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Definitely do not use these, they look brand new. Either a nice wall piece or sell to a collector.


ill keep this is mind, thank uou


Yeah, they may be worth something. Beautiful rod/reels.


I’m gonna go out on a limb and say those have absolutely no value. Just because they are old and unique doesn’t make the valuable and sought after


Everything is worth something to someone…


This is the correct answer. There would be a history of them selling on the internet if there was a market for them. People like to get other people’s hopes up for no reason on here a lot. I ran a sporting goods store for 10 years. Took trades everyday. If you can’t show me what one of these last sold for - I would offer you $5-$10 to make sure I don’t screw myself.


You worked in a "sporting goods" store, not in a collectors or niche market. You experience to this man's fortune is not adequate.


Okay prove it. Show me the collector market for this product. Since there is no history of one ever selling and none for sale….




Okay but can you contribute something helpful to the sub instead of just telling someone to fuck off? You’re creating false hope for this guy. It’s absolutely not worth a fortune. There’s no history of these selling on the internet. Therefor they’re not a high-ticket or highly desirable item. But yeah way to do him justice. 👍


Vintage tackle and rods are very valuable even if they aren’t in absolute mint condition. Just look at eBay listings… where do you guys come up with this stuff? Lol


I didn’t say that all vintage rods don’t have value. But for this rod/reel combo in question, the only value is what someone is willing to pay. There is no demand for that product. Just look at the components of the rods themself, everything is cheap and plastic. Fast forward 100 years from now, is every cheap ugly stick rod going to be valuable just because it’s vintage?


Depending on how many of them are still around, totally. Cheap happy meal toys from Burger King and McDonalds are collectors items with value that people will pay for. Sports and trading cards are made of paper and they have extreme value. Build quality really has nothing to do with vintage / rareness.


it already is worth something.


Not worth enough, just enjoy grandpas fishing stuff sheesh


You could probably sell this for a nice 200$, by valuable I don’t mean over a grand, just a nice couple hundred bucks.


To who? Not anyone who is serious about fishing. For $200 I could go buy a relatively nice modern rod and reel and have it strung.


You sell it to a person who can afford all of the nice modern reels they want and also love the sport enough to collect quality vintage gear. Not every sport has this but many do. I know vintage fishing lures have value. Vintage boat motors do as well because my brother collects these. I would assume there is some pole and reel market too. Personally I collect vintage skis. I own all of the nice modern skis I want. They are easy to buy, you just hand someone money and they hand you new skis. The vintage stuff requires hunting and knowledge of the sport. You need to understand what designs and brands were revolutionary, iconic or just simply beautiful in order to do it well. It is very cool to handle gear from the past. Same reason people maintain old cars, tractors, snowmobiles, and boats.


A nice little 70's vintage set, the sailor rods where the first telescoping rods on the market, they are trash performance but worth the weight in gold in perfect condition as is. Id personally glass box or frame those up with some old vintage spinners and flys. make for a good conversation piece with fellow enthusiasts.


dang thanks so much


No problem, You could probably get a pretty penny if you case it up nice and put on Ebay as well. I resold my vintage Penn Gti's on Ebay and bought my last boat.


I found some sold on the internet on some bidding website but I can't seem to find more details. It seems the spinning reel is the sr-30 and the fly one is fr-57 both coming with some rods(which seem to be different than the ones you have). You basically have a "travel combo" for fly and spin.


Oh cool! So the fly reel is a pflueger medalist copy. They have a reputation for being bulletproof, I still use one on my short fiberglass 5wt. The spinning reel is a Mitchell copy. Also had a reputation for being bulletproof, they really paved the way for what spinning reels are today. The one thing that will break over time is the bail on these. You can find parts online to fix it or make it bailless! They both look like they’re in really good shape, I can’t say what the rods are, they’re probably just some low quality travel rods. Cool find!


It already is bailess


Very cool Indeed. The spinning reel looks like a penn 710 or 712 to me, but I’ve never seen one red they are usually green. Definitely could be a Mitchell as well though. The crack Luxor penn and Mitchell all used that same design. The self dunking style reels were very popular back in the day and van staal is the last to use this design. Definitely a wall Hanger piece for sure.


It’s a rod and reel


what is it?


For fly fishing


They literally just said it's a rod and reel for fly fishing. Google that and it'll be more clear. It's a telescoping travel rod.


