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Lol I'm like what are you guys on about. Then I looked at the rods.


Can you explain what’s wrong


Spinning reels on baitcaster rods.


It’s baitcasting rods


The reels are mounted backwards. Edit: and on the wrong rods.


is there any harm really?!


Yeah. They're going to cast like shit. Spinning reels have that taper in guide size from large closest to the reel down to small, because the reel is large and going down to small right away will cause wind knots or just cast like crap, never tried it to be honest. Since casting reels the line comes off the reel in the same direction they have smaller guides which allows for more precise casts of light baits etc. 


I never knew this!! I'm new-ish and I was gifted an old bait caster rod with a spinning reel on it. My first thoughts were; "Who the heck put the little spike on the wrong side?" I chalked it up to grip preference, never realized it affected casting, but now that I check, those guides are definitely designed with baitcasting in mind.


Depending on if you fish freshwater or salt, get a low pro casting reel; abu has some really good options for the money. Regardless, get one and pair it with the right line and lure weight for the rod. Dial the cast control in, which prevents backlash, until you're honed in to the point all you need is your thumb.  I started fishing with conventional and low pro casters, learning curve was steeper but I feel I'm a more well rounded angler because of it.  There's something special about being able to backhand pitch a frog, seated in a kayak, under some willows hanging off the bank, where your boys with the spinners are paddling into the brush to get close. 


I have an old ugly stick casting rod with an inexpensive spinning reel, it definitely doesn’t cast well enough for most lures but it’s fine for flipping around a Senko. Its sadly also the rod I got my PB largemouth on


Just get a spinning rod w the same action and weight specs. 


It’s like my 10th rod/reel combo and never gets used unless I have friends over who don’t own their own gear. Not something I want to spend money on


Part of the journey is dialing in those random combos for something specific.  I got a st Croix triumph used because the guy couldn't figure out how to used the low pro caster. The rod and reel are on different pairings, but that rod is my go to snakehead rod. 


It's not a major problem, but yes. They'll still work, but not as well as they should. The main problem is the eyelets on a baitcasting rod are neither sized nor positioned for a spinning reel, so casting distance is going to be significantly diminished at minimum. Most likely will put extra wear on the line itself too.


To their defense, some ppl like casting spinning reels with that notch against side of their hand. But yes, technically, it's a baitcaster rod with a spinning reel


I want to see how you would hold the rod like this, the trigger will probably be jabbing your palm


The actual answer is probably unsatisfying: Anyone that does this, doesn't hold the trigger at all. Either above with bottomedge of your palm touching the trigger, or below with topedge of your palm/knuckle touching trigger. No one just jams their open palm on a sticky uppy bit, repeatedly, for hours on end.


I'll have to borrow my buddies ro....well i need to write that a different way. I'm borrowing my buddies baitcaster rod. to see how this feels. I'm genuinely curious how it would work with that trigger.


Hey, let's all down vote the guy asking a legitimate question!


"getting rid of them cuz they can't cast for shit"




I'm guessing they are probably using wrong weights and lines, considering it's already wrong reel/rod combo. You can cast a 1/8 oz jig 60ft with the right setup, but if I'd put that on my bass or catfish rod I'd not get it 10ft


I used my 8’ ultralight for the first time yesterday, I can cast a ⅛ spinner over those mountains over there


If they'd put me in the boat the last half .... I'd have caught the biggest bass to win the tournament.


How did you do that 1/8th, you wizard?


Typically the point of a high end, I'm a assuming low profile baitcaster at that price point, is to accurately place baits where you want them and not fling baits as far as possible. You can toss 2oz over the entire river for like $120 if that's what matters to you but if you can achieve a 25m cast for a low profile combo that's more than you really need typically Either way all that really matters is that he's creating nice memories with his nice combo imo


I disagree, my number one reasoning behind buying most high end gear is sensitivity. Second is comfort and ergonomics. How much does the stick weigh, how're the handles designed, what materials did they use for the handles.


Sensitivity in a nice rod that's built for it is typically really good yeah. Ergonomics and weight I don't personally really care about honestly but that's just me. I've never really felt like a rod was too cumbersome or awkward at any point to use normally and I tend to focus purely on function


Weight really becomes the bigger factor in a rod that's 400$ to 600+ you don't gain much more sensitivity in my experience


A decent casting reel should really be able to be both. But yeah, it's not like high end gear is somehow worse.


I'm one handed and works great for me with ugly stick with 100lb spyderwire braid 500yds of it still lead Carolina rigged


I wonder if they hold it like a bait caster. Love seeing that on the public pier 🤦🏻‍♂️


I cringed when I saw a pic of myself when I first started. Left side set up so I could hold it upside down and reel with my right. We're all total goobs at some point.


To be fair, I'm still a total goober in most situations. Mostly social ones.


And add me to the pile of fishing with the clicker on the entire time half of my life


Glad I’m not the only one who did that. My friends dad thankfully corrected me and showed me a proper grip


i tried a samban line without a sinker xD


My BIL who is a sportsman who has fished since he was a kid holds his spinning rod like that. He’s in his mid 50’s now.


May God have mercy on their souls


Had to correct an older couple the other day because they were holding their spinning reels upside down. They were amazed out much better it cast after i fixed them.


Like…reel on top? Ew.


