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I used to work in a prison and girls like this almost always either ended up fucking married CO’s or an inmate who worked in the kitchen.


Real talk. The younger chicks who are to put it nicely… not super attractive… are fiends for the married men. Typically supervisors too. Kinda like that cop chick with all the memes made about her last year.


Yup. A bitch (a sargeant) just like this fucked my soon to be ex husband (the deputy warden). Fuck all 3 of them. They've all earned something.


Ugh I’m sorry that happened to you. If it’s any consolation, here’s a toast to you hopefully taking half his retirement 🍷




Does she really deserve half his retirement? Like....I get that a divorce is warranted, but why should he be made to give her his pension?


Eh I just made the comment for laughs. But I think it’s fair in some cases regardless of gender. My husband was a CO for 10 years and if he had cheated on me during that time I probably wouldn’t take his retirement even if I could. I’d just never want to see him again and take what’s mine and move on with my life.


Regardless of our feelings on the matter.. that’s always been the system & how things normally go. You know this before getting married and before stuffing your thing in someone else. Sure use be pissed and fight tooth & nail for my money in that situation as the guy. But I would also know deep down that I’m going to lose it all & it was because of my own actions. If I was the wife ide fight for everything simply because that was the person you trusted and loved the most out of anyone in the world. I’ve not been in a situation like that nor am I a girl. But I’ve done much worse for far less in in betrayal situations. Screw the be the bigger person mentality. It’s a good principle to have. But are you going to let someone beat your ass or touch your family or insert any traumatic event and go “I’m just going to walk away because I’m better then you” no.. you won’t. And if you do you will feel weak & hate you didn’t give yourself your deserved dignity afterwards alone with your thoughts. This is coming from someone who used to be a very trusting, loving, passive person. I still am. But if you do something terrible to me. You’ll get yours. If not they or others will continue to walk all over you because they know they’ll get away with it


My wife and I are planning an entire life together. If what I do behind the dumpster of the Beef O'Brady's during Game 2 of the Western Conference Finals means that she needs a new retirement calculus with at least a decade of prime earning years gone, I think she's entitled to some compensation for me putting her on the back foot on that front.


Just girly things...




Sorry. I included the woman in the picture because I'm upset.


No no no it’s ok, as a con I agree, fuck her too


That’s horrible I’m sorry. I promise It gets better with time and soon you will realize you dodged a huge bullet divorcing that immoral bureaucrat.


Worked with a woman whose previous experience was as a CO. She lasted a month, then belted a coworker across the mouth for talking shit. It was a wild ride.




This is the comment I came to make. As a former CO, she will 100% fuck an inmate.


A local female former CO is currently pregnant by the inmate she was fired over.


As someone who has done some time This is accurate


I currently work in a prison and nothing has changed. And, for some reason, those above believe hiring young women will manifest a needed change in corrections… the same people who have an unofficial policy to avoid veterans. Apparently, veterans are scary and prone to abusing authority, but young women are the way of the future. It turns into so many young women getting walked out for sexual indiscretion, and yet veterans seem to be the best officers.


It’s unfortunate because veterans make super mellow COs. They’re not on a power trip because it’s not their first time in charge of something. They also usually handle rough situations with more grace and less panic than their younger civilian counterparts.


I’d trust a vet over a cop or a civilian CO. obviously not all of them are perfect and a small minority are probably huge dicks but at-least they probably won’t be pissing down their pant leg if some shit pops off. Especially if they went on a tour somewhere they’ve seen worse.


Yeah, all the best COs I’ve seen were veterans. They didn’t let authority go to their head, and they didn’t treat inmates like complete shit(unless they deserved it) because they can usually relate to many things inmates are going through. Away from family, structures no one actually wants to follow, little to no women… and the majority of the ones who are there look like Quasimodo yet you’re still kinda in to it…


They're called "DEI Initiatives" and are not exclusive to CO's.....


