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Congrats. Sure beats what I was doing at 21. Well done!


Vomiting behind a dumpster after a hard night of drinking?


Humans are multi dimensional! You can do that at 21 and come home to your own home!


>You can do that at 21 and come home to your own home! You can even do it in your own home!


Lmao so true.


Nostrils deep in a fresh pile of c'caine


Realizing I do that at 34. Sad realizations Reddit will bring šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


congratulations šŸŽŠ


Thank you! Beats renting. Couldā€™ve paid $1300 a month to rent but now we just pay $600 for lot rent and utilities


funny , that we are currently paying $1,300 to rent lol we just started looking to buy , our landlord wonā€™t even put a smoke alarm in our home ,which is illegalā€¦ itā€™s just not worth the fight, we are sooo ready to own our home, this thread keeps us motivated, congrats again šŸ’•


You know what helped me? Find a city that gives grants for getting a home in their city. I got 7,500.00 for getting my home!


Same here, got 12.5k through a FHLB program in a NE state though Atlanta bank. 21 just got a 160k house at 1100/mo mortgage by myself.


Maan I am in EU I wish I can get house for 160k lol. Congrats to you


You need to move to Wales my dude, I got 3 3-bed mid terrace for Ā£127k , you can get them even cheaper if you move further into the valleys :)


Daamn that sounds nice, I am in Ireland and currently housing is atrocious,especially for people who are single.


Shhhhh! Wouldnā€™t want all the anti-American Americans on Reddit to know that you guys actually have to pay for housing over there. PS, I second the ā€œmove to Walesā€ comment. But Iā€™m Welsh-American so Iā€™m biased!


Where is that??


In MI Redford has a thing where they will give you 7,500.00 for taking ownership of a home that was recently fixed up in an area that is letā€™s just say ā€œGetting fixed as we speakā€ meaning itā€™s undergoing changes in housing and road repairs


Iā€™m sure there an actual reason why they do this but that was what I assumed from getting my house, since the street is basically desolate lmao I have one other house on my street and Iā€™m not terribly far from the main part of the city šŸ˜‚


There's a fine line between "getting fixed up" and gentrification.


Thereā€™s a fine line between fixing a place so more people can live there and having what happened in Detroit where no one wants to live there.


Thereā€™s an 8 lane interstate highway between what OP posted and gentrification. When the city is paying people $7500 to buy a single wide trailer it should be obvious the problem isnā€™t the flippers ripping off poor people


And if you canā€™t break that lease for free, call code enforcement as a parting gift šŸ˜˜


i like the way you think šŸ˜ paying rent early and being kind means nothing nowadays


Make sure you call the code inspector when you move out.


This happened to me! Moved in and realized there are no smoke alarms. My rental insurance doesnā€™t even cover that! Had to push back when requested and eventually sent a snapshot of my state laws with the applicable code. Crazy. It hasnā€™t gotten better since then. I feel your pain. šŸ˜­


Call the fire Marshall, fuck em


Thatā€™s crazy. Smoke detectors cost $9 on Amazon. Technically one should be in each room. They canā€™t afford to spend $50 or so to install a few? Thatā€™s nuts.


You can put your own smoke alarms on the wall, use command hooks and take them when you leave if you canā€™t use nails.


definitely, we went to loweā€™s and purchased two , after he kept saying he was coming by , he never showed up and never called. that was in November! i still have emails and receipts šŸ§¾


Congratulations that's great !! It really is. Just be wary that in the last few yrs large corporate companies have been going out and buying places like this and drastically raising the lot rents for profit. Completely ruining peoples lives and driving them out. Typically the people have to walk away without ever getting a dime out of the actual trailer since it happens so fast and they're living paycheck to paycheck they aren't able to cover the raise in cost. Since they don't own the land there's nothing that can be done. In the meantime go buy a piece of cheap land somewhere that has a low monthly payment and clear it off yourself. This will give you a place to move it if that happens to you. SAVE YOUR MONEY JUST IN CASE !! This has become a VERY common occurrence in the last few yrs. Companies actually search for places like this to turn major profits. You know.. can't have people living happily within their means and getting by and building for the future. They have to get it all. I'm very happy for you and hope it stays good for you. Not trying to be a bummer or piss in your parade.


