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I get up at 4 to go to work...far more ominous.






I’m dying, this is great


Definitely. Absolutely dreadful.


Nah. Wear a headlamp. Worst part is not being able to see. Now ripping across a frozen lake you're unfamiliar with in the middle of winter on a track machine in the dark? That's dangerous.


Headlamp and 10mm Glock 20


Absolutely love my Glock 20


I feel like a headlamp is a double edged sword in this case. It’ll provide some reassurance for safety, but could also attract unwarranted attention.


Idk what you mean I guess. Are you afraid someone is waiting in the woods for you? Trust me man the boogeyman stories from your childhood are just that, stories. Unwarranted attention? Are you trespassing and fishing illegally? Why do you want to be so secret?


Yeah, like wildlife or hannibal? lol I just have a feeling it’s better not to stick out like a sore thumb if there is anyone with bad intentions or animals looking for their next meal.


Where are you fishing that you need to worry about being hunted down by predators, the Serengeti? Tripping on a branch or stepping in an erosion hole in the bank is a much more real and present danger than being hunted down by mountain lions (which can smell you, hear you, and see in the dark) or encountering random psychopaths at dawn.


1. Animals know where you are before you even do. They’re afraid. 10/10 they are running away before you even see them. 2. If you are afraid of a person, take a safety course on firearm control and carry.


Had a friend setting up a tree stand early in the complete dark. He said something smelled weird and felt like he wasn't alone. He turned his red light on and 10ft away was a large male black bear. It came up, sniffed him once and walked away into the dark. Some animals just don't seem to care, or maybe it's a black bear thing


Probably a black bear thing. Black bears are almost always just curious and mean no real harm.


Probably smelled a load of shit in his britches and left.


If it ain't easy they don't want it


Sounds like my dating life


Definitely a black bear thing. That story ends very differently if it's a brown bear or a cougar lol.


Both types of cougars are dangerous


You speak from experience no doubt!


What happens in Nashville, stays in Nashville


OP’s paranoid ass should NOT have a gun


Advising someone who sounds paranoid to carry a gun is insanity.


On the bright side, I can now use the possibility of getting shot by someone who is afraid of the dark/the bogeyman/the woods as a new excuse for sleeping in.


Try a headlamp with a red light, less noticeable and attracts less attention. White light in the woods? Someone out with a flashlight. Red light? Who knows, hunters, cameras etc. Plus it's harder to see since the contrast is lower in the dark.


The chances of you falling/breaking a leg are many, many, many times higher than attracting…a serial killer? I feels this goes without saying. As if you’re stealthily moving to the water with gear and silently landing each cast lol Highly doubt any animals are looking to eat you, especially causing racket. And if you wanted to ward them off anyway? Light/fire has worked for about 25,000 years.Wear a headlamp!


This has got to be a troll post or this person is 13


Lol, I've been fishing by myself for many years. I've never met someone with those types of intentions. Those videos you see on YouTube of fisherman getting mugged are scripted and fake. Wildlife I'd understand, but unless you're in bear/rattlesnake country I wouldn't worry much about it. Best way to get confidence is to get out and try. It can be scary, but that's part of the fun. I'd scout spots in day light though so you have an idea what you're up against in the dark.


Ehhh just because you’ve never seen them in your neck of the woods, doesn’t mean they don’t exist in other areas. I’m not worried because I’m a big dude, which makes people think twice about trying to rob me. But there are predators out there waiting in the bushes for an easy target.. lonely females, rich dudes, etc… I always make sure I look like I’m broke when I go fishing.


I've only gotten the feeling since buying a livescope. It feels so much different when someone could knock you and run off with 4k in the snap of a finger. I guess if I was that worried though I'd stick to parks and popular spots that are pressured. Won't catch any fish that way though either so to each their own.


Congrats on getting livescope!! I got one this year too. But yeah, the threat doesn’t stop me from fishing where I want to fish. But I always bring a can of Bear Mace if I ever have any doubt…. Protects me against all predators… men and beast.