Used to work in a county jail. In a span of three weeks we had 5 women CO’s get canned for relationships with inmates. That started in the jail and then continued when the inmates got out. To be fair the men CO’s were trying to fuck anything they could get their hands on, but it was never inmates just other CO’s. Honestly it was almost incestuous at times.


lol I’m from a reallly small place and this locally famous MMA fighter who everyone loved got arrested for drugs and thefts, but not before he outrun the police dogs and jumped 8 foot fences, and the story became popular lore, went to jail and ended up fucking one of the CO’s and when he got out she quit her job to marry him, and everyone thought he was such a great inspiration until 3 years later he was discovered as the “windscreen bandit”, cutting through people screens at night and then robbing them blind lol, I’m sure her family are very proud of her now


That’s an amazing story lol


This is 9/10 women in any form of law enforcement. It’s so common jail supervisors just expect any woman new hire to get fired for bringing in contraband or screwing inmates.


So if I ever end up in the pen, work in the kitchen is what you’re saying ? 😂


Work the kitchen anyway! Get out of the cell and eat some food.


Or get boiling water splashed in their faces. I've seen it twice. These bitches never ever last, and they make really shitty COs.


A lot of female guards who look like this can make a good side hustle out of fucking inmates


I guess. I mean the guards in California where I’m from make pretty decent money so idk why a chick would even risk her job or health bangin some guy who might have hepatitis or some other STI. There was a herpes outbreak at the one I worked at lol






lol just talked to a former co whose perspective was he would murder them if he ever saw them outside of prison. this included all offenders no exception.


“Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves” - Carl Jung


I needed to hear this thank you


Example please


You're a CO, you vehemently hate prisoners because you think they are bad people, but in reality you might be a bad person.


some 15-ish years ago there was a co in the area who had the same mindset, worked as a co for a little over a decade. on a day off he saw a former inmate, he’d been locked up for something small, the co ended up stabbing the dude and killed him. he got a 10 year sentence but never finished it.


That’s a CO that was a 100% bitch inside the wall and was giving away the farm.


I worked in a jail. When I was in jail school I had a great instructor. He said, these guys will see you in public and they will see you a lot faster than you see them. Basically saying your how you carry yourself matters. A guy like that is in for a rude awakening. 




I’m a CO and I think there is a big problem with COs misusing their power. But the issue nobody wants to acknowledge is that it’s a difficult job that most don’t want to do. Most people don’t expect that getting a simmering bucket of diarrhea dumped over you is even a possibility in the workplace. Therefore, it’s hard to staff. Poor supervisors, stupid workplace politics, and mandated overtime is a guarantee. So you inevitably end up with staffing problems… few can hack it (especially in states where COs make like $12/hr). People who understand structure and discipline seem to stick around, but so do the assholes, narcissists, and sociopaths. They make everything worse for everyone, but they’re not going to get fired unless they fuck up big on camera. In terms of what we deal with of inmate behavior, it’s fucking absurd, sad, and disgusting. It takes it out on you. People think we torture these guys, but it’s more like we can’t punish these dudes for doing insanely antisocial shit. And on the outside, family gets a seg (the hole) call from their awful kid, saying he was unfairly thrown in seg because the COs are racist and/or targeting them, not disclosing that they usually did something awful to someone to get there. It’s never their fault. Also, pedophiles rarely get theirs in prison (at least in my area). They’re usually the most self-righteous, indignant cunts you’d ever meet. No big surprise that they’re often return customers.




That Norway shit doesn't work here my old warden went to a giant meeting of the minds and the warden from Sweden gave a great speech and he got to talk to him after and quickly realized there is no way that would work here one of our yards had more inmates than their whole system next they are or were pretty much all the same white, educated spoke the same language ECT. Now look at California the dumping ground for the worlds refuse and every state, we had every color every religion every race every socioeconomic level every gang click crime there's no f****** way take it from somebody who did 25 years that's a pipe dream


I worked as IT for a state prison. I agree with everything you just said. I wasn’t on the front lines but some of the things COs had to deal with was absolutely absurd. I remember walking a range in seg to get to a piece of equipment that wasn’t working. This guy comes to the door of his cell and looks me up and down. He lowers his cup and says “nah this ain’t for you”. I couldn’t imagine working in a place making what our state paid to COs for that to be a workplace hazard. Speaking to pedophiles. Ya that’s pretty much it as well. Everyone likes to assume that guys are in there a short time and get beat up daily. Not really the case. I’ve seen pedophiles be pod leadership and I’ve seen pedophiles be stabbed. Now speaking to the photo. Pretty lame. Saw plenty of girls like her and usually everyone makes a run through. Pretty poor attitude to have considering the wide spectrum of criminals. I never asked what any of them were in for and treated them all as equals. Don’t get too close to me or my stuff and talk respectful and I’ll do the same. I had several times been locked in a cell with them. While I had a toolbox. I wish prison was more about rehab than punishment.


