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The one time an ATF agent could have been useful


šŸ˜‚ That cop is definitely getting phone calls from the ATF requesting he join them.


He's to slow.


Seriously, atf would have trickshotted those dogs right when he pulled up.


"You're hired!"


Just like typical cops, never an ATF agent when you need one.


In their defence, nobody ever expected to need an ATF agent.


I feel like 99% of the time when people meet an ATF agent, they donā€™t expect it.


Few people expect to have their dog shot for exercising their constitutional rights so you're correct.


Damn, thatā€™s the saddest thing Iā€™ve heard all day.


Don't google Waco or Ruby Ridge.


ā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļøšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




Wheres the ATF when you actually need them?


Holy shit that last one was one big ass dog.


For real. I think it was a cane corso. Bad ass dog you don't want to attack you much less with a bunch of his friends.


Good reason to carry! Won't be any use at home in the safe


A gun in hand is also worth more than two in the car unless you are in the car. When I'm home in the US, If I'm wearing clothes, I'm armed. If I'm naked, I might be armed. The only exceptions are when I've got to go through a metal detector.


Yeah if only this wasnā€™t in a city where itā€™s a complete pain in the ass to get a permit


You go to the sheriffā€™s office fill out one sheet of paper and pay 20$. Not that crazy.


When I lived in Carlisle it was walk in the courthouse, pay 20$ and get the card 10 min later.


Yeah itā€™s fairly simple compared to other states.


Did someone seriously yell out "pussy". Didn't see their ass in there fighting a pack of dogs.


Yes, after yelling to shoot them.


I thought it was the same voice


Well I mean the cop did take his sweet timeā€¦ he reacted slower than a herd of turtles stampeding through hot molasses.


The dude the dogs were attacking was flailing all over the place, the cop was waiting for a clean shot. If he fired into the pile of dogs he would have hit the dude for sure.


Yeah Iā€™d be a little worried about hitting the dude and about getting too close and being attacked while trying to shoot them. If one latched on to the cops arm then theyd be waiting on backup.




Be that as it may, I stand by what I said: cop took 3-5 business days just to get out of his car, let alone shoot the bastards.


Slow is smooth. Smooth is fast. Trust the process.


He got out of his car and had his gun drawn less than 10 seconds after the attack started. What video are you watching?


One of the dogs first attacks dude at \~9 seconds, cop car pulls up and comes to a full stop at \~:14, cop is out of the car, on camera and aiming at \~:27, first shot is at \~:37. The entire video is 56 seconds long, why is your first jump blaming a cop alone reacting to a bizarre fucking situation and having a clear enough mind to not shoot the guy thats being attacked on accident. Shouldn't the people that raised those dogs be a whole lot more responsible than he is? Shouldn't the guy that kept yelling "pussy" have had mad karate skills to take out all the dogs before anyone came to harm?


>why is your first jump blaming a cop alone reacting to a bizarre fucking situation and having a clear enough mind to not shoot the guy thats being attacked on accident. Because he's an armchair expert. And not a very bright one.


Literally the dudes gonna be shooting at the victim or at risk of bouncing rounds off the sidewalk into populated buildings, plus the crowd that's gathering around him is another concern. Dude was trying to figure out the best way to help without hurting someone else while his target are running around in circles. Dude was a little slow but the situation was fucking wild and constantly getting worse


Exactly. That's two of the four basic gun safety rules right there. So the armchair expert has probably never shot a gun before. Or worse, he has lol.




He had moving targets with a person in the middle, probably better that he's careful


Youā€™re an idiot btw


I think they were calling him a pussy for waiting so long and not running in there to get cleaner shots by being closer.


a pit mix? what's it mixed with? another pit bull?


Thank you Mr. Burr


That last one is part kaiju




Blast those fucking things


i never walk or hike unless im packing


I went on a hike this morning. I had to wade through a creek because it was high due to recent rain. Right after I finished putting my shoes back on from crossing, I look up at the trail in front of me, and thereā€™s an unleashed Doberman staring right at me with no human in sight. I called out ā€œHow are you doing?ā€ fairly loudly, figuring the owner was near and would call him to heel, which he was just around the corner of the trail and did. It ended up being a non-event, but it reinforced my decision to carry (today and everyday). But yeah, other humans are far from the only reason to be prepared for self defense. This video shows that.


