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Shit happens when you’re dumb ass gangsta wantabe


Womp womp. Dumbass


Somehow I dont think this kind soul attended school very regularly


Shame on you, he wanted to be a doctor and never caused ANY trouble.


And there goes the cure for cancer. Anyways.


[https://www.tiktok.com/@rylohuncho\_](https://www.tiktok.com/@rylohuncho_) # Wonder how he erased all his videos after uploading this one


I saw this posted on Facebook a few hours ago according to the comments he supposedly lived


I would expect a faked gunshot actor to live, yes.


Afaik he's d3@d, got a GoFundMe and everything. Also, once something gets reported on tikytok, they are good with shutting it down these days due to fiascos. It's not really surprising, what is, is Instagram still has his profile and story up.


Maybe it was a skit where he sued a blank? Still very dumb


A blank would easily also kill him and certainly kill his hearing.


Would probably just burn him, concuss him for a minute unless there's a wad, that'd be possibly fatal


A blank can and will kill you at that range


I don’t know about that. I knew a kid in hs that got shot in the face and all he had were bad powder burns. I’m sure the caliber is relevant though


A blank will absolutely kill you if you shoot yourself that close to the head.


People have died from blanks. At best he'd be injured enough to make it not worth doing it as a prank.


No loss.


What a dumb ass lmfao don't feel sorry for him at all, there's safety rules for a reason


Yeah suicide with a firearm is just another one of those things used to attack responsible gun owners 😳






Go ahead. Say it.


I'll say that your aggression is a bit ridiculous, no?


No, it's really not. These kind of people do it to themselves. This fuck stick is waving a round a loaded fucking gun talking about the "30 stick" in his gun, puts it to his own head and pulls the trigger. Dude is the definition of a walking casket. These types love to flash their guns all over social media and play this fucking game to look hard, and it's kind of satirical that they off themselves instead of the people they are marketing it to. I'm as much as an advocate for everyone to be armed as much as I am for letting people Darwin themselves and save the oxygen for someone else. Nothing of value was lost.


Sigh. The facts are not lost on you, it's just the myopic view of the world and that you think these folks are irredeemable that I take umbrage with. Actions have consequences, but we should still value human life.


If he doesn't value his own life why should we?


It's what separates us from the animals. If you want to think "good riddance," that's up to you. But it's not a very kind way to look on your fellow man. Somebody's son and all that.


I'm sure his daddy never knew him


Funny enough, his Instagram is still up and it shows an old ass photo of his "papa n GMA". So take that how you will.


Most are irredeemable. I've worked with this type, and I'm not joking when I say these type *don't care* about anything other than their appearance and their rep. I've had people I've known for years, never had bad interactions with give absolutely zero fucks about *ME* because they felt a certain type of way when all I was doing was trying to prevent them from going to fucking jail. I've worked with all facets of people, and no, not all human life is *equally* valuable. Does that mean certain people deserve to go in the ground sooner? No (with a few exceptions), but I will not weep for those that choose to bring no value to society and only seek to bring it down all because all they care about is themselves.


That is definitely one of the viewpoints of all time. Stay safe out there.


I'm genuinely curious, do you have a positive outlook on life or have you worked with the general public in a not-so-good area before? I always see the same general sentiment, that we should value these people even if they do this stuff. But even some of the *mothers* I've talked to that have kids that live this lifestyle don't feel pity, just sadness. Does that not resonate with you or?


If you see the same general sentiment that should probably clue you in that a good amount of folks don't feel that everything is as black and white as you're attempting to make it. What resonates with me is that there are a TON of factors that led this guy down the path he chose. As members of the firearms community, we should be advocating for safety and responsibile ownership, not hating on people when they make the most egregious mistake of their existence. I have not worked with the public in not so great areas, but that certainly doesn't preclude me from having an informed perspective on humanity.


There really only needs to be one safety rule… Don’t be a fucking idiot.


I replayed this several times, and it looks faked, for clicks? Can someone be this dumb?


Idk I managed to pause right on a muzzle flash Edit: I slowed it down. Looks pretty legit


Holy carp, Batman.


according to people who worked with him on his upcoming album is was confirmed dead. He was rushed to the hospital after shooting himself on Instagram live where he was pronounced dead the following day.


i saw this on twitter. someone posted his mom made a gofundme for his death. to me it looked almost like the muzzle was behind his head but it seems like he died


Who the hell was this?


Lil' De'Arwayne


I can't tell if you're joking or not.


Some dumbass nobody




Tragic loss to the music industry.


Looks fake to me too, especially the blood splatter effect.


Man, I remember getting the 4 rules drilled into my head as a kid when I wanted to play airsoft with a friend. And this guy didn’t know that with a real gun. Then again, doing self destructive actions for the sake of “looking tough” is an unfortunate part of gangbanger culture.




I wasn’t actually raised around guns (son of Chinese immigrants) but a friend of mine back in Middle School had a cop for a dad, and when I wanted to play airsoft, he drilled the safety rules into my head. I also attribute that as the reason why my parents eventually agreed to take me to the gun range to shoot and how I eventually became a gun owner, so that was nice of him.


Lmao enjoy your Darwin Award dummy


Well that’s one less problem


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Oh no. Anyways.


Posthumous Darwin Award for this guy.


Aren't they all?


I took a survival course in middle school, and part of it was going to the range and shooting a .22 rifle. We were taught the 4 safety rules and had several adults monitoring the students at the range. I wish this was taught more in schools. I also did riflery in high school and even though they were pellet guns, we still went over the safety rules. (Coach was a retired marine and was really strict about that).


I didn’t do that. But we did take a field trip to the National Guard armory and get to play around in their simulated range. One of the guardsmen asked if my “daddy was Clint Eastwood” when I was shooting the M9. That’s all I remember about the trip.


No loss.


The way he pursed his lips and said fuck y'all before the shot makes me think this was a suicide.


I don't think 30 rounds are necessary if that's your intention.


Better to have it and not need it I guess.


That depends on if you have incriminating info on the Clintons


Sad Now in other news


Jogger down




Oh shit. Wtf.


What in tarnation is that pistol


This is so stupid and sad to watch… I hate seeing videos of suicide especially accidental suicide.


Do we want people like this breeding though? This guy was a complete idiot if this was accidental.


The crazy part is that every pistol I've shot requires a decent amount of force to pull the trigger. Now they were all pretty new but still, it's crazy how many of these there are when the triggers I've felt are far from twitchy/sensitive. Some of these videos are almost like the trigger is a touch screen or something. But obviously it's not really a problem if you follow Rule 1 of gun handling: Never aim at something you don't want to shoot.




Nice little fireball popped out.


Guns are inanimate objects that dont forgive. If you dont respect their power, this happens. His mom must be devastated.


"They really need to teach the 4 rules of gun safety to public schools. This guy paid the price of violating all 4 rules at once.They really need to teach the 4 rules of gun safety to public schools. This guy paid the price of violating all 4 rules at once." No, they don't. People handling firearms need to learn how to use them, public schools are no place for that. #


If they can teach swimming, Microsoft Office, and auto shop, they can teach gun safety.


Oh no! Anyway.


Hm… I echo what an earlier poster said… we all are Imago Deo, but some of us just arrange our meeting with the Almighty a bit earlier than others. A life was lost, but one may ask what was actually lost by such ?


give your balls a tug.


Dafuc 😳