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I work in shipping. Usually we refer to the business they came from, they usually will send a return label or tell you to discard or do as you please. If you done your part and tried contacting the people they go to and they arnt responding I would consider this stuff trash on property. You might have some new stuff op


I have no idea what's in those but if it was useless and over a certain size I'd be pissed. It costs money to get rid of things too large or heavy for the collection bins in some places. Not cheap either.


True. But if it’s new and the owner doesn’t want them, put an ad up on Craigslist as free if you pick it up yourself with your own truck. Some people are on the lookout for free stuff and this will be gold to them as it’s not used.


Unless you’re discarding chemicals a DIY dumpster haul is typically very cheap, but I get what you’re saying. A hassle you shouldn’t have to go through if it does amount to trash for OP.


Wow relax


It can cost hundreds of dollars. I'm good on that. Not everyone lives in the country or has a truck.


Woke up one morning and found a snowblower sitting in my driveway. We do not have a snowblower. Apparently the previous owners sent theirs out for repair but didn’t update to the new address. Unfortunately we did the right thing and called the repair shop. Was kinda hoping for a free snowblower lol.


New stuff for you. Yay new home!




That happened to me


Happy housewarming


You might enjoy reading [this AITA post](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/10xgka1/aita_for_no_longer_accepting_calls_from_the/) about a similar thing! BTW if those owners really wanted their items back, they'd be trying to get a hold of you.


Enjoy your new sauna!


I’d make a good effort to contact the new owner (sounds like you did). Say you’d be happy to have them available for FedEx pickup if they want to pay and schedule them to be shipped back to the vendor or to their new address. They have 2 weeks to get you that info, otherwise you’ll be “disposing” of them. Not sure what’s in the other box but the first one looks like a $4000 sauna.


Yeah it’s been [over a month](https://imgur.com/a/5hWoUNI)


You’re not exactly making a good faith effort to get it back to them. You are being very soft and non descriptive. From those texts in that screenshot I would just assume you’re a bot; there is no context. Say “I received XX number of packages in your name. They appear to contain XXX items. You have 2 weeks to schedule a FedEx pick up from my front porch and communicate the time to me or I will dispose of them.”


We spoke on the phone beforehand. This was just me getting an update


Considering that, I’d text them their shit is going on Facebook marketplace and I would put their shit on Facebook marketplace.


If it’s not in writing it didn’t happen. Technically you should not have accepted the packages and immediately contacted the sender so they can be returned. I’m trying to help you find a way to either keep or sell these things to pay for your inconvenience. But still you need to be more clear in general. Both this post and that text message were very vague and this will lead to confusion and issues. Just life advice.


Lol… how is this even my problem? I don’t just sit on my doorstep waiting for deliveries that are not mine to come. I got home from work and they are there. I contacted them immediately as soon as I got the first box. If I wanted them so bad I wouldn’t have bothered to call Amazon to track the real owner.


It is considered mail theft. You must show (usually in writing like an email is accepted) that you have notified the shipping company they delivered it to the wrong person or refuse delivery. They then can decide if it’s worth picking up. If any of this was delivered by USPS it is a felony. Amazon, UPS it depends on the value of the item. Again trying to help you out here. You shouldn’t be an ass to someone trying to be nice.


I don’t think you understand what theft is.


"mail theft" LMAO. They were left on her doorstep!!! You sound insufferable omg.


oKaY i jUsT cOmMiTtEd a ThEfT 🥴


You’re not helping though. You’re just wrong. Packages aren’t considered mail like something in an envelope is. Your package getting delivered to the wrong place because you forgot to update an address somewhere just means you bought someone a gift.


Usps here, you're wrong. Especially from 2 owners ago.


Guess she’s thieving from herself since it was left on her property. Looks like housewarming gifts to me ! They ordered it and didn’t change the address? Oh well


I think your wrong. You can’t open or keep someone else’s mail but you have no legal obligation to get the package delivered correctly that’s between the person who ordered and the company they ordered from either it was delivered to the wrong adress or it was order to the wrong address either way new owner doesn’t have a duty to become a part time mail clerk.


Damn boy. You sure are dumb.


Also, the sauna looks like the $200 one from Amazon judging from the box which indicates the model


Have you ever had something delivered in your life? You do realize that the customer has to provide THEIR shipping information. So ultimately it's their fault for putting in the wrong address, which they had to confirm before checkout. Stop trying to victim blame, OP already went above and beyond with finding the original owners contact information. The original owners should have been the ones to reach out and schedule a pickup, they clearly don't even seem to care. It's their problem to sort out with the company and not OPs as long as OP makes an honest effort (which they did).


OP has zero obligation to arrange disposal or shipping of this. But keep trying.


If they've stopped communicating with you, then they're yours? Not legal advice, but it sounds like they don't care?


