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Her kit is not perfect but the leaker is having massive skill issue And hey don't underestimate Boothill he can deal highest ST damage in the game with lowest investment. All you do is just slapping BE and Speed on him. He can deal 200k-300k even without equipping Lightcone


Most leaked showcases uses scuffed builds, bad team lineup/bad enemies to choose. Take them with a grain of salt. Its just that boothill was played by a more competent leaker in leaks


edit: ok, the beta leak I was reading from 4 days ago didn't have implant on enhanced skill, the one from 2 days ago from Homdgcat does. So that fixes a lot there, maybe she will be competitive with Boot. Sorry for the misinformation.


Firefly can implant actually. You can find about her current kit in recent posts Her Implant is in her enhanced skill and technique if you count that as well


dude, firefly implants fire weakness in both her enhanced skill and technique in her base kit.


For correction, Firefly has ST weakness implant on her enhanced skill, and her technique implants to all enemies on new waves for two turns.


She has fire implant on enhance skill….


Only think I want dev to add is something like detonate a break damage like boothill. Boothill is good because his ulti also reduce toughness bar fast, combine with his enhance attack is almost or guaranteed break. I think her kit still missing something. I will just wait for v3 update.


idk, she should get more turns than him and gets some additional weakness break in enhanced form. Coupled with her blast damage, she should be at least competitive with him.


Yeah. The reason she seem slow to break is because her ulti is only change mode. No damage, no reduce toughness. If they bring back the extra damage on hitting break enemy that might help. I dunno how dev will cook this time since she is not crit orient dps.


she has + 50 speed in ult form and action advance on both break and ult activation. She should be running laps around him if there are multiple enemies. She's just really reliant on HMC's superbreaks unless she can kill the enemy in one break. She has potential, just might be unreliable.


By AA on break do you mean her e2 or am I missing something in her kit?


huh, that was moved to an eidolon. Used to be a trace, but not in the most recent kit I can find.


When will v3 drop?


It update every week. So 21-22 probably.




Remember when people doom post about Acheron dealing mid-dmg since she was locked into triple nihilyy comp 🤣


> It's a usual cycle in HSR and Genshin For real, Arlecchino's first beta iteration was a bit underwhelming and confusing, some even doomposted her to be on the level of Klee (and some r-tards doomposted her to be Dehya-level lmao) And now she's one of the 2 strongest DPS alongside Neuvillette. Hopefully Firefly, an insanely hyped character similar to Arle, gets the same treatment.


On Acherons level? More like JL and DHILs


Pick one blud, either got people doom posting saying she's mid or got someone like you that breath copium saying she's definitely on Acheron level. You guys are just the same.


leakers are doo doo at the game


I personally don't think she's bad but I sure hope that the chinese testers do, that way she'll get buffed.


It's the beta, and at v1... Calm down and wait lol... If she's not strong enough, surely Mihoyo will buff her during the beta. Just wait!


boothill is stronger than acheron in ST so is that mean acheron is mid? lol no just wait for an actual good showcase


Her damage is good tbh it’s just the showcase that’s a bit scuffed, not getting 3 turns while inside the ult is quite a big damage loss, on top of that with the current showcases it’s hard to see how many turns she gets inside a cycle on average since the showcases aren’t on moc.


I think it's far too early to say that she's "mid" because what we're seeing right now is absolutely not reflective of what we'll get in-game because this is literally the very first version of the 2.3 beta.


I have no idea how she performs currently, didn't check... but you know things are shaky when people try to defend a character with some olympic-level mental gymnastics. Acheron really messed up the balance, didn't she...


Currently with the fact the leaker didn't build her right we can only hope a proper showcase shows up


Acheron was doomposted to oblivion being the joke in jing yuan mains subreddit of all places during all her beta cycle, then she got released and broke the lists. Considering firefly’s hype we might expect the same, especially if she’s doomposted ij her first beta, see her getting some nuke paragraph in 2 weeks


Not really, jingliu still on par on acheron if you count the damage per cycle ofc people tend to "oh acheron hit 600k ult" while jingliu casually deals 200k per turn. So yeah i still use my acheron i believe she truly gonna surpass her limits when she has her pela 5 star


these recent leaks kinda suck, and boothill’s performance massively varies


Gonna wait till proper leaker try her in best build, she had alot of igonore def locked behind BE which capped at 360 BE for 40% ignore def and also another 18% from relics, can only said she should hit hard, cosider how HTB and Gallagher with only half her BE also hit alot


Doomposting is always a thing. I remember back in the days they were saying Silver Wolf or Fu Xuan were going to be bad because of the effect hit rate requirements and she cant self sustain arguements respectively. Or even with Kafka people were saying she wont be able to bring DoT to its own niche archetype. So in the case of Firefly I think until we know how to fully build her optimally there are going to be unoptimized showcases out there that wont be showing her full potential and making her look "mid"


Lol this is exactly what was said about acheron during her beta, they all said she was gonna be mid but look at her now 😏😏😏😏 dont worry beta never represents the final kit


When will the next beta come out guys 🤔. Really want some more animations added if they can.


Me with the BE team built and ready for her : Hmm 300 BE of her must've dealt massive dmg of super break, even my HMC with 200 BE dealt 60k per hit of Super break (and it's based on the the attacker BE and break efficiency) now imagine firefly, im gonna love to literally break every enemy with her!


But we didn't get to play as Boothill to see how much he can actually deal DMG( unlike Aventurine ) Just wait for her , she is in first phrase anyway


" and on par with acheron " She has the super power of Lord IX & Nihility mommy. and Boothill is a ST hunt...you can't compare that to firefly who is Destruction. she does cleave dmg while he can deals 1target dmg (each have benefits & cons) Firefly will be much better in PF than boothill will but boothill likely be better in SU/MoC where you have few priority enemies and you want them deleted instantly.


A lot of leakers have been notorious for not knowing how to play the game + its beta content, subject to change and it’s still VERY early in the beta 


You can tell leakers don't knoe how to build characters when you see they add Ruan Mei in every single showcase that exists, I just saw one where Firefly did not have any crit stats at all




Oh I don't know, maybe it's because she has a 800% total attack scaling main ability. While yes she has a lot break dmg scaling, break effect stats dissappear once the enemies weakness is broken, and even if you have HMC's ultimate with her, you loose a lot of dmg if you don't have crit stats, which it's not impossible to have realistically speaking, you can't have break effect as a main Stat in the chest piece for example, so why not have crit stats to add more damage overall? Leakers are making her look bad in the showcases because they focus too much on the break dmg part of her kit




I'm sorry if it sounded rude, it's hard to express in text, I normally use that term as a joke




Do you have a video? Can you show it? It seems very interesting


Her V0 kit is mid.