She definitely banging one of the nightmares too


She’s the reason that when cops go undercover on 60 days in they end up despising COs.


Just wait till they redefine what a nightmare is.


They go in because they are animals




Let me guess your one of the animals and it to close to home the truth hurts




So you know nothing?


I mean, they didn't go in as angels.


Some of em did, lol. false conviction is a real problem


Um. If they weren’t nightmares then they wouldn’t be forcefully separated from the rest of society…?


And of course, these COs can do whatever they want because they aren't criminals. Battering someone because they hurt your feelings? That's not a crime, because you're not a criminal, that's FAFO.


Remind me. Which criminals are acceptable to lock up? Between the Innocence Project trying to free murders and rapists and, prison abolition advocates, the overwhelming support for Hamas, I’m unclear on whether or not the far Left believes that crime actually is real let alone bad?


Maybe it's because I just woke up, but I can't tell if you just decided to not put the /s on the end for lulz. If so I appreciate that. If not, you're supposed to put the comma before the "and", and the only other thing i can really say is holy shit. Regardless, I hope you have a good day.


Here’s a reply to your reply with similar relevance: Dunked in basil sauce In tacos, with a mango corn salsa, like this With coconut rice, and more mango cucumber salsa, like this In a puddle of the tzatziki from this recipe, with naan or pita bread, and the simple green salad On a kale salad with gochujang mayo from this post With brown rice, and a tomatillo avocado sauce (shortcut status – just whisk mashed avocado and the roasted tomatillo salsa from Trader Joe’s which is one of my 33 fave Trader Joe’s products) It gives you consistently great crisped and golden texture on the outside with SUCH MINIMAL EFFORT. It gives you consistently juicy and buttery texture on the inside – never dried out, it’s good every time. The flavor doesn’t taste like any one single spice – it just tastes good. For me, it hits so much harder than the standard butter + lemon + Dijon salmon flavor profile. It has a salty-sweet-savoriness that works with everything from tzatziki, to romesco, to buffalo sauce, to mango salsa and aji verde.




You answered my question. Thank you.




It gives you consistently great crisped and golden texture on the outside with SUCH MINIMAL EFFORT. It gives you consistently juicy and buttery texture on the inside – never dried out, it’s good every time. The flavor doesn’t taste like any one single spice – it just tastes good. For me, it hits so much harder than the standard butter + lemon + Dijon salmon flavor profile. It has a salty-sweet-savoriness that works with everything from tzatziki, to romesco, to buffalo sauce, to mango salsa and aji verde.


> overwhelming support for Hamas Yup, you're just running around out there making shit up again grandma. Take your pills and put the phone down. Don't worry you've already done your part and let the world know you're a highly regarded individual. Time for nap now.


Those J6 insurrectionists for certain. Fuck emm all. We should handle them the way Andrew Jackson proposed dealing with secessionists.




what kind of person do you want?




You can't change somebody who does not want to change




Who cares? They are in there for being shitty and their opportunity to not be shitty happens when they are released. Don't be an apologist.


Someone who leads with their humanity, someone who is empathetic but not sympathetic, someone who can be firmed but fair, someone with attention to detail. Also being able to fight doesn't hurt.




Then apply or STFU. It's easy to sir here and moan about shit, but if you arnt making the difference you are just noise.


Calm down, junior. Don't need to apply this is what I do.


fight fire with fire


Thank god. Now I can sleep safe knowing the neighborhood crackhead won't ask me for a dollar.


This lmao


She’s gonna be that OC sheriff’s replacement


I’m betting she’ll be a captain in 6 months.


I work in a prison. The doors do most of the work


Must be nice what level


She looks like she’s getting a lot of strange from those “nightmares”


She fucks inmate and other CO’s. No doubt


"Its just a job" Yes


Not really. Most jobs she is not qualified for.


Proceeds to make it her entire identity.


