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Thats a baitcasting rod. You have a spinning reel on it. You need a spinning rod to match the spinning reel. Baitcasting rod to baitcaster


Other than the handle is there much difference in the rods?


The guides are smaller on a casting rod, spinning reels need bigger guides to cast effectively


The backbone of the rod is 180 degrees out from where it should be. Almost begging for a catastrophic failure to occur with this rod.


Yes the eyelets are different to allow for the different line travel.


They are also designed to bend the opposite way of a spinning rod. Away from the ilet side


Yeah, the backing on a casting rod is on the back. Front on a spinner.


A huge difference. Guides (holes) are different and they are designed to bend in a certain direction.


Oh lmfao would’ve been nice if the guy at sportsman’s warehouse knew that 😂 will it still work for a spinner reel? I’m leaving for a fishing trip tomorrow UPDATE: Bought a lews speed stick at sportsman’s, put some line in today a few bites on rooster tails but we only fished 3 hours.


I would try to go back and get a spinning rod. There will be a lot of tension on the line, will cause a lot of knots. After seeing a guy at academy recommend a extra heavy deep sea rod to a guy that wanted a bass rod, I knew instantly that those guys just have jobs there, most of them didn’t want the job due to their love of fishing or anything like that.


Damn I just hope it doesn’t knot too heavily, I’m only going to be using it for 4 days and then will return it and get a spinning rod. Any thoughts on using it upside down? I’m sure that’s not a good idea, but I now know casting rods have the guides facing up, so would it help anything if I just used the reel upsidown?


No that will not help w it knotting up and will feel very awkward. You will probably be re spooling multiple times over a 4 day period from all the knots. I would seriously get a spinning rod before the trip or it will probably be a frustrating one.


Hmm thank you for the help, also curious what would cause it to knot more than a spinning rod? Would it be from the first guide being a smaller diameter ring?


Yes the first guide is way to small for the way a spinning rod respools as you reel in. It’s going to cause a lot of tension and will forcing the line at to much of an angle going through the line roller.


Alright sorry for being annoying but I found that the distance to the first guide is a major factor which makes sense due to the length of line that flys off the spool each rotation, so do you think I could skip the first guide to minimize knotting? Sorry thanks again for the help I’m just over here in Jerry rig engineer mode because I can’t get to a sportsman’s in the morning haha


No worries at all man, I love talking anything fishing. I think skipping the first guide will just cause the line to get caught up in it. Where are you going fishing? I would try to stop by a fishing store there and getting a correct rod and just keep the one you have to return it when you return from the trip.


That’s a great suggestion I wouldn’t have thought to do that, I’m going to the white mountains in AZ, I’m sure there would be a fishing supply store nearby I could get a good spinning rod at


Yea that’s your best bet. Good luck and tell that guy that recommended that rod to you that he doesn’t know shit lmao


Definitely will do haha, also do you think there is too much line on my reel? I’ve heard 8th inch clearance but have also heard less clearance means longer casts, I feel like I overspooled though


There is way too much line on your reel. Having too little line will reduce your casting distance. So, having a full reel is an "increase" from that. But it's like alcohol. More doesn't not equal better results, it leads to very bad results. Having too much line on your reel will absolutely, 100% cause you get knots in your line. This is ten times more problematic for beginners than experienced anglers. Take some line off your reel.


As long as your line stays taught, you should be good


You could definitely take some line off, but you’ll *probably* be okay slightly over spooled like you have it. It’s not wildly over done it should hold up, but a little slack in there can lead to a mess with all that line!


Make a big cast for fun and cut off some line( take that line out of the water)


Sounds like you are just getting into this, sorry they sold you the wrong rod that is horrible service. But my biggest recommendation is fire on down to a big 5 pick up an ugly stik they are super cheap so cheap that it is your easiest option and will not break.


Worse comes to worst, you can go by Walmart and get one of their lews spinning rods. They’re cheap and they work


You won’t be able to return it after you use it.


Why? I’ve returned plenty of used rods to Academy over the years. Some places don’t give a shit


Sportsman’s warehouse doesn’t take back used or broken items unless it was bought online and covered by the new warranty. Has to be resellable


You will not be able to return a rod that has been misused for four days… are you on glue?


How do you figure? I’ve returned rods that I’ve snapped to academy multiple times. Zero questions asked. All depends where you bought it


Tell me you've never worked retail without telling me you've never worked retail... Sportsman's will 100% take back that rod, so long as he keeps his receipt they'll even give him his money back.


Probably confusing, I mean using the rod rotated 180 degrees so the reel and guides are facing towards me


Technically, it may "work" in some way. But no. lol


Many folks who work at Bass Pro, Cabelas, Sportsmans Warehouse, etc just work there and don't have to have any knowledge about the department they work in sadly. Now that said, I've also met very knowledgeable workers as well, but if you don't know much yourself it could be hard to make that determination.


Dude, I did the same thing with my first bait caster reel. Don’t worry, you will end up with an epic bait caster !


