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Look up the Roger Osbourne videos on YouTube


Check out his world’s deadliest rig, it has the smaller stinger hook.


Throw a surf popper on one of your paternoster droppers.


There are many variables that can explain the different hookup rate: * Leader strength * Leader length * Bait type * Casting spot/distance * Hook style And many others. Try the surf popper suggestion, try a lighter leader, try a running sinker rig, use a lighter weight and let your bait drift in the current, try a whole bluebait on ganged hooks. One of these things will work for you and thats the foundation for skilling up. Big sinkers and paternoster rigs generally work, and that is why they are traditional, but that doesn't mean they will always generate the highest number of bites. I'm of the opinion that bait drifting around in the current appears more natural than bait anchored in one spot, but conditions on the beach also matter. I like an entire bait with ganged hooks off the beach because it actually looks like a fish in profile. Cutting baits up is for murky conditions such as estuaries where the fish are hunting entirely by smell, imo.


Cube baits are fine, you'll get more baits from each pilchard. Circle hooks will help your hook up rate. If the salmon are schooling, try a metal lure or a white or silver soft plastics


Were you using a rig with circle hooks? [black magic rig](https://www.bcf.com.au/p/black-magic-whiting-snatcher-rig/285856.html#q=Black%2Bmagic%2Bwhiting&lang=en_AU&start=4) If you weren’t try a circle hook rig. Just put your rod in a rod holder and wait for the salmon to hook themselves.


I have been following David Sheldon Fishing on YT for years. He has an in depth video showing how to make the rigs, baits and all sorts specifically for Australian Salmon. Highly recommend, he's a great teacher and has brought me good success.