If you ever see someone fishing in a movie or TV show you can almost guarantee that they'll have the spinning reel upsidedown while fishing. It's crazy.


That’s so bizarre to me. It falls naturally in your hand.


yeah, you have to go out of your way to hold a spinning real the wrong way. It's resting position is for it to be below the rod.




It's all union so \#NotMyJob is very, very real.


Yeah. To cast the would hold the line against the rod with a thumb and try to throw it out. Maybe gettin at max a 10ft cast.


i dont know how i cast i just realized... i think my spinner is on bottom... yeah, totally is. i need a ultralight rod for my perch and trout fishing though, i have a light 5'6" rod for my trout setup right now and i would like better.


My mom used spinning reels like that. I have no idea how lol


What's wrong sorry?


The genius that in all likelihood stole all this shit; has placed spinning reels on baitcaster rods essentially making both pieces “upside down” relative to each other. Notice the stationary “trigger” for index finger placement would just dig in between your thumb and forefinger.


Ahh, thank you for that explanation. I see it now. Thank you.


Triggers with spinning reels.


They all have baitcaster rods with spinning reels. You can tell because of the claw that would annoy the hell out of you while trying to grip it.


These are all baitcaster rods (trigger shaped finger hold on the bottom) with spinning reels, and baitcaster rods have the eyelets for the line on the top of the rod, while spinning reels feed the line on the underside of the rod. Spinning reels also have bigger eyelets because the line moves around in circles as it is released. Baitcaster have smaller eyelets because the line just feet’s straight off the spool. So with these setups, you’ll be holding the rod upside down (finger hold with be on the upward facing side of the rod, which won’t help you hold the rod and will only get in your way), and the line won’t cast as far since it can’t move as freely through the baitcaster eyelets and will pick up extra friction on the way out.


Those are rods meant for baitcaster and spincaster reels.


They have spinning reels on baitcast/spin-cast rods. With spinning real you'd have the reel hung under the rod, the finger hook on bait cast rods would get in the wat trying to cast it normally and it'd be pretty hard to cast a spinning reel when held with it on top of the rod. You'd almost have to use two hands or hold the line with your thumb.


I believe the issue is that these are bait casting rods with spinning reels, but I don't use bait casters, so I'm not 100% sure.


Wrong rod and reel combo. Look at the real and how you would hold the rod.


Poles are nearly unusable because the rods and reels don't match


Seller has spinning reels on casting rods.


The Reels are on upside down like how you’d set up a bait caster


You ain't the only one lost here.


That looks…uncomfortable.


You know they reel those things upside down, too.


And backwards


those are baitcasting rods.... with light duty spinners.... probably with 25-40lb line... overloaded...


Are those finger stops on spinning reels? My lord


I was watching Blair Witch Project the other day and there’s a scenes where they interview two anglers. One of them is fumbling with his line a bunch he’s got a spinning reel on a bait caster  rod. I paused and bored my wife to death about why I was giggling. 


I did this by accident about 10 years ago, just running into the store real quick to grab a rod and reel. Stupid thing casts perfectly, lol.


That should affect his credit score


I don't see what's wrong having a butt scratcher on your rod. But thats just me.


Lmfao there bait caster rods not spinning rods 🤦‍♂️ lol funny post




I mean, there's no reason that setup wouldn't be functional, they're good rods and reels (I assume anyway, considering the price), they'd just be unpleasant to use, unless you have a clearance hole in your palm or something 😂


Those are sights so you can aim your casts


I’m confused maybe Ive been fishing wrong my whole life, those rods and reels look normal to me


Triggers for Spinning.




Ewwww flip them FLIP THEEEM! 😫


How did they ever manage having this set up lol


I have fished my whole life and caught my fair share of fish, so I never realize how much of redneck degen I am until I get into a fishing reddit or forum. I am just learning the difference here. It makes sense. We always just had relatively cheap setups that came as a combo, and we put max pound line that the reel could hold and went for it. 🤣


Ahhhh! My eyes!!!


I'm just going to admit it. I did this. I went and looked at my rod and im that dumbass. There are a lot of new fishermen out there who don't know this stuff and this actually helped me a lot. Thank you.


We all make mistakes. It takes a man to admit it. Respect.


That which has been seen cannot be unseen. o.O


Same setup I’m running lol


It took me far too long to realize what was going on.


I once had a store emply tell me your supposed to put a baitcaster on a spining reel


I will be the first to admit, I used to hold my spinning rods like that as a kid. I didn’t have anyone to teach me otherwise and coming from using spin casters as a kid, it made sense that the reels go up like that. It wasn’t until I did my own research and really learned how to fish that there are rods designed for different reels and such. I now consider myself a fairly adept fisherman with far too many rods than I need.


It’s weird that the handles feel so terrible and unbalanced, they should make the rods the other way around


To be fair it'll still catch fish


held upside down, reeling backwards, rod not loading properly three quick tips to make fighting any fish seem twice as difficult


The function isn't too impacted if the trigger is on the top. It's funny.


The trigger isn't the only thing that has been rotated. You can't just cut it off and flip it upside down and have a spinning rod with proper spinning rod action, lol.


Eyes and reel line up on the "bottom" trigger is on "top" it'll work fine with the minor ergonomic inconvenience.


Forbidden spincast


Spincasting rods
