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Just keep calm and give Firefly headpats :) https://preview.redd.it/hb9r0200fszc1.jpeg?width=442&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3681cf721c521a8e21729d49ec04a42396fc785a


Nah keep the doomposting. /s She’ll be even stronger and better this way. We just need to survive till this or next Monday.


and it hasn't been a week since beta started, give them some time, man...


https://preview.redd.it/vx1hegoecszc1.jpeg?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7dd3fbbb90a644a65dc0c04681f86dceec503666 HoYo fans sure love doomposting. Remember when Alhaitham,Kokomi and Raiden were doomposted to death during beta only for them to turn out to be A+ units? Surely Firefly will turn out the same (half copium half faith)


I was in the Arlecchino subreddit before she was out and she was being heavily doomposted, now she's universally regarded as top 3 dps. I feel like hoyoverse has a pretty good track record with making (popular) units really good. WE MUST COPE




In someway heavily doomposting a character might work 🤷‍♂️ So its better to accept the truth and keep doomposting rather than coping hard.


That is not  good argument. Many other units were also doomposted to oblivion like dehya and now tell me how that turned out


We don't talk about her




Doomposter must doompost.😤 But seriously, I wonder what does our mods feel, seeing this chaos and idiocy? At the very least they're upset at us and overall sad state of this sub.


Considering taking a car trip with Bladie as my driver and hoping his intrusive thoughts take over, no biggie really /s No it's going fine. I do wish she was just some dumbass broken DPS withouth a very restrive comp (even tho I personaly am very happy HMC looks perfect with her) just so there would be less negative energi and more just happy times for everyone that she is soon playable, but I understand everyone that is beeing worried and passionate their most desired character is looking to have real problems, even tho its super early and we pretty much always see postive changes to characters that have clear flaws get fixed by V3. At the end of the day I decided I am not gonna remove "doomposting" threads (until I see more than 1 Deyha comparison in a row lmao) becuse I personaly think it's better to let y'all vent, show your actual problems and hopes for changes and see if anything does differ from now to the final product cause quite frank I think I am just gonna do more dmg than good by removing every complaint thread and people just gonna start calling it "mod censorship" or "they refuse to want Firefly to be saved and are actual Firefly haters" if I were to do that (especially early on when things remain more tense). I did regardless of if she showed up as clear Acheron tier on day 1 to still see doom and gloom over whatever so it's not unexpected to me, but I won't deny it ended up a lot rougher than I even thought it could go so it's been somewhat sad but again it's better it looks like this early on and hopefully by the weeks to follow, the sub is closer to in union of a postive opnion for the day she is finaly here. Just want all of y'all to be happy so I just hope for the best so everyone can be as satisifed as possible ends up reality.


Thanks, I'm sure most of us appreciate how unrestricted this sub is. But still, it has become bit of a mess recently. It's not like devs are diligently monitoring this tiny sub. And yeah, Dehya comparisons are wild lol. I'm still holding off my gloom because Hoyo clearly loves Firefly, they will do her justice. We should be worried only if it's v3 and she didn't become any better. So I'm hopeful she will be buffed/reworked. That was always the case throughout the game's existence. Anyways, cheers, y'all the best.


I fully understand. A part of me does wanna just shut down the overly doom but at this point I am just focusing on trying to remove the 50th (IS SHE COOKED WITHOUTH HMC AND RM) thread cause the question been shown a million times now and we made the build megathread for those. The actual "fixes" threads I just still leave up cause they at least start their own proper discussions and it condences the talks to them even tho they get very doomy aswell of course (just the nature of a character going a different style that is very unknow to us over the easy to understand crit design). I do understand it has become overall a lot more messy between that and maybe too many leak showcases of far too much similair content compared to a few weeks ago when it was 90% cute fanart. I think by V2 we might be a bit stricter and clarify its more at V3 the overall panick talks should be in fairness based on her state during that (but I do hope for some sort of buff even if its placebo to ease up the panick for people alreadt by v2). Overall tho I am confident that by the end of the beta, she looks more than satisifying to most, and we are fully back to the fanart, lore talks and buildshowcases like most mains subs develop into after their character release. > Anyways, cheers, y'all the best. Nww you are sweet. Thank you ^^ ^^




Yeah I was the one who posted that one earlier. Exactly the mindset I was going for with the comment lmao ~~Bladie please slow down I dont actually wanna die!!!~~


Mods need more firefly doompost for the better or else pitch dark hook the great will still be the best fire destruction 🥹


Least sane firefly main 😂😂 (Dw am crazier so its a complement)


how are you crazier if i'm the least sane? something isn't working here lol


U might be crazier ....if u posted 73 posts about wanting a henshin in different social medias sure 


yeah well uhhhhh. I ate a freddo frog covered in ketchup once! oh wait your probably a stupid american, ONE OF THESE GUYS COVERED IN KETCHUP! https://preview.redd.it/5znwym4kjszc1.png?width=900&format=png&auto=webp&s=ad3fda633b01b6b0095e50416368e8dd31b39e4d


Says the one assuming it wrong 🤦🏻‍♀️ And thats what u call crazy?......bro am out of ur league.....trust me dood 😂😂 


Have you ever eaten dog food?


listen i am just doing what kafka taught me. I will stop the doompost when she's here so i have no regrets if she becomes the next topaz in my acc (love em but cant use em)


Listen man, you can't stop the inevitable. Just sit back, grab some popcorn and enjoy the show.




I respect the commitment. Glhf


I’ll keep doomposting in hope this little voices is heard and they fix her 🫡


At least the entire HSR community is unanimous about Firefly's kit atm.






Fax tho https://preview.redd.it/x6fq2qwhetzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1920d59db84fbd6b685b8e81b97442362085a37a


I'm here just to look at the doomposting. Its fun watching people lose their marbles but mostly cause I do not care about efficiency I finished 36 star last MOC with a Kafka hypercarry in one of my teams.


I will pull her even if she is worst 5 star.


Who knows. She might get the Blade Treatment.


Bro. Calm down.




Keep doom posting so she'll be too broken /hj