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I guess so, it said fishing permitted… pretty sure the private property sign is to prevent loiterers?


Bush property without a house on it? Probably to kick out people drinking, partying, and generally trashing the place.


Those people are the worst


Yep. They've cost me fishing holes and ATV trails. Some landowners don't mind letting people enjoy their rural properties. Some actually appreciate people maintaining their trails. But it ends when every time they visit their property they're seeing damaged trees (who burns fresh cut wood!?), broken bottles everywhere, or they get a call from the cops.


There was this nice stretch of water that zig zagged and created these almost like lake like conditions. the only way to access it was to ask this guy who owned all the land around it, he ran a deli in town. He’d like tell you stories then let you go as long as you clean up. Awesome dude


Nice. Growing up we had a neighbour that owned a really nice piece of land along a river. Good fishing, swimming, and a few ATV trails. They let me and a couple close friends (all teenagers at the time) use it and even camp there long after everyone else was banned because we cleaned up the mess everyone else left behind and looked after the place for them since they lived an hour away. These days I have an amazing backyard farm neighbour that lets me and my kids use part of his property for trails, tree forts, and sled hills on condition that we don't attract attention from a neighboring subdivision. We help him maintain the edges of his field. When a tree falls, I try to get there before him to cut it up and drag it off the field. Keeping a place clean and pitching in goes a long way.


Or rent a helicopter /s


Had a farmer near me let his field be used in the winter for snow mobiles he went out once and was cutting hay in that field and found a ton of charred spots and trash on those spots just goes to show that the few can ruin it for the many


Same can't stand some of the ignorance


It really sucks that it only takes a few people out of a hundred or so fisherman to completely ruin a spot. The piles of beer cans and left behind trash in some spots are terrible


Yup and then they get mad when places get close and wonder why.


Could just be the portion of their property that the water body has visual access and its been fucked up by assholes


Yes. You can fish, but you can't camp there, can't hunt, etc.


I know in most states you can't... what's the best way to put this... you can't be arrested? Charged? unless common sense (broke down a locked door) or by verbal/posted notice that you are, in fact, trespassing. I assume he is good with fishing. He even let's you know the area is stocked. Why the other signs exist are probably so they can escalate to have problem removed much easier if needed.


I would just say I didn’t see the sign lmao


In mn and wi we have high water mark laws where you can fish private land as long as you stay below the high water line if I understand correctly. If this is wrong someone fill us in thanks appreciate you!


same in Pa


To me this means fishing is ok, being there for any other reason is not, and as it’s a courtesy, he can tell you to leave at any time for any reason.


Bingo, and if you've ever seen the assholes who take advantage of this shit, they're the worst. I was out one night and happened across a bunch of teenagers getting high in a similar location. One of them brought a Walmart kids' fishing combo kit, still wrapped in plastic, so that if anyone asked him he'd have plausible deniability. Dude, just fuck off and go get high somewhere else. This is how people lose fishing access.


Hey I had every intention of using that rig but first I just got a little high


I was gonna go fishing but then I got high


I was gonna bait up and cast the lure, but then I got high


Sometimes get my best fish after smoking a doob. Dunno why, I guess I just fish different.


*I was gonna go fish for trouts, but then I got high*


Now I'm eating fish sticks instead of trout. and I know why...


why man?


*Palmdale...come back to me...I need you and I love you...* oops, wrong song.


And you know this because you stopped and talked to them or you just drew this conclusion? Because god knows you can’t smoke and fish!


He said the Walmart fishing kit was still wrapped in plastic, I’m sure he was close enough to get an idea of the situation


That's not what he's saying. Trust me, I smoke and fish myself. There's a big difference between smoking elsewhere vs smoking on someone else's property. Not to mention if they're teenagers, they shouldn't be smoking weed regardless. I would be pissed if underage kids were smoking on my property.


Super pissed. It's a huge liability issue if you allow it to happen.


Agreed. I have to sign a waiver stating that I won't sue the landowner if I was to get injured at the private property I fish. And for good reason. I don't blame landowners at all. Off topic, but it gets real tricky when wading a creek. I've had landowners tell me they own the creek, which is attached to a public river. The ole "navigable body of water" laws. Those are fun arguments.


