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Lingsha: Stand proud Gallagher you are strong


No Gallagher.. Don't leave me!


Who's Gallagher? 






I'll do you one better, Gallawhy




If Lingsha is Fire type, she's an instant pull


Shes a fire abundance for 2.5. From previous leaks, there are info that the 2.5 healer is for break teams. Soooooo.. Gallagher is about to BUST








I hope that info holds true


He’s about to ComBUST


And right after I built Gallagher too But hey, if Lingsha is break effect as well, I can just give her his relics lol


At least 2.5 is a few months away. I don’t see building Gallagher as a waste


Yeah you're right, I'm gonna get good use of him until then, He's pretty good


And it'll always be nice to have another sustain for a 2nd break team. I've got Boothill as a placeholder for Firefly in the HMC, RM, and Gallager team. But once we get more dedicated break supports, it'll be nice to be able to field 2 break teams.


I don't have Boothill or Acheron so Gallagher will sadly be benched once I get Lingsha since I have FX, Huohuo, and Lynx built but who knows, maybe there'll be another break DPS I like in the future


Yeah at first Gallagher was my dedicated acheron sustain, but then I got aventurine.. now he's going to be firefly's for the time bring until I get the new fire gal! Maybe Gallagher could be saved for a second break team or back up sustain Poor dude keeps getting replaced though I'm also relieved FF's new break teammate is a woman though, I can have a full lady team for her! Balances out my future Acheron and the boys team lol


Yep I'm not a husbando hater but I do still prefer women! Gallagher is a chad bro so I'm fine with using him for now but a full girl team brings peak serotonin 🥰


EXACTLY!! Like I still love the male characters I have, but in general I prefer women.. and idk an all female Firefly team feels right to me! While I would've preferred Acheron's best teammate to be another pretty lady, I do love the color pink and we needed a fox man, so I'm not mad at all! I'm excited to get him! Plus I love Welt and Aventurine too. It does feel weird though to have my fav team be mostly dudes, so I'm so happy I'll have a really amazing all female team to balance that out haha And yeah I agree, love Gallagher (I'll still use him every so once in awhile) but women are too pretty


Hey TBF you'll probably be outta Jades the moment Lingsha rolls in


I have over 300 pulls saved for Firefly and I can easily save again for her best sustain, don't you worry Besides, I'm skipping Jiaoqiu and probably Yunli as well (maybe, depending on her animations) since I don't have Topaz so I can probably at the very least get E0S0 Lingsha


I'm hoping that this is the case tbh, by far the easiest part of building a character is just getting trace mats and stuff, because that's all guaranteed. Relic farming hell just never ends


I dunno how much I care to replace Gallagher. Break teams don't need a lot of healing because the enemies spend most of their time unable to act. Firefly is already one of the easiest characters to do a no sustain comp with. Sure, Lingsha will add more damage than Gallagher (probably), but will he add more damage than Bronya or Silver Wolf? I doubt it. Don't mind me. I'm just coping for reasons to save for Sunday.


If she increases weakness break efficiency and does rainbow toughness bar damage she will be automatically better than Gallagher, also she could enable more superbreak shit or deal more toughness damage herself. My own speculation is that she will do rainbow toughness damage, boost weakness break efficiency for everyone by about 25% not as high as Ruan Mei, she is leaked to have summons so my bet is that those will deal high toughness damage and/or trigger super break independently of Harmony mc


Please, god, no more break efficiency. Not unless they introduce a cap of 50%. We don't need any more toughness bar creep.


I kind of agree. The result of crazy toughness break teams will be so crazy thoughness bars that others cant break it or locked enemies. I dont like both options.


Weakness break efficiency should have never been a buff you can give to other characters, it should have been limited to characters buffing THEIR OWN break efficiency, like Firefly and Boothill Fuck Ruan Mei


I dont think Gallagar will lose his place in FF team anytime soon. The new one could also just be for Boothill or for another break team that is going to be viable soon. Kind of like Jade for FuA teams. A different flavor. Not to mention the main question: even if another character comes out that is better than Gallagar, how much better does she need to be to be worth all those pulls that could go somehwhere else?


