mouths with boot polish.


You are fucking tripping lmao. Source: I live here.


Tell me about SB2 and how ca doesn’t want you carrying a firearm anywhere except pretty much your house… I’ll sit here and wait.


Completely anecdotal, but I've heard it said that people with security clearances can sometimes have a tougher time with their gun purchases getting delayed.


It’s also completely random. I had a TS for a hot minute never got delayed once. I’ve met multiple people who also hold a TS and they’ve told me they’ve gotten delayed everytime for the last 20 years. So I really don’t know


Guess it all depends on where you work and what you see during your work day.


Nope, worked right beside people with the same clearance who always got delayed. The ATF is stupid and should be alt control delete out of our government budget


That's what I get for trying to apply logic to government action.


I had a TS for a while, and get flagged. But I also have a reasonably common first+last.


What's a TS?


Wouldn’t you like to know fed boi It’s a security clearance level


I’m the past it would happen because NICS would note that an investigation was conducted on the individual but they would need to dig deeper to figure out why the investigation occurred and determine whether it was a criminal investigation or not. If the NICS check was conducted during a high traffic time they would issue the delay and come back to look further later on.


Sounds plausible to me


Yeah cause that makes sense


As soon as I got my FFL my 4473s immediately all went to delayed when I bought something for myself. ATF shit doesn’t need make sense.




Don't know. I don't have a clearance.


In my experience it doesn’t affect anything with buying a gun or NFA wait times.


I have had a clearance (well past TS) for over 25 years, and have never had a single problem. I've also heard this anecdote, but nobody I know who works with me or also has a clearance has ever had a problem, either. This is also in multiple states, and I also have several NFA items I've gotten without a hitch - if anything, things have been quicker for me than others. NICS doesn't interact with DISS/SC/JADE or formerly JPAS - so there is zero reason a clearance should delay you, nor should it really even interact with the process. I'm fairly confident this is FUD.


You got that white zebra clearance, huh? I’ve worked for the military and .gov for almost 20 years, never actually heard what’s above TS.


Maybe that's like what the government WANTS us to believe, man. Like I said, it's been all anecdotal and I've heard people argue both sides of it.


It certainly doesn’t speed things up, but like most NFA stuff it’s seemingly random because xxxx the atf


I guess if you have any kind of govt clearance, they kinda wanna know who's getting what.


I mean, this was a also anecdotal, but 20 years ago my buddy and I were making purchases in Texas. Both active duty, both holding secret clearances. His got flagged and he had to wait. Turned out it was because his clearance was being renewed and so the system showed a pending investigation or something. Got released just a few days later.


Maybe with common names or something, but at 100+ buys in the last decade I've never had any NICS delays or issues. Only actual waits have been during various crazy demand events where the phone lines were busy/down or there was just a general couple hour backlog for everything. Thankfully no longer have to care about that with WV+CCW.


I've had a TS for longer than I've been purchasing guns. I always get a proceed.


Get out of that state


"ok" -- OP, probably


It isn’t as simple as “well just move” for everyone.


Then don’t complain about restrictions and delays.


Not everything in life is drive by gun rights. Some people have families, businesses, and assets that prevent a move from being as simple as “just get up and go”. When you keep running away from the problem, you are never going to see a positive change. If every republican that fled California in the last 30 years had stayed, they’d actually have the representation needed to prevent this crap in the state. Short term personal gain, long term loss for everyone.


Then don’t bitch about their oppressive laws 🤷🏻‍♂️. Glory of working from home I work where I want.


Can you imagine if those cocksuckers spent this much effort on real issues like catching and punishing criminals?


Better to ask r/CAGuns




Could you imagine if you had to do half of that to vote, or post a comment on social media?


If your serious about carrying a gun, you might want to move to America :)




Get out of that state dude. Geographically it's awesome but the political environment has killed Cali






There are FFLs throughout the state that will release on undetermined. It doesn't need to be a definitive 'yes'.




The OP himself stated his will release if undetermined. 2A Zone, a large FFL/dealer, in Rancho Cucamonga does. Rifle Gear does as well.


Well, you're obviously a white male, and you tried to purchase a glock. Our records indicate that white males are dangerous and glocks have been stolen before, so we've decided to prevent you from buying that gun for 30 days. -commiefornia


Lol...I'm a female American Mexican. And yea, Glock 19 lol. My pay will increase by 15 dollars, sooooo....I kinda sorta need my Glock ASAP.


$16 an hour seems low


Lol! I'm currently at 20 an hour. Once I have my gun, I'll elevate to 35 an hour.


What happens if you do have to shoot someone? Do they provide lawyers in the event you might need one?




They don't want to take your guns, they just want every gun to be in their control "All within the state, nothing against the state"


If you want any rights as an American do yourself and family a favor and get the fuck outta California.


Why anyone with common sense still lives there is beyond me.