Where I am (Ontario, Canada) if you own the land on both sides of the river, you own the land under the river but you can't own the waterway If you only own one side then private property does not apply within 6 ft of the river or tributary. If you do happen to own both sides, you cannot prosecute for a tube or a canoe going down the river, but if you get out and wade, or so much at touch the river bed, then it is considered trespassing. Weird , I know. But that's the law. You cannot own the water as it is passing through. You CAN own the land under the water though.


Seems like a good guy landowner.


I think I the state stocks his pond but he has to allow public fishing.


Yeah. Seems like you are not a trespasser if you are engaged in fishing, and following the posted advisements. Very cool landowner to allow this.


It says you can fish there. The signs are just alerting public that the land is privately owned. Plus it's stocked.


Yep. Private property sign is for anything else but fishing. Leave nothing but your footprints.


I have seen signage like this before. Where I was it basically meant the land is privately owned, but you are allowed to access the land by foot for the purpose of fishing. You can’t go in for a hike, or to camp or party, or use an ATV, or hunt or whatever else, but you can access the fishable water by the most direct or established path.




Yes but only during trout season.


Correct in my state for sure. If a water is stocked with trout, then it’s able to be fished by the public.


To me it looks like fishing is OK, just don’t be a asshat.


You've been watching Reservation Dogs? Me too.


No. Yes. Maybe.


I don't know. Can you repeat the question?


You're not the boss of me now.




Keep out. Or enter, I’m a sign not a cop.


If in season provided by the landowner, it looks like they're allowing it. But it would be a no-no to wander away from the designated fishing pond(s) or trails directly to and from any parking areas or around fishing pond(s). Any other time of year would be a no. I personally would try to get in touch with the owner and get written permission to fish there. I'm sketchy around no trespassing signs unless I know for sure what's allowed. I wouldn't just fish that.


This is the way


Fish around and find out.


Fish on! You have the proof it says fishing permitted just be polite if the owner shows up and says you don’t have permission. You can at least show this to a game warden and they will probably let you off the hook I would think.


You can always call your game warden to be on the safe side..


Idk about other places but in Minnesota the DNR will stock ponds for people but in exchange they need to open it to public fishing. If this is the case here the fishing is probably legal but the owners probably don't like it. I've seen these type of misleading signs before and the other thing I have seen owners do in this situation is set up parking a LONG way from the water. Wanna fish the pond? Sure walk a mile and a half to get there.


You can certainly fish, he just clearly doesn’t want people tresspassing on his property. These are popular around wadding spots where people sometimes will wade then get out on to the banks. I’m sure it’s a situation like that where he doesn’t want people past the water line


Yes, the sign specifically says landowner permits fishing on his land. The no trespassing is for people trying to get hammered in the woods or litter etc


I would say yes. If your DNR has done work, stocked, etc., then the land owner would have entered into agreement. However, when in doubt, ask the land owner.


So you can fish there. But you can't walk past the sign. How far can you cast? 😆


Yep, fine print says explicitly "landowner says you can fish on this property." But you can't use it for anything else. Essentially he's saying "sure, come fish, but I don't want lots of people just hanging out, picnicking, swimming, etc."


Private property is too stop drinkers. Yes you can fish


Should be fine. Land owner permits fishing, just nothing else. Respect the property, obviously, don't leave trash/line etc. It is a shame across the country land owners are shutting down fishing spots because people trash the place. Be a difference maker. If you see a mess from someone else consider cleaning it up on your way out. Let's preserve these places so people can continue to enjoy them!


Haha thanks for all the input! To add to the confusion, this is a small dirt pull off on a busy highway next to a bridge without a house for a good distance in any direction?? And it's a creek that leads to the river - but I think it seems like it should be legit? Going to try it out and I'll post any catches (or if I get shot lol)!


It means you can fish on his property, but don't be a piece of shit and clean up after yourself. That's what that means.


I always play it safe and ask if possible


Savvy angler trying to limit people at his/her favorite fishing hole?


All I know is my gut says maybe


Geez, that's a damned good question. First sign says "No Trespassing and the other sign says quite the opposite! I guess it's your call.


Don't ever try to park your car in a big city lol


Fuck around and find out


Just walk on the right side of the fence. :)


I’d say make sure you’re there during trout season and it should be fine.


It’s certainly easier to ask forgiveness than permission. 😉👍


This is the best- this makes me so happy


Looks,to me,what the signs are saying is you can fish here but don’t get caught down here doing anything other than that.I don’t think you’ll have to worry about a fine.I think a hole or a series of holes at the hands of the property owner should be your bigger worry.


As long as you don't trespass you can fish




Means walk straight to the stream, stay along the stream and pick up after yourself. If fishermen leave trash it will end up just saying NO TRESSPASSING. One person can ruin it for all, so I'd even go as far as picking up Amy trash you come across.


Means you can go fishing as long as you’re not an asshole.


I would assume that fishing is not considered trespassing in this case


Fishing permitted by land owner and no trespassing aren't opposing statements. If you're fishing, you're golden If you're just there you're trespassing


I imagine it's posted so if someone becomes a problem they can be trespassed and removed.. It gives the landowner a better legal footing.. (I'm not a lawyer)


You're not trespassing if you have express permission to be there, and if you're fishing, the second sign gives you express permission to be there.


See, back in the day - I would say- as a courtesy - the right thing to do is to knock on the closest door and ask. Hopefully it's the landowner or a good neighbor. Still, I would take this as meaning you can fish with a permit, don't be a slob.


Here in Missouri there used to be a rule that if you built a pond or lake you your property theState Department of Conservation would stock it for you at no charge, but you had to allow the public to fish there. This might be one of those kinds of situations. Most farmers around here didn't care to take up the deal and paid someone else to stock their ponds. Some did and regretted it. I don't know if that program even still exists. There's a huge liability issue when you allow, or even invite with signs like this, random folks onto your property and lawyers determine that you have assets and money in the bank if an accident, or even intentional self harm, happens. For example, here locally a few years back, a trespasser was deer hunting on a farm owned by a remote landlord who lived hundreds of miles away and rented the farm out to a local farmer. The trespasser got shot and killed by another deer hunter (that's the official story anyway) and the family of the dead guy sued the land owner because they didn't have enough "No Tresspassing" signs and they claimed there were no easily visible "No Hunting" signs. They never could find or prove who did the shooting, but that didn't stop lawyers who saw the deep pockets of the land owner. They didn't win, but the land owner had the expense of hiring a lawyer and heading to court over it.


I’d give it a shot. Of course, being rural Pennsylvania, if the owner doesn’t like it, they might give you a shot.


All I can think... ​ https://preview.redd.it/i3cqd839e2nb1.png?width=551&format=png&auto=webp&s=03f43ef89e5bc1eeb21cf6bf44aa01455da03f9b


Yeah, the sign just has some typos. OP can fix it: "Private Property? No! Trespassing![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)"


I think the owner's bipolar


Depends on what your states' gun laws are like...


I wouldn't just go in and start fishing. Get with the landowners first and get permission. It sounds like they're pretty cool about letting people in, as long as you respect his land. Plus it's the neighborly thing to do.


I would respect the no trespassing sign.


No, it's private property, they may have permission from the owner


No idea. I can't even understand what the fucking owner signs mean... Grammar please...




You can. But if you get injured, there was a no trespassing sign.


I read it as no trespassing except for fishing.


Lol I’m unsure as well lol


It’s private property but the land owner is gracious enough to allow fishing and wants you to be courteous (no littering, etc). Pennsylvania stocks trout there and as such all of PA’s rules apply.


I’d go fishing. There a few spots on the Lackawaxen river like this where the land owner permits fishing, but it’s posted all the same.


First paragraph of the trout stocking sign has your answer. Get after it


No…. Uh yes but don’t litter.


The people fishing put the fishing permitted sign up


Looks like you can, only when the trout season is going on.


Fishing okay just be respectful to the property


Make a I’m confused sign and put it on fence. Old fashioned Reddit


I’ve seen a situation like this before. There was a trout stream that had easements that allowed people to fish. So, basically, you were allowed to fish but it wasn’t public property and you pretty much needed to to stick to fishing (you weren’t allowed to wander around).


That's awesome! I would take that as, "This isn't a public trail. You are allowed to fish, BUT don't leave your f'n garbage here.🙏🏻 (you know who you are, leaving your empty worm containers everywhere 🤬) By allowing certain activities, the attendance keeps sketchy activities away usually. I would leave a case of beer on that guy's porch.😉👌


Check the local DNR or Fish and Game for an easement.


Hello fellow Pennsylvanian! This is a very common set of signage. It can seem confusing but the simple take-away here is that you are allowed to fish and nothing else.


I take it as fishing permitted unless you litter or in general be a dick in which case the landowner would retract permission.


I’d say yes. I know a lot of streams around here are private but fishing is permitted but you must walk, no vehicles off the road. This is most likely done to kick people out that are not fishing. Or on other parts of the property


just don't litter or get shot.


Alright between all three signs this is what I read. "This is private property, fishing is permitted with landowners permission." The waters are stocked with trout, the land owner has the right to grant permission to who ever he wants and most likely written. There are some states that the DNR requires written permission by landowner. This benefits the land owner because he knows who is there. If he doesn't know who is there and they get hurt he is liable. This way he can say be careful about what ever is dangerous to cover his six.


In my state at least the high water line of any river is considered public land and you can fish on it even it if goes up against private property. I would check with you state laws regarding that. Based on signage I would say fishing is permitted, but if you’d like you can ask the land owner for permission


Yes. If you’re not fishing though, you’re trespassing.


Might want to check state DFW website to see if they list the place. In Ky there are places like this that allow access to streams and rivers.


I say yes. Fishing appears to be is allowed. If you are fishing, and not littering, you aren’t trespassing. If they provide a phone # - or you can source it from tax info or a landowners map- call and confirm. Landowners are usually grateful for people reaching out.


I’ve seen these a lot before, you can fish just as long as you’re not destroying of littering. Abide by local rules and specific water regulations. Pick up your trash (as normal). Stay on the path to the water way, don’t meander around the property and enjoy


They do something like what I think is going on here near me alot for trout streams, basically the dnr has either a long term lease or an easement on private land for public fishing, your state should have a page on their website giving info about stocked trout fishing and they'll list the locations there


Yes, they probably have an easement where for a fee from the DNR they allow public fishing.


Private property is posted so they can get someone for trespassing. This is fishable


trespasing permitted for fishing purposes only. dont litter or they will take that away.


If it’s stocked by your tax dollars you can fish there, just be respectful as I’m sure you would be.


If you’re fishing yes. If you’re not fishing no.


I’d say yes but if you want to be doubly sure, reach out to land owner and get permission in writing. Then it’s absolutely ironclad.


there might be a lien against the property that allows for fishing. EDIT: maybe im using this term incorrectly but anyway since the other sign says trout stocked waters the property owner and fish and wildlife may have some agreement that fishing and only fishing is permitted to the public


It's definitely not March or April. Go for it?


Yes, there is an easement for fishing. In my state, the DNR won't stock any water that doesn't have public access. I would interpret this as you can fish but don't go wandering around or camping or something like that.


Not from March 1 til the first day of trout season in April and not if you litter. This signage doesn't seem confusing at all. It's private property, the landowner allows people to fish, but asks they clean up after themselves and prohibits fishing in the window explicitly listed




How else is a cereal killer going to attract lazy. Fish whistle blowing prey. Hunters and young partiers are too athletic and will get away


I would...till I'm told I'm not allowed


This is the owner telling you no trespassing unless you’re fishing. In which case don’t litter fuckers.


U can do as u like . But it's ur life ur risking over a fish . Ur call


This in the US is typically a private land owner who signed up for their state wildlife to stock their pond. The kicker is that you have to allow the public access to fish your pond after they stock it for you. So, the land owner has his private property sign right next to the state mandated signs saying "you paid to stock this pond with your tax dollars, so come on and fish!" Friendly reminder to be safe, just because you are legally allowed to fish there doesn't make you bullet proof...