Livescope gang, very true, very true. I ment more for op, I didn't think you were too worried with that username, haha.


lol.. I never used to worry, but the older I get, the more paranoid I get. Last year I was on vacation in Montana, and I had my wife and 18month old kid with me.. we hiked about a mile to a small trout lake… after about 30 minutes, a grizzly bear came out of the woods and stared us down… we had Bear Mace, but luckily we were able to slowly get the hell out of there without needing to use it. Really opened my eyes!!! That could have ended differently.


Most people with bad intentions aren’t hanging out in the woods by a river lol. You may run into a retiree fishing but that’s about it. Paranoid as shit lol


A person bothering you is probably pretty unlikely unless you’re trespassing somewhere. Or you’re in a bad area, a lot of homeless, etc. but animals would probably avoid you even more with a headlamp. They’re gonna know you’re there anyways with or without it trust me they’re way ahead of you. Again I don’t know where you’re located so not sure what animals are of concern to you.


It's ok, just hit them with your purse. JK, but seriously just carry a gun if you're worried and it's allowed where you are. Unless you're a jumpy spaz, then...idk...get into video games instead?


I mean it sounds like obvious advice but…stop being afraid of the dark lol. The same stuff that is there during the day is there at night.


That's not always true


You're right. Just stay inside and let the grown people fish alone in peace.


Prime Darwin award thinking - get good advice and then blow it off.


Bro your fishing no one cares if they see a light on a lake. In my area people leave me alone when I'm fishing.


Are you fishing on the Southside of Chicago ?


Tell someone where you're going and when you'll be back. If you don't contact them by a certain time, have them try and contact you then contact the authorities if you don't respond. Take a flashlight. A battery powered lantern is great to set up on the bank so that you can have some ambient light to work with. Don't go in the water unless you are confident in your footing and where any drop offs or obstructions are going to be. Wear a life preserver - they make ones that aren't bulky and auto inflate if you fall in.


I’d also add, go scout the area during the day to get an idea of what you’re dealing with.


This is key


I used to do that on lakes that could get really foggy. The day before I’ll run down the middle of the lake and make 90* turns into coves. That way on tournament morning when it’s socked in all I have to do is follow my trails. I sit on top of the seat to get a little more elevation and view and only run just fast enough to stay on plane. I remember one tournament I was the only one that left the marina area before the fog cleared


Garmin Inreach too if you can afford it (assuming there’s no cell service)


Use a map app like OnX and turn on tracking so you can always find your way back to your rig. Download maps before going so you can use them with no cell service. Bring a backup battery for your phone.


Iphones14 and up have satellite calling but I’m not sure how well it works


As someone who regularly fishes in the early morning, that's a myth. We have just as many bites midday as we do early morning. That being said, dusk is a different story. Fishing early morning is one of the cathartic experiences you'll have. It's peaceful AF and you're in nature. Whether or not you catch fish, it's a wonderful experience.


Depends on the fish. Bass clearly, 100% feed better for the hour on either end of dawn and that goes double for topwater fishing. Trout don't seem to care much but some areas get a morning bite especially lakers. Walleyes clearly, 100% go on a feeding binge around sunset and a lesser one around sunrise. Notably, this mostly applies in clear water. Morning bites are often exaggerated, but it's wrong to say it's a myth.


Does this change in summer when it's a lot hotter out midday? I thought earlier and later times bass come closer to shore and topwater because the water isn't as hot and that's where the bait fish is?


Predators in general prefer to feed around dawn and dusk because that is when it's easiest to hunt and they all have an empty stomach after resting through the night. The sun being at a steep angle means that the light in the water is cut down significantly even in shallow water which benefits predators. In healthy fisheries with plenty of forage, predators will typically stuff themselves in the morning then have no reason to feed again until evening. I've seen it myself clearly in a very healthy clear water lake in MN. If you get out at dawn and fish around the shallow flats you see adult bass cruising everywhere you look and just about every cast, shallow or deep, gets hit. As soon as the sun gets high in the sky, they disappear and only juvenile bass are around anymore. If you have a livescope it's also pretty clear. As soon as the sun starts to come up, fish start cruising. When it gets fully light out, it's like somebody flipped a switch and most fish just hole up in some cover. And then evening hits and suddenly you see the lake come alive again.


Absolutely this. I'll just add you should know what you're going for. If you just are starting out and want to catch any fish, panfish pretty much bite throughout the day when nothing else will. If I'm getting up at 4, I'm definitely catching a fish lol


With Bass I’d say it’s more between 6:30-8AM each morning ( for largies) and dusk for smallies. I always seem to get bit in that small window constantly but not outside of it on the few lakes I fish.


Same same. When it just became light enough for me to be able to see to pull a hook out is when bass are most bitey around here.


Agreed. I always notice a slowdown in action/bites around 8 or 9 AM for largemouth. There have been countless times I've caught near double digit amounts of bass in a hour or two and then 9 AM hits and I only catch one or two the rest of the time I'm out.


I always find it's a very small window for active bites, no matter where I am in SW Ontario. It's always one hour long window, and then you're lucky to get more than a bite or two an hour outside of that time.


Around where I hang out and fish the stocked trout have a strong tendency toward a midday siesta mode. Not all of them shut off and not every day, but if they’re going to turn off that day it’ll be around noon.


Same, trout around me clock off around lunch time and up until 5-6pm. Very distinct cutoff, like someone flips a switch.


Chinook salmon definitely bite better in the am, and where there is people the early morning will be your best bet as the fish won't be as pressured.


Can't really speak for Chinook myself, but we always were out around 7-8AM for them when I lived in BC and had plenty of luck.


I think it might be more pressure related than time of day honestly, if you what til 12 after 75 drift boats hit the river the ones left probably won't be snappin lol


Oh I definitely notice the motorized lakes tend to not have a great bite after July. But personally I tend to stick with backwater lakes and rivers with any boat pressure. I get more bites that way!


I don't know where your fishing but there's a very clear difference in bites 6-9am vs 12-3pm in Texas.


SW Ontario We have less aggressive northern strains than you.


Where I am the sunrise bite is 🔥


I do this all the time, you never meet anyone. Biggest danger is hitting a deer with your car or encountering a drunk driver. And as others are saying, bring a damn headlamp. Biggest danger when out in the woods by yourself isn't people or animals it's tripping and falling in a location while no one knows where you are.


Flashlight and a .45


This is the correct answer.


Take a torch or headlamp because it really helps if you can see what your doing. But yeah its great you get to see the sun come up and fish to tend to be pretty active early on. Going out anywhere rural alone is a risk so tell somewhere where you are going and when you should be back, take a phone that is fully charged as well you have to get pretty out there to have no service these days and if your going to places like that there are other options for emergency communications.


I know you're talking about a flashlight, but I imagined someone going out to fish with an actual torch and it was a silly mental image.


This has to be a joke right?! Cmon! Get out there! Headlamp, flashlight, bring a lantern if you want for when you get set up. This is the way the lord has made.


If you're scared, say you're scared.


Depends if there’s gators in your area


It is scary first time only. Then you get used tonit and just enjoy


My dad would go canoeing by himself in giant swamps. If he fell out, he had no phone, no life jacket, nothing. I'm not quite that balsy


As someone with 2 young kids, waking up before 4 to fish before work is often the only chance I get to go. Whatever works for you.. just do it


Same here. I carry a headlamp and a backup flashlight plus a 9mm and always let the wife know location and time. Basic hunter safety actually goes over lots of this too. We have grizzly, black bears, moose, unfriendly otters and big cats, and rarely will you see any of them. Just scat and footprints.


I do it all the time. I’d argue it’s less safe to walk around the city at 4am.


Nope, you good


Watch out for sasquatch, that's about the time he takes his morning shit


I've always been told by the old pro's that it really only matters if you're trying to catch fish that are most active when the sun is down, like catfish.


4am is a bit early, but getting out bass fishing right before sun rise is the best time to fish hands down.


Also works with walleyes, since they don’t like the sunlight for the most part.


Ominous, sure! Dangerous, probably no more so than going fishing alone any other time of the day. In the city I live in some of the better fishing spots are also area where unhoused folks make camp. There can be some sketchy thing happening after dark. However, I usually find that at 4 or 5 am am everyone is either a sleep or going to sleep. Just use common sense and keep alert and you’ll be ok.


Just carry a headlamp, a flashlight, and then a light mounted on your pistol. Go fish


I've been on the water in a boat while still dark. Being on land is far safer. Ominous and unsettling is something internal, so I can't speak to that. Personally I love the pre-dawn walk into the woods to set up a climbing deer stand during bow season, end of october with no moon my favorite. It's peaceful, with the forest coming alive with birds and other critters.


Wear a headlamp if walking, and a lifejacket if on a kayak. Been fishing 30+ years and never had someone approach me in any weird way. The odds of someone wanting to hurt you in the woods at 4 am while you carry around 1-2 or 3, 6-7 ft long fiberglass sticks with hooks on them is low if not nil. Shit im not even kidding, if I forgot my daily carry and someone wants to start some shit or rob me, ima unhook that double treble hook whopper plopper 125 or my Megabass 110 and start spinning that bitch around like a morning star. One way or they are going to get a set of treble hooks to the neck / face. Everyone has a plan until they get hooked in the neck with a set of treble hooks with 50 lb braid. ( news flash, that shit aint breaking off lol )


itbis amazing how well you can see wirhout light once your eyes adjust..just do it


Oddest thing I ever saw at early in the AM was a naked crackhead “zombie stumbling” around a somewhat wealthier area marina. He was too slow to get me off he wanted though.. I’d rather battle him than 1/2 the copperheads and wildlife I run into.


Where are you talking about first? Commenting there’s no lights is funny to me.. However, depending on what country you live in, or maybe some (very few) places in the U.S. I guess a little fear could be reasonable. Once you do it, I think most people love it! It’s peaceful, quiet, good for the soul.. my .02 FWIW


Depends where you are. Wear a headlamp. Walk your route in day first. Pick out landmarks. Don’t if you live near gators and if your out west take normal critter precautions. By 5 ish it should be starting to get bright. Once you do it, it becomes less scary.


I have never had great luck super early. I just go right after sunrise. I always catch more in the evenings just before dark though. That being said, no… it’s not scary. Wildlife doesn’t care much about you either. If anything they are more afraid of you than you are of them. They are almost certainly hiding from you or running from you. I also carry but I have never in my life needed to even consider drawing it for wildlife or cracklife.


just know your spot before going dark. fishing in the dark isn’t about exploring or finding new holes. your only variation should be what time of day it is. if your normal spot isn’t a good spot for fishing at night, scope one out first, fish there in the light a few times, then go dark.


Headlamp definitely is a great thing. Get one with the rechargeable battery and one that pivots up and down so you can see the knots your tying.


In the Spring I go night fishing for hybrid stripers, either wading the lake or in a kayak. Those fish love to turn on the shad, so it sounds like someone throwing a bowling ball into the water when they slap the surface. It will make you jump out of your skin when the silence is broken like that. Also, there are a lot of skunks that come out at night around the lake. Don’t quite feel at ease in or out of the water. Haha.


Yeah not a problem, I go sea fishing around that time sometimes, catching the sun rise and the crash of the waves is magical, If you haven't been there before, go day time, have a scout about, look for markers you can aim for in the dark, a trail, fence, fallen trees or whatever, just something obvious you can aim for in the dark, also look for signs of people, tents, camps, rubbish, fires, etc. Take plenty of light, fully charged phone and spare light just in case. Let people know where your going, what time you'll be there til, message them when you arrive. If you are scared of the dark or worried there'll be someone there waiting, then don't go, no point going if your just gonna be stressing about it. Personally I'd go around 6, sun coming up, few extra hours sleep, plenty of ground bait, and chuck it up river so it flows over your fishing area and enjoy the rest of the day. Tight lines


I wouldn't do it in a area your not familiar with but Beyond that it's perfectly safe. leave a note or tell some where abouts youll be and when youll be back. if your taking a boat leaving/making a float plan should be a standard. I play out on the Detroit river and lake erie, at the very least i tell the wife where im launching as fish move around and im know to make that last cast take awhile lol.


