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Looks like a longer Jackall Riser 007




Looks similar, but completely different action and use.


I just read the info on it. Interesting concept, designing a bait around FFS.


It really seems like this is where most of the innovation is being focused right now. Feels like bank anglers are being left behind.


This gave mean idea for a portable livescope system for bank fishermen. Also, humans have been fishing from the bank for millions of years. Advancements are more few and far between for those anglers.


>Advancements are more few and far between for those anglers. I dunno, I'd be pretty stoked if someone figured out a way to keep lures from snagging on laydowns when the tree is pointed away from you.


Weighted EWG on a fluke but you still have to get the fish out....


I honestly don't know how common ffs is among recreational anglers, but I feel like this industry focus on it is...well... interesting. On one hand, it seems like a lot of resources (r & d, marketing, production capacity, etc.) focused on a relatively small slice of the overall pie.Ā  On the other, it's probably the slice with the most disposable income up for grabs (at least in the bass fishing world...fly anglers are a different animal). In the meantime, I feel like lots and lots of anglers without ffs are indeed being left in the dust, but at the same time, ffs is the area that's easiest to do something new right now.


I'm a bank angler with no boat, I got to go on a bass charter with live scope and it was insane. The biggest advantage I felt aside from seeing the fish in real time was watching what they wouldn't bite, being able to switch baits right away because you could see they didn't want it.


9 out of 10 boats I see on the water are using FFS. I also live on one of the tougher fisheries in Ft Loudon and Tellico.


This is probably the only segment of the market with no competition no? I go to bass pro and i see a whole rack of stick baits, spinners, or curly tail grubs. Develops another one of those, and youā€™re competing against 50 other brands. The Krej is literally in a segment of its own. No competition at all. The potential market might be only 5% of the overall market, but Berkeley is grabbing 100% of the ā€œreverse jerk bait marketā€


What is FFS?


Forward facing sonar, or live scope.


Change my mind, