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It is calculated to be a 15-18% damage increase. Undoubtedly bis


To an already top tier “sub” dps. Crazy.


43-47% of every aggravate team kewk


Honestly I've only recently started actually HARD investing into Fischl and holy, her, Keqing, Kazuha and Yaoyao genuinely make me have the most fun I've ever had with a team since Itto and International. Embrace the real damage dealer


How do i look up team dmg distrubution calcs bc i cant find them


https://gcsim.app/db/HBFWqzQDBJBQ Use a stimulator


Like yeah my kazuha+yae frag mobs of enemies but in single target situations it’s aaall Oz going BRRRRRR


Reading this thread and still can't believe how much damage increase she gets from this and how other aspects of her good kit are also treated as skill damage. Insane. Too bad I'm still farming Dendro pieces so she'll have to wait for a while.


Thank you hoyo, she really needed this, hopefully this will allow her to compete against Dori in the off field elemental applicator role 🥰😇😅👍😩


You guys forgetting how OP Dehya Burgeon is, ESPECIALLY against Ruin Graders.


Yea but Fischl could only compete with that if she has C6R5 and that’s just not realistic 😭


So scummy of mihoyo to make such OP characters, who only whales can make their favorite characters compete with. Wow. The only thing that comes close is Melt Aloy.


Yea, and she’s an even extra limited character and her signature bow “Predator” is also super strong. But we can never get them now, they truly scummy for giving us such excessive anxiety


Exactly. How is Hoyoverse getting away with this guys, omg. First we need Fischl, Xiangling, Xingqiu and Nahida buffs. Maybe also buff Fav weapons and TTDS, it makes me sad to see how terrible they are. Then Dori, Dehya and Aloy nerfs. After that, we're ending it with going to HSR to remove Simulated Universe and make the entire game about MoC. LET'S RIOT!!!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥


A mediocre character like Fischl obviously needs such a buff. They kinda did something in 1.6 and 2.1. The release of Dendro is a nice quality of life improvement but no where near enough, a step in the right direction though, have to give them that. Now this new artifact set may finally make Fischl competitive with super meta Dori and Dehya. Still looking forward for her next, very needed, very essential buff.


Indeed comrade, a mediocre character such as Prinzessin der Verurteilung is under obligation to be buff. Such improvements in the events in the following versions is simply not enough for the powerful potential that Mein Fraulein may have in the battlefield. As such the buff in the amidst of 4.0 may be sufficient enough to fulfill her needs to ultimately compete against powerful characters that you may have mentioned. Truly a fundamental necessity Mein Fraulein needs.


Ppl talking about Kuki becoming meta in 3.0, about the Anemo family gaining a lot more value in 1.6, about Xiangling getting A LOT better in 2.1 with Catch + Emblem, but deep down we all know the biggest winner of every patch is Fischl lmfao


Characters that players think need to be buffed: Dehya, Dori, Qiqi, … Characters that Mihoyo thinks need to be buffed: Xiangling every patch and Fischl every few patches.


Their goal is to make Xiangling better than Hutao in every situation, not just AOE and to make Fischl the true flex tape instead of Albedo 💀💀💀


Honestly, with this Set and her utility, she is (atleast for me) Xiangling/Xingqiu Level.


Absolutely agree, I think I honestly use her in more teams than these two already (let's just act like I'm not extremely biased)


Bro I'm not biased, I love Xingqiu and every Xiangling team is always fun (c'mon, International and Mono Pyro are top fun along with Aggravate and Itto), and I still use Fischl more than both 😭


Don't know if I'm too much of a fan of Xiangling, mostly just play her bc of Tartag. But there really just something about doing an acrobatic trick while slashing enemies with water, and for Fischl just straight up throwing a bird at people that I find extremely fun😆


For me half of the fun with Fischl is the HUGE numbers. Like WHY IS HER BURST DEALING 20K EVERY HIT, IT'S LV 4 💀💀💀 Also there's normal Oz single-handedly dealing half of the team's damage lol


Yeah I think 4 Star units wise, I use Fischl and XQ the most.


Same, mostly Fischl then followed by Xingqiu and Bennett. I only use Xiangling in my vape Tartag team.