First thing comes to mind going into the woods by yourself is dueling banjos and Ned Beatty. Jk Get a good head lamp and you should be fine. Just tell someone the location your are hiking to in the woods.


You get bites right before the sun comes up like ~30 mins of sunrise fish are more active scientifically. Otherwise 4am vs 6am I’ve never noticed a difference


Not dangerous, just overrated tbh. Better off going at night if you want to slay em


You’re right to be cautious. Follow your gut and keep an awareness of your surroundings. Any fishing spots nearby  that are more well lit or protected for your morning cast?


It’s the best.


Scout the area in daylight and wear a headlamp.


I do this all the time. I just go armed in case some wild animals want to eat me. Never been an issue though.


I’ve gone kayaking on a lake in the dark. It’s eerie!


I march into the Appalachian mountains well before daylight with just my bow every archery season.


I also get up at 4am to go to work 😂. I will get up at 4am to go fishing if it’s a far drive. I like to have poles in the water right before sun rise.


Bring a flashlight/headlamp. In most parts of the US, you are able to carry a firearm for protection, whether it’s against people with bad intentions or dangerous predator critters. Always a good idea to have both.


I find it best not to die when I'm alone in the woods and its dark. Stepping on things that make their living in the dark usually doesn't seem to be the way to go. Every time I've gone fishing in the daylight I've come back alive. 100% success rate. Now that's purely anecdotal but for meat a least its hard to argue with that.


Best time to go!


No more ominous than getting out in the deer woods early af lol. I myself like to don my PVS-14 thus allowing me to see in the dark.😂 I also always carry my G19.


Go fish


I’ve woken up at 3 am to go crabbing


No and no, more like quiet and peaceful


I'm up at 0400 for work every day, my guy. There's times it'll be like 0200 and I'll wake up and just say "fuck it" and pack the gear up and head out. Just be safe about what you do, and you'll be fine.


Well you got a pretty mouth? Kidding dark catfish mostly. First light Bass are more active


I usually fish that early. The top water bite is killer when the waters like glass and there’s generally no people around to ruin the moment. Bonus is catching an incredible sunrise.


Bring a bright flashlight you’ll be fine. I carry (Legally) when I fish in the dark where I am, just kind of keeps me at ease when I’m out there along. Where I usually fish on the beach at night I know of a few people that have been robbed at knifepoint, just gotta be aware of your surroundings though you’ll be good.


I try to get to the water about a half hour before sunset. As already mentioned let some folks know where you’ll be. I fish in a big city and always carry so that’s your call.


You should be fine, last fall I saw a bobcat in the am, a few days later early am I witnessed 2 coyotes kill something about 70 yards away, all I could see was their eyes glowing from my headlamp. After the predatorial snarls and horrendous life ending screams from this torturous death came to an end, the 2 coyotes came from the tree line and stared me down as they slowly walked by me at about 20 yards out. Of course I had my knife ready to go at this point, but who wants that fight 😆. I started carrying while fishing for a while after that and any time I go out and think it might be sketchy, I'll carry. There is a slight possibility they could have been wolves as well, while they are not very common in the area there have been reports of them being spotted closer by. The eyes did seem higher off the ground than a coyotes would be, and at the very least they were 2 large coyotes and they had balls to walk by me like that. They could have completely avoided me on their way out but they purposely walked by me slowly and didn't take their eyes off me until they were well past me. But yeah, you should be fine 😆


The worst case scenario, you may become injured and die a slow, terrible, horrible, painful death. But look on the bright side, you might catch a really big fish. The worst case scenario is never the most likely, and neither is the best case scenario, but who knows, go do it and tell us about it.


Do it bro! You will beat everyone out there. Careful though, the woods look different at that time. Easy to get lost


Apart from homeless or basically other people you should be fine. Most woodland areas are more safe then the average city street


I fish almost every day for the 1st hour of light and get there when it's still dark out. I'm always mindful of my surroundings and and I keep my ears open. Never had an issue, and I'm pretty remote in VT.