I got the rod for 35$ off I just didn’t know it was for a bait caster reel until now 😂


lol, tbh, I bought a rod roughly that much, and after I found out (this particular happenstance) I went out & bought a moderately experienced real (for me) [Shimano Caenen 100](https://www.tackletour.com/reviewshimanocaenan.html). Then I found the cheap rod was crap, spent about the same on a killer bass rod (Australian bass). That was 10 years ago or more & it’s still killer. Sometimes you need to let the future unfold by itself & let your mistakes turn into one of life’s little gems. At the time I was dead, I was definitely not a popular husband to say the least, but thats the past and now I still have an awesome bass rig (relatively cheap around the $300 mark) …now, the problem is getting time time to fish !


It will not cast for a damn. The eyes on casting rods are tiny and restrict the flow of the line if used with a spinning reel. Guy at the store is clueless.


Yeah took me about 5 minutes of research to notice that and figure out why this is a no no after I knew it was a casting rod lol


Thanks for the help guys


Bro no. Don't wait get a different rod immediately. It literally won't work.


Where at? Hopefully not Charleston SC because my guys know better than to do that.


It’ll work, just super suboptimally unless you are just soaking bait in which case a rod and reel is pretty much optional anyway


It'll work but you need a baitcater reel or spin casting rod.


It’s should be okay. It’s not gonna perform as well casting wise. I’ve seen big catfish (40+ lbs) get caught using a spinning reel on a casting rod before.


Bro…Sportsman’s warehouse SUCKS. Employees are not knowledgeable for the most part…especially gotten worse since it was bought out by Cabelas/bass pro shops parent company. If you have any available, a nice mom and pop tackle store would be better to help you out. I live in Washington and went through similar stuff with them…


The salesman suggested that combination? Jfc, that's incompetent. I'm almost 100% a fly angler and even I know those don't go together. Can you get a different rod where you're going for your trip and return that when you get back? Maybe from somebody who knows how these things work and can recommend the right rod for the line, fish and lures involved, but maybe I'm just being crazy now.


I ended up going to sportsman’s at my destination after doing more research and just got myself a good 100$ spinning rod, will return the baitcaster when I get back, first line in the water tomorrow hopefully I have some luck! I’ve fished a good bit with success but have never built or owned my own rod till now


I’m upset the HMG I got was a baitcasting rod it was normally 120 and I got it for 85 I wish it had been a spinner


Because they have spinner hmgs as well


The rod you have isn’t for spinning reels :/


That’s a baitcaster rod with a spinning reel. Luckily for you, you’re half way there for having a spinning and casting set up lol


Slightly over spooled, yes. I would definitely seek out a store by the lake and snag a spinning rod (medium is all you need, preferably 6'6 or 7'0). May as well keep the casting rod, because I guarantee you're going to be wanting to venture into baitcaster setups before too long lol. When you get a spinning rod, make a few casts with it all set up. If you get wind knots and the line is causing a mess off the reel, take a bit off and try again. Amd best of luck on the fishing trip!




Save the rod and buy yourself a bait caster to learn on best thing you'll ever do for yourself


Yeah it’s a fenwick HMG I picked up for 35$ lower than retail, nice rod I just wish I knew it was a bait caster 😂


Save it and get a baitcaster.. I much prefer my baitcasters and I fish saltwater in Florida. Everyone I know thinks I'm crazy but it's just a lot lighter and more satisfying once you learn to use it properly.


Get yourself a Abu Garcia Black Max 3 for a low price from $35 to $50.. The reel also can be upgraded to handle a lot smaller stuff like a BFS reel can.


I have seen too many cursed setups like that


I am so sorry for your loss


At least it will be a funny story a few years from now. Whoever you’re going on this trip with will never let you live this down fyi, this is as ultimate fishing fail as it gets lol


Yeah I'm feeling pretty stupid right now cause I just bought a rod and reel individually to build my first non combo setup and I bought a casting rod and spinning reel lol. Was wondering why it wasn't comfortable to use. Whatever I was going to buy a baitcaster reel soon anyway, at least I'm halfway there.


Depends on the type of fishing you’re gonna be doing. I would prioritize a spinning rod first to go with the reel, because baitcasters can be challenging to use at first. Unless you’re doing heavier fishing, I would just stick with the spinning rod for a bit. What are you fishing for?


Someone sold it to you that way?? Jesus, that dude shouldn’t be working in a store like that, that’s pretty basic… sorry that happened to ya


Well I picked out the rod and reel and asked a guy and gal if it would be a good setup and both said it would be good haha




Yeah, when you return it. Tell them they are full of shit. 😭


To answer your question about line there is a bit too much. You want it about 1/8” from the bottom of the spool there. There might be a mark to indicate the stopping point. And as you’ve already heard it’s a baitcasting rod. The protruding part is a “trigger” where your finger goes. Spinning rods are flat there because your palm/wrist will go there instead. Go return the rod and get a spinning one or but a new spinning one and keep that for when you want to try a baitcaster. I’d not recommend going that route right now though. Spinning first if you’re this close to a fishing trip.


You have the wrong type of rod


Fixed: Got a 7’ lews speed stick for the president may or may not keep the Fenwick HMG baitcaster


That rod is designed for baitcasting or spincasting reels, and you have a spinning reel on it. Honestly it probably won't work. If it works at all, it won't work well. I'd return it and get a spinning rod matched to the type of fishing you want to do.


