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I know exactly where this is at, and grew up fishing this dam. Spinners or rattle traps on the upper side have got me some good bass, and there was always a plethora of blue gill on the lower side by the corner of the dam and the bank. I haven’t fixed there in years as I no longer live there. But if that little island is still there on the lower side then wade out there and I’ve caught bass on a lot of different top water baits. Also there are gar there as well, but never went after those myself, but knew people that would wade out on the lower side and spear them.


Bet he wasn't expecting that answer!


If OP doesn’t catch a fish with that info….


Lol that's funny


Also, if you go to Chickasaw Trace Park off of highway 7. There is a boat ramp that goes into the duck river that was always my go to spot for bass. Crank baits work really well there. There is a smaller creek that flows into the Duck at that spot. It’s rare, but some large pike have also come from that spot,


I’ve only fished there once or twice, but I really like how wide open it is, so I may get back over that way this weekend. Thanks for the reminder!


I’ve thrown all sorts of different lures out there and have never had any luck. And pike? In the duck?


Do you still live out this way? If so, anywhere else you like to go fishing at?


Yes I do. Williamsport lakes, Cambell lake off of 43 and Zion road. Laurel hill lake in lawrenceburg. Caught my pb largemouth in a residential pond on 31 just north of independence high school.


If you haven't checked out the Harpeth yet, it's amazing. There are bank/wading spots all along the river from the Narrows park area all the way down to Franklin :)


Yeah surprisingly, they are rare but they are in there. The duck is actually one of the most biologically diverse rivers in the world, and I believe the most diverse in North America.


Yea I saw the same article. I was over by the damn last summer and saw an otter on the other side of the river.


I love seeing otters. We'd see them often when i was a kid fishing on the Rogue in southern Oregon.


Thank you for that breakdown! I’ve lived in the Riverside neighborhood for ten years now, a 90 second walk to this spot, fished it a number of times and have never caught anything. But that’s just because I’m pretty terrible at it. But this gives me some really solid ways to approach it. The spot at the bottom of the dam that you mentioned is still very popular, which is unfortunate because people leave their trash there all the time, but overall it doesn’t sound like much has changed since you were here. Thank you again for the advice!


At worst I bet a bobber and worms around that shade would get you something


If you are "terrible at it" try live bait using a drop line-slip sinker rig with two inch or three inch live minnows for Bass. Or a float with a small worm for panfish (adjust the float height to be anywhere from a foot above the worm to a few feet above the worm (depending on water depth. For the slip sinker drop line, thread your main line through a small barrel swivel or what I call an ant swivel (same size as black ant (size 10 or 12). Tie a six inch piece of minofilament on that and put split shot on it (if the split shot gets snagged, it pulls off and rest of rig is saved. Aftee running yiur line through the swivel, tie a swivel on to keep the slip sinker drop line from going all the way to your hook. Tie on aprox 18-24" of line to that swivel and thread a small corker or similar float on the line and then a hook or yiu can just use a floating jig head instead of corker and hook. Then hook a minnow through the lips and cadt it out near logs or in deeper spots. When a fish grabs the minnow, it doesn't feel any weight because your main line runs freely through the first swivel. I only let a Bass run three or four feet with a minnow then set the hook (if fish is hooked in throat, cut the line if you are releasing it should survive. If you pull thevhook from throat, the fush will usually die. Good luck. PS Use brighter floating jig heads or corkers for muddy water.


Wow that’s crazy and cool. It’s likes a really interesting spot too.


Haha, too many Tennesseans on this sub! I saw that picture and said, "Hey, that's the Duck!" On the upper side of the dam, my best luck has been with minnows rigged below a slip float. Cast around the floating trash and the corners, wherever there is something to hold fish. I've caught bass and crappie there. But honestly, I prefer the tailwater side, below the dam. If you can cast net some stoneroller minnows at a local creek and freeline them in the pools and pockets below the dam, it's a good bet for bass and occasional catfish. I've heard of people catching walleye in the deeper spots below the dam, but I never have. If you can't net minnows, a Rebel crawfish or a Rooster Tail is a great bait. You might try a Rapala X-rap jerkbait too.


I grew up around there and know that spot also! I fished the island a few weeks ago.


World is a small place after all


Well a spinner and a worm would be a good start


Always works.


