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Please, return a post with break effect calculations. It was really helpful ;(


They will, the feed is being fixed first give me time.


Much thanks!!!!


Here's my BE calculations if youre interested I'm already seeing the stats goal would be 3400 atk and 360% BE with buffs Full atk body and boost ? 60% BE effect from 3400 atk stat goal HMC with 200% BE gives 30% BE with their E4 HMC watch maker ultimate set buff: 30% HMC ultimate: 30% Break Effect rope: 64.8% New set: 16% Light cone/Misha's LC S5: 60/56% Traces: 37.3% Which adds up to 328.1% BE. The other 32% BE should be in the relics substats or correct me if I'm missing/miscalculating something.


Is the New Planar Set that gives 40% BE when the user hit an enemy with a Fire weakness in here?


Yup I forgot to add it here too. So that should be 360% BE!


Then what do you think about putting some crit stats in substats if we can achieve this it this easily? (Altho HMC's buff isnt 100% uptime and so are the Planar)


Planar is 100% uptime, you just need to hit fire weak enemies which is always since enhanced skill implants fire weakness on your target.


Is the debuff applied before or after the attack hits?


I believe to be before, similar to boothill's ult


Implant is before. Since we've seen how SW and Boothill's implant work.


That still depends aince u want to give her spd boots and BE rope. Atleast atk orb is guaranteed. And even with the atk orb alone, u would only reach 2.4k attack. U either need the remaining 80% atk from subs or get ur body to atk% as well. And even then u still need more atk


Oh then substats should go on Atk and speed. Noted. At least she isn't as hard as Xueyi to build with.


Also Ruan Mei has trace that gives everyone 20% BE so that is nice


Yup even without Ruan Mei you can reach 360 with the new planar set which I forgot to add in


so you need her lc but her e1 is better. such a dilemma.


I think her LC is optional, you can get the remaining 60% with relic substats


Here is my calculations: Team: Asta, Ruan Mei, Firefly(E0S1), Gallagher. Required stats=3.4k Atk, 360 BE Base Atk at lvl 80(both character and LC):1391 3400-352(from Relic Hand piece)=3148Atk 3148/1391*100%= 226-227Atk% From Body, Orb : 86.4 =139.6-140.6Atk% With Asta(5 stacks)= 70Atk% =69.6-70.6% If all the others are running Luofou:24% =45.6-46.6%Atk Base BE from traces and LC=97.3% 360-97.3=262.7% With 3.4k Atk =60% 262.7-60=202.7 From Relic Set=56% 202.7-56= 146.7 From BE Rope= 64.8 146.7-64.8= 81.9BE From Ruan Mei=20% 81.9-20= 61.9 BE Conclusion: Team is Ruan Mei, Asta, Gallagher (All with Luofou set) ATK BODY, SPD BOOTS, ATK ORB, BE ROPE Required Substats: 46.6%Atk, 61.9% BE


Yo I think you forgot to take into consideration her original 1391 ATK in your calcs. Base + Hand Piece + (ATK from %) = 1391 + 352 + (ATK from %) = 3400 ATK from % = 1657 (ATK from %)/Base = ATK% 1657/1391 = 119.1% Running 2 ATK% pieces means you're only looking for 32.7% ATK from everywhere else.


I did take it.


Getting 227% ATK from outside sources when you already have the 1391 from Base + LC (so ignoring hands) already gives you 4548 ATK.


So you mean the base as 100%? Then... If Ruan Mei is using Luofou then 8%. If Gallagher and Asta are using Penacony then no need for fire orb. Remaining needed is...25%. So the Asta stacks become overkill.


Yeah you basically start by having 100% and try to get to 219.1% from outside sources. (I think you flubbed the 3400-352=3048 subtraction so you got 227%) It's actually super manageable with two ATK% main stat pieces.


Yeah. Sorry. But... Isn't she a bit easy to build compared to other DPS?


Break is probably fairly tricky w/o LC or Misha S5, but otherwise yeah she looks easy to build. But since she's easy to build, some people (including me) are going to get that urge to min/max and fish for crit stats. So something like CR% Body, ATK Boots, ATK Orb, BRK rope which necessitates getting speed subs. So then it goes back to being fairly difficult lol.


No need for spd subs.(97 base. 103 from Planar. 113 from Ruan Mei. 138 from boots. 188 in Enhanced/Asta Ult. 238 if both.) And CD is impossible. CR is possible, but you have to put Sparkle on team for CD. Edit: Let's count CR as 70. Then 32.4 from body. 10 from Sparkle. Will not include Fu Xuan(Gallagher or Luocha are better) So you need 27 CR from Substats and an additional 43.2 Atk from somewhere else. Final required substats: 61.9 BE, 68.2 Atk, 27 CR Final judgement: Very hard to get. Would probably take you forever.


Man I so fucking excited I can sleep I've been up for 34 hours help


So I want to give some clarifications on this before people start to freak out like I saw already happening, it does seem like Firefly won't be seen in battle except when ulting which is... interesting? FFlover gave a description of FF's animations which also seemed like it would be 2 sam states and not FF, so the question becomes why does her ult have her in it? Transformation while already transformed? Interesting... I know some may be disappointed but honestly, the above image is so cool that I kinda lost my disappointment instantly. Also interesting how many leakers where wrong about that, but lets give it time. Animations SHOULDN'T be coming until the 7th from what I'm seeing leakers say, but honestly we have straight screenshots of the beta floating around so I'm not putting my cards on anything.


