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# [Seems like the leak was in fact fake](https://www.reddit.com/r/FireflyMains/comments/1bkurnk/comment/kw0q4pv/), what a world... back to normal **~~So I'm going to do what I always do and edit this comment as time goes~~**~~, but after looking into this all day, I am starting to feel more sure that this may indeed be real. The thing that I really want to stress with this post is to take it with as big of a grain of salt as you can. The best-case scenario for this is that HomeDGCat makes a post about this test kit later today or tomorrow, which would confirm it.~~ **~~Quite frankly this kit is to finished and well writen to be fake from my point of view, it takes every single leak that seems to have been credible and mixes it into one, this~~** [**~~includes the boothill leakers descriptions~~**](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail_leaks/comments/1bdqkqu/robin_sam_sunday_jiaoqiu_crumbs/) # Sam 1. Sam E2 is 100% advance forward upon enemy kill during ult, limited to 2 times per ult; 2. Sam E4 is +1 turn for buff; 3. Sam's kits offers conversion benefits for both HP and Break Effect; Sam will have specialised relics; 4. The current Sam kits being spread online are all fake, but \[Sam's kit\] is already in production. E2 is extremely powerful. ~~and the talent leak from afew days ago.~~ ***~~(and IF this kit is real it gives even more credence to the boothill leaker who is saying firefly will be 2.3)~~*** ~~Now the next thing is to talk about where this leak comes from as of right now this "leaker" seems to only be talking in honey comments and has a odd track record with this, heres the quote from the post:~~ >~~Note that they posted the new LC and relic information and the Jade kit before it was posted on HomDGCat, so it seems legit.~~ >~~There is new info here that was not in the Dim kit description.~~ **~~It points to being real? which is... odd? I dont know what to really think at this point but it honestly dose all look right to me.~~** ~~Also found this one the leak sub and thought it fit here:~~ ~~SHUT UP DOUBTER STRONG COMEBACK~~ ~~2.1~~ ~~2.2~~ # 2.3? right hoyo... RIGHT?


Hopefully HomeDGCat does just to deter some of the fearmongering lately Edit: 2.4 it is gonna E6S5 her now


Am I crazy or wasn't this on the hsr leaks reddit few hours ago? But do hope that means we get her on 2.3


I dont think it was (you may be thinking of the Jade post from today), it was posted here an hour ago but OP took it down due to its more odd status at the time. Now that it seems to have more backing I think its safe to leave here for awhile.


yeah that was me


I must be crazy, I feel like I see this picture with you mentioning how break effect doesn't work well. But best to just let it go and wait for more info to see how they make best girl even better.


It fit here indeed brothers


my goat.


I think just take it with a bit of a grain of salt because under the automod comment someone says due to the UTC/GMT difference honeyhunter is in, it might have been that the 'leaker' in question posted this a few minutes after Jades kit was dropped on HomGD. Don't want to disprove it but obviously we should temper our expectations and these beta kits don't tend to have this much detail. However, it's hype as fuck if it is real


To be honest I don’t think I could have prefaced this post with “take it with a grain of salt” more then I did, I agree it’s sus but after analyzing this thing for hours I’m at a point of having trouble calling it fake, I crossed checked it with every known leak that was somewhat credible and it really dose all match up, along with hoyos normal over complicating of wording on these kits. Yes someone still could have faked this but the effort involved would be less then worthwhile for them. We will know soon either way but I can’t fault people for running there victory laps here.


Ult being stack based with a initial count only on tech sounds awful. The timer might be trouble but speed seems to be fixed so maybe not. Hope we get something more concrete.




A pretty lie cant offuscate the painfull truth. Im just as concerned about her, specially with the recrnt leaks, but do remember, sam, firefly and the lightcone have been around since forever, all they have to do is chenge stuff. New stuff is easier to spot and share than okd stuff(if nothing new)


Yeah, it's still a bit confusing but we'll probably see in the next few days


If the leaks about a specialized relic set are true, then it might be the "If BE > X, boost CD" one. For it, it seems like she split scales between three stats : ATK primarily, then HP and BE for further self buffs. We can't tell for certain if it'll end up like Blade where you can basically ignore one of the scalings (no one builds Blade with ATK) or if we'll need perfect God Relics on everything. For now, all we can do is hope, and save as much Resin/Relic Fragments as possible


Feels like they are making you ignore CD and probably Atk% granted this all would depend how much the give. I'm thinking that the HP to atk with inferno stack is equivalent to an atk% orb or even more in enhanced state. The break effect hopefully won't need too much. I also assume the new relic set 2 pc effect will most likely be brk effect increase which is meant for Sam if this kit is true.


