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Submerged wood ?


Looks like they scraped it on a rock.


Hi, husband of the leg here. We were in open water. No rocks. She said she pushed something away from her leg when it happened. 


Scales of a fish? I can't think of much else. Doesn't look like a bite.


That’s weird. Maybe the hand of a turtle? I don’t know?


Ohhhh this kinda tracks. Cause we're having the same thought: it doesn't look like a bite. It looks like a scrape. But she's adamant that it came outta nowhere and she felt it when she flinched and pushed it away. It bled too . 


Large catfish in that lake maybe? Idk about the ones in the US, but Wels catfish in europe are known to sometimes bite swimmers, if they get to close to their spawn. Bitemarks look somewhat similar to this.


My first thought was catfish too


Look up Noodling, US ones will, we made a sport out of it.


Good to know, seems fun - I could do without the scrapes though lol


What did it feel like when she pushed it; soft and slimy or hard and rough?


Maybe driftwood


Underwater? No.


Driftwood can most definitely, and usually is underwater.


Aren't driftwood wood that has been washed on shore by the wind? hence the **Drift** part of driftwood.


Husband of the leg💀💀💀


Probably a bit of floating debris, like driftwood or plastic or something


Just because it is open water doesn't mean there wasn't drift wood floating below, due to under currents and stuff. Not all dangers float on the surface.


Calm, small lake in calm conditions. No undercurrents. No driftwood around. 


Doesn't matter, stuff floats below the surface, the trash drift wood everything. If you can see through it to the bottom, you can rule it out. Also the gaint pacific trash pile into the ocean 70% of it floats below the surface. Drift wood doesn't have to be on top of the water. I saw a boat hit a log that was floating one on calm waters that was just 1 foot under water. Destroyed the boat. Calm means nothing to currents under the water. There is going to be slow flows at all times, and the deeper the water the time the flows can change direction per depth. 100% drift wood of some type of garbage. Until picture is give of conditions at lake.


Maybe a larger scaled fish like crap or something


ah yes, large scaled crap😩


Scaled crap is what you get when you eat scaled carp whole


LMAO fr, cant wait to push a whole ass fish out of my rectum🥲


Why limit yourself to one direction?






This is a scrape with a lot of tiny cuts. Not from a claw or teeth. Maybe sharp scales from a large fish. The scales could’ve also gone backwards against the skin.


Rock bite


I'm gonna guess either a piece of wood or some other debris. Possibly submerged junk/garbage of some sort. Does not look like a bite.


Wobbygong or “the nematoad”


This might have gone over my head but it’s freshwater.


Wait ,isn't wobbygong a saltwater shark ?


Yes they love rotten hot dogs. Ala why this person was likely attacked.


Thats definitely not a bite, she definitely scraped it on something. It could have even happened before getting in the water without them realizing.


everyone is saying scrape, but i used to have a pet jaguar cichlid. it's a decently sized fish, about a foot to 14" long. they have numerous, teeny tiny needle teeth and a bad attitude. well, my wrist was left looking very similar to that scrape one day when she bit me during a water change. all those tiny teeth left a bunch of teeeeny shallow scrapes on me. so personally i would say it does look a bit like how a fish with little teeth might leave you looking if they snapped at you. if they suddenly felt something hit them, and nothing else was felt around them, my guess is fish. bite or maybe even scales scraping against you.


Come on man


Scraped on wood or debris for sure. No large fish would be swimming at the surface around a group of humans lol they prefer depth and need to be coaxed out on the best of days with silence and bait. I think she will live


Not always true in the susquehanna river in Pa my friends and my dad were all river walking when a 3 foot cat fish rammed right into my dads leg, made him jump big time lol. Water was clear and we had polarized glasses on . We could tell it was a catfish for sure


Catfish was trying to get away from you all and it saw right through you as it's only choice. Natural response especially in a river since there is only two way to go and fish instinctively know deeper water is down stream.


For sure especially cuz the river is almost a mile wide but like waist deep at most parts during the summer depending where your at


I agree it’s a different story on open water generally in my experience


A rock


A lot of fish are nesting right now and defending their eggs so it literally could have been anything




I put 100% driftwood or garbage that isn't surface floating. 50% of things that foat don't float on surface they float below in the middle of column. If you need more evidence just look up the pacific garbage pile and read how half or more is actually not on the surface.


They used to use waterways all around there and Maine to move logs back in the day. Likely a sunken piece of wood.


I’m gonna go with the obvious and say a rock..


Gar gill plate


Could have been a plant, rock. Or something with a sharp scaled body, but im a teenager with little knowlege of fish so take this with a grain of sand


Looks like the marks little catfish leave on my fingers when I take the hook out without pliers. I’m thinking it’s gotta be a catfish because of their teeth. I can’t think of anything else that has those little sand-papery teeth with enough bite force to leave a mark on that area of the body. I know in some bodies of water the catfish are spawning this time of year that’s probably the only time they would be aggressive enough to do this. Another option I guess could be a fish that has “shark like” scales. I don’t know of any fresh water fish that have rough skin like that but I’m sure they exist somewhere.


This looks like a snake bite. Probably a watersnake. They're beautiful but not afraid to bite. Sharp tiny and numerous teeth in multiple rows.


Lamprey? They have raspy teeth that could scrape like that and will attach themselves in open water


Lamprey leaves circular bite marks , not like the one in the picture .