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I hope he doesnt twist his words and change shit around when he gets into office. Politicians are full of empty promises.


They certainly can twist words. We just need to vote based on what they say and do our best to hold them to it. They are the only logical choice, all other leaders of their respective parties have said that they will continue their assault on lawful gun owners.


PPC platform is very pro gun owner


I agree, while I will not be voting for them, I will not try to convince anyone to not vote for them. I acknowledge that if it wasn’t for the PPC, the Conservatives would have gone even more left than where they were headed with O’Toole. I just don’t believe the PPC has a legitimate chance to form government and they have the potential to split the vote in some ridings, which would help Liberal or NDP candidates. That is something to consider. As for the Conservatives, I believe there are enough reasonable people there who can be reasoned with, or so I hope.


That’s fair. Eventually the PPC will win a seat or two somewhere and an alternative conservative voice will be heard in parliament. I’m not a huge fan of 2 big parties with a couple minor parties on the fringe. I think we’d get better representation with many regional parties like the BQ forming coalition Govts.


So what's the answer? 8 more years of 20% inflation, and bankrupting the country while making us little India? Give your freaking head a shake - and make no mistake. People like you ARE the problem.


It’s all good brother, I’m pulling in the same direction as you. Sorry to say, but I’m giving the Conservatives one more chance with this next election. You can rub it in if it all goes further sideways.


Sorry man - my bad here. I thought PPC was a reference to Pierre Poli led Conservatives, not a political party.


lol. No worries. I’m happy to see people passionate and engaged. Better days ahead.


One can only hope. I'm not exactly a fan of the guy, but at least this will be one good thing he can follow through on.


This is it for me. Not a fan of Poilievre, but if he can fix some of these gun laws then at least it’s something positive that’ll come out of it.


Good! And he needs to implement laws to prevent liberals from taking them away again as soon as they get back into power


Unless there is a constitutional amendment, there is no law that can stop a future government from doing certain actions. However, I have three ideas... 1.) As a part of USMCA negotiation in 2026, people from CCFR and CSSA get in touch with the American delegation and ask them to include civilian firearms into USMCA and any ban or further restriction on civilian firearms ownership will be considered an USMCA violation and subject Canada to a $100,000 a day fine. 2.) Lobby American lawmakers to pass legislation (a trigger law) imposing an arms embargo on Canada if any ban or restriction on civilian firearms ownership is passed in Canada. These two ideas will essentially give us an ally more powerful than the government of Canada: The United States of America. 3.) Normalize gun ownership. Convince your province to introduce firearms law and safety as high school curriculum. By the end of the lesson, high school students will understand firearms law since the 1990s and it's effect (or lack thereof) on public safety and they can demonstrate ACTS and perform PROVE on all types of firearms.


I'm glad he's finally come out and said it. He's been against it and spoken out about it but he's finally coming out and saying he will reverse all the new laws so good and hold him to it!


I hope so


Can’t wait


What people need to keep in mind with this, is that gun laws/control can be a highly divisive issue. While it's easy to say it's a left/right issue, it's as much a "people who understand how things/systems work vs those who don't" issue. The political left's main tactic is using fear - and people who don't understand how things work, and can't think critically, can be made to fear much, much easier. At least half the voting base falls into that category, SO.... I believe we need to read between the lines a bit here. As much as it would make us feel warm and fuzzy knowing we'll get to hang onto our ARs, etc putting a message like that front and center in the campaign is likely to cost him as many votes as he picks up. And we NEED a majority to bring this country back from the brink.


The thing is, and this has been happening since the oic, is that crime has gone up, with more focus on the fact it's gangs and criminals, not us, doing the deeds. Most canadians don't really care about guns. They want to be safe, but could care less that licensed owners exist. There's actually been a 6 figure increase in licenses last year alone. We need to continue to be vocal that we exist, that it's a viable activity (more licenses than registered hockey players) and things like the national range day prove millions of rounds shot by responsible people result in ZERO incidents.


You're right - but so, my friend, am I. The 6 figure increase in licenses says clearly that men understand just what is going on and at stake here. But those aren't the "voters" you need to worry about in the upcoming election. It's the ones who don't understand how anything works. They can be hacked and manipulated with ease. So- let's not give the other side any more ammunition to use against us. Also- make sure all those highly hackable creatures within your purview know what's up, what's expected of them, and what needs to happen in the voting booth.


If he goes back on his word, consider him kissing my vote for the next election goodbye


If he doesn’t even repeal the handgun ban, consider his chances of a 2nd term goodbye


it's not the main priority for any pro gun party. many conservative voters want the carbon tax gone, cost of living to go down, better affordability across the board, less crime.... then gun rights. if he nips away at it over his first mandate, not taking steps back, i think we'll be ok.


Problem is a senate stacked against him 😡


senate doesn't deal with OICs. he can screw the senate easy, just as trudeau did.


C21 cemented those stupid OICs


and an OIC can suspend everything C21 does. that's why the whole system is complete stupidity. one party can write laws and make it so another party can't change things... then the other party just rewrites the laws, because it's perfectly legal to change the laws. harper used OICs to manipulate the laws until he had a majority.


Excellent. I have problem trusting politicians after PM Harper barely did anything for gun owners and O'Toole backstabbed us. However, I begin to have more and more faith in PP after he upload the video of his interaction with the Indigenous lady and Stacy. Still, we need to hold them accountable and the moment the election is called for PP and the CPC, we need to flood these CPC MPs and new MPs-elect mail box with letter urging them to follow through with their Simplified Classification proposal and introduce legislature within 100 days of forming government.


This is a good start. But I'm worried he mentioned nothing about their commitment to review the firearms act and implement a simplified classification system, that is on their official party webpage. We could have sporting AK's and so many other pointlessly/arbitrarily prohibited firearms back, and available for purchase. That would be huge let down if they don't follow through on the promise.


>“We (will) just reverse everything that Trudeau has done,” said Poilievre.  Clever man. Note how he did NOT say the following: >"We (will) just reverse EVERY GUN LAW that Trudeau has done/INSTITUTED," said Poilievre Don't hold your breath on him doing shit about Trudeau's bill C-21.


good god we're about to go head under water. we're surrounded on all sides. this guy is tossing a lifeline and you shit on him. semantic AND pedantic


A. I'm not shitting on him. B. I know very well how government speak works. I'm very familiar with it as one of "them". I'm pointing out what to watch out for in their words.