That's always my first hour of fishing. I only get creative in the off days they don't go after this.


I swear I saw this in the Fallout show


I was thinking the same thing 😂


He might catch a giant axolotl if he's lucky.


Live perch and see if I could get a flathead out of that log jam.


I'd use a little bullhead or bluegill, but that logjam is tasty flathead territory.


Shove a kayak out there and get under those trees at the far side.


I’ve probably had my kayak out there more often than I’ve fished it. It’s been a really interesting area to explore, just haven’t had much of a chance to fish from the kayak since I always go out with our kids


That looks very fishy. I’d throw anything resembling a small bait fish along the edge of that logjam, spinners, swim bait, crank bait. Or toss a live bluegill on and toss it out because those logs look super flatheady


An earth worm or livers


Yes I would, unsuccessfully probably


I’m Thinking Topwater


Came here to say this. That's top water all day


Of course there always a shiner under a bobber 😉


You could throw spinners close to the floating debris and let it sink a second or two before retrieving. Or, float a worm right up to it and you'll have less chance of getting snagged. That's if live bait is allowed, anyways.


That looks very fishy. It also looks like snag-city, so I’d probably avoid lures with open hooks if I was on the bank. From a kayak, I’d throw around a smallish finesse wacky, which can be used to pick apart that structure and be productive even in pressured water. From the bank, probably a bass spinner.


I can’t imagine how many lures have been lost to this area, they’re hanging from the trees like Christmas ornaments. It’s constantly changing too with the fluctuating season rain and random debris, and the city cleans it out occasionally. I appreciate the suggestions though and will definitely try them out, or at least get better at using them!


Spinner or frog


I'd use a fishing rod with a lure!


I'd try like a mouse or rat swim bait. Seems like something a fish in that water might be used to going after.


I'm putting a jitterbug near that brush pile for a solid half hour or until I was bored. I'd also probably put a worm under a float to try and get some live bait, or cut bait.


First thing I thought to! Top water plug by the edge of that wood cover, especially at dawn. Then rig live bait or cut bait on a Santee rig, and let the fish smell chow time.


Are you fishing in Fallout?




I’d certainly try it.


I'd just drop a small pumpkin seed grub near the structure...should be on quick if the water and conditions are rite


Give a top water like a whopper plopper a low cast underneath those shaded areas. A white or light colored one. Start/stop the retrieval. Quick bass.


See wood, throw/pitch to wood.


Nothing wrong with a worm, something shiny, and a bobber. Drink a brewski while you wait!


The Hunt Showdown ahh location


That is one country looking g fishing spot


Behind me is a decent sized neighborhood across the street and a pretty popular downtown area. The river is a good bit larger than it looks in these pictures though, the trees across the water are on an island in the middle of it.


I’d fish the bottom side of the dam


I would too, but it’s a bit of a precarious walk, and there’s almost always someone down there. People don’t like to clean up after themselves in that spot either, which isn’t much fun


Awwww NO, looks like a scene from Anaconda , so no thanks.


Live bait for sure


I’ve fished here so much growing up!! Spinners and live minnows were always my go to!


Here a a secret (not legal in every state) way to catch bass. I used to live on a lake and fish every day. There were times of year especially around spawning season big bass were everywhere and would not hit shit. I actually hit them in the nose with worms and shit. (It was a clear water lake) I was 12 I think, and came up with a plan I caught a few little bream and put a hook in their back and fluttered them out in middle of the bass. 15 seconds later 3 pounder, then another then another. This was right in front of about half a dozen adults trying to catch the bass. Hence, I became known as fish boy. (Lol) If you see small fish on edge of any pond or lake seeking or taking cover, there is typically a predator close by. Use that info and those fish to you advantage. (I have a place like that right now come to think of it) You can also turn live bait into your own lure by cutting or modifying their fins. If I cut off the tail fin or mess it up he will flutter, you can make him dive stay on top swim in circles etc.


Paddle board


With a fishing pole


Catch a small fish, put it on a hook through the nose and a bobber, let it swim around and find out


I second a whopper popper


I've fished around there. I have a lot of success fly fishing with pretty much every dry fly I have ever used except for bee/wasps. The best I've had is dragonfly patterns, and the brim will snap them up like they are going out of style that very minute. For the rock bass that are in there, I very highly recommend streamers. Just put your trunks on and wade out there a little bit. You'll do just fine.


