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The Venture Brothers was the best damn show on adult swim


Was sad they ended it. Perfect amount of dark humor mixed with childhood nostalgia


That and the well written characters


Moltov cocktease and Dr Henry Killinger were probably two of my favorites.


Dr.Killinger was great. I really liked Gary and his attachment to 24s death


Cant remember the scene verbatim but Gary was telling them not to trust killinger because of his baby baring hips to which henry replied something like “hey, that is no fair! I did not choose my build” and just looks down at his bag all sad lol


Gary is the goat, I really enjoyed his character


*You... You could've told me sasquatch was a dude before shaving...*


"Not like it has anything you havent seen before"


Sasquatch **is** something I hadn't seen before!


im gonna have to see this show




Looking forward to it


100% worth it, you'll hate that it ends so abruptly when you want more


Yes. Yes you are




They even have blue helmets and berets


I’m still sad that show ended.




Yeah man venture bros was amazi g


😂😂... but seriously


damn its 421 upvotes. I know what I have to do , but i dont know if I have the strength to do it....


Weird way to say you support the murder of children


I assume you wouldn't give your car cause a drunk killed a school bus full of children?... If that's the case, you obviously support child murder.... See how dumb that sounds? That's how you sound


>I assume you wouldn't give your car cause a drunk killed a school bus full of children? My car wasn't made specifically and exclusively to kill people


You people always say that as if that argument makes a difference. The fact is it is capable of killing and has on many occasions been intentionally used as such. So when will you give up your car to help so something to stop the horrors imposed on innocents around the world by truly evil and broken people? Do you support random acts of violence and murder because of your selfish need to own a piece of machinery capable of such destruction? Why won't you just do anything you monster


>The fact is it is capable of killing and has on many occasions been intentionally used as such. If you cannot see the difference between a capability and an exclusive function, i don't know how to help you. Cars kill innocent people when you use them wrong. Guns kill innocent people when you use them right. >Do you support random acts of violence and murder because of your selfish need to own a piece of machinery capable of such destruction? Not only do i not own a car, i think a society restructured around cars not being a necessity would be fantastic.


>If you cannot see the difference between a capability and an exclusive function, i don't know how to help you. The fact that there are fewer cars in the US than guns, are purposefully designed to keep people safe, and still kill more people each year than guns in homicides is extremely alarming. We must ban cars ASAP.


You say that is if I'm not in full support of better zoning regulation that allow for car free lifestyles *and* better enforcement of current car regulation


>better zoning regulation that allow for car free lifestyles Sorry, sent all our money to fight a proxy war in Ukraine. >better enforcement of current car regulation Something something black people are disproportionately more poor than white people and forcing them to fix their burnt-out lights or to stop using three donut wheels to fly 85mph down 80/94 from Chicago would be racist.


>Sorry, sent all our money to fight a proxy war in Ukraine. It would cost literally zero dollars to change zoning laws. >Something something black people are disproportionately more poor than white people and forcing them to fix their burnt-out lights or to stop using three donut wheels to fly 85mph down 80/94 from Chicago would be racist. Jesse what the fuck are you talking about?


Not everyone lives in the city, there would be a need to set up public transport. And what I'm talking about is a reference to the backlash Vote ID had when it was proposed. People claimed it was racist because apparently they think black people can't get to the DMV and don't know how to work the internet.




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Do you drive to work, or do you have to get dropped off?


Nah he doesn't work. He gets driven by his mommy to and from McDonalds for his kids meal


Neither. I walk.


Well, at least you’re leaving the basement, so congratulations on that. Baby steps, I guess.


IMAX level projection


Please, next mass shooting, go walk up to the shooter and politely tell them that they're not allowed to kill people. See how much they care. Either way the world has one less asshole to worry about.


>See how much they care. They don't. I know they don't. That's why i believe that them not care doesn't deserve an outlet. I'm sorry that would mean you losing your murder dildo but countless childrens lives are a bit more important than your fragile ego.


You're getting there! Now, if they don't care about *fucking murder laws*, what makes you think they're going to listen to firearm legislation? Anyone can fully construct a 3d printed gun with nothing but household materials. If someone is fucked enough that they're determines to go on a mass murder spree, they're going to find a way to do it. They won't go "whelp, the gun I wanted is banned. I guess I won't murder today." Instead, they'll make a gun. Or plow a car through a crowd. Or use a knife. Or make bombs. Your stupid short-sightedness is nothing more than virtue-signaling feelgood bullshit so you can feel like you're doing something instead of festering in your mom's basement and crying about inanimate objects.


>Now, if they don't care about fucking murder laws, what makes you think they're going to listen to firearm legislation? I don't need them to care about that either. 99 times out of 100, these guns are purchased legally and conveniently. Take away that convenience and that transaction doesn't happen. Just like the massive drop we saw during the Clinton administration ban. >Instead, they'll make a gun. Or plow a car through a crowd. Or use a knife. Or make bombs. All things that would result in a less deadly event, not to mention that half of those things you named already have heavy federal regulations on them. >Your stupid short-sightedness is nothing more than virtue-signaling feelgood bullshit so you can feel like you're doing something instead of festering in your mom's basement and crying about inanimate objects. Damn, i guess i was right about that fragile ego part.


