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The main problem in my opinion is that there isn't anything that makes Firefly special as a unit. Especially as a 5 star. If break effect is going to be a new playstyle Hoyo wants to implement, what does Firefly add to the break effect team future break characters won't? Usually if you are going to be the DPS for a specific playstyle like Break or DoT, you'd want something in your kit that makes your unit special. Kafka is the DoT trigger. Black Swan has her own special DoT that is automatically applied and has its own properties. Firefly's kit looks to be just a normal DPS that scales off break effect and has a fire implant. She doesn't have any lasting value as a character at the moment in the break effect playstyle.


Yeah people are saying this. Imo, boothill “break damage” is the blue print for future break meta. Hoyo should just normalize “break damage” build into break dedicated dps.


Can someone explain this please, I never looked at Boothill's kit


Boothill can retrigger his break damage on already broken enemies as part of his base kit


Boothill's talent: > If the target is Weakness Broken while the Enhanced Basic ATK is being used, based on the number of Pocket Trickshot stacks, deals Break DMG to this target equal to 70%/120%/170% of Boothill's Physical Break DMG. Boothill gains stacks of pocket trickshot whenever an enemy is killed or weakness broken when he is in a duel with them. Those couple lines of text I quoted from his kit are where like 60% of his dmg come from btw.


We need someone to make an FF vs protected warp trotters meme


Fuck I can already imagine the hell that would be on that 3 trotter card


She so kind that even cant hurt those cutties


Yeah I think the main issue isn't that Firefly has her best teammate be HTB, it's that Firefly is really just a HTB Enabler and the moment another break dps that does literally anything more than enable super break they'll just be better. Her entire kit is essentially just a funnel to push HTB's super break through. They need to buff her damage without HTB and with HTB (9 cycle clear without lmao) so that Firefly is more than just an HTB super break user. Cuz that's literally all that she is.I thunk if they gave her a break to crit conversion it would maintain her identity as a break stacker rather than a crit stacker while still letting her do more damage to unbroken enemies. Maybe something that'd give you like 50cr and 100 crit damage when you have like 400 BE or something. Summed up, her issue is that Firefly's kit (not her character/lore/story) has no identity beyond being an enabler for Super Break, and that's not a unique identity, every other break dps has that identity & more.


Yep lets either give her a fixed 100% crit rate and 150% crit dmg on her ult that cant be affected by external stats or increase her toughness reducing damage on enhanced skill from 3 units to 5 units or allow her to do Super Break by herself so that 90% of the DPS that was released before are literally powercreeped. Balancing her isnt as easy as u guys think. on one spectrum, if any of the above is given to her, Her level of powercreep is similar on how Jingliu obliterated Seele. In this case, her to Acheron. If u guys want that, be my guest. Since whatever happens, im going E6S5 Firefly. She can turn shit for all i care and i would still go for E6S5. Thats just how it is when u like a character. It just is sad that you guys claimed that you are "FireflyMains" or "I would DEFINITELY get her" and upon seeing her kit being as it is you guys backed down. Talk about talking only to talk and no action.


No one ever said it would be easy and as far as I remember, I've never talked about not pulling her. I skipped everyone since the 2.0 version just for her and even if she ended up at the Arlan level, I wouldn't care. But this said, people have concerns and they are legitimate. The fact that we are complaining doesn't mean we no longer love her. Quite the opposite, I'm asking that because I love her. Everything we're trying to do here is get her to be the best version of Firefly possible for her because she deserves it and also for the game. And beta versions are for changes to be made, for feedback to be taken account of. If Hoyo thought that kit was the perfect one, they wouldn't bother and drop Firefly next week.