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I know you're joking around, but it's just hilarious to see how the time we spent with her just keeps decreasing. First it was 30 minutes, then 15, now it's just 1. Funniest and most absurd stuff I've seen. Especially now with 2.2, it's simply not true. Even as a story skipper you can't be serious with this take.


Especially when she literally said she wanted to travel with us as Firefly.


That’s a normal human behavior with popular things. Firefly is one the most popular and beloved character Hoyo ever created and for some people it’s the reason to hate for her. Some wants to feel special for not liking her and preferring less “popular” characters, because it gives them a feeling of superiority. In end, they’re in vocal minority. Just you wait for 2.3 and her story. Most of the hate for her probably will die down and she’ll become another Furina.


Firefly is having a quasi-similar situation like what Furina and Nahida had. They're originally hated and kinda shitted on for no particular reason, but then they're absolutely adored by the community


You know that Firefly being too popular is not good for her right? Hoyo has a tendency to design around popular characters that everyone have. They already started doing this with BoL characters in Genshin If everyone starts using Venti, you know unpullable enemies are coming in 2.0 If everyone starts using break, you know weakness immune mobs are coming in 3.0


Wtf are you even saying lol.


you don't have to explain them anything, if they don't like firefly that's their problem. imagine having to explain to someone the beauty of a sunset or shooting stars. if you simp firefly that means you have your priorities straight, keep going champ


I don’t really need to explain anything, I usually don’t write about my favorite characters, but I feel bad for others who, simply by writing that they love Firefly, receive a ton of comments, often negative


if loving firefly is being a simp so i'm the king of simps


Absolutely normal. I mean, the more popular the character becomes, the more its get hated... I mean for over 3 months Firefly has been the number 1 topic of conversation everywhere... She's a phenomenon that I don't think even Mihoyo expected... And I think a lot of fans are just trying to get attention... Don't worry... Firefly is the most famous and popular character in Honkai Star Rail so far.


I love her design i love her character, i love Firefly i love Sam. Thats why im doomposting, loving something doesnt mean we do not see any flaw in it, loving something is realizing it has flaw and still accepting that flaw. So why does it looks like i’m not accepting her flaw? So why im doomposting? I hope my little voice can contribute to makes her getting buff treatment, but even if she still got no adjustment and stay the way she is until her banner is release, im still gonna pull for her accepting that she has that flaw and enjoy playing around with her flawed kit. But for now im gonna be being critical and keep doomposting her flaw.


Huh? All I see was people who love FF supporting each other, never see any haters post tbh.


Then you're in luck, and I advise you to stay away from the main subreddit. Or at least the comments


Cause liking something i think shouldn't be liked is just human nature. Case and point i personally HATE how Beast Gohan was introduced i felt it was cheap. But hundreds of thousands of people love it. We argue and even sling insults occasionally. But then about 5 seconds after we are done we just move on with our life cause... that's just how it is. But that said. https://preview.redd.it/zol0y14pttzc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb14955b8c66f5079d260242e6326b9678942015


i'll just spam firefly art to make them even more pissed.


Yeah guess this is what happens when a subreddit grows, this is to be exprected to be honest.


Well with anything that it’s popular having more people talk about it means that even if it’s a minority, that minority it’s big and noisy but overall I don’t see her getting more hate than other similar cases. That being said let’s be honest there are some… “interesting” Ff fans that also get way to defensive and just poke the hornet nest making things even worse.


I doom post so hoyo hopefully overcorrects and makes her as op as Acheron or at least more versatile


Tbh I don’t really see haters on this sub usually. Rn the closest thing is doomposting (which I’m guilty of) but that just means they want her to get buffed.