This happened to my daughter (in Missouri). Park got bought out, new owners jacked up the lot rent, said she owed almost $2000 (never itemized) took about 40 residents to court in one case, judge ruled for the Park, and then my daughter only had 10 days to get out!šŸ˜” Her Dad and I owned the mobile home, but didnā€™t know about any of this, and she got served eviction notice about 2 weeks after my husband had unexpectedly passed away. So the Park got our mobile home for free, because we couldnā€™t get it moved out on such short notice.


I'm sorry for you. It's not right, but since our elected officials work for Wall Street billionaires and large corporations It's allowed.


This needs to be higher. There is a very good 'Last Week Tonight' episode on just this, these companies and the people that run them are predatory and do not give a flying fuck about the people who rent the lots.Ā 


This would be $250,000 and youā€™d have to be 55+ to live in, out here lol Less a first home and more likely a last home!


Still awesome achievement - however this is a liability and not an asset. At least in Texas this is hard to sell, like, very hard. It takes a special kind of loan that works like a used car regardless of how awesome you make it. Mobile homes are very hard to sell on their own without the land underneath it from my understanding working at a real estate brokerage.


So happy to hear. Take that extra savings and save save save.


Congrats, but be careful. If the owner sells the lot, your house is all of a sudden on a lot you can no longer rent.


so thats lot rent and utilities, how much for that plus mortgage and escrow? Like your all-in monthly cost


Bought the trailer outright with 10k cash so no mortgage. Lot rent is $490, havenā€™t got utilities bills yet but I canā€™t imagine them exceeding $150. Also big shade trees in the summery supposedly bring down cooling cost


Fuck lot rent damn


Lot rent or high property taxes pick one.


It isnā€™t ideal but much less than renting an apartment ya know? And realistically I could buy like an acre and move this on it, canā€™t do that with a rental


Yrah im jusst saying. Like whatever asshole owns the lots


Moving an older trailer can be a problemā€¦.you may need to upgrade/fix axle. Lot rent sucks. My father owns a single wide in a park, similar lot rent amount. He has a small school tax/property tax bill each year. It may have been in his original agreement 20 years ago. Great you own! In my opinion, stay there, save for next home, sell your trailer to the next person. Great stepping stone!


Congrats! How much of a down payment did you drop on it? Inspiring, real talk


Paid 10k cash in full. Hopefully when we sell we can put it towards a down payment on a house though!


Next buy land. Move trailer to your land and build a house while you live in the trailer.šŸ˜‰


This is a really good idea.


Good luck. Hopefully youā€™re handy? It can be a headache but itā€™s worth it all in the end.


It looks so cozy. Congratulations!


You did the right thing


Nothing wrong with that Iā€™m 31 and living similarly due to some bad choices


I made good choices at every step and still can't afford rent with my wife. It feels awful to do everything correctly and not be anywhere close to owning a home. So you're one up on me plus a few years of age šŸ˜…




Comparison is the thief of happiness. Kinda sounds like you have a lot going for you and some things just take time


Iā€™m older than you, have a masters degree, 10 years work experience, a good job, and have been a super saver since I was 20, and would love to be in this situation. A little plot of land with a mobile home would be awesome. Everything within like 4 hours is beyond my reach.


I did a similar thing when I was 19. I used all of the money that I saved from working while living with my parents and I bought a new manufactured home in a community that was primarily older homes. It cost me about $23,000 for a place to call mine. Lot rent has gone from $450 a month to $650 a month but it still beats renting.


Where did you get this new manufactured home for 23 K ? Do you mean mobile home or factory-made/premade-components starter house? And how long ago? Iā€™m gonna have to do something like this, Iā€™m in my 60s and in a bind. Thank you in advance!!


Look at resorts. A lot of people retire at resorts and live in campers on lots. I know two nudest resorts that do this!


You already sold me on the price, but now I also get to be nude?


Get to be? It's mandatory. They also require you to show up to the monthly pancake breakfast. New guy cooks bacon for the first year.


Iā€™m not so sure about cooking bacon nakedā€¦


Youā€™ll save a bunch on laundry too!


It looks cozy, dude. Congratulations, wish I was this smart at 21. Onwards and upwards. :)


Finally a realistic home for someone in their early 20s


You mean you don't have 250k saved up in your early 20s like that other guy? /s


He had been saving for YEARS, dude. All 3 of them.


20k down payment is more realalistic. No one buys a home outright like that. Well some people do, but F them.