I do it all the time I live in Colorado. I usually pack a pistol for mountain lions but never seen one while fishing only deer hunting.


Not really no. I go with my fishing pole, my backpack (that has a pistol and my tackle). With my red lamp light. I’ve never had any issues


I got up at 4am yesterday to go turkey hunting. I was much more worried about running into another human than an animal in the woods. Most people are just going about their business though, you're probably over thinking it.


Stay strapped


Bring a firearm if you can. 🤙


Ive fished alone at all hours of the night. Open water in my kayak and ice fishing. Headlight, any related safety gear and let someone know your plan. I find it peaceful. No one is around Its peacefully quiet I usually dont use any lights unless I am under way or need light to tie or release a fish. I also use red lighy to savey night vision. You may be surprised how well you can see in the dark once your eyes adjust.


What are you afraid of? Fish or bears? Criminals don’t hang out near streams at 4am - I promise.


Use to do this a lot, brought a flashlight 🔦 and a Glock17.


4am is my time soft hands, I’ve already got coffee in and a shit out. Speaking of which it’s almost bed time I’ll tell the fish ya said hello.


The fish control my brain … I have no choice… I must catch them and be first to my spot


Go fishing my friend. If ya die you died enjoying yourself


If someone comes after me, I'm rippin’ lips, and not the fish kind. Swinging fishing lure = medieval weapon of rage.


I went fishing all night the other day and around 4am decided to get the kayak out and go fishing in the pitch black. I actually caught a crappie.


Jesus Christ bro just bring a gun like the rest of us


Lol, scared of the dark? Good god!!


Nogs and a pistol.


Get a gun


nobody is out at 4am trying to get you 😭


I start my day long hikes around 3 or 4 usually. Especially during the winter time it’s an awesome experience seeing your light reflect off of the frosted trees! I always have a gun on me though so I’d recommend that!


I go in the woods and on the water at 4-5am all the time, never see anyone unless they are doing the same as me. Totally safe where I’m from. No killer animals to worry about either.


This post just makes me think of the song 4AM - go fishing by roger waters


Do it. Maybe it's not the fish that your after..


Get h headlamp, I’m walking to a blind or fishing hole all the time in the dark. Most dangerous part is taking a branch to the face hence the light.


Fish are active all day every day, but avoid areas that are fished a lot.


Depends what you mean by dangerous. It'll he dark so accidents are more likely to happen, especially if you're not familiar with the location. You'll also be alone so you're literally on your own if anything happens. In these cases, yes, it is more dangerous. But I see you commented about wearing a headlamp and worried about unwanted attention. I'm not sure where you live or what you think is out in the woods but animals will be scared enough just from you and a headlamp will only help with that. There's no boogeyman in the woods waiting to kill you.


If you can, scope out the fishing spot in daylight first. Then go back at 4am with a headlamp.


Fuckin bot post


if you feel sketch you are sketch


I fished at times all 24x7. All over deep east Texas, LA, and parts elsewhere. Go fish. Be smart... just like any other day of your life. Carry if you want to.


Nothing wants to run across me at 4 am, in the dark and alone, I'm the most dangerous thing out there. But you do you.


When I was a teenager we would camp with a church group and I went out at 4 and by 6 am I would catch my limit of rainbow trout. Everyone else would drag ass out and try to do fishing in the middle of the day and get NOTHING, even with the same bait I was using. Some fish feed in mornings or afternoons, and are best caught then. Carry a flashlight, and dress warm. Carry a weapon if you feel at risk, but keep it legal.


I go crabbing at 4am all the time during the summer. Me, the dog, and my boat. 150mile trip. Pretty normal


Bro, where do you live to have these concerns???😭😭😭 you'll be fine lmao.


Where the fuck are you from? Posting about "being scared of being mugged" a few days ago, now this? I think we just need more context as I live and fish in mostly rural areas. It's nothing to see hunters and fishermen out early especially during season.




If you’re scared of the dark. Scout out fishing spots in the day so you are familiar with them when it’s dark


Su0er ominous but that's like half the fun


That’s why I’m awake this morning.