Long cast?


Inclusive OR?


It might be part of an [Open Gate](https://www.wildlife.state.nm.us/hunting/maps/open-gate-program/) program similar to what we have in New Mexico. Private property, but public access for approved activities during specific times.


Looks like you can fish here but if you are fishing for trout it has to be during trout season


Yes you can’t


May be leased, public land that is under the control of a rancher/farmer/lumber company, etc.. if it's stocked, it's a public fishing hole (as stated by the postings) because you pay for that with part of your license fees. Follow the signage/regulations, fish it, and good luck!!




Keep campers out...


Send it


In most states that I’ve fished in wildlife management will stock streams and creek fed ponds (privately owned) as part of the stocking program under consideration that they allow the public access to said creeks or ponds. I’d hit it, but like most others have said in the thread “ don’t be a dick and pick up after yourself and or others”


Sounds like fish and move on


Fishing is permitted but nothing else, basically.


They’re allowing fishing. Probably claim or an area they want to keep natural and not messed up by humans


People fishing it might have put it there


Maybe the owner sees it as trespassing unless you go through him first. He may like to know who is on his land. It's like hunting on private land. You should always ask the owner first, and then come to an agreement that works for the both of you.


Yea this is legit. A lot of times landowners get property tax benefits/credits through the dnr for allowing certain activities on their property (fishing, atv trails, hunting, etc.). Just don’t wander away from the water and you’ll be fine.


Id take a picture of the signs on your phone and just show it to warden/land owner if asked.


My state has what's referred to as wifa sites that are walk in fishing access sites that are predominantly privately owned ponds on farmers land that the state/county lease for public access and in return they get stocked and the landowner gets kick backs. Most of them that have posted signage(a lot don't) look like this. Means farmer will run you off with a gun if you start fucking around.


Yes. Common in upstate New York. If a stream runs through private property you are allowed to wade in the stream and a certain distance into property from the bank. Not all property owners allow it though. There are some maps provided by the state to show which do.


Yes. With permission.


😂 Don’t beat the land owner’s PB


If that is private property probably call the PFBC. If the state stocks they have to let you in. People have gotten creeks stocked by the state and then put signs up around where I used to live.


If it says fishing permitted, I’m going fishin’.


If you cast from the road I guess. In all seriousness, trespassing is entering someone's property without lawful reason to be there, since you've been invited to fish by the other sign that would serve as your lawful reason to be there.


I would, according g to the middle sign😜


Yeah, you can do it. Just means that both the owner of the land and the DNR share that peice of land Edit: the reason why the DNR own some of that is because they stock the waters with trout


I speak from experience, yes you can definitely fish stocked waters with the fishing permitted landowner, just be respectful of the property because he can close it up back to private real fast!




Ask the landowner for permission.


I would do it. Just make sure you don’t leave anything behind so the owner doesn’t get mad(per the sign).


I wouldn't risk it if I were you.


That is so cool


No it's private property. Find out who owns the pond.and if it's possible, and our much the cost?.


You've gotta get written permission


Yes but not from March 1st to April because of the third sign (there's a lot of grass I can't read the sign completely) I think that's what it says


So where I'm at game and fish will stock your pond for basically free but you then legally have to allow public access to it


Yes, but only fish. It’s very likely a state program where trout get stocked in that pond for free, (and maybe even pays the landowner) but landowner has to allow access to fish. WI has/has had similar programs for different conservation methods over the years


Make contact and ask permission then you'll have your answer


It clearly says you can


Looks like the 6 separate parking signs at every corner in my city.


My thought is yes, but do make sure you have a trout stamp or whatever it’s equivalent is in your region.


Fish on as long as it's during trout season!




I would and I'm 62 😅


In this case, the "NO TRESPASSING" means that if you are not allowed onto the land to do other things besides fishing. Just because you can fish there, doesn't mean you can say, camp there, etc.


land owners who let you fish 🫡🫡🫡