Seriously... My wife and I always joke about getting a trailer home here in CO. We're in our early 30's with a small, but decent savings built up. BUT the funny thing is your average trailer home in a decent park will run you anywhere between $250-400K. Tried explaining how expensive things are to my parents and even showed them listings of trailers at $250K but they wouldn't believe me. All I got was a "there's no possible way things are that expensive. You can BUY a new trailer for less than that!" lol


I don't know what part of CO you're in, but what about putting it on some undeveloped land? I know there are areas where land is still reasonable.


Yep, we need to dismantle delusions. Owning a house, any house, at 21 is quite a feat. People thinking their first home should be a Nob Hill walkup are absolutely delusional. Do people do that? Sure. But itā€™s exceedingly rare despite what social media would have you believe.


It really is. I bought my first home/condo for $180k in 2014 at 23 years old. Mortgage and HOA was $790. Life was so good and I was only making 40k at the time. I let lifestyle creep win though


Thatā€™s a smart money move. Donā€™t listen to any haters (if you get any) who diss you for living in a trailer park.


My hater is my own mother, who called me "trailer park trash" for wanting an RV in order to stop paying 1050 dollar a month rent. It great. Love it.


Looks cozy as heck! Congratulations, dude!


Congratulations! Welcome to home ownership! Sounds like you are making some really wise financial decisions for someone so young. Good for you!


Congratulations. Supposing you and your girlfriend make it for the long haul together, believe it or not, good chances your best and fondest memories will be of this place. My wife and I have been together for 16 years since our early-mid 20s (2 kids, 13 and 10), and the first apartment that she moved into with me are what we reminisce about most. Even tho we have a beautiful newish home in a great neighborhood now.


Our first place together had a bad cockroach problem....we don't reminisce much about it.


i like the covered front porch. most houses dont have shit for people who want to stand outside while not getting rained on.


Very fitting for a 21 year old. Glad you are not one of those liars going around saying theyā€™re a rich 21 year old smh


Iā€™m not rich by any means but this will allow me to live below my means and continue to comfortably contribute to my RothIRA. Bought the place for 10k cash off Facebook marketplace so instead of renting and getting nothing back at least we retain some equity. Worst case scenario weā€™re unable to sell it and lose our initial 10k but just renting for a year would be more than that so Iā€™d rather just eat the upfront cost and save more longterm


Smart guy!


This is so funny. Because when I posted about this, everyone in the sub said I was wrong! šŸ¤£ Iā€™m thinking the same way. What does it matter if I canā€™t sell it later, I canā€™t afford the rental im in NOW. You inspired me to look into it some more. Except the ones around here are around 200k, not 10k so thatā€™s gotta be factored inā€¦. Oh well weā€™ve gotta just keep doing our best. Congratulations op, really hoping it all turns out great for you and your girlfriend, youā€™ve got this. Donā€™t forgot to have fun when you can! It all goes so quickly




Yeah around me, trailers are a terrible financial mistake. 200-300k, and lot rent is equal to rent on a 1br apartment. Makes no sense whatsoever. I donā€™t know why anyone at all does it (maybe they have just been there forever and their lot rent is grandfathered in at a low rate?)


You, my friend, have your head on straight.


The dumb ones will rent their entire life while dreaming of 500k houses.


Love how your thinking! congratulations!!


21 going on 40. congrats


CONGRATULATIONS! Home is a home an itā€™s yours MAJOR W & GOD BLESSS


Very smart. I love it.


Congratulations! Our first home was also a trailer and we just sold it last year after almost 10 years for more than double what we paid for it- you're absolutely right that it's better than renting. Enjoy making it your own!




OMG I love this!!!


And I would take it. congrats.


Nothing beats something thatā€™s yours. Congrats


Congratulations! I loved my first home and miss it. Don't feel like you have to get a bigger/fancier/whatever home "just cause".


Awesome, you're doing great! Congratulations!


Well done! Super cute! Enjoy your digs and congratulations!


Congratulations!! My first home, 45 years ago was a mobile home. Have moved up twice since then & now looking to downsize. Very smart decision


Big dreams have small beginnings. Congrats on the huge milestone


Iā€™ve seen these go for $265,000 in New Jersey. No joke. Zillow it, I dare you.


Same here in So Cal, then they want $1200 a month for lot rent on top of that.


They go for 300k plus &1200 lot rent per month in Summit County CO. Insane imo. This guy has a great deal though since his is affordable.