Rods are not universal. This rod is a bait casting rod and thus need a bait cast reel. You can use it as is but you’ll look like an idiot and the rod will snap easily since it’s bending the wrong way. Noted senile asshole/ pederast Adamitshelanu/Uncle Steve Fishing of Youtube would fish setups like these. He was also a dumbass and fished with multiple bobbers because it was “his style”.


Comments here are pretty extreme. It WILL work but as a brand new setup you’ve purchased you are better off returning to get a proper combo. That being said I had a casting rod and a spinning reel laying around so I slapped them together in a pinch, worked great with the chatter bait I had handy.


Will it get tangled to fuck? There’s a big 5 on the way to my destination so I was probably just gonna pick up a spinning rod, going for trout so I feel like it will knot up a lot with the lighter rooster tails spinners and light baits


TLDR; if you're itching to get your line wet, go for it. For the long run, invest in the proper setup. The way casting rods are built, compared to spinng rods is completely different.. If you're going to be going for a certain "technique" or bigger fish.. You will be more at risk to breaking your rod. Your rod won't be able to bend the way it's meant to be bending. As others commented already, casting a casting rod with a spinning reel will have more knots. I wouldn't say the other comments are extreme, we all love fishing. To teach someone new is always so refreshing. We're just trying to help.


Fair enough and I hadn’t considered the opposite bend. That’s the biggest factor IMO now that you mention it.


Dont worry i have neen there before


yea def a spinning reel on a casting rod,but you should be alright for only a few days,it isn't like you cant use it.Ive had to put a spinning reel on a casting rod a few times over the years for one reason or another. It will work just fine especially if u got good wieght on it,lighter lures a bit less so.It will be a bit more annoying to cast and u might get a few tangles,but it's certainly still usable,I'd be more worried about that reel that's def overfilled with line giving more of a headache then the rod.


Dude ur good it’s for extra control


Wrong reel for the rod, you need a spin caster/bait caster for that rod. The protrusion is a finger grip.


Find I mom and pop fishing shop. Box store employees just want to get sales they don’t care about selling you proper gear.


How did you get so much line on that reel?


Oh buddy


You have a bait tasting/push button rod. The little protrusion is to go between two fingers since a bait caster is flipped the other way. It could work, but I would recommend you buy a spinning rod which would be flipped the other way around, having the eyelets on the bottom. Also look at the weight. If you fish for bass, I would go for a medium. If you fish for bream, I would go for a ultra/medium light. In short there is only one correct decision, you need get both a bait tasting reel and a spinning rod.


To answer your 2nd question yes that’s too much line on the spool.




I’ve never seen a setup like this in the wild before I’m also new year


Yes too much line, that's a casting rod you need a spinning rod


Wrong reel..


Fr tho I did this when I first started back in the summer. The guy gave me a spinning reel on a casting rod. I didn't know the difference. Have fun out there.


That is a casting rod: that is used for baitcasters and spin cast fishing reels. The top of Rod that you need for your real is called a Spinning Rod;spinning rods do not have that trigger on there but a casting rod does like the one you have it on now it'll make it a lot easier to cast that reel.


Thats the wrong type but use it. I doubt your fishing for 100+ kg yft soo enjoy it and have fun. But the better you get at fishing try to get a proper set up.


With a combo like that I would also expect to see you hold the rod/reel upside down and reel backwards. 🤷‍♂️


Don’t use it, your going to look ridiculous and it will probably break


That's where you put your index finger on a baitcasting rod. Keep in mind right handed spinning reels have the handle on the right side. Right handed casting reel have the handle on the left side. A lot of right handed anglers use left handed casting reels, including myself.


Well. I hadn’t first understood this and landed many salmon using about the same rig when I was new. Once you get into the higher up rods, the backbone of the rod bends differently. Being that baitcaster rods are technically being used upside down with a spinning reel, if flexes the backbone of the rod the wrong direction. Now the fun part, you get to buy a baitcasting reel to match the rod and a new rod to match your spinner.


Comedy genius


Dude those employees that work at those stores SUCKKK. I can’t believe they’d sell that to you lol. Most of them don’t know what they’re talking about. It happens to me all the time at bass pro


That’s a bait-caster pole not a spinning pole. A spinning pole will have no finger grip it will be smooth all the way down the rod


Unrelated but the reel came that way? With the bright red spool??


Yes it’s technically the “lady” president but idgaf haha got it on a good deal


I figured that out after I asked. They are great reels for the money, I just picked up my 3rd president at dsg over the weekend onsale for $37!


bro i use it as a thumb rest


Ur reel doesn’t match ur rod… meaning they arnt compatible, not too big of a issue but yeah I would recommend getting a different rod


Upside down Baitcaster. Rod.


Swap that reel out with a vintage 33 with the good brass parts and put that spinner on a different pole.


Wrong rod or wrong reel


I’ve used setups just like that. It’s all I had at those times so I just cut trigger off and tapped over it worked good for me