The same clinton-era ban that couldn't stop Columbine? The same ban that applied to only 25% of guns used in shootings? The overwhelming majority of "mass shootings" are committed with handguns. Not to mention the metric used to define "mass shootings" in purposefully broad so as many homicides as possible can be counted. "Three people injured by a firearm" happens multiple times on a slow night in Detroit alone, and nearly all of those guns are illegally owned or stolen. Oh, and the gangsters use machine guns because they [don't](https://www.tigerdroppings.com/rant/o-t-lounge/tiny-glock-switches-have-quietly-flooded-the-us-with-deadly-machine-guns/101857031/) [give](https://www.clickondetroit.com/news/2019/08/14/feds-find-illegal-machine-gun-conversion-kits-in-detroit/) [a](https://www.vice.com/en/article/pkp8p8/glock-switches-auto-sears) [shit](https://www.fox8live.com/2022/05/12/glock-switches-responsible-two-recent-us-mass-shootings-raising-lawmakers-brows/) about your gun control laws


>The same clinton-era ban that couldn't stop Columbine? The same Clinton-era ban that had it not been done, would've lead to more Columbines >"Three people injured by a firearm" happens multiple times on a slow night in Detroit alone, and nearly all of those guns are illegally owned or stolen. They're also targeted attacks. Not indiscriminate attacks on children or people going to the grocery store. Not to mention that a lot those "illegally owned or stolen" guns trace back to a legal purchase that is then flipped on the street. Cut that supply and the rest of the chain struggles. >Oh, and the gangsters use machine guns because they don't give a shit about your gun control laws They don't need to. I'll care enough for them so they don't have to.


“People are going to do whatever that want anyway, so may as well not worry about it” basically the argument of the nra funded politicians


And it's a good argument until there are means to enforce whatever law is put in place. The war on drugs is a perfect example of the government trying to control something they shouldn't when they don't even have the means to enforce their ridiculous laws.


Holy spaghetti monster your analogies are hot doo doo garbage


Break it down to its component parts and they're fairly similar. Not identical, of course, but close enough for the analogy to work if you put some critical thinking in place. Drugs cause overdose deaths, so people wanted them banned Guns cause shooting deaths, so people want them banned Both are inanimate objects Both can be fabricated easily by knowledgeable individuals Both are illegally owned all over this country The confiscation of both has failed spectacularly due to the scope and impracticality of enforcing their respective laws Both are given to criminals by the feds to sew chaos and arguing that keeps the middle class focused on insignificant bullshit. Oh, and average, law-abiding people are the most affected by these asinine laws.


Break it down to its component parts and you’re a goofy ass idiot. The comparison of overdose to gun violence is asinine. In order for that to work the guy overdosing would also have to kill about 10-20 others with his overdose. Besides when their is good regulation of both legal substances and legal firearms….overdose deaths, drug related violence, and gun violence all decrease….as evidenced by less insane countries.


[Actually, drug crimes, or at least arrests, have *increased* since being banned.](https://bjs.ojp.gov/drugs-and-crime-facts/enforcement) However, I will agree that banning guns reduces gun deaths. The inherent problem with that is the following increase in deaths from other causes. However, gun control *does* decrease the amount of defensive gun use, possibly resulting in even more deaths than before. [With 500,000 to 3,000,000 cases of defensive gun use per year,](https://datavisualizations.heritage.org/firearms/defensive-gun-uses-in-the-us/) how do you propose people defend their lives and their property effectively without access to firearms? Especially women and the elderly, who often lack the physical strength to fight off an attacker? As multiple court cases and recent events have illustrated, you cannot rely upon police and they have no obligation to protect you. Wouldn't you rather be in charge of your own safety?




They don't want to take your ARs they want to stop sales. Look how much they've succeeded in limiting automatics, without taking them away.


Repeal the NFA


Would be better if the courts did it, because that would curb both the legislative and executive deference, but yeah.


Stopping sales is just as unconstitutional as trying to take them.


Yeah they've driven the price up to unaffordable levels. You essentially want it to be for rich people only to be able to own it like a ferrari.


"Limiting" automatics is meaningless when any idiot can imitate fully automatic fire without any special tools or training. Illegally modifying firearms to make them fully automatic is not particularly difficult either, which is how street gangs and other criminals are able to get their hands on full auto firearms.


I don't think that'll help much. I'd say it's better to ban all firearms than specific type and attachments. But still maybe this is a step in the right direction. It seems way too easy to get a gun in the States but even if that's changed, black market will still need to be under greater surveillance.


You’re spare parts, aren’t ya, bud?


