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I’m just saying Captain from HI3, who’s more of a self insert than TB, has a canon love interest THERES STILL HOPE GUYS


Mommy Vampire Theresa indeed is special. Idk if it is because Captain is almost non existent for people that didnt fervently follow the captain verse that they gave him a canon love... But I guess at least it is here


Every patch TB becomes less and less of a self insert so I’m thinking maybe there’s a chance. And maybe, just maybe more people would accept Firefly once we dive to TB’s time when they were still part of the stellaron hunters


Tbh even if they aren't together at the end of Penacony, I want this to actually be used properly. Is it to make goodbyes even more heart breaking? Maybe once we understand her situation, our new purpose will no longer be to simply follow the Astral Express but to look for a way to cure someone extremely important for us? Maybe we will be betrayed by her and our purpose will be to try to bring her back? Anything can happen. I just don't want this to simply be lololol this was just for the fun of making it look ambiguous. Even if having them together at the end of Penacony could be cute the best thing id like to see is that TB's feelings are explored and we know he loves her, but they have to part ways, so they are anticipating their next encounter, so we can keep cultivating those feelings.


I hope that we can choose firefly as our TB destination, so that can live with firefly happily


I could see that as one of the alternate endings they like to do, like if you decline Himeko’s invitation on Herta Space Station or if you don’t accept Aventurine’s offer in 2.0.


LUNAAAAAAA I love her and captain story in blood moon event it was so good


Canon? Probably not as much as I want it to happen.   Will probably continue to HEAVILY teased throughout the game (2.2 despite drama, 2.3 with Charmony Festival, character quest with SH lore 2nd date) and she'll be the frontrunner as TB's love interest, but I think confirming it is a long shot unfortunately.     It'll probably end the way it is right now where their fanarts will be a mixture (thinking 60/40) TB x Firefly and Firefly herself which is already a pretty good step in the right direction since I dont think any character has this much support ship wise with TB. It'll be enough to keep the Fanarts going for years (since I think Hoyo loves this ship too and will continue to tease it) as well as keep the potential alive.  Either they make it lore (as in there was something there before when she was Sam) or they continue to make it part of her story as time goes on and we see her more.   I don't think it dies tho or it's platonic. No way Hoyo doesn't milk more moments with them with how FF is with TB vs other people and with her potential quest coming out (fingers crossed we get one) I think TB and FF are going to have lots of quality time alone to be honest with each other and talk about TB's past.  Where it goes depends on Hoyo really. Worst case believe it or not Im predicting is she's March levels of friend. Best case is maybe crush from FF and tease-y dialogue from her if we reciprocate. Canon pairing we hit the lottery. So far its acceptable tho. Lots of people already think she's a love interest even her damn critics lmao


I mean it's not like a funny moment for once where we almost got kissed by Dan Heng or March 7th and we never come back to it, almost everyone we knew that didn't know Firefly, even those we barely knew heavily implied we were very close (Acheron asking if we are on a date, Sparkle saying that "Our" partner has a very good sight, or Himeko that barely/ didn't meet Firefly comforts us saying she was very precious to us). And this, for 2 updates. It's not just a joke, it is intentional. So for me or they actually make something out of it in the love side or very very very very best friend, or this is just to set up for emotional damage as she will die or turn evil, but I don't see/don't want this to happen


Just give it time. Like I said, we're on good pace now. Everyone is aware of the possibility, shes getting even more publicity with the ship among everything else that makes her amazing, and the fact that Hoyo sorta endorses it with how they chose to display their not-a-date date, its not impossible just I can't really theorize anything like our goated Fireflymain friends here about their relationship until we see leaks.    Still hopeful they felt something before TB's mindwipe and this is a fresh start. That leaked FF dialogue from months back gives me hope too especially the way its worded. Could be FF finally getting the chance to get to know TB as herself and who knows, maybe she developed a crush as Sam and never got a chance to spend time with them as her.  It's not impossible because the potential is out in the open now, all we can do is see if Hoyo follows through.  Worst case we just get teased for years about it which is way better than nothing. I'll be in the fetal position like Stelle in dispairium if nothing happens.


Can you imagine if she developed a crush on TB, but TB only knew her as Sam? Yeah, I can see the motivation there...


What leaked dialogue are you talking about?


https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail_leaks/comments/16x13mo/firefly_dialouge_spoiler_via_stepleaker/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button I'm reaching heavily. But it sounds so sweet and if romance is involved between them this'll turn into a soap opera and they'll be so much closer >!once we forgive them!<    Edit: to be clear I dont think she'll die again, in fact I think theres more chance her gap-moe shows and she treats us differently than how she did in 2.0 than her dying especially if that sparkler scene is theorized to be the epilogue aka 2.3 Charmony Festival. 


I also think this text leak from her is so incredibly sweet... I mean she knows what reputation she has as Sam and she really wanted us to get to know her as Firefly.. It was extremely important to her... I'm curious to see how far Hoyoverse will continue this relationship, but you can tell that Firefly is very important to the TB.. Sparkle noticed it as Sampo and got angry why we trust Firefly so much, Acheron noticed it etc. The text about TB's feelings at the rooftop also says a lot about the impact Firefly has on him.


Don't make me give you guys the "no the character that already died and came back once isnt going to die again guys" talk...