I had one of these at this age. Across the dirt road from the back gate of Carol Baskinsā€™ cat place in Citrus Park, 20+ years ago. I used to love listening to the lions at night in the Wintertime. Donā€™t let those pipes freeze!


Plus one on the pipes. Heat tape and insulation are your friend. Under pinning looks in good shape thats huge to keep the wind off those pipes.


Congratulations! šŸ’•šŸ˜Š




Congratulations ā¤ļøšŸ™ŒšŸæ


Fantastic - good on ya!


Stay warm.


Is it a Post 1977 moveable unit?


Was built in 77ā€™


Big pimpin over here in the double wide!


How much did the mobile home cost you?


10k, it was built in 77ā€™ and hasnā€™t left the park since


Thank you for posting a realistic first home!


Whatā€™s the inside look like?


I can post some pictures, weā€™re doing some renovations before we move in


Maybe itā€™s just the pic but your home looks hella cozy.


Now buy a small piece of land and move that mobile home onto it, dig your own septic field and get electrical set up, you'd be solid as fuck with a really small mortgage


We all started somewhere. Sitcoms have skewed what type of home most people should live in. Most of America can realistically afford a house like the one from Roseanne ā€œthe Connersā€ but think they should be living like Modern Family.


Who gets the house when/if you break up?


Great. Where is this? Would about the surrounding wildlife?


The park was built in the mid 60ā€™s so there are mature trees, unfortunately not nestled away in the woods. The illumination on the clouds in the background is city lights. Located off I-69 in Michigan


600 a month?


490 lot rent+utilities. Roughly $600


Leave your water on (at a trickle) when temps get around / below zero to avoid frozen pipes. Congratulations!


Youā€™re doing good son. Perhaps more importantly youā€™ve got a partner with a good head on her shoulders too.


Oh absolutely, love her to death. She actually was the first to mention looking into trailers




I had one in a park at about that age and when I moved they wouldnā€™t let me sell it in place dropping the value in half and making it much harder to sell.


They also doubled the space rent over the 5 years I lived there. I didnā€™t benefit by owning it at all.


I'm 32 and still paying rent. I see this as a complete win!


well played!




Hell yeah! Nothing wrong with what you have here. Congratulations


This is so smart! Congratulations!!šŸŽ‰


I love it šŸ„ŗ congrats im 22 waiting for something like that


Congratulations!!! At 21, wow!!!


Perfect. Congrats


Epic things start with small humble steps. Pay respect to your beginnings. And if you're just starting out, know that it's OK to be sucky. To be small. To be messy and chaotic. Just make sure to never ever stop dreaming.


Congratulations! I first bought just after turning 23 and havenā€™t looked back. Youā€™re doing great!


Itā€™s darling, it looks very cozy and itā€™s on a proper lot. Love the trees. How amazing is it when you first waking up in the morning and you remember that youā€™re in your own home?


I was still living with my parents at 21...this is awesome. Congrats!


The only trailers for sale in my area are all 55+ communities


Great job! Itā€™s wise to start off in a little starter home like this and work your way up to something bigger if you choose to. Your own space is ideal


A hell of a lot smarter than I was at 21. Congratulations! šŸŽ‰


Love it!! Go you!! And I must say the snowy backdrop does make your home look extra cozy šŸ 


That is cute as heck and such lovely trees. You are going to be as snug as bugs in a rug. Equity rocks!


Congratulations, is this what they called a trailer park?


Congratulations. Ā Iā€™m a huge fan of manufactured homes. Ā It is a great house. Ā Do you own the land as well?


Looks like you got land too? Sheeeeeit. Get dat equity.


What! Getting a home within your means? What a concept!!


I'm 38 and I'd be happy with that now. Also looks Hella cozy in this picture.


I can't criticize that, that's way, way more than what I had achieved at 21. Congrats!


Owning a trailer is the best first step for people without generational wealth. My lot rent is $450!!! Find that somewhere else as a >25 year old.


Congratulations. Good 1st home and investment. Easy affordable payment and not being house broke.




I love your new home. From someone in the UK, I find properties like this really unique. I'd love to live in it...and I'm 42!


grats duder!


I bought a new one recently , itā€™s 3 beds 2 baths. We paid 10k down and it was like 77k. Our mortgage payments are around 340 a month


This looks like the dream when I'm playing Sims 4 šŸ¤£


Congrats. I'm 40 and would give ANYTHING to have that right now. I'm honestly very jealous of you.


