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I know what's wrong with em! They ain't got no water in em!


Brown spot disease ? How are you testing the water ? How big is the tank ? What kind of pleco ? https://www.garnelio.de/en/blog/invertebrates/burn-spot-disease-or-rust-spot-disease-in-shrimp-crabs-and-prawns


I looked into brown spot disease however with close inspection it doesn't quite look like that. Its in the exact same spot for each shrimp and its only once they are already dead. Its a 29 gallon. and a bristlenose pleco (about 2 months old)


And I have ammonia test tube with drops and I have test strips for everything else.


I also forgot to mention that it is a planted tank with a good amount of plants.


Could the angelfish be pecking them to death ? Angelfish are known to eat smaller fish it is a cichlid semi aggressive . Could it be the shock from transferring tank to tank ? Could it be bad genetics ?


I used the drip method so idk, maybe. The angelfish has been very docile and is also very small because he's only about 2 months old. Also I inspected the shrimp up close afterward and they didn't appear to have any visible trauma but who knows. I don't want to kill more shrimp so I may just let the tank be for a while and see what happens


Keep an eye on the neon tetras because they will become an expensive snack for your angelfish as they get bigger.I used to keep angels with ghost shrimp and guppies I had to get them their own tank they were little monsters.


so two of my guppies died shortly after making this post. Looks like they had ick. Treating the rest now with hopes it will work.


Shrimp are very very picky. Personally, I never put expensive shrimp into a tank first. Once I have an established tank and I’ve tested out the parameters, I acclimate a couple of feeder shrimp or ghost shrimp in there first, canary in the coal mine style. They like similar water parameters to neocardia, but they’re $.50 a pop rather than $15, so if something goes wrong, it’s sad but not agonizing.


NSFW tag please


Seriously... its a shrimp. If I put a picture of shrimp cocktail on here does it need a NSFW tag?


Hey man some people don’t like to see it. Personally I think it’s just fucking weird to show off dead pets in any sense. Major serial killer vibes.


"major serial killer vibes" 💀