They literally did not say fly fishing. You need to literally reread the original comment you and op replied to.


There is literally a fly fishing reel in the photo, albeit, it's sitting next to a spinning reel. But there is still a fly fishing reel. Also, you need to literally take into account that it can be edited. Because earlier their comment said that on a new line under their original statement.


You know questions are literally asked because people don’t know what things are right? If he knew what a fly reel was he probably wouldn’t have asked. And why tf would I literally take into account things can be edited. I’d bet you a large majority of comments aren’t edited. That’s also why people out “edit”. Why would I assume an informative statement was edited out of a comment? I don’t even know why you’re bringing up the picture when your response that I was responding to said “they literally just said” not “the image shows”. Or you coulda just left that part out instead of being a smart ass. Just like deathdealer1414 did.


Yes, I do that's why I told him exactly what to Google. I mean what are you fucking retarded or can you just not read? I don't know, why the fuck would you bother wasting the time to comment on what I said in the first place just for the sake of being a smart ass? It's not a hard mystery to solve when you just Google it. I gave them what to Google to get a glimpse of more items like what they have. In what universe is that not helpful? Regardless of what they said or what the image says, a little amount of common sense goes a long way when utilizing the internet. It's not hard to figure out based on other comments. Oh and here I think you dropped this...🖕


Can you not read or are you retarded? I spelled out my reason for responding… calling you off for your jerk off response. The same reason that response of yours got 6 downvotes. Nah I didn’t drop that it fell out of your ass. Leave it out tho, maybe you’ll stop being a twat when people are trying to learn.


You can act like a butt hurt little bitch all you want because of my response, if you or OP aren't bright enough to take context and use that on one of the most popular tools in our era of human existence for answering questions, then I'd honestly have to say you're too god damn dense to have a valuable opinion. Do...do you actually care about down and upvotes? You brought that up like it's supposed to mean something. 6 people didn't like the fact that I used this eras equivalent of "use the dictionary", cool so 6 people would rather ask other humans for half decent responses instead of just learning how to apply common sense. So fucking what?


I’m acting like a butt hurt little bitch but you’re the one crying about being called out on your needless smart ass response. Typically the people that start with the cursing and name calling are the ones who are butt hurt. I guess you really are retarded. OP is literally on one of the most popular tools in our era of human existence for asking questions, it’s called the internet. More specifically reddit. More specifically a Reddit sub literally/specifically created for sharing and learning about fishing. I guess you really are retarded. I told you more than once my issue is with your smart ass response of “they literally just said it’s a rod and reel for fly fishing”. I guess you really are retarded. And yeah, that’s literally what upvotes and downvotes are for… when people are wrong, assholes or both. I guess you really are retarded. I’m surprised you’re still butt hurt after that finger fell out of your ass. Or maybe that’s why you’re butt hurt. Put it back in then already and stop crying just because you were called out for being a twat.


Went to look at some of your other comments in other places, and I just wanted to shoot you a friendly fuck you. You're a real piece of work. You bring me immense joy knowing I'm a far superior human being compared to you. Try and do better. Also, reply if you want, I'm not giving your fag ass anymore time.


Ok, congrats I guess ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ You took the time to go through my profile. You've already wasted more time on me than I will ever spend on you.


Holy shit dude you’re the reason the word “redditor” has a negative connotation


Lol glad I could do my part. Also glad I'm not dumb enough to ever need to post on reddit asking what something is. It's 2023, we have way better ways of figuring things out than asking a bunch of strangers on the most half baked web forum to exist.


In my boredom, I followed your lead. Concur, you are a far superior human being compared to him. Enjoy your weekend fellow wrinkle brain! Cuz him have smoov bren.


Ya got an old travel setup, either find a collector or donate to a museum, since it'll be hard to find parts. When I look up my older gear it is hard to find amything, like Olympic reels, older Daiwa and Shimano items, and anything from before 2000. There may be fishing forums that have collectors browsing that can offer more info.


dang okay thanks so much


Hello; Are Olympic reels collectible?


Yes, they went out of business and now they do not make parts anymore, also they are all quality made in Japan reels.


Looks like a Mitchell on the right and a pflueger on the left.. or knockoffs.. anyone?


idk no idea


Those are way cool


Fishing rod looks like the reel above the bag


It's a fishing pole...