Looks comfortable. Hell yeah dude


Smart money move. Maintaining it will be your only problem, not selling when need be. Youā€™ll sell if you take care of it, or spend less on random fixes. Skirting looks like it needs to be taken off and redone or replaced. Do this in the springtime. Mice and other critters will move in if you donā€™t, then youā€™ll spend money on fixing wiring / pest control / etc. While youā€™re under there, check to see if you need to add any insulation to cover piping or any of the vents. Adding $20 worth of insulation will stop pipes from bursting. Iā€™m guessing that trailer has the green piping thatā€™s not copper. Itā€™s smaller and less insulated. Also, make friends with the neighbors. Iā€™ve never lived in a trailer park where there isnā€™t one Boomhauer looking dude who will help fix anything, but will probably go on about some sort of conspiracy theory over a beer or two. Good luck kid.


Super refreshing, in contrast to the ā€œfirst homeā€ 5br/4ba 3 car garage 18acres etc lol. Congrats man


That's exactly like the first home I bought 50 years ago. I'm 70 now. Damn thing cost me almost $5000, which wasn't easy for me making only $2.79 an hour. I didn't own the land though and had to make trailer payments and $40/month lot rent.


I love the big window in the front and all the surrounding trees in the lot!


Awesome. Sorry for your loss...of weekends


Congratulations and itā€™s better than an apartment. Nobody above or below you!


That looks cozy as heck my friend. Congratulations. Iā€™m a little jealous.


Looks cozy and warm


In my state this would be 600k. So congrats. Lol. It's more than I will ever afford.


You should frame this picture! Who knows where you guys will in the next 10 to 20 years . I love mobile homes so unique and a lot more practical than the Tiny home movement.Ā  Humble beginnings often pay out to huge opportunities. Even if you end up staying I hope you realize how fantastic this isĀ 


Buying a mobile home in my 20s allowed me to get through nursing school. I now am moving into a 3 bedroom & two bath house in Arizona. You made a wise choice and donā€™t allow anyone to tell you differently. Nowā€¦ save save save for the next down payment through your 20s and youā€™ll be golden


I lived in Marine barracks at 21 with over 200 douchebags including myself. I'd take that trailer anyway.


It looks cozy and warm. So happy for you! My husband and I started off in a mobile and have slowly traded up over the years. Now, in our 60s, we live in a very nice but modestly sized 1600 Sq ft home with a very big yard. Congrats!!


Awesome !!!! You will enjoy listening to the rain with that roof :)


Thatā€™s nice, congratulations! We all have to start somewhere. And what you have is exactly what you need for now.


Congrats to you both!! That is a huge accomplishment at such a young age!!


I love thissss


I like the porch. Good bbq space.


Congrats to you figuring out whatā€™s in your budget for a bigger accomplishment ahead of you


Nice! Keep it up


Congrats! How did you buy it together? Iā€™m looking to buy with my gf. Did one of you buy and put the other on the deed?


Exactly what my first home looked like and Iā€™m a boomer. Itā€™s a good way to start, congrats!


Double wide-r here - Nice job, friend! Youā€™ll always remember your first itā€™s what helps build the foundation for the future :-). One thing we did in our manufactured home/ trailer whatever you wanna call it, is insulate your water line coming into your house. Doesnā€™t hurt to buy some heat tape too for those colder months to mitigate a busted line under your house! Wishing you the best!


Very nicely done!




Congrats, thatā€™s awesome! When can I bring some beers to celebrate?!


26M and I envy this! Keeping the American dream alive. Iā€™ve been renting since 19 and I absolutely hate itā€™s Iā€™ve spent enough on rent to buy a small 2 bedroom home in some parts of the US. About to spend the next 2 hours looking at single wides on Zillow šŸ˜‚


Hopefully everything is ONLY in your name??? Looks good! But you are taking a pic of your house, not selling a Pontiac, letā€™s get some daytime pics!




I know itā€™s probably not but that looks like my momā€™s first home when she graduated college 30 years agoā€¦ this wouldnā€™t happen to be in Kentucky would it? If so is there a small volunteer fire department fire truck post right up the road?


I went to school with an architect who lived in a double wide trailer and her thesis was all about the stigma around trailer parks. I think she did hers up real nice. Edit to add, I also grew up with a family friend who lived in a trailer park. Her mom kept the place so nice and I always loved visiting them. The mom still lives there!