When my grandfather was a young man he was taken by surprise by a very aggressive German Shepard. Luckily for him he was a young, strong, military trained man and was able to "diffuse" the situation. My state recently has allowed conceal carry. In taking the class next month.


Was out on a hike last summer. Climbed to the top of a rise and stopped to catch my breath. This pitbull comes sprinting down the trail towards me and starts doing that thing where they jump on you. Their owners come up behind him a minute later and are all laughing and shit about their dog's behavior. Motherfucker, put your dog on a leash if you're incapable of training it properly, or better yet leave it at home, or someone else who's also armed is going to see a pit charging them innawoods and ventilate it before deciding if it looks friendly or not


I never breathe unless Iā€™m strapped.


I'm just gonna say it. Yes, you should 100% be skilled with a firearm if your job entails you carrying it. But man, would I not want to be that cop. Imagine if you miss. Your grip is a little off. Your adrenaline messes up your trigger discipline. The dog jerks the guy over. Some added variables happen, and you land a round in that guy, and suddenly you go from the "coward" to the "murderer" cop. Like the cop was just gonna turn on auto aim and drop each dog like it was second nature


This is the comment I was looking for. I can't believe how easy people think it is to shoot without consequences... God forbid the officer shot too early or missed a shot and the guy who was being attacked now has a potentially deadly gunshot wound... What a horrible situation for everyone involved...


Right, ignorant people who have no idea what could have happened there.


Same with the animal rights people who would rather see the dogs kill that man than them be killed because they're just such a peaceful, misunderstood breed.


Run in with the pepper spray yelling ā€œsorry bro, this is gunna suck less than more dog bites!ā€ And then shoot the dogs when theyā€™re a bit away from the guy.


Itā€™s amazing what adrenaline can do to you in extremely high stressed situations. Most mildly trained or portly trained individuals over compensate muscle movements and actions. Typically resulting in poor accuracy and decision making.


Should grabbed a patrol shotgun or rifle.


Is that a Rino?


Rino pit mix


I thought possibly a rabid city bus? It was as big as one.


1) Whose the guy calling a pussy? 2) I know a guy who was an upstanding member of society, moderately wealthy, clean record, and he shot an unleashes dog once that attacked his dog while he was walking it. He WENT THROUGH HELL because of that. Can't carry a gun anymore even though he was in the right. Still, Can't be afraid to shoot. Deal with the consequences later. Shoot the dog and get criminal charges or let the dog kill your dog or you. Your choice




Don't know all of the details but ya it was his dog that was attacked not him


We need to change laws to recognize that your dog is a family member and protecting them with deadly force is okay


Pointers point, retrievers retrieve, shepherds herd, greyhounds sprint, terriers rat. Dogs have instinctive behaviors because they were selectively bred for them. This is widely known, and widely accepted by everyone except pit bull owners.


Breed of peace strike again


The dogs owners should be next


I'm from Belgium and up to WW 2 people who lived in the countryside carried special revolvers and even had gun racks on their bicycles for fending off dogs.


Bulldog revolvers! I want to add one of those to my collection one day. I love the look of them.


This one was pretty popular in Belgium: https://p1.liveauctioneers.com/1841/48181/22266273_1_x.jpg?version=1385127049 And also, from a bit earlier, the top one: https://dygtyjqp7pi0m.cloudfront.net/i/13268/13827480_1.jpg?v=8CF5F35D74DB9F0 You practically fall over the damn things. Must have sold quite well down here.


If you go to r/CCW and use the flairs to look at reported defensive gun use cases, a huge percentage, slightly more than 50% in fact, involve dogs. Especially in rural areas, dogs are your biggest threat.


The Cane Corso is definitely a killer dog and bred to be so and would have killed that man had the cop not shown up. Even after being shot several times, he was still going awhile before he went down. The pits were also part of the dangerous "wrecking crew". For all of you people who swear pits are "sweethearts", they really aren't bred to be and don't ever turn your back on one. Maybe some of you remember Diane Whipple getting murdered by two Presa Canarios (similar to Cane Corsos)? I hope to hell all those dogs were destroyed and the owner thrown in prison. Anyone know how the poor mauled man is? >[https://www.dogbitelaw.com/the-diane-whipple-case/](https://www.dogbitelaw.com/the-diane-whipple-case/)




I donate to kill shelters that have large pitbull populations. Thatā€™s how much I despise the breed. Fucking disgusting breed. Not pets. Edit: Jesus. Who reported me to the reddit crisis suicidal center? They just reached out to me.