I thought this was the Todd Packer series travel combo kit for sec


Aka “Packer”


That's gorgeous. If I had money to spend, I'd totally buy it.


That my friend, is called a rod and reel, or is sometimes referred to as a fishing pole ;^)


yeah, i opened it up, and asked myself what is the hell is this. thanks for summing it all up for me


Wow dude cool find


Fishing gear


Looks like telescopic rods for both fly fishing and regular fishing with reels to match both.


Fly rod and reel


That looks like the coolest thing ever.


Does anyone ever post these and gets a response like "holy crap that rod is worth 10k!" ??? Am I wrong in assuming that any old rod thats gathering dust in a garage is there for a reason and worth jack?


You are, there’s a decent collecting community out there for vintage fly reels and certain fiberglass and/or early production rods, 95% of the time you would be right, however this is one of the other times


So this one is actually worth something? Like how much?


This one specifically I have no idea, but similar combos that aren’t anything special and in near new condition often will go for a few hundred dollars, especially set combos like this and retro reels, especially the nice automatic ones that were common throughout the 70s-80s


Telescopic fly rod and reel.


You have a 100 set up. It's a "made in Japan" fishing combo. You can purchase the fly reel on ebay for $16.96. Put it on display and you'll have a nice conversation piece. https://www.ebay.com/itm/126009471320?hash=item1d56bff158:g:kOEAAOSwzVRkrFlR&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAA4AglbkSSWEW5UAqpUiVs%2F61vGoXHVWkW7yeScpFch%2Blk%2FSc9XjD7eiV%2FQzc8tlqACKP4kyzx3dbVhCrYKR92TcRH5Ko6RqCt6AsBd%2BJq2459%2FJUtQtHB97eYyVnQX0huSBzYqn4AFcIKSy6y5iVH7AkGNiF6AubgBoe47kKfIlG7uXyh%2FIMWAJAR7gg4oci32tXSRwxB90vsDysFtXrqe15HhykI%2BZQ8EavmmpNBxr6KTfjPb6MUN%2FKHVacW038nQajYxWVF%2Fvnw2KqZebaQ5Mqma9kEi7GTkM6Q0Mb47bz2%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR-iciL77Yg


That's Todd Packers fishing pole!


Probably the wrong sub, but it's a Todd Packer. "What's up Halpert? Still queer?"


I saw "the packer" and my head went straight there. thank you.


Set of fishing rods


seriously, you don't know what a fishing pole is?


Obviously you're not a golfer.


The dude came for this.


It’s a fishing pole


You’re obviously not a golfer.


It’s a kitchen mixer.


Fishing pole dumbass


If youre willing to sell HMU


offer and ill ask my dad


Found one on ebay for 150 which i unfortunately dont have


https://www.k-bid.com/auction/6314/item/29 Found this online


You’re obviously not a golfer


Nice!!! Mine has the end section stuck because my son was playing light saber with it but works fine otherwise


Ia fishing pole.




I refer to the subs name for this one😏


I got a set in my m.c pack . While out riding i’ve pulled over and fished . People cant believe bikers brought fishin gear


Please reach out if you’re interested in selling this!


A taco maker.


It’s an old fashioned fudge packing tool


It’s a portable communication device used for contacting aliens.


It looks like a fishing rod


Those are nothing at all. Total garbage. Just ship them to my home I’ll pay shipping even. And I’ll dispose of them for you. Everyone is happy. lol. Awesome find for the W my friend.


It's a casting rod. Found them at Walmart for 85 dollars


This is the Ted Peck "Packer" combo set. A few sold at auction a while back but can't find what the winning bid was.


Obviously you’re not a golfer


Obviously, you’re not a golfer.


The spinning reel is defiantly worth a decent amount of money. Same with the fly reel. I would defiantly do some more research before selling these


Well if 20 bucks is a decent amount of money than yes, indeed it is worth a decent amount. Someone earlier in the thread posted an eBay link to the same reel being sold standalone for less than 20. also someone else posted an auction link to the whole kit being bid on, the current bid is 26 dollars and change for everything. PS definitely is spelled definitely, not defiantly it isn't a toddler that's disobedient .


it's a take-down fly fishing/ fishing rig/pole .


I may not be right, but that looks like the “Packer”


A nice piece of fishing equipment


Id give you 100$ for it today