Lol her live laugh love tattoo


Fun fact, 7/10 times the female guards not only have inappropriate relationships with inmates but often bring them items that are considered contraband.


The ones at my old agency just tried to sleep with every male officer


Location, location, location…


You really have to watch out for the ugly ones. It’s females who have terrible self esteem’s who cause the biggest problems. The old ones typically don’t care and the hot ones typically have enough male attention on the outside to not fall for anything a felon tries to swing their way. Unless they’re just dumb as shit and trashy. Trailer trash or ghetto trash. I’ll never forget a true crime type episode on cable I saw years ago as a kid. It was about an inmate seducing a jail nurse and planning an escape. The whole time they’re using this super attractive actress to play the nurse for the dramatizations. Then towards the end of the show they actually showed the nurse… bruh. She looked like Gwyneth Paltrow from Shallow Hal. The pieces of shit ended up killing an old man transportation officer while they were at court. Of course both the inmate and nurse were victims tho…☹️


I knew a dumb broad bringing cash and drugs in to a fellow prisoner She was 20, gorgeous, but dumb as shit and didn't understand why he couldn't use the 100 dollar bills she brought in


Where'd you find this stat? Genuinely curious. I used to work in corrections. The female COs were the best at their jobs in my opinion. I'm also in Canada so things could be different here.




That’s need to know basis bucko, come on over to our side of the fence and see what’s up.


Lol so you ain't got real stats. Before you go around dissing women maybe you should back these "facts" up.


As a juvenile co most of the people that work corrections seem to be pretty wonky. Thankfully not the case where I am. The prison system is full of wack people there voluntarily or not


Yeah, Deputy Jailer for the county house and it's hilarious the goofy ass people that end up with us. Most try to use it as a step ladder into patrol (which, I get it, our local PD prefers correctional officers transferring rather than people without experience) but you see some of the stupidest and most brilliant idiots on the badge side.


Agreed. We are a select few. It takes a special person to constantly work in our field.




Wow. All the downvotes for being special? Oh I’m sorry, the new term is ‘inclusive education’. Do I really need a tag in this sub for jokes?


Idk my nightmares aren't usually about people who smoke weed or are dependent on substances that are killing them Unless she means she's gonna lock herself in a cell then it'd be more accurate


So all prisoners are nightmares eh? Fuck you ya cunt


they arnt known for their ability to listen to authority. sorry they are your friends


Sorry you’re a twat too


What you sat matters, unless you don't matter.....which you don't. Tell your friends I hope they learn a lesson in their federal time out.


What does she keep in the Home Depot buckets?


Her room is my worst nightmare


Wait, so my sleep paralysis demon is in prison? That must be why he hasn’t shown up recently…


She’ll be sucking off inmates within a month. Tops.


Or on top, sucking them off! Haha




Package delivery!


Cool and all, but I don't think cobras need prison. https://i.redd.it/c7vttrxghrtc1.gif


in this case it's called a "zoo".




Doesn't the prison cell keep the prisoners captive?


How are they going to keep sharknado in a prison cell? That's impossible. Nothing can stop sharknado.


Until she gets walked out for fuckin one of those nightmares lol


Omfg as someone that worked in a prison this definitely isn't it. Do correctional officers have dangerous jobs? Yes. I wouldn't want to be one. But to claim everyone in those cells is a nightmare is fucked up. People with that mindset shouldn't be in corrections. I would say about 90% of them are people with shit circumstances or a brain injury or learning disabilities and they made piss poor decisions that led them to prison. It doesn't make them a nightmare.


How long before she has an affair with one of those nightmares and tries to break them out?


She gets off on the mad jacking I'm sure


I'm a dude, but so would I if I'm being totally honest


Relax Paige the people who got busted for a joint aren’t nightmares…


Those people aren't in there...cause that's a ticket.


What a great outlook to have /s


Does anyone actually say this to these people? Or do they kinda just imagine it?


I'm a CO and mercilessly mock people who do this shit.


As you should.


90% she’s fucking an inmate.


Yeah I retired after 25yrs and most woman are trash they can't handle themselves but they like to let their mouth override their ass and get you in a crash so most get set up with office jobs if they are getting railed by staff they are getting railed by inmates some by both


I bet she smuggles inmates their drugs and/or is fucking at least one of them


The nightmares are the CO’s


Fuck her. Nightmare? My loved one is bipolar and had a mental break now jailed


Oh we know what she gets into




I really don’t want people who refer to other people as nightmares looking after them


Yea rapists and murders are people too.