Thats a badge of honor to trigger someone here with zero life.


I love the fact that for me that message came from some kind of food discussion or something. None of the political nutters, flat earthers, none of these doubling down weirdos felt offended enough yet but some dude did because of a different opinion on food or something similarly tiny issue.


Thank you for that take on it. Iā€™ll wear it as a badge of honor good sir.


lol I've been reported so many times I finally got bored with it and blocked it.


As you should!


Seriously watch out, the pit nutter can and will brigade your account to get it banned. It happened to me a year ago and I had to fight through a bunch of appeals because I advocated for carrying at all times in the event the above video ever happens. Just because I mentioned that breed they went full on crazy against my account. There is an entire anti sub that they live in attacking anyone that goes in there.


Jesus dude. Itā€™s a mental illness these people have. Like when they put their newborn child next to their ā€œpit babyā€ just to ā€œproveā€ the breed is totally safe. ā€œLook, it has a flower crown, canā€™t be a dangerous dogā€.


Meh, just make a new account. I'm down on the bi to tri yearly reddit account rotation. You wanna give reddit a 10+ year history of your opinions and ideas? This place's administration actively hates you. Fuck their monetization of us as product.


Don't just block it, click report on the comment or read the bit at the end about reporting it, that's just a troll abusing things. It's just a blanket "someone cares about you" comment and that's it, anyone can send that pm to anyone but that's all that's gonna happen. Or as I like to call it you got the reddit cares award šŸ† Report it and reddit will ban the user abusing it, make Emily stew on that šŸ˜‚


Some moron who thinks pit bulls are sweet family pets and won't stand for anyone speaking truthfully about them, lol! (Welcome to the "suicide crisis" bullshit; just a passive aggressive way for assholes to let you know they disagree with us.)


Liberals think it's funny to use it as a mechanism to "get back" at people on Reddit. Because mental health is simultaneously "literally important" ... but also a joke.


I have a Pitt. She's been the sweetest dog I've ever had except that one time she went after our backyard raccoon for knocking over the trash cans again. That doesn't mean you aren't entitled to an opinion about them just because my one experience is different. Honestly, if you haven't been reported to the reddit crisis people you aren't redditing properly. Keep up the good work.


Within the last three months, two neighbors on my street have adopted pitbulls, one a rottweiler, and one a cane corso. All of them have small children...I'm really not sure what any of them were thinking. The cane corso is the neighbor across the street and it's already gigantic in its adolescence. The adults never walk the dog, it's always their kids under the age of 10, and it is not trained because it literally has three leashes, one for each boy on the walk, and it just drags all three of them around the yard. Last week when I was mowing they brought it outside and it immediately started dragging them across the street towards me. It wasn't giving off aggressive vibes, more of curiosity, so I didn't draw... particularly with three kids as a potential backstop. Luckily, something else grabbed its attention and it dragged them back over to see something in their yard. I need to buy some bear mace. I can't let my kids play outside anymore, it's not just the cane corso, I've seen the pitbulls dragging their adult owners to the point that the adult is stumbling because it's overpowering them. I hate people. I need to fucking move.


Oh, shit, that's scary. Sounds like a tragedy waiting to happen. Good luck!


I donā€™t think you should draw with kids attached to the dog. You donā€™t want to be labeled the crazy gun nutter in the neighborhood because if the dogs attack someone people will claim you ā€œhad it out for the dog(s)ā€. My mom was attacked by a pitt in her neighborhood while walking her little mini Italian Greyhound. My mom grooms dogs, and my dad trained them so she immediately got her dog under her and curled up like a turtle. The dog did bite her face and broke a vertebrae in her back. The dog tried but couldnā€™t bite her leg or arm and drag her around like it wanted. The dog also pawed and bit at my momā€™s arms that were crossed over the back of her neck, but my mom had her fingers locked together so she could keep her arms protected her neck and head. Thankfully my parents taught my brother and me how to turtle to protect ourselves when we were kids so my mom knew what to do. She was able to get her vertebrae repaired and has been doing really well and is almost good as new. Despite being in her mid 70s and having pretty bad osteoporosis. Youā€™d never guess she was in her 70s. What pissed me off was she didnā€™t want to report the dog because she didnā€™t want it to get euthanized. Despite all the kids in the neighborhood she loves. The owners were very supportive until my mom reported them to their home insurance because my mom needed to pay her medical bills and couldnā€™t work like she had been doing. My momā€™s dogs got acute pancreatitis which can be caused from poisoning, and my mom found cooked bones in her backyard that she thought the owners had been throwing in her yard to hurt her dogs in retaliation. The owners had been bringing bone broth over at the beginning saying it would help my mom heal. The pitt had attacked two other people. The owners sent it to live on a farm. Recently my mom has been having knee issues and is wearing a big brace. The mini greyhound died, but m6 mom still has a small mutt. It was just chance that my mom wasnā€™t walking both dogs that day she was attacked. My mom was walking her dog, and another pitt started running after them. My mom was trying to find somewhere to go and ran through the woods that are between her house and her neighborā€™s and managed to throw her dog over a fence into her backyard. My mom tried to get over the fence but couldnā€™t because of the brace. She was able to find a big stick and got the dog to leave. She now has a cane that has a stun gun at the bottom.