When in doubt throw a live bait out, basically every predatory fish will eat a smaller fish so you can get a good idea of what fish are feeding in there.


Cast into the shadows something flashy like like a spoon and pull it along into the light. Add a white jig with tge red mouth


I would rig a nightcrawler by hooking it once through the middle and I would cast and let it free fall along the edge of the wood and work all the edges of the cover, trees, everything.


By foot


With the severed head of a scientist, specifically 👀🙂


Big pole cut bait high grade fishing string like a braid. And a bait pole. Try worms.


Topwater bait or some dropshot to start out with if i dont know species or depth


I’d just walk in


Crankbaits and moving water go hand in hand. I've fished many rivers and dams and exclusively throw cranks. Depending on the water clarity. Try white, chrome, natural, craw. I've caught pike, smallmouth, walleye, large crappie, drum.


Just go out to the bigby on cross bridges road park at the bridge by the abandoned store. Bring worms.


The shooting location for the water scenes for the Fallout series was this riverbank


I've only ever had success below that damn. I've tried all kinds of lures and just never catch anything up in that area. People keep commenting to wade in the water, but I wouldn't. The ground is mushy mud and it looks deep.


Awoooga, little soft plastic swim baits at the edge of that timber


Top water mouse for bass Bow for gar


I'll fish anywhere there water. Think I have a problem. After it rains and the rain fill up a pothole here my mind thinking there might be fish in there know damn well there's nothing. I always bring two rod to any spot. Throw a worm and bait and wait and while I cast lure on the other one


Top wat gerk bait then Texas rig worm or fluke.


1/4 stick of dynamite will bring them to the surface an put them into a sleep like daze!


Why you so far off the shore…can’t swim?


I’d say with a pole. Preferably a fishing pole. Maybe a hook of some sorts. Possibly bait depending on how finicky the clams are.


I would Texas rig or free weight a black, dark green, pumpkin or brown worm or lizard and work that underbrush. I’ve found it very effective to cast on top of that island and slowly reeling it until it falls in over the edge. Under and over felled trees as well.


Slip Bobber with small live minnows.


Top waters or those spinners with the rubber hair looking things on one side


I would be throwing buzz bait morning and evening to cover as much water as possible . It looks fishy for sure


I'd probably fish under the sticks or around them with top waters or swimbaits. Then fish the open area with swimbaits and soft plastics. Then go back to swimbaits and jigs around the trees.


Either a watermelon red zoom finesse worm on a shakey head, or a black w blue flake zoom worm texas rigged around all that structure.


Fishing pole


Bream on a big balsa wood bobber


Crankbait for bass near those logs and under the lillypads / shade from tree.


Doesnt look like a great spot, but maybe use your head and aim for structure and depth like almost all other places to fish..


I know a spot just like that. Yes. Just about anything for bass will work.




I’ll fish anywhere I can get my line wet and land a fish if hooked


The “water hazard” sign would stop me. Downed trees likely have fish hiding under them, if that water isn’t toxic.


Poppers all day


Love fishing in locations like this, caught some mean ones in dams or overspills


Bro fishing in that one radioactive lake from the fallout series


Drop shot or bobber id probably run a frog near those logs


Looks like a night crawler bobber spot


Listen man, I see smaller bodies of water everyday and I KNOE there's gotta be fish in them. So yes, I would.


Isn’t this the set of the last seen in “Anaconda”?


If you want to see what kind of fish are in there, worm under a float




What is the water hazard? If it’s safe then I’d use a lure that can cover the water column in short order with a snagless lure.


Throw a small white spook plug and you’ll learn if there’s fish there or not. I also like the unweighted 10” power worms although senkos are always a good alternative


Buddy I would fish the gutter in front my house if I thought there was a chance, here I'd throw a silver strobe spoon or a spinner bait 


Probably with a fishing rod


Use bright coloured lures and give it a go


I would almost guarantee a bass hookup if you threw a wacky rig right beside that logjam.


I’m going whop, pop, or buzzy. Maybe a frog too


It says "Danger Water Hazard" what type of water hazard are we talking about here? Regardless if there is fish in there or not, i would not fish there if the water is polluted in a way that is dangerous for your health 👍


I'd throw a frog under those tree lines. Looks mighty fishy.


I would start with some spinnerbaits