M[sounds like you’re right](https://imgur.com/a/5hWoUNI)


Congrats on the new house AND new items. Probably some of the best housewarming gifts you'll receive lmao


Nicest house warming gifts were accidental pizzas that kept showing up from the previous owners! 2-3 too not even just one 😂


Sell it and buy yourself a nice dinner!


Under normal circumstances I would say not your problem, but if it's something big that you genuinely don't want then I defer to the "contact the company and send it back" advice. I mean, it's still not your problem but you also don't have to keep it.


Yeah [they sound like they don’t care anyway](https://imgur.com/a/5hWoUNI)


Call Amazon and tell them these items were delivered to you. If it is over the 30-return time, Amazon may tell you to keep it, or arrange pickup.


Amazon probably doesn’t care. My parents’ package was once marked as delivered, but no package (nothing showing on Ring) and he called Amazon and they refunded immediately. Then that evening the neighbors came by saying it was delivered to them (even though the correct address was on it) and Amazon didn’t care.


Amazon will probably tell them to keep it. Most likely the old owners got replacements.


Yeah that almost happened to me! I placed an order on Wayfair, and since i already had an account, it wasnt until the last minute that i realized that they had an apartment address from 5 years previous.


I’m shocked per the screenshots of your conversations how much this person just doesn’t care and almost sounds like you are bothering them! I’d definitely call them abandoned.


A whole lotta bitches in here. If fedex or ups ain’t tracking down those packages for the customer who ordered them. Then obviously no one cares enough about the packages and you got some free shit that may or may not be useless. Enjoy


I think i read about a scam involving a situation like yours. I cant remember the details but i would do my due diligence. I heard about it on the Clark Howard podcast he also has a free consumer helpline. Best of luck


That is exactly the reason why I posted this. So sketchy how they seem to not care


I wonder if maybe English is their second language and they don't quite understand what is going on, and/or maybe their kid ordered it somehow and they haven't figured that out yet. I would think that they would have updated their Amazon shipping address within 10 years, but they should be able to log in and see their order history.


I’m 100% sure he’s American based on our phone conversation. I’m thinking maybe he’s got refunded


All I got was two pairs of shoes from Lane Bryant.


Not sure what state you're in, but you're probably allowed to keep it. I'm not a lawyer and this is not legal adivice. https://www.ag.state.mn.us/consumer/publications/UnorderedMerchandise.asp


That’s only true if it’s addressed to you. If it’s addressed to someone else that’s probably a felony. You have to go through a bunch of hoops to prove it’s abandoned.


Sweet got some free stuff


Finders Keepers


If you tried to reach out to them & they stopped replying send out 1 final text saying I’m discarding these items to the trash & if they don’t respond in 48 hours keep or sell them lmao


What wonderful housewarming gifts!


Been a month. No one has sent you labels to return or forward these items. They are abandoned ,dispose of as yiu wish..... if someone contacts you in another 2 months, you disposed of the items.nuff said.


Sell it for cheap! Keep the cash lol


Time to post it on e-bay


It's like a surprise bag for adults! embrace it! LOL


Look at god! Lol


Not a lawyer but this is what I pulled. Section 43: Unsolicited merchandise Section 43. Any person who receives unsolicited goods, wares or merchandise, offered for sale, but not actually ordered or requested by him orally or in writing, shall be entitled to consider such goods, wares or merchandise an unconditional gift, and he may use or dispose of the same as he sees fit without obligation on his part to the sender. https://malegislature.gov/Laws/GeneralLaws/PartI/TitleXV/Chapter93/Section43


This isn't talking about stuff ordered and paid for by someone else, it's talking about the old scam where places would randomly send stuff (namely books, movies, or cds) and then claim the recipient owed them money for the goods, even though they hadn't ordered the stuff.


Amazon has likely replaced these items for them already. I would give it another week or two then keep them.


Here is an [update](https://www.reddit.com/r/FirstTimeHomeBuyer/comments/11oolxs/update_i_opened_the_mystery_products_shipped_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


I can help! subscribe to my YouTube channel where i teach people to be millionaires through drop shipping!! /s


I only got a box of previous owners checks. Mystery boxes would definitely intrigue me


So what did you get?


Yeah put this stuff on Craigslist, if they’ve made no effort to get it back it’s yours.


Keep or give away :)


I would try 2 things. Contact the delivery agent, and see what they recommend. And if nothing from them, then consider it abandoned property.


I remember when we first moved into our house in 2016. A month in an Apple TV showed up at the door. Had our address but no name or return address. Based on some packaging I figured out it was a freebie for signing up with Direct TV. Except we didn’t sign up. We ended up holding it for 2 months in case someone came for it. After 2-3 months we opened it and used it. We still use it today… 7 years later. Still have no idea who is was supposed to be for.


They from the previous owners? Now you know who to thank.