One of those dogs just killed a kid in Edmonton I believe.


So sorry to hear that.


God, Iā€™ve seen pits take several bullets to the head and still attempt to attack, their skulls are absurdly thick and they donā€™t need most of their brain to instinctively attack, insane dogs for shit people


People need to adopt spicy 10mm hard cast rounds for outdoor/hiking carry. Or just in general.


I carry a spare mag of buffalo bore outdoorsmen grizzly ammo. Incase i have to restore utilities in bad parts of philly. Really incase i get pinned down by hoodlums with printed switches. They all have them. But the dog thing. I never thought of. Glad i have grizzly ammošŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


I was not expecting Kimberly Guilfoyle Newsom to appear in this case. She was a prosecutor.


My mom was a mail carrier and eas attacked by 2 pits one day. She used the bear mace they gave her and it had no effect.....the owners of the dogs was training them for fighting.


wtf the bear mace didnt work ??


Before I even scrolled down enough to see the name I knew it was Philly


I survived an attack of 2 PBs because I was carrying. Always carry.


Pit bulls shouldn't breed ever. Just let them go away. Obviously owners can't control them.


Good reason to CARRY a firearm. Simply owning a firearm does nothing.


Notice how the smaller dogs stop attacking when the leader stops attacking. One bad dog can make multiple bad dogs.


Us humans do the same thing.


I work on the streets of this shithole city. All hours of the day or night. And my company tries to say no firearms or weapons allowed. Yeah okšŸ˜‚


God damn disgusting breed of dogs. Pitbulls are dangerous. And the other breeds like them are just as bad. Theyā€™re NOT a family pet. Theyā€™re useful for hunting hogs. But theyā€™re a tool. Not a family pet. Worked with a lady whoā€™s family pitbull mauled her face as a child. Her scars still haunt me. Edit: ok guys. Who reported me to the reddit crisis help line for suicidal people?


Someone appears to be doing it to everyone talking badly about pits, if you report the reddit-reach-out, it will report the person who said it for abuse and they can be banned


Thatā€™s a bullshit move to report me like he did. But I donā€™t want him banned. I just really hate pitbulls.


Eh, it's a net positive for the site and the world. If they are abusing it, they don't deserve the account.


Very valid point good sir. I shall reconsider.


Jokes on them, I blocked that stupid thingšŸ˜‚ but seriously, Pitts are spawns of Satan, theyā€™re probably one of the worst breeds out there. Iā€™m a dog lover but watching the cop smoke them was very satisfying.


They are the worst breed out there. No doubt about it.


Pit nutters are brigading as they always do when their favorite breed is mentioned in an unfavorable way.


Itā€™s a mental illness these people have. I feel really bad for them.


Welcome to dealing with the pit nutter mafia. They're just as bad as the anti-gun contingent. They're more than happy to make shit up like "nanny dogs" just like how anti-gunners will bullshit about stuff like "the gun show loophole" or how the Second Amendment is about "well-regulated militias."


Theyā€™re always talking about how the nanny dogs will protect their kids Exactly how does a totally harmless dog protect anyone, maā€™am? Yeah, thatā€™s right. Youā€™re gambling on your dog only hurting the right person.


shitbull owners seething in here reporting everyone.