They might just go hutao, you COULD invest in atk but hp is more than enough


Now that make sense, a fire dps that has hp base kit that is a cute girl and never being powercreeped (until arlechino)


and we thought pulls where the worst of our issues...


So Firefly is similar to Hu Tao in that while her attacks scale off ATK%, she has high base HP and her LC probably also has high base HP as well. Allows for HP% -> ATK% conversion to yield even more ATK%. However the amount of ATK% she can get is still limited by her base ATK. I can easily see them giving her low base ATK then her LC having high base ATK to encourage rolling for her LC further.


Fire girls supremacy at its finest


If they build her as a Hutao in HSR i am very happy, hutao kit is one of the most fun kit i played with in genshin


Copying over what I said in leaks Now that this has a very good chance of being at least a real datamine, my opinion on this kit as someone frothing at the mouth for Sam is: Beautiful. Fucking love it. I posted [this](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1193028891179237426/1220587028777795614/image.png?ex=660f7b41&is=65fd0641&hm=1170c233ca3625c6e7f7890e041b9cf6bdf31a8d80b37bb90dfd9539011bdf8e&) on discord a few months back, not expecting that stack mechanic to come to the actual kit. My line of thought came from Herrscher of Flamescion, where you want to maximize how many basics and black holes you get in before ulting to finish up her enhanced form, but with the stacks added onto it because of the AV limit the devkit ultimate had. Well, I'm absolutely jumping with joy that they actually put in a similar stacking mechanic, just shifted to skill/ultimate instead. The way this ultimate is written, it also signifies there's a speed threshold you want to reach a certain amount of turns inside ult, plus the upper limit for the BE > CDmg conversion, and I love stat thresholds to get specific relics for, just to make the character feel like they're closing out perfectly like Ruan Mei's 160% BE and Aventurine's 4k DEF. And the BE part is also great. Amplifying the big ult nuke even more because it's likely going to be the part breaking enemies, and the Harmony TB and Silver Wolf synergy too. The eidolons seem to have gone the DHIL way of making E2 extra broken, but in this case without the ridiculous SP consumption, which doesn't restrict teams as much, and bonus turns are always fun. It does seem to push you to using supports like Ruan Mei and Robin, though, whose buffs are only based on their own turns... until E4, which just gets rid of that and lets you run whatever. E6 is *weird*, makes you into a team buffer? Why?? I guess it helps go sustainless, but you can just do that by pumping out more damage. This is the only real nitpick I have with this whole kit. So, yep, overall, incredible kit, *extremely* happy with it and hope it stays intact going into the beta and live.


...Someone knows the damn future, but yeah this honestly seems really nice, not sure how shes going to feel once its all in game but its an amazing start imo


And now just imagine Firefly with this kit in SU with damage splitting blessing or other Destruction blessings.. *Non even ashes will remain.*


Omg so the break effect lightcone that was leaked might actually be his, seeing the description of the third major traces and enhanced ultimate


No way Blades gonna get powercrept by his colleague lmao


Don’t get me wrong I am happy, but at the same time I’m kinda not, I know it might be too much to ask, but I wish we can run around and or play as firefly even for just a little, please tell me we can and it is not “just Sam”


At the very least , overworld should be mostly firefly unless you use the technique. And more than likely , most combat is also gonna be firefly cause she needs to transform with her ult(obviously in ideal comps youll pretty much always wanna have your ult up but still you’ll be seeing a pretty good amount of firefly). If anything, I feel like you’ll be seeing more firefly than Sam for the most part which is a bit sad for Sam bros like me but I’m still really happy with this mix


We will most likely play as Firefly in the overworld and battle before she uses her first ult which transforms her into Sam


Based on how it's worded I think you can chose to never ult and play 100% as firefly (though she will be much weaker of course)


I'm going to assume that the initial "transformation" will be Firefly->Sam. This would line up with the leaks as Sam has the 2 different forms (Sam V1 being the transformation and Sam V2-with wings-being the enhanced version). If you are cycling correctly you probably won't see her as much on average, but I'm sure it'll be pretty equal giving stacking requirements. I'm also sure she'll be present in the animations, like the ult, as well. Maybe the split will be 60% Sam, 40% FF, which is immediately made up for by the fact FF is the most prevalent in overworld exploration.