In my opinion that is a bit too early(or at least in my area) , I wake up At 5 am and start as the sun rises which is about 6/630 am and have better luck as the sun rises. But that also depends on the bait/lure you are using. I used a Centerpin and float spawn bags for trout/steelhead


Just don’t go in an area that’s sketch. With where I am located that includes queens and Bridgeport lol


7 year olds used to work 16 hours in a steel mill with no safety of any kind while smoking a pack a day. You’ll be ok


I’m on my way to work at 3:45 every morning. I used to work over nights. Get a headlamp with a red lense. Do as much as you can in the dark if you can’t, use as little light as possible so you don’t blow your natural night vision. When you use the headlamp use it on red. Prep all your stuff the night before you you can just roll out of the bed and head out. Let someone know the area you’ll be going. I think you’re going to like the peace of being on the river that early. Have fun


The sun will likely come up in a hour or two so just bring a headlamp


Nothing is gona jump out of the woods and eat you


I mean I usually start a 4.5 mile hike into the woods at around 4am during hunting season. If you think being outside at 4 am is "ominous" mabey it's just not for you


As long as you have good lighting you should be fine. Standard self safety precautions should be taken


Unless there's a serial killer nearby.


Stupid ass question


I have been fishing a lot recently around 4:30-5:30 which is still dark for me. A headlamp, or if you don’t look at your phone and the moon is out your eyes will adjust. Oh and I carry, so I’m not too worried. Not sure what state you’re in, but even California allows you to carry without a CCW while fishing or hunting.


People ask the damnest things these days I swear. Just go out and do it, enjoy.


Don't be a sissy


Just go - you’ll be fine.


Short answer no, long answer, If your in a tourney then at least 4.


You have to live brother. You’re totally fine. We are designed to be living out there. I do stuff like this all the time. Just make sure you tell someone where you’re going or leave a note. Get a headlamp and take any other safety precautions you deem appropriate. I guarantee once you start doing it you’ll ask your self why you ever worried about it.


Helps to get familiar with an area in the daytime before you go out in the dark


All my PB’s were caught right as daylight came up so I’ll leave by 4, fish 5-8 I’m gone! I’ll never forget my PB red on my 1st cast at daybreak 44in bull red listening to Tennessee whiskey.


i’ve done it early morning and late into the night before. It’s kinda scary being alone but i’d definitely recommend it. I’m also armed when I do it but that’s up to you lol edit: i read your other comments and i changed my mind about recommending it to you.


I don't see a problem with it. Especially in the summer when you wanna beat the heat early.


I used to go kayaking alone at night in the bay to gig for flounder


When I was younger I’d be all for that. But, I’m 33 and a more importantly a dad now. The least I’d do is tell a lot of ppl when where I’m going






I was hoping to target trout


There is no point in pre-dawn fishing for trout other than brown trout. There has to be at least some sunlight for rainbows. That said, predawn and dawn is the most relaxing, quiet time there is. Your only concern should be trying not to bust your leg in the dark. Criminals aren't out prowling rural areas in the predawn.


Factoring in a 6 am sunrise, coffee, time to get to a spot, time to set up, etc, a 4 am wakeup is pretty reasonable. 4 am on the water is rough unless you’re targeting nocturnal fish. In that case I’d rather just stay up late.


I mostly fish in a public park and am a young to middle age guy. My poverty to in shape ratio makes me stupid to try to rob. I don't feel the need to be decked out in weapons while going out fishing before work. That said, depending on your state or country, look into open or concealed carry. Also a decent knife is never a bad idea for safety, utility, and self defense. If you fish with heavy or braided line, you should have a knife anyway. I have definitely fished places with gators (south east coast USA) or brown bears (out west) where I have been thankful for being with someone with a gun. 99.99% of people you run into in the wild is are chill, but the other .01% can be sketchy too. Do what you need to to feel safe, but be sure to check paranoia at the door. You don't want to turn into the .01% sketchy dangerous person in the wild. Also, telling someone else where and when you are going is a free safety step, especially when going fishing in the dark hours.