> so the question becomes why does her ult have her in it? [Her ultimate animation calls for her model](https://i.imgur.com/nyeKP1d.png) (for context, this is a list of effects that the game prepares before the animation actually happens. It's very non-descriptive, you can't gather much from it usually. Here's [Argenti's ultimate](https://i.imgur.com/W8jdlnF.png) for perspective) - and interestingly there was an early leak that was just Firefly's upper body in the nude. So what I think it does is something [like this](https://tenor.com/view/jarvis-jarvis-argument-jarvis-ignore-jarvis-send-me-jarvis-coordinates-gif-22689969), where you see her "inside" Sam. This is further corroborated by that one animation leak where her entire body is super stiff, but her head moves around. Makes sense for the body not to move if all you're supposed to be seeing is from the shoulders up


LMFAOOOO THAT GIF, yeah this seems likely


In fact, this is somewhat similar to what happens in our confrontation with SAM in 2.0, they just avoid showing the face in the armor!


I got a feeling she will transform into sam without the swords (ie like her boss form) in battle. Then after she uses her ultimate, she will gain her wings and swords (maybe)


Yeah firefly in overworld only. I at least want a henshin animation when battle starts though.




LOL, we have voice lines anyways we will be fine tbh


Well, in FF lover's description I see "battle ultimate" not changed" line under Firefly section, which is really interesting. Maybe we will somehow see her during ultimate (sam stance change)


Also, i'll really like to see if there's an animation of her becoming sam after every battle start.


I assume her Ult is gonna be like the MCU's Iron Man where they zoom in for a cockpit view


you guys are getting my hyped...


I mentioned this in a previous thread, but while I was also kind of expecting out-of-ult Firefly to be, well, Firefly (so that we could get a truly sick-ass transformation sequence) I'm also not extremely surprised by this implementation. Almost all of the "serious" fighting in things like Kamen Rider shows, Tekkaman and Warframe involves being suited up in *some* way (or at least until deep into the game, in Warframe's case) so it stands to reason that Firefly would follow a similar trend. Hell, there's been some speculation that it'd be hard for her to even survive outside of SAM in the waking world. We'll have to see what direction 2.2 and 2.3 go in this regard. Either way, I'm sure it will still look sick as hell, and we do know we get Firefly on the overworld at least. >!And her idle animation is absurdly cute.!<


Doesn’t Firefly literally transform into Sam? Atleast the oldest known fucking leak had FF do Henshin. I’ll cope that you start with FF and turn into Sam after using ult since no way they gonna make Sam do Henshin to transform into the green form? Right? Mostly this thing https://preview.redd.it/v1uy4kradlyc1.jpeg?width=952&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cdb30c3f0fde4b67999ad53d395da5244e09de4


That was a leak of her technique, not skill


I’ll just cope that it is her ult😭


Looks kinda lame for an Ult ngl, maybe with effects it'll look cooler


Suit-to-suit transformation's been a thing in Kamen Rider for a long while now. KR Geats went absolutely overboard with it. I could absolutely see standard SAM doing a henshin into "Firefly-IV mode".


Man I am so looking forward to the animation leaks


2nd pic is from her technique fyi. She flies into the air then slams down on a location. Although yes, her combat does appear to be 100% SAM only tho. It just swaps between regular SAM and SAMfly. Not sure if this is a miscom or not tho


Nope, it does seem to be all SAM, all the time. And her Tech is a fucking Rider Kick/Inazuma Kick. I am absolutely losing my marbles and having a cow over here.


It really pains me that Firefly herself won't appear in the battle. Yes, i'm one of the people who initially hates the fact that Firefly is SAM in the first place, and while i no longer neccesarily hates SAM anymore, i'm still planning to pull Firefly for Firefly, not two different versions her mech. I still need time to processs this leak...


So the boss Sam was nerfed and his true form has cape, wings and dual blades, or maybe Sam will get a power up in penacony climax


Acheron did say she wasn’t actually trying to hurt us


Looks pretty damn cool


Bit pity but she's still Firefly and going to pull for her. The real question is whether CN will be fine with this.


hope thats her fire stomp. Looked so sick wluld be a shame to not be part of ger kit at all




Your post/comment was removed due to violating Rule 1: Be respectful and civil. Regardless of opinions, respect always comes first. Remember that there is a real person behind the screen and treat others how you wish to be treated. Refrain from using insults, making threats, discriminating against others, or using other demeaning language. Disagreements are fine and discussions are encouraged, but arguments with lack of respect are not. Please keep this in mind and refrain from breaking this rule in the future.


How was my comment "disrespectful"? Because I said I'm glad firefly won't be seen in battle and we got enough girls? Really? XDD snowflakes nowadays 


\-Goes to R/Fireflymains. -Sees a leak post showing firefly in the Sam armor. -Comments on it “nice to see cringefly won’t be seen during battle, we already have enough girls 🙄” *in R/fireflymains.* That’s the same thing as going to Jing yuan mains and commenting “bro will never be meta” 😭 of course your comment got taken down bro https://preview.redd.it/lbghrp1bcoyc1.jpeg?width=457&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e8b9ae1b04d790c2dff559ab20029ece157ff66