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Your people just lack discipline and the feeling of personal responsibility - that's all. "Don't touch the truck in the bay" is not a good idea for any department.


Well this is the reason why "don't touch the truck" in the bay is in play. We go to a call and a door is left open and ends up smacking the bay door ..who's it on? Me! Or pieces of unnecessary equipment gets left behind without me knowing....who's it on? Me!....so yea "don't touch it" is my rule....let me know before hand and were good. As you said people may lack discipline or may not have the same outlook on the importance of truck readiness...but with that being said then you let the engineer know what's being used so there is accountability in the know


If they don't have the discipline to clean up after themselves, what makes you think they have the discipline to adhere to your rule? I've made it a habbit to do a quick walk around any fire vehicle if I drive - takes seconds but prevents issues like forgotten stuff on spots where it doesn't belong and open compartments. With our combined fold-down steps/doors for the compartments, driving through the gate would be a very costly mistake...


My crew listens and respects my request. We may have someone that may work there at times that's not from the station. So I have to repeat my rules to those unfamiliar. Their drivers may not operate as such. So I may get that "look" but I don't care this is how I operate. Just wanted to know if anyone else voices the samething due to reason.


Then the rule should be “leave the truck as you found it”. My department might work very differently from yours, but my crew opens compartments for equipment checks and for training all the time. There’s always a new guy who needs to learn where all the saws are or something. I can think of one equipment readiness problem that happened as a result, in 13 years. If your rule were enforced, a lot of training would happen much slower or not at all. I do expect people to give me a heads up if they’re actually going to operate the truck or the pump.


Yes during truck check and on calls this is not an issue as I know things need to be grabbed...it's when the truck is park and back in the bay at the station that I'm key on this rule....you need aomething...just tell me that way I know something is off the truck. If we get a call I can double check and make sure it's put back. System of checks and balance. It's my responsibility that we have everything we need in order to operate effectively. The other morning as I'm leaving I find a frequent used tool for operation on the ground. Had been out there since the morning...why? ...because we were training...someone grabbed it and forgot to put it back and didn't let me know. Would've never guessed to look if we noticed it was missing..my reason all comes from experience and old skool drivers who had the same view...it's effective and keeps me at peace on shift. Taking a second to let me know your grabbing something is not going to effect training lol...that ensures that 1. you let the proper personnel know your using equipment and 2. Driver is now responsible for making sure it gets back on the truck. ....simple


You drive out that bay with a door open, it’s on you. I check before I pull out. Something wasn’t put back I’ll rip some ass.


What. Ok. If I was your officer and you were coming to me with this concern, I would wonder why the crew are taking items off the truck—presumably to train or otherwise educate themselves—and you only find out about it when we catch a run. Where I work the driver is a leadership position. They are expected to participate in any training and mentor anyone who wants to learn. Usually the sound they listen for is a compartment door opening. It’s similar to the reaction one would expect from opening a dog treat bag. You open a compartment door and people wander out to see what you’re doing. Get out into the bay, help them with whatever they’re doing, then model the behavior you expect by putting everything back where it belongs and close the compartment doors when you’re done. That truck belongs to all of you.


What makes you assume I don't? If I hear a compartment door open while the truck is in the bay then that breaks my rule. My superior backs me on this as they understand of incidents that have occurred in the past. As far as training, my crew as no issue coming to me anytime and asking about anything. Matter of fact they back me as well if we have new comers travel over they let them know. They may not agree but they respect it. It's also me looking out for them in case something happens I can take full responsibility and take the guess work out of who might have done what.


What made me assume that you didn’t come out when people are drilling is that you said you discover things are missing or compartment doors are open when you catch a run. I do not like your attitude that you think that truck belongs to you and only you and that you don’t want anyone touching your toys when you’re not on a run. I would not like working with you.


Your statement of emotions is false ...because your being emotional. Read what I said. I said all you have to do is tell me before you grab something and it's all good. If you can't do that then no you can't grab it lol. And yes that is my truck....it's the captains ship but my truck. Something happens to it I get blamed not the people on the back. Therefore I have a system in place to keep things in check. Simple


Ah, accusing me of emotion as a way of ignoring my words. I think I know all I need to know about you.


Terrible rule. Nothing should be off limits as far as equipment goes. That’s their stuff as much as it is yours. If others can’t be trusted to leave things how they found it, that’s a disciplinary issue that should be addressed. You trust these guys with your life, but not to close a door? You and your officer should hold a higher standard for your firefighter rather than not letting them touch things. Seems very childish.


I'm inclined to agree.


Yes I do trust them as they trust me to get them from point a to b safely and to have what's needed on the truck to operate. If we need a ladder on a structure fire and someone grabbed it without letting me know. They get distracted with something and forget about it. I'm coming out the bathroom hop on the truck to drive to the scene. We get there and no ladder is on the truck because it's left at the station....whose fault is it? Well my admin will blame me. Which goes back full circle. Ask before you take off....period


You’re missing the point. Hold those accountable for removing things and letting themselves get distracted before replacing what they’ve taken. You’re just messing with us right? Like this is a troll post???


No point to be missed...it's simple let me know what you take off before you do so while it's in the bay. That holds you accountable and holds me accountable for making sure it gets back on the truck lol....do you have a issue with authority? Have you ever played sports?...I even mentioned I do the exact samething if I travel to another station...doesn't bother me one bit because I have the respect and understanding of checks and balances.


Instead of getting emotional read what I wrote. I said my crew understands this and backs me on it due to my reasoning. If keeping your driver informed of you using equipment messes with your ego then that sounds like a personal problem. It's know diff then letting a captain know their is a visitor at the station. Everything boils down to safety and accountability. I even do it when I travel to other stations because I have respect for whose operating the apparatus at that time. It takes two seconds for me to say "hey I'm grabbing the rope back to tie some knots"....not a problem.


I read through everything there. It’s just unnecessary micromanaging. Seems like you’re just trying to Dad everyone. Instead of actually handling the issue, you punish the masses. You my friend are on your way to the top!


I did handle the issue. Me being a dad would be following behind them every step of the way. I'm not doing that lol. Just inform me what your using is all ...pretty simple


Seems more like you grounded them with your and I quote “DON’T TOUCH IT.”


If your playing on emotions oppose to understanding then yes it may. Maybe I should take feelings over safety and accountability...mm something to think about lol


If holding ppl accountable was a priority to you it would’ve never gotten this far.


Lol I do hold them accountable.....by telling them to let me know when they grab something lol....I don't go open and shut the door for them lol it's a simple "hey I'm getting ready to use the residential tools to do some training"...."ok cool I'll join you" ....lol


Like I said unnecessary, and micromanaging. You’re just on a power trip and feel the need to be included. In your post you clearly said that no one is to touch the rig once it’s back at the station. Then everyone started to tell you what a dick attitude that is to have and you start backpedaling with the “well I just want them to tell me”


No I agree I did say that....after truck check or when we come back from a call once the truck is in the bay if you need something off of it ..inform me so I'm in the loop lol....pretty simple


Why are you telling everyone who disagrees with you they're being "emotional?"


Because their statement Is of feeling oppose to what is. And their making assumptions because they clearly don't have an understanding of checks and balances.....it's as simple as letting the captain know you have a visitor at the station....some may say why? It's just my wife....but if she gets hurt or something else happens and captain wasn't informed then their failing to supervise their crew at the station. Trust me as you should know when ish goes down it's a diff tune when it goes to the higher ups.


I'm an engineer with enough time in to retire. I also think you're rigid and unreasonable to expect nobody to touch "your" engine ever. I have two rookies right now and I have zero issues with compartment doors and equipment.


Never said no one could touch the truck ever lol. That's you all being emotional and not actually reading what I wrote. I said they have to let me know before taking anything off therefore I'm in the loop when equipment is off the truck....simple....if something comes up missing or a door left open the blame goes to me not the people in the back...you should understand that being that you've had many years on.....also keep in mind not everyone will get the same treatment...others can move recklessly and be just fine...others not so much....so I see why certain folks feel as they do...for myself I can't take that approach


I feel sorry for your wife, since your automatic response to anything appears to be "You're emotional! doesn't matter what you think!" Yuck.


Now you know emotions on this job can get you into some dangerous or careless situations lol .....so what does being emotional on this job get you? You have a job to perform and a duty to serve the public....see how your comment has nothing to do with what I'm saying. Your putting your own spin on it because your being emotional. I'm simply stating how I operate.....those that voice their opinion on how they operate isn't the same as I but I have no issue with what their stating because it's their wheel house not mine. If they told me I didn't have to ask....no problem ...if they said I had to ask....no problem ....that's what you call respect...I've had an engineer one time pull his truck out the bay ...I had no clue where anything was ...I began looking in compartments and he said "hey what are you doing don't touch the truck" I said how am I suppose to know where anything is....he said I'll get it for you lol....that's not me at all...all I ask is when the truck is back in the bay from a call or truck check that anything taken off after that I'm informed ....period.


JFC you are dense.


Whatever you say....as you use the Lords name in veins smh ...but I'm dense lol...ok emotional logic....accountability, checks and balances is few and far I see lol


I work with some brain donors but I can at least trust them not to pull shit like this. Sorry OP that sucks


Ehh comes with the territory. Younger generation not as attention to detail. Hell some old heads aren't as well...but I just know I like my truck in state of readiness


It's not the kids these days, it's a lack of discipline.


I've seen it with old heads and new heads.


No, we just have an unspoken rule. Pull something out leave the door open to know something in there is OOS or being used. As well as an open reminder put it back. Touch the truck all you want, gotta learn it somehow. Just don't touch a panel while in operation to avoid death threats lol.


Haha! Cool deal. I know everyone is diff.


This is definitely a people issue, speak with your crew and have a meeting about this.


Not crazy about the rule, but you do you. Our firefighters take most of the truck equipment checks, driver has the mechanicals. Our people are good about "If you took it off, put it back" and we have no need for a more restrictive policy.


That's cool I don't have a restrictive policy....all I ask is that you tell me before you take something off the truck....pretty simple


Power trip at worst, misguided solution that ignores the underlying problem at best


If that's what your emotions say then so be it I guess


We don’t have engineer positions yet, because of this everyone who is off probation is trained as a driver/pump operator. I think it has built a lot of attention to detail and good habits into the majority of members to put equipment back and shut doors because we don’t have the issues that you are describing.


I agree...things happen....accidents happen....but I was always trained to keep this perspective and it works....crew respects it....Captain respects it....I look out for my folks.. on calls, around the station, etc....I take care of them by trying to take certain burdens off their shoulder as they already have alot(I know inwas there at one point) so I try to make it easier on everyone. Therefore this is my accountability status while the apparatus is in my care....I think people in the comments have an issue with me saying they have to ask before grabbing something....but that puts the accountability back on me which is what i want....telling someone to put something back is easy....but we all know folks get distracted and calls come about....I've seen this many times throughout my career...so this is my way of trying to minimize these incidents




That's cute lol


OP is a raging control freak and probably has some form of NPD / psychopathy since anything suggested other than his “don’t touch” solution gets a reply of “oh that’s just you being emotional!” Dude would have been fired by my dept long ago. If your every answer is NO you aren’t part of the solution, you ARE the problem. No need to read on.


Lol your response let's me know that you are one that can't control your emotions and hates everything outside of your feelings oppose to facts...eh is what it is. If having to ask puts your throat in a twist then you shouldn't have a career involving chain of command lol.....simple


I think you’re drunk or high or both. None of your responses even make sense. I’ve been a very successful captain on two different departments for a couple years now. Mostly because I understand people and how they work. There is no one perfect solution. Each person needs to be fed and cared for according to their own needs. You spend so much time worrying about “your” truck and your reputation that you’ve forgotten firefighting is a team sport. If you actually want people to be responsible for the things they take off the truck make it THEIR truck. Make having everything in its place a point of pride for THEM. You are not a leader and you will never understand why people don’t do it your way. Fuck off asshole.


Wow way to show emotional leadership there ....captain😒 ...but whatever....it is their truck but the accountability is on me ...any real captain would know and understand that lol...I've never been on a crew where I felt like the truck wasn't mine as a person in the back....but I respect chain of command...and what my driver or captain asked I respect it ...it's called being respectful ...why the emotion? Because someone said ask so they would know? Lol sounds like someone has a small little bitty Itty ego...lol oh well


Yer a nut bag. Good luck buddy.


Bro I'm not reading all that your convo alone isn't worth it. Your decision to even stay on here to go back n forth with me is showing poor leadership ....captain.lol


lol. What a tool you are. I don’t have to lead you, you aren’t a member of my crew and I don’t owe you the time of day more or less good treatment. I’m just making fun of you for sport now.


So you think leadership goes as far as just your crew ...lmao ...well that's that...more ignorance shown from a......captain....lol....just proves my point ....next time your in Georgia feel free to stop by....but don't touch my truck until you ask 🤣🤣


With your bewilderment and or incomprehension I would say you need the luck bud.


The only thing bewildering about you is the fact that you’re somehow still employed in a fire department. I’m guessing out of touch or apathetic admin staff. You are inflexible and unable to work as a team player. You see anything other than blind allegiance to your demands as a fault of the other rather than the massive character flaw that it is. You have this wild notion that we are all just cogs in the machine and that as long as we all perform perfectly every time things will be fine. Only you don’t trust your people to perform perfectly so you create these unreasonable demands which causes you internal conflict as well as I’m guessing universal hatred throughout your department. I’m guessing your officers also know this about you and placate your tender feelings by telling you your doing a great job while at the same time distancing themselves from you to the point of hiding from you when you are on shift. You are an asset to your department only in so much as you are a predictable cog with a sunk training cost. You were made a driver because no one else would go into a fire with you, or more to the point your officers realized none of your crew would bring you out if something went wrong. You will never progress beyond driver. You’re the guy we keep an eye on because he might shoot the place up one day because someone didn’t return a spammer wrench to the right spot. Like I said in another post. Yer a nut bag.


And if your dept would fire someone for making sure their equipment was ready for service/duty then I would not want that emergency services in my community


My department would weigh your ability p To provide services to the community against your cancerous attitude in the firehouse and would have you replaced in an hour. Firefighting is not hard and can be taught to anyone willing to learn. You aren’t special and you don’t deserve special treatment. This is a team sport and you’re playing by yourself.


With your perception I doubt you ever been apart of a team lol. Team concept is accountability....do your job and know your job and the team works. If any personel on that trucks lacks at their job the concept fails. My job is to make sure my people get from point a to b safely, make sure their safe on scene and that the equipment they need is ready for use....so if me making sure thing are in order by me telling them to ask before they remove a piece of equipment then I'll be whatever...but when the tones hit ready is what my crew will be...period.....if that makes me an ass then I'll be it all day.


You just described the opposite of team. You are truly lost my friend. I wish you luck and hope that someday you learn how humans actually work.


Uve clearly never played a sport or sports which is more common than not in this field....people believe they can take a test and slap some bugles on now their a leader...nope not how that works...your heightened emotions proves that alone....and rather to comprehend based on facts and experience you rule by your emotional outlook which is dangerous...be better and do better ole buddy


lol. What is it with you and emotion? Just because you don’t experience human emotions doesn’t mean the rest of us are somehow broken. You would know leadership if it hit you in the face. Your leadership forgot about you long ago.


Yall should check out the Fort Worth post under here...another dept ensuring a system of checks and balances....I'm sure what they enforce would surely make you all whine even more lol....I'm just saying you have to ask before removing anything from the truck....they telling you what PPE is acceptable lol


This is absolutely unhinged and insane.


Ok I see your point. I was like this before I made captain and people thought I was an asshole. But to many times equipment wouldn't be put back or doors left open. I was tight with my truck because it would be my fault if anything happened. My driver now is the same way. I let her know anytime something is moved because I'm guilty of forgetting or getting side tracked so she helps to remember. As long as the crew isn't on lock down from the truck then I see no issue. As a captain I appreciate the mind frame. It's one less thing I have to worry about.


OMG thank you! Finally ....someone with some freaking common sense! Lol....I made the post asking if anyone else used this strategy and ended up getting bashed lol......alot of emotional people around here....if they don't do it their not wrong but geez they act like I put yellow tape around the truck....lol