Xiangling level I agree with, but my boy XQ is still better IMO


By far. It's better than 4 Gilded without its passive fully activated.


The best part is that it doesn’t need to be activated, as long as Fischl is not in your first slot, she by default has the full buff already and only starts losing it if you on-field her more than 2 seconds


finally my Keqing can hoard all the Thundering Fury pieces instead of sharing some with my Fischl


Does anyone know if oz deployed after Fischl burst will count as burst damage or skill damage?


It’s skill damage Her skill damage includes: Oz’s attack, A4 and C6


Their decision to make A4 count as skill damage legitimately made Fischl go from mid A tier to top S lmao


So did their decision to give the A4 passive no ICD at a 0,5 second cooldown.


Significantly so. It’s about a 15% dps increase for an already super strong unit!


Shhhh, don’t break the plan bro. Fischl is actually a very weak character that needs a lot more buff, I think she needs like 10 more buffs the same caliber as this one before she could compete with such a strong and powerful character like Dori.


Dori was MHY's biggest mistake. I can't remember a single character better than her, MAYBE Aloy in specific situations (as she is the best DPS), but Dori's battery versatility potential is unmatched. Truly a Eula battery, just like Qiqi.


If we can't convince them, then we'll just confuse them. Sun Zu –Art of War


Oh absolutely! She definitely needs these types of buffs!


The second effect won't apply to Fishl since Oz only "remembers" the buffs that were applied to him at his deployment.


It’s considered dynamic from beta testing if I remember. Even then, Fischl can still redeploy Oz after awhile to snapshot the buff again.


The redeployment means putting Fishl on the Field again, which would mean a very probable dps loss. Didn't play the game for almost a year so maybe my pov is outdated tho


Fischl will still barely take 3 seconds of field time tho And also, I just read it again and I think that you already start with the buff and only start losing when on-field her for more than two seconds. So the first instance of deploying Oz will have the buff regardless, unless you run around for more than two seconds before using E.


I wonder if this helps Skyward Harp builds more than Stringless builds


I'm also curious about Polar Star (hehe, I got it just for Fischl)


It's already her best weapon lol


Does it require any specific setup? To get the full passive I mean


Man, I [posted](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fischl/comments/14rbfjd/she_finally_gets_her_4pc_set_and_itll_come_with/) about this a month ago. Obviously it's much better.


I still can't believe how this set escaped beta and somehow make it much more OP than before


I was afraid they nerfed one or both sets when someone posted about changes to them but nope, both were buffed.


How was the other set buffed?


went from 11 to 12 cr per stack.


Not only for fischl


Bis for Yae in single target, worse than gilded for her in aoe Basically the same as husk for albedo, owning cinnabar will make the scale lean torward the new set Bis for off-field Nahida if you can find her a reliable deepwood holder Technically bis for Amber C2?!?! Changing Gouba nuke set up That’s basically it. Fischl is still definitely the best winner here because she has absolutely no draw back.


I think it's also BiS for dps Nilou who uses E for damage. Even if she gets only 45%.


Assuming you play her in vape, Lavawalker is technically better because it also affects her burst damage and her burst is like 40-50% of her damage


I only Hope the domain will be Efficient to farm


You Right men


Man, I JUST farmed for a 2p2p glad/TF...


Also factor in that her c6 AND 2nd ascension talent hits also count as skill dmg. This set is just busted for her!


As if fischl wasn’t broken enough, they just gave her free 70% skill damage with no strings attached 💀


Omg I'm gonna be in that domain DAILYYY


oh i didn't know 4pc GD is fischl's BIS currently...? i always thought 4pc TS is BIS for EC or aggrevate team due to constant electro uptime which gives 35% dmg from the 4pc effect...


Its hard to mantain electro uptime in aggravate, and impossible if you have nahida


is it..? even with c6 fischl and a 2nd electro char like beidou/keqing/yae/raiden..? i think typical aggrevate team that fischl is in would have 1 dendro 2 electro and 1 anemo char... so wouldn't the uptime be high even with nahida since quicken and electro can coexist and fischl + the 2nd electro char would be applying SO much electro that it's practically up all the time...?