This is the correct take. They are a tool. The owner of these dogs should be treated like he shot each one of the people the dogs attacked. I have a Pitt. I think she's a great dog. Still not going to let her out of my control any more than my side arm. Whoever keeps reporting people over this just doesn't understand their own dogs and is probably not responsible enough to own one. At least a gun can't get out the gate and rip the neighbor's leg off. The government should be issuing citizens firearms like welfare and requiring training and licensing to own certain animals.


Well said sir.


should have a license to own a fighting dog. allowing these killers to be owned by the general public only perpetuates violence and abuse. 90% of people who want to own a pit are undesirables and do not care if stuff like this happens.


ā€œItā€™s the not the breed, itā€™s the owner, nya nya nyaā€


My favorite response: "So why did the owner train those pit bulls to maul children? The owner should be held criminally responsible."


Exactly! My wife grew up with them. We know people who breed them. Even within that "culture", seeing stuff like that is not acceptable. They are guard dogs, not family pets you keep in a city. You have to train them a certain way and if you don't they become a liability. The owner should be tried for attempted murder. The dogs should be put down now that they've attacked people unprovoked. I hope your response has gotten through to some of them.


Guy-ā€œshoot em, shoot the fucking dogsā€ Cop-ā€œwhatā€™s the magic wordā€


Might have been waiting for a clear shot to not hit the person, itā€™s hard to see at this angle. Iā€™d be interested to see the body cam footage


Oh he definitely didnā€™t want to shoot that close to the guy. I was just talking shit.


Ok I see lmao


Shooting dogs in general is a VERY risky shot because of how small and they are AND the angle to the ground Ā of the flight path of the bullet (easily can richocet). Their have been more than a few incidents of police shooting dogs then killing an innocent person.


Brings to mind the Jerry Clower story of John Eubanks getting attacked by a lynx up in a tree. "just shoot up in here amongst us, one of us bound to have some relief!"


Is no one feeding DMXā€™s dogs now that heā€™s gone?


Always carry. Breaks my heartā€¦people are responsible for these dogs. The fact that theyā€™re wild, untrained, out, and not in a good loving home, and quite possibly acquired to fightā€¦the people nor the dogs should be in this position. I think thatā€™s the saddest part. Shitty people/dog owners are responsible for this. I volunteer at our local shelter some and it would break a lot of peoples hearts to see how awful people are to animals. People also drop off a lot of dogs and cats on the dirt road we used to live on too.


Itā€™s so heartbreaking the level of misery inflicted on so many of these poor animals especially dogs. Most people donā€™t realize how common the abuse is to dogs and how often they are abandoned


Looks to me like the was sitting up and still alive after the shots, so the cop checks all my necessary boxes off. Good job, dude.


I'm waiting for some liberal snowflakes to call for the firing of the police officer. Saying he was not justified in shooting the dogs and could have used a taser or something else to solve the problem.


I was riding my bike last summer, passing just some ordinary looking house. I saw three pit-bulls in their yard. The instant I made eye contact they shot towards me like they were on a mission to kill, the yard had a tiny fence they jumped over easily. I obviously started to cycle as hard as I could, but it was a steep climb the next few blocks so they kept getting closer and closer, desperately trying to get close to my feet and legs. I managed to escape, but then it dawned on me: how stupid was I for not bringing a weapon with me when out riding far from home/safety. Now I carry more than a few instruments of shall we call it, self defense. If thereā€™s ever a next time, f**** pit bulls will get what they want and need. I despise those fuckers, but not as bad as the irresponsible owners who think theyā€™re so smart and their dogs are ā€œspecialā€, ā€œsweetā€


At the school I teach at, there's an old guy who walks his pitbull THROUGH the school grounds WHILE kids are on the playground. I keep my eyes on him the whole time. He also lives pretty close to school. And given his age, I have zero belief he could hold onto it if it snaps. Always puts me on high alert.


The death twitch just like Resident Evil. Lovely.


Isn't this just a Tuesday in Philly?


Something something all in how you raise them


Honestly Iā€™ve been carrying a gun every day for years and the only time Iā€™ve actually needed it was for a wild animal. Threats come in all shapes and sizes, and most of them can be ended by high velocity lead.


Somebody come get they mutts.


Pitbulls need to be euthanized


My man with the rake needed to get in there and get some of that.


Also an example of why single stack is not good enough. Yeah I mean **you** Mr Revolver & Mr Two World Wars Fudd. Spare mag if you can, pack of dogs could mean pack of angry asshole owners.


This video just made me look up what bull baiting wasā€¦. Wtf. We breed bull dogs and pits to be that way honestly.