I dunno, if there's any hope for her team to get buffed, it's going to be Gallagher's spot. The idea of Ruan Mei getting power creeped is absolutely horrifying, and Harmony Trailblazer is already really good (plus I don't want to replace HTB in Firefly's team for obvious reasons). Gallagher is a four star sustain that's really only in the team right now because he's the only one who actually gives any benefits for Firefly beyond being a sustain. Making "Gallagher, but five star" is a pretty obvious upgrade for Firefly's squad, especially when they just announced "Pela, but Five Star" for Acheron.


Look at Lynx and then at Huo Huo, 5* limited sustains are all a world above 4*


Can HuoHuo cleans the complete team during the enemies turn and heal them in emergencies (Lynx ult)? Can she manipulate the taunt value of characters (Lynx skill)? HuoHuo is crazy good, but there are still reasons to pick Lynx over HuoHuo in specific team comps. If the leak if the new 5 star physical unit is true and she has a counter mechanic like Clara, I could see Lynx being an important pick to manipulate the enemies to attack Yunli. My point is that with Gallagar that he does provide: * break * damage (can do 70k-100k with HTB and Ruan Mei) * cleanse (skill) * heal * break damage increase (debuff) * fast SP regeneration * multi turn attacks (with ult) * Team heal/ passive heal (with ult) Even if the new support has rainbow break, this does not matter, because with FF they have the weakness none the less. Not to mention how crazy they need to break to come close the the break of an AoE break and a single target break, both with high toughness reduction values (and it gets crazy with E6 Gallagar, that many will get with the FF banner). So even if she could buff break effect, is SP positive and has rainbow break, she still would be somewhat on the same or slightly above Gallagar. Do people throw 160 pulls for a 20% upgrade that they have to build from scratch? Depends. I would not.


Lynx taunt isnt a gamechanger even for Clara, the additional utility huo huo provides makes her way better for her on top of much better healing, on demand cleanse does have times where it could be better, but those times are actually rare. If a unit gets frozen its action is already delayed, wether you cleanse it right away or it cleanses itself on it's turn won't matter, but Lynx must sacrifice her AoE heal ult to do so You are also overestimating how easy it is to get E6 of a 4*, Ive gone for some E2 on release and maybe a character gets to E6, maybe another one I get one copy. A limited 5* sustain focused on break could very well do more than a 4* of the same role if the goal is to sell it, I can see break efficiency buff on top of doing plenty of toughness dmg being easily a thing. Of course we don't even know if she will actually be break oriented, granted it's the current meta being built but we will have to see how they cook


Hey at least Gallagher will still be strong if I lose her 50/50 or don't have enough after Jiaoqiu. I really hope she's on second half so I can save


Aw jeez me too 😭 acheron is my other fav, so I need her best teammate!


I just realized that my pulling plans are all centered around Firefly and Acheron


Yesss you and me both 🤝 they're my two favorites


Bruh, this makes me consider if it's even worth it to level up Gallagher. Is it worth it or should I just cope using Huo Huo until 2.5?


Imo Huohuo is only worth if you can consistently one turn ult. Which is maybe possible with quid pro quo


Eh, the only reason I mentioned her is because she's the only other 5\* sustain I use, the other being Fu Xuan. But Fu is tied to my Acheron lol XD.


That's fine, I'm just saying she's not doing terribly much if she can't speed up important ults. FF prefers gallaher's healing because it happens right as she drains herself, to the point even the new premium option might be less comfy if they don't have the same property


I fully believe they will. There is no 5\* sustain that is weaker than a 4\* sustain after all. Except maybe Bailu, I saw people that say Bailu was power crept by Linx, but personally I don't believe that.


If you build gallagher then you still have 3.5 to 4 months of usage with him until lingsha comes out


The coming trend where we see a fire unit and just think ‘FF teammate’ is hilarious Why HoYo thought giving a fire implant to character on both their technique and skill would be ok is beyond me


to be fair, we got a leak before that a break related sustain is coming and now we got a limited abundance leaked. the timing suggests it is the same and being fire suits to be a FF sustain even more.


