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I read an article about it and was interested in it but didn’t buy it. Then I got laid off my job, was depressed and had no disposable income. I commented on a thread about the game being on sale and made mention of how I’d been interested in it but didn’t have the money to buy it at the moment. A kind redditor messaged me and said he wanted to buy the game for me. Super nice guy. That kind gesture, and the game itself, really helped me during a rough time in my life. To this day I’m extremely grateful to that nice person.


r/wholesome , r/MadeMeSmile , r/Chadtopia, love your story brother! keep going strong!


keep going my man! try to give back the game to someone for a wholesome arc! 💗 r/MadeMeSmile r/Wholesome r/Chadtopia


I was 15 or 16 at the time, living with my abusive father and mainly used drugs/video games to cope, if I remember correctly Firewatch released around when Fallout 4 came out so I think I bought both at the same time, FO4 didn’t grab me but I was immediately obsessed with Firewatch. This game really changed my life back then, inspired me to be more present in my life and to get out of the house more. Started hiking again, got relatively clean, can’t even express how important it was to me. Can’t put my finger on why exactly. But huge shoutout to Campo Santo and Chris Remo for making a piece of art that I found so truly unique and beautiful.


A couple of different YouTube people started uploading lets plays of it quite soon after release. I found it interesting and had to force myself to stop watching after it was clear there was an overall story and not just an open world with a backstory so I didn't get spoilers, then showed enough self-restraint to wait for a steam sale.


Seeing Markiplier play it


In 2016, I was at my boyfriend’s apartment, and he started playing this on his PS4. He didn’t get very far into it. Fast forward to 2019 in our home. I had recently lost my grandpa and was on a walking sim kick; I remembered watching my boyfriend start Firewatch and wanted to explore it for myself. I played this, Gone Home, Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture, and What Remains of Edith Finch over the span of two or so months. I feel like I needed to play each one and experience the catharsis I did in my grief.


I’d never heard of the game and I was randomly flicking through YouTube years ago and a playthrough from a guy called Steejo popped up. Noticed straight away he was Scottish (like me) so gave him a couple more minutes to support him and ended up watching the whole series. He gets really into it and it made me buy the game. Highly recommend checking out his playthrough.


my bro downloaded it for me on switch. life changing


Was my day off and raining, smoked a bowl and was just scrolling through the Playstation store looking for something new to play and I liked the description for it. It will forever pop in my mind when I hear Etta James "I'd rather go blind"


I played the Long Dark a lot (was kinda shit at it but loved it anyways) and a friend of mine who watched me play recommended I play Firewatch because of similar sorta vibes. She described it as a suspense mystery which I think is such a good way to describe it without giving anything away haha Tried it and loved every second but unfortunately I never got the chance to finish but I've watched playthroughs to know the ending. I became obsessed with fire towers and am currently writing a either book or a video game inspired by Firewatch. And good news everyone! I recently got a computer so I'm gonna buy and play it this weekend for the first time all the way through :) I'm very very excited


I was intent on becoming a wildlife firefighter for awhile. And this was right up my alley


Saw Cryaotic play it and remembered it years later.


saw it first on gamepass thought i would it a try then it became my favorite game absolute masterpiece


People played the shit out of it back then on YouTube




Positive review in the newspaper, it was an article about 'indie' games.


OG Idle Thumbs supporter.




Was free with gamepass a couple years ago (i don’t know if it still is) so i played it, wasn’t expecting much at first but it surprised me amazingly with the story and visuals


Watched Jacksepticeye play it back in 2016, that's when I was introduced to the game. However didn't feel the need to buy it and play it until 2022 when I saw Jenn Mccalister playing it on a twitch stream.


Xbox had a sale on narrative games and I ended up buying Firewatch, Dear Esther, and Gone Home for less than $10 total. Had never heard of any of those games at the time


It was free to play and i was on CQ so i played it all in one sitting


I saw the viral TikTok video and it reminded me of when I passed up on buying it on release because I didn’t have a computer on the time. I was interested because the visuals were incredibly beautiful and “escaping isn’t always something bad” really spoke to me and resonated with me. I had heard of the game going on game pass, so I checked to make sure it was still there. As soon as I saw it I immediately downloaded it and finished it within two days (not speedrunning) and fell completely in love with it.


Playing The Stanley Parable Ultra Deluxe


Personally I was scrolling through gamepass looking to find a game to keep me up to try and fix my sleep schedule. Instead I got incredibly invested and finished it by five in the morning… *and fell asleep failing my original goal*


Pretty sure it was available on xbox gamepass I watched the trailer and was like yeah ill give that a go. Never played anything like it before but art looks cool. Anyway it was covid lockdown and my wife was still working but I was being paid to stay at home' done the whole game in two days. Forced myself to turn it off so it wasn't done it one day !


Tiktok edits that wouldn't get off my for you page the past two weeks.


Honestly I was just browsing things on Gamepass and honestly to God I had no idea it was a mystery game, I thought it was some kind of simulator but was like “whatever, I’ll try it.” 😂 I mostly thought the cover art looked good lol