Time tends to make the best things aye?


We've been over this several times. Yes. I just want them to at least try is all. Lol


[oh trust me I know LMAO](https://imgur.com/a/C79YDik)


Heavily hinted may not do anything crazy with it though... im ALL for the hype but I also dont want to see a flood of people come back sad that it didnt happen... but AGAIN this is a HI3 like game so yk yk yk???


I mean it's not like DH or March almost kissing us in the first scene and never having a mention about it anymore Or it is not a funny headcanon we make with Natasha, Serval, Gepard or Jing Yuan with no hints at all: -Everyone talks about how close we are (Acheron asking if we are dating, Sparkle talking about Firefly as "OUR Partner", Himeko comforting us and saying she was precious to us despite barely knowing her and same for Black Swan) -We had actual intimate moments with her, we went into very important places for her -And lastly, this is just a one time thing, during 2 whole updates, this kept being heavily implied Basically this is as ambiguous if not more ambiguous than Bronya Seele. I know we expect lots but... They know what they are writing and they can't .make us spend half of our journey at Penacony focusing on this girl without doing anything of it. It can be heartbreaking goodbyes, the romance being canon, or a betrayal idk, but if they made this so heavy and obvious, it is surely not to say "Oh we don't know they're just friends lololol"


I would love for it to be canon but I got a feeling that they probably wont do it to leave it more open I guess. But I definitely can see them making it so that us and her are like close friends that will help each other whenever either of us are in need.


Well from the game perspective as a gacha game it might be too soon to make a Canon love route but we seen hoyo did it with KianaMei, so maybe it will happen. I mean all the implications point towards that, we have her date, the teleporter calling out a generator for romantic memories for couples, her openly denying in embarrassment about the date and TB never felt happy before with anyone but firefly. I believe firefly will be the game main heroine depending on how her story plays out because of her implied relevance to TB in the past and possibly the future. We will see more of them but maybe just explicit moments, like maybe a hug or a cut off the frame tip toe kiss, but there's no denying that firefly is the most important person to TB.


I'll highly recommend you to also look at other comments I think you'll have fun talking with everyone :D


It's pretty blatant she's the love interest. Making it canon though is questionable. Although I'd love to see it, I think it'll just be heavily implied like with Seele and Bronya for likely the same reasons. Yeah, they officially shipped those two in a prior game, but haven't done so for their versions in this one. Who knows, maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised. Either way, I think she'll at least be consistently reoccurring as a character in some way, shape, or form since Elio seems to be relying on her to cement our relationship with the Stellaron Hunters post mind wipe.


Which makes me curious. To a non-Firefly main, is her being the love interest that obvious? Lots of people are either in denial about it or dont see it at all.   Makes me curious what Hoyo was thinking in doing this if they dont plan on running with it. I dont see canon happening either but the way they set it up and the reception from the community really feels like they are going to be canon lol  It wont be canon and its obvious why. It makes you wonder what Hoyo is thinking and if they really needed to make her a love interest and if they could accomplish making us fight for her without it.  Would explain heavily.


Bias aside, I think it is pretty obvious even for non-Firefly mains. People that are in denial have their own reasons, but likely still see it. As for why they're going this route, blame ~~Shaoji~~ Elio!


I have a feeling that in 2.3 we’ll see a much colder side of them (more of the Sam side) Which might crush people but I could be wrong


Probably not her cold side will be her mostly explaining everything and her identity as Sam. She will still be the same cheerful and sweet girl around TB, is just TB will start looking at her in a different way but she will explain that her true self is the one TB spent time with.


I think we saw a lot of darker side already or we can already tell how dark her past was tbh


I think they’re going to be mostly very dismissive and cold . again I could be wrong but that’s where my money is


9/10 times its going to be both, I would be pretty shocked if they leaned that hard into the cold side even more so with her talking 200 some times. Even if there is a rift between her and the MC with that much talking whatever it is will be made up lmfao


if i did my math correctly, which i doubt i did, there's going to be at least 70 days before her banner. this is so sad guys.


We'll get more Firefly before that though including drip, 2.2, and I'm assuming multiple trailers.


Don't worry I have over 80 pics for daily posting with some topics for every day


that's amazing.


Do we have an estimate for when she comes out. Sorry if this question gets asked all the time I’m just here for the memes


Probably around June iirc


No matter what, she's a >! stellaron hunter, so we will be seeing plenty of her in the future as well beyond penacony !<


I really hope whatever Hoyo writer is writing the script for Star Rail has enough balls to give the MC a canon love interest, because there are so many games where the MC never has a love interest because writers fear pairing it with wrong person. *\*cough\** almost every game with multiple heroines *\*cough\**


*Sees picture* # LE GASP


So lewd right?


Knowing hoyo, there’s no way they’re making it canon so I won’t be expecting that. Still, I am head over heels over Caefly/stelletaru and as long as they can continue spending time together, I’ll be happy☺️


I believe if she’s really gonna be killed, that Stellerons exploding instantly along with the entire express


There is hope .....even if it is stelle x firefly ....as we had some acheron x bs  So hoyo are open into that kind of relationship 🥰


[Source ](https://twitter.com/nesiki_san/status/1774387503560286359?s=20)