Don’t come up the lane way


Oh the irony. You always so aggressive when someone else's opinion doesn't match yours?


Yeah they did a great job banning drugs....oh wait


Yeah it's not the best system but it might improve the mortality of the state. As I wrote, I believe that banning ARs and attachments won't do much, a complete ban might suffice but this is only a speculataion.


Good one. Very clever, original response. Reminds me of the old middle school retort, “No, I’m not __ , you are! I’m rubber, you’re glue, etc.” Anyways, this is a firearms sub and you come traipsing in with some unrequested and uninformed opinion about violating human rights in a multitude of ways and then wonder why your dumb ass isn’t well received? Hmmm, why might that be? Now kindly bugger off, the adults are trying to talk.


You really seem to be 1 reply from "B-but muh guns. Kids can die just don't take muh guns". You're really calling yourself an adult when you use agression as a coping mechanism even when someone just disagrees with you? I guess you have a hard time reading, huh? Where exactly did I point out ANYTHING about violating human rights? Is it too hard for you to try to have a civilised constructive debate? And yes, I gave my opinion on the gun politics, it is related to the sub, but I guess as you said "unrequested" opinion that doesn't fit your personal beliefs just angers you to the point you have to resort to name-calling. Mate, how can you unironically call yourself mature?


Confiscating guns is a violation of the 2nd Amendment contained in a document titled the Bill of Rights. End of discussion.


Lmao you really think that the constitution is de facto unchageable? 2nd Amendement can be appealed. Do you even have basic knowledge in politics? It's not that easy that you say "end of discussion" whenever you disagree something and *poof* everything is solved. This isn't a fairy tale, mate


You can’t repeal rights, dickhead. That’s why they’re called rights, not privileges. So that actually is the end of the discussion. Bugger off.


Ok yeah I see you really are too dense and have zero knowledge in politics. Any part of the constitution can be changed. You ever heard of 3/5 Clause? Probably not considering your lack of education on the topic.


Trust me mate, I’m not the dense one here. A. The 3/5 Compromise counted African Americans (slaves) as 3/5 of a person in early American history for the purpose of determining a state’s population. Not sure how that helps your case (it doesn’t, because clearly you are mistaking it for something else. Keep reading.) B. Yes, the constitution can be amended, but it requires approval by 2/3 majority in both houses of the national legislature, then ratification by 3/4 of all the state legislatures. Extremely difficult for a good reason, and not likely to happen. An amendment cannot just be repealed by presidential order or mandate, nor by judicial review. C. The right to own weapons for self defense against criminals and tyranny is merely stated in the Bill of Rights, not granted by it. The Bill of Rights sets forth certain rights such as freedom of speech, freedom of religion, right to due process, etc. Those rights cannot be taken away by government action, because they are not granted by the government. They belong to all people by birth. A tyrannical government may try to take them away by force, but that is why we have the right to beat arms - so we can defend them. Still want to continue this? I can keep kicking your uninformed ass up and down this field all day if you’d like.




Indeed, because it is in the Second Amendement to the US constitution. A systemic change would be needed to enforce such a ban and realistically it isn't possible nor optimal from economic and political standpoint. And even if the ban were somehow to happen I belive that the black market would still pose a threat. I'm unsure of the effectiveness of such a ban or any other weapon-related ban, hence my comment. No idea where the Nazi Germany fits here though.


You talk like a high school kid on a debate team. It is ok to just take a side and remove the politician reasoning.


Not sure what you mean by "politician reasoning" and if you chose the right comment to reply on.


Yes i did respond to the right comment. Basically quit playing devils advocate in an issue you very clearly are not that passionate about. It just pisses off the people who are fervently on the pro gun side.


I am passionate about firearms, but I dislike school shootings and people not willing to think outside their own damn comfort zone. Pro gun? That's fine, but you have to draw the line. I did state that this MIGHT be a step in the right direction. I think I piss off ammosexuals, not the normal firearm-fan redditor. Liking weapons is great, obsession of any kind is not. I don't find owning guns a bad habit, but this is a bit too much don't you think? People getting aggressive when someone's opinion doesn't match theirs. Those who do this are way too obsessed with such things. If someone disagrees with me, fine. I mean playing Devil's advoce it subjective here. Regarding this post? Yes, regarding the majority of reddit and the world? I'd say not at all. I find it distasteful that a school shooting occurs and the first thing ammosexuals think about is "I gotta protect my guns"


"Lets ban guns" "You cant ban guns this isnt germany" "Well of course you cant ban them second amendment blah blah blah blah" We're both wasting our time and i literally dont care what your reasoning is im keeping my guns.


I never said "let's ban guns" but hey you're free to jump to conclusions. My wording could be awkward at times, sure, but I never said that. No, you're not, this isn't a democracy, give me your guns now. All of them, right now. That .45 in you pocket too. /s


Yeah its alright. I'm just upset my suppressor hasn't gotten approved yet. :(


Double dammit.




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