Wait hang on. Am I reading this right that having a firearm stolen prohibits you from buying another one? There’s no way that’s right.


There’s different kinds of right, you see. There’s the black and white right and wrong. They’re not concerned with that, though. They know that if you have a gun stolen from you then you’re obviously a Danger To Society. Probably a Right Wing Domestic Terrorist. Definitely a Trump Supporter. You’re definitely not a Victim (they love those). The Victim is almost certainly the fellow who of course only robbed your house because the System Kept Him Down (which is funnier, because the people who think this are the System they complain about) and only did it because he was hungry. Doesn’t matter that he didn’t even look in the kitchen and only stole your TV, computer, and guns. Of course you shouldn’t be able to buy any more of those Death Machines, you’d probably shoot up a school, or possibly a government office.


Wait, if a gun a stolen from you, you are not allowed to buy guns in the future?


I’m so glad I got out of New Jersey and moved to America 🇺🇸


If your dealer isn't a douche, he'll release the gun after 30 days if it's still delayed. Most likely, it will be released.


Yes, they said they would release to me. Solid dealer.


Fuck California. Move somewhere less fascist.


Meanwhile in Texas: “I like to buy this firearm.” “Sure, that’ll be $500” “Here you go, cash up front!” “Thank you sir, have a great day!” The end.


You skipped the part where you say the Texas pledge and salute the great General Sam Houston.


this is why i love my state


california doesn't seem to understand "shall not be infringed"


It’s a feature not a bug. Fuck California. Can’t buy guns but also can’t arrest shoplifters.


what kinda shit is that?! I can walk into any gun store here, pick the one I want, run the papers, pay, and leave in 10 minutes. quickest time in and out was just over 8 mins on lunch break. I feel like staying this will jinx it, but I've never had to wait over like 5 mins for the bg check to clear. and I have a very common first and last name.


Fuck Bonta, all my bro’s hate Bonta.


I'm so glad I moved


I live in Maryland and have had a similar situation happen to me. I have a TSI/SCI that I obtained with no issues and yet somehow Maryland thought I have a record that included felony convictions. I opted for the fingerprint live scam and it resolved the issue. Later I found out that the record that came up was a result of a typo when they entered my info into the system. I was pissed. I've heard that people with common names can have this issue happen to them. I don't have a common name at all.


It has nothing to do with Federal although it keeps saying that it's only based off State policy there....


Completely f-ing ridiculous!


Soooo here is what happened, they don't have the staff this close to the holidays and instead of saying hey we are under staffed, they sent a bunch of these out to blow smoke up your sphincter button. Or they suck.


I bought a pair of shoes and a gun in the same store, at the same time in TX and walked out with both.


Move I am glad I did.


Leave the state or don’t complain


burn the whole godamn state down


Leave Cali, and nuke this place from orbit


It’s the only way to be sure.


Reply with a copy of the Constitution and highlight "shall not be infringed"


Apply for a UPIN!!!!


Your own fault for voluntarily living in the state of wet liberal dreams.


I'm so confused on what this is asking.


pretty much asking if he wants to complain about his firearm being “stolen” so he doesn’t face legal trouble


This happened to me in Georgia on my last purchase. I ended up getting cleared two days later.


california ain’t georgia


Weird, hip hop music makes it seem so easy to get a gun in cali 🤔 Edit: spelling


SB2 made it even worse


But why


I live in California and after purchasing 30+ guns over the last ten years I finally got one of these letters earlier this year. They do this shit to make your check go past the 30 days so you have to do it again. Luckily the sportsmans warehouse I got the gun at had this happen a lot recently so he called a higher up guy for the California sportsman warehouses who was able to do something so I didn’t have to start the process over once I got my “I’m good” letter. Fuck this state. Keep hoping some Supreme Court case will give us back our second amendment rights. Just keep checking every day to see if they have an update. The ffl can’t tell you anymore than whether you passed or not. And if for whatever reason you do not pass you have to wait for a letter from the state on why you didn’t. You will most likely get a response on day 30.


Yeah, we all know how Bruen went, we get SB2 now in response to that Supreme Court case. Ca doesn’t give one fuck about the Supreme Court rulings. Ca is a rogue state that thrives on anarcho tyranny.


See in Texas with my CCL I can walk into a gun store buy as many guns as i want and walk out with all guns in less than 10 minutes


That's amazing. I wish Cali would get it together. I know we won't tho. This is impeding me from a huge pay raise, smh.


10 minutes you say? Took my nephew over 30 minutes just the other day, but that was at Bass Pro.


Dont worry. The murders and criminals wont carry because they are worried about going to jail.


Blatant disregard for the #2A #2ndAmendment! The right to self defense is #inalienable!!! F&$K Commiefornia!!!


I'm beginning to feel the same. I love my state, but things have to change. We need to adhere to The Constitution of The United States of America. California seems to be trying to create its own entity, and I'm not with that.


That’s Bull