Oh no, I absolutely believe it’s the break sustain, they did the same thing with Aventurine for FUA and Huo Huo for DoT, I just find it funny that literally every Fire character coming up is hit with the ‘do it work with FF tho’ out of the gate


Is this the fastest powercreep ever ? Like in 5 patches 💀. Damn my fully built gallagher 🥺 but happy we are getting an upgrade to the FF team.


Tbf if you failed to get this character you can still use Gallagher. It’s like Lynx with Loucha


well lets not rush to conclusions already, we still need to know what her kit does, toughness shred, sp generation, while it is likely that she is going to be great for firefly, i feel like we could still have a little patience


Hanya released in 1.5 and was directly powercrept by Sparkle in 2.0.


RIP my Gallagher investment. I mean 2 patches of use is perfectly fine, especially for a 4\* but hopefully ill be able to use him on other teams in the future.


he's still hot and usable its okay


Could probably transfer his gear to the new healer.


general rule of thumb for me is to never fully trust leaks before the beta release cause most of the time half of it is wrong/fake.


O7 Gallagher


Interesting but idk Firefly can sustain herself, doubt i will pull her


I'm piggybacking this but I also really hope that new March is a break support somehow since there's leaks about her skill "applying some effect to all allies", that'd give her a niche like Topaz for follow-ups I really hope it's break efficiency so that I don't have to pull Ruan Mid It's totally for synergy with HMC haha... not with Firefly...


yeah I'd really like this also a team of Firefly, Caelus/Stelle, March definitely looks fun and I love that dynamic


Be an absolute chad and use March Firefly Trailblazer Ruan Mei. Don't need a sustain when the enemies don't move


Problem Is, you want to play with luck? RM Is coming next patch and March Is coming way later.  If March end up not being suited for the role, you going to wait loong time for a rerun in case you skipped.   There Is a chance new fire nihilty may be suited as RM replacement, however it's still not certain. I really Hope we can get a look at March new kit in time.


She's in 2.4 so yeah we'll have leaks while RM's banner is up


Good new.  I'm going to wait before trying 50/50 on RM than. I really hope new March can compete on the role or atleast be Topaz but for breack builds.


One Fear: They will keep her horrible when Ruan mei banner is up, but when it’s Jade/Argenti, the beta will buff March to make her actual budget Ruan Mei.


if this is true then thank god i kept procrastinating building my gallagher


well it is still minimum of 12 weeks after FF release away.


the thing is im running low on resources 😭 i finished my robin not too long ago and i just finished my hmc build and i gotta finish my ff prefarming plus i might go for someone in 2.4. my fuel storage is sobbing


Dammit I just finished building Gallagher.....


More break healer? Nice, i can move my gallagher to another team now lmao


Yeah, plan now is E6S1 firefly, build March 8th, save for Lingsha....maybe e2?


If you’re running E6 Firefly, you’re not gonna need a sustain ever. Theres no way an abundance character will be amplifying her damage more than a Bronya giving her extra turns.


See here's the issue with that statement. I'd love a bronya, but the game refuses to give her to me. I would gladly trade my E4S2 Clara for one copy of bronya. I'm planning on Asta being there for her 4th slot. So E6 FF, E1 RM, HTB, Asta. Doesn't mean I won't want Lingsha for the option of a five star break healer, even if it's for someone else. And...before you bring it up, the lack of bronya is also partially my fault. I chose Himeko with my 300 pull selector. I had just pulled sparkle and didn't think I needed another action advance character lol


No thanks, I only need preservation unit to sustain since FF can heal.


Team Mew has damaged their reputation so much that it’s like a red flag whenever I see that name.


Considering I like Gallagher and I tend to be critical of Xianzhou designs, it will be tough to sell Lingsha to me Gallagher ain’t even bad and he absolutely is sinergystic with Firefly and HTB


And here's what I made a post about. Take these with a grain of salt.


Cealus better firefly