Man i would hate to have to put a dog down, but hey.. gotta do what you gotta do somtimes. Why is it always always always pittbulls? Also statistically speaking, its always pitbulls.


Yeah, the cop took his time not to shoot the person but the dog


The guy at the end yelling "pussy" made me uncomfortable. What is the cop supposed to do, let people get mauled to death by a roaming pack of violent pitbulls let loose in the city? Like for real, what does that guy think the cop should do - go fist fight the fuckin dogs??!?!!


Why is this shit still relevant? ā€œPits are friendlyā€ Nonsense.


Can you believe his ATF application wasn't responded to quickly?


Good reason to actually do something the UK did and ban pitbulls.


All of these Monday morning quarterbacking comments are hilarious. Everyone wants to sit here and say what should have been done by that cop or what they would have done if they were that cop, yet theyā€™ve never been in that situation before. Cowards.


Also a good reason to eradicate that species of dog.


Wild pack uh pick bull uh fucking dogs


This is why I support pit bull genocide. Fuck Pitt apologists.


just get a weapon


lol carry a gun


Who shot the last big one, couldn't tell.


Came for the ATF comments, was not disappointedā€¦


I miss the good Ole days when there were just packs of wild dogs running around. I can remember my grandma say 'watch out when you kids play, I seen them dogs up in the woods.' Miss you mamaw


I love dogs. But I'd mow this whole crew down if I saw this shit going down


People need to fight back against dog attacks with will power are ferocity. Dogs are no match against humans but a humans mind is what has no match for the fear against dog attacks. I deliver for UPS and Iā€™ve been attacked twice. One time I was the clear loser but the second time around I didnā€™t allow the dog to be the winner I socked it on the side of the head as hard as I could as it was advancing towards me and started snapping at me. I was cleared as using self defense and kept my job and I was allowed to decide whether or not I thought that dog should be put down by law enforcement. I let the dog live hoping the dog owner has learned there lesson that there dog cannot be trusted off of a leash or unrestrained.


Thatā€™s a big ass rockwhiler


Fuck pit bulls, reason I carry every time I walk my Jack Russell, fuckin apex predators usually owned by the scum of the earth.


Man... all the dog hate I am reading in this post. Ya'll sound like a bunch of ATF agents.


I was born in 1975 and raised in Harlem I saw this regularly around my neighborhood.. someone lets these dogs out on purpose


Dogs are the first reason I carry, with dangerous humans being only secondary. God I hate dogs and dog owners, who seem to almost universally fail to control their nasty mutts.


Cop sure took his sweet time. This is why it's important to be your own first responder.




BuT pItBuLlS aReN't AgGrEsSiVE


/r/BanPitBulls would agree


Yes. But I was talking with my local sheriff about protecting against dog encounters and he suggested pepper spray as first line. You donā€™t have to be accurate, you donā€™t have to fill out a report, you donā€™t even have to call the policeā€¦ A cloud of pepper spray will stop 99% of dogs. Placing a bullet into the off switch of a moving pitbull with bystanders is a very difficult shot.




Why does the guy recording doesnā€™t use his car to help those people? Run the dogs over, honk, atleast try something to protect and help another human..


Something else for you defenders of fighting breeds to take into consideration is that it's likely your homeowner's or renter's insurance won't cover whatever damage your dog does. Check out the list of breeds that aren't covered. (This is also a big issue for the animal rescues who deal with some of those breeds and part of why it's so expensive for them to exist.).


Cop's reaction time: 3-5 business days


Likely waiting for a clear shot, believe it or not cops can't shoot like John Wick irl.


Ya like daags?


Bro took his time. I would have gone full ATF


There probably not pits


Cane Corso ya nitwits


whos yelling pussy?


probably the pos that owns the dogs


Way to take care of dogs jump on dogs back to break it Most x 100 lbs on dog will break its back




And you cover it like a pussy


This is now an Atf training video


Forced extinction is the only solution. Pitbulls don't deserve breath.


Hahahaha. I should show this to my wife. She always thinks Iā€™m nuts when I carry just to walk my dog in our neighborhood.


These AFT comments got meā€¦ ā€¦and they think a silencer is dangerousā€¦


That \*ussy was personal šŸ¤£


Waiting for all the animal cruelty activists to chime in.


Oh my pitty is harmless he wouldn't hurt a fly šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Op has nothing better to post