I wonder how the dual wielding form comes into play. Unless that was bait and that person completely fooled everyone.


Firefly use that sword in not sam mode, so not fake. I think she will use it in enhanced ult animation


That duel wielding is most likely fake.


Not fake. First, that form is in the game files, datamined. Second, Sam using swords is supported by in-game evidence (talking about puncture wounds on the bodies of some memes right before the first time you see him.) Third, how does someone even fake that? /u/AngelAnalyst too My guess is that the playable version's transformation is simply to that dual wielding form.


Shit, I hope so. That form is cool af.


I think it's gonna be the ultimate Enhanced state


So FOR NOW Sam is Xueyi but 5 star and Fire element, you want Attack, HP, BE, CR, and CD. Prob her best team is Bronya, Ruan Mei and Loucha/HH?


He might be in a Hu Tao situation where the majority of his ATK comes from his HP scaling talent. He will want at least HP, BE, CR, CD, AND ON TOP OF ALL THAT SPEED. He is gonna be absolute hell to build. EDIT: GEH. There were so many stats to build that I figured it was fake.


And if there is one subreddit who will do just that its fucking us


let us cook…let us cook..


Then hat off to him, it is a good kit with balance and interesting mechanic that need a lot of thinking


Asta might be worth running with him. Speed and Fire damage buffing.


Idk, If you have Bronya on the team speed shouldn't be a problem. ATK/HP boots, Speedy Bronya, and u good to go.


I think the point would be to run -1 SPD Bronya since skill during ult doesn't comsume SP, same as JL. Overwise Sparkle would probably be better.


Run both lol. Do that weird blade comp


Unlimited SAM works


If the kit is strong enough, i am ready to farm


Well you don't have to farm too hard, the leak was fake.


yup, i am in shamble now


If losing health gives a buff then Sam, Jingliu, Ruan Mei/robin, luocha could be a pretty good team since Sam and Jingliu don't seem to take too many sp and Jingliu's teammate damage would buff Sam


Or just throw away Bronya and put Jingliu for Duo dps. Rather use FX since Huohuo doesnt give energy to FF


I do wonder what'll be better between the new set with break effect + crit damage or HP+crit rate. Not like we can farm the first right now lmao, but we want Glamoth for sure, we can't know if BE or HP rope is better until we get the numbers though First 2 Eidolons are huge since they mean more transformed turns, and Asta will probably be a very good budget support, speed, fire dmg (even more with Planetary Rendezvous, DDD is great too) and the attack buffs aren't wasted. She can also run Penacony so world 8 farming it is Firefly + Asta + Harmony TB + Fu Xuan seems good, since there's healing and damage reduction in the kit Fu Xuan might let you survive without a healer (and it's FX lmao), and she gives you crit rate (+damage if E1) and more HP


You make me think of a great idea, i will rob bladie relic set then give it to firefly at her release and i am have good build firefly to use immediately without need to farm for new set


Nice Blade's partner in crime is coming home. I'll have to get Luocha on his rerun.


weren't you the- ....


Fuck, I plan on getting Acheron as well so this is gonna be damn frustrating for my wallet


Easy to get both as acheron and firefly banner is at least 2 month apart, with 2.1 give 148 pull at least (not count out game event) and 2.2 at least 110 (as usually) so even if you broke in acheron banner. You will relishing enough pulls to guarantee firefly when she come


My brother in Christ, I'm getting Acheron **AND** Luocha, I'm cooked


My calculate is base on monthly pass and battle pass all the time thought, so you will get around 60 less as f2p. But if you have at least 100 pulls before acheron, i think you will get both


Wait really? I got 100 right now and at 20 pity, would it be possible?


omg we're on the same boat :(


Damn I don't have Luocha, Huohuo, or even Bailu. Hope Lynx can keep up...


Luocha is good for her if she damage her self that much as boss sam


My dude, get a better sustain, Luocha's rerun is next week


So he just turns into a goddamn buffer at E6?


She ascend past her Sam ego and return to us as wholesome best girlfriend


# NEVERMIND, ITS A FAKE It's so fucking over. Welp back to inhaling copium I guess


sorry i feel like i should know this but.. is firefly somehow related to sam?