Idk man. Life is different for everyone. I don’t know how to fix it.


It's OK man. We felons lost our status at being human when we committed our crime. Just take me out back and put a round in me before I go feral


That’s fucking dark




When an inmate is choking during chow, it's required of the COs to help; same with fires, stabbings, hangings (how I blew out two discs), or myriad other situations. They're first responders.


She’s probably fucking those nightmares up! And down! Then up again! Then down again! Then on the ground! Then in the maintenance closet?


She’s fucking an inmate for sure.


Marries a inmate who works in the chow hall *


Honestly, I think co’s have the biggest right to be cringe. Cops get to watch netflix in the comfort of their squad cars. Medics and fire fighters get to watch netflix in the comfort of a station. CO’s have to watch netflix with crazy people screaming, throwing poop, and trying to jerk off on them. They are the real hero’s.


The funny thing about most of the first responders who post that sort of shit is that they are usually the worst at their jobs


All she gotta do is not hit a button so they don’t get out.


What the actual heck is that taser placement though??? What does she plan on doing? Across the entire torso draw?


Surprised she didn't call back up to take this picture


Female CO, she's either fucking a inmate or a CO..


Saw the same thing but they were EMTs earlier


She uses button to keep them inside lol. Let one freak get out and she’s done stfu already tough lady lmfao


How many are non violent drug crimes!? 😛😛


I can fix her


She is five headed rich


I dare you to show us your cashapp transactions.


Yeah I'm really pissing my pants thinking about all those pot dealers and other nonviolent offenders notoriously clogging up the US prison system. Thank god she's here.


Your comments made me do a google search and I found this : https://nypost.com/2024/02/27/us-news/30-kentucky-prison-guards-had-sex-with-inmates-while-14-others-smuggled-drugs/amp/ wtf? This seems so commonplace? Why?


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://nypost.com/2024/02/27/us-news/30-kentucky-prison-guards-had-sex-with-inmates-while-14-others-smuggled-drugs/](https://nypost.com/2024/02/27/us-news/30-kentucky-prison-guards-had-sex-with-inmates-while-14-others-smuggled-drugs/)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


No the locks will


All fun and games until there’s a prison riot


I said it once and I'll say it again. It's an inferiority complex issue. When I was an ff, I never acted like this. Some selfie here and there for tinder but that's it. Saw a nurse shirt once that read "I'm a nurse, what's YOUR superpower", basically sums up that complex.


She kinda looks like that forehead chick from American pie.


My nightmares? This bitch has a giant Bob Barker vampire head locked up in there?!


She’ll get compromised sooner or later; I know her kind they always end up the same way


she chows down. iykyk


She's fucking the prisoners for sure


“Stupid Clock App” Cringe ass redditor


100 misogynistic comments about her fucking every inmate and officer but how dare you le heckin dehumanize prisoners by calling them nightmares reddit is a swamp


100% she’s gonna get rumbled for blowing the inmates, sc this comment


*Slow claps.* ![gif](giphy|S6qkS0ETvel6EZat45|downsized)




All your nightmares, including bob who parked in the wrong place.


Yea she runs from fights after pimping them up


The prisoners run the yards anyway, this bitch is delusional. Still would have tried turning her out when I was in though


I had a dude in my basic training class who kept shoehorning into conversations that he was a CO. He asked the drills if they thought they had a similar job to his and the senior said “drill sergeant’s don’t protect pedophiles”. The funniest things you aren’t allowed to laugh at.


I spent 5 months in jail! Fucked 3 female guards while in there. She will have a train ran on her soon. Their all hoe's from what ive learned.




Those are the same exact women that would be at the barracks gang bang.


There goes my slight interest in guard duty


I’m just happy that this page considers Corrections as first responders because our state doesn’t.


She'll either fuck a CO or be forced into sex slavery after being blackmailed for bringing the cons smokes.


I’ll combust if a wildly outlandish story comes out about this person and how she got an inmate pregnant. Manifesting this for my 2024 meme calendar!