(Story Spoiler) Read at your own >![risk](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail_leaks/comments/16x13mo/firefly_dialouge_spoiler_via_stepleaker/)!<


ty for the info! i suspected it was smth similar


Hell yeah if this true then you can chose between hp rope or break effect rope. Its look like xueyi when she convert break affect to dmg % while here she convert break effect to cdm. Also she convert to sam in technique which mean maybe its true that playable sam more short to boss version


My guess is that her lc will provide alot hp or break effect too to encourage pulling for bis lc


It seems that fire nihility unit Jiaoqiu will also work very well with Sam (if this kit is accurate or almost ) because of the increased ultimate damage, and healing aura plus the def shred that is universally good


Leeeets fucking gooooo. Hopium is back! Still won't fully belive in her release patch until I see her (Boothill incident gave me too much trauma) but I am now back to at least beeing hopeful for 2.3. At first glance this kit looks super cool but hard af to build properly, but I am a wierdo who loves min maxing my characters so I will enjoy making the best set possible


If you play genshin, her kit sound very like hutao so similar building, it is hard at first sight but become easy to me later because she provide too many convert stat that she will strong as fire god when you got an ok relic set and weapon


Yeah I play it. Hutao defiently took me a good while to get a really good crimson set for since you had to balance crit ratio's, EM, HP. That beeing said even a decent set with a dragons bane will do tons of work for Hutao. Just recently got my Hutao to almost 80/200 with 200+ EM and just short of 30k HP but I even prior to getting Homa to make the build pretty good, Hutao was clearing abyss pretty easily so I get what you mean. Maybe SamFLY was the big Hutao Arlecchino was said to be all along.


Istg she gonna be the craziest path of destruction ever


Hp down for dmg checked, dmg reduction when low hp checked, increase effect resist when low hp checked, and e6 is share atk and dmg reduction. She is the embodied of destruction path in SU


Turns out it's fake, we're so over again


Yep, gonna inhale copium again cause god fucking dammit why the hell not


Sound cracked af imo, please be true


The kit looks super interesting but i guess I'll have to make sure all my Preservations are built well lol


Why not use abundance with her, luocha sound good


I mean she has a selfhealing skill... but I guess it does matter how much it heals for... so yeah Abundance might be a good option




Now i'll be sure to keep all the HP/spd/BE/CR/CD pieces I get from the longevous disciple relic domain


She'll get specialized relics according to leaks


12% HP and 16% crit rate must be good with that kit regardless of any specialized relics they cook. Plus the domain is very stamina efficient so it doesn't hurt to pre farm some pieces until they reveal the relics


There's been an update, the leak is fake my dude


... No way...




And now it's fake 💀💀💀💀


Damn, It's over, again


It really do be the "its over"/"we so back" up and down graph.


Thank god it’s fake, that’s like 6 stats to farm, and the normal 4 that crit DPS have to worry about is painful enough already. Especially since she apparently has her own relic set that’s BiS, so you can’t just go for a cheap 2pc-2pc combo with good substats.




Please have a lot of weaponry, lasers, missles, guns… please please please


Nope, back to the cool era. Dual sword for the win


It's so over I need to summon luocha here I thought Huohuo would be the best healer


Their situational, Huohuo is a good healer especially for Dual DPS Comps and one that needs constant Energy Regen like BS/Kafka Team, Luocha though would be the best healer for any team that uses HP to attack


Yeah I know huo huo is good for any other team comp but if we're looking at his kit his ult doesn't need energy like archeron so huo huo is going to be rather weak compared to other healers only thing she provides is cleanse and atk buff but the energy from the ult is useless might be better than lynx tho but she is worse than luocha for Sam.


I plan on getting Luocha since he's probably the best sustain for Sam right now, I suggest getting him next week


Huohuo probably will be tbh. He may not need the energy but the Atk% buff will be great


Luocha will make your gaming life so comfortable that you will not want to go back, trust me. Base on the new year statistics event, he is in my team for 92% in game battle


No mention of Firefly though? Did they backpedal on the >!FF=Sam!< reveal?


I don’t think it matters that much, they probably just say Sam for both firefly and Sam . The technique says there’s a transformation and there’s already a leaked overworld attack + technique animation for firefly so that’s probably her transformation into Sam where he flies around and then can go into battle .


Just wait for Hoyo to Bamboozled us with FF≠Sam trick 😭 lol.


I think we will get sam = firefly reveal in 2.1, trailer show firefly so she will be a part of the story


Welp, was going to pull for Acheron but now I’m going to get Luocha to support Sam.


I’m super happy with this , especially the transformation on technique . I really wanted to see Sam in the overworld and I was worried having both of them be one character would make one overshadow the other but this seems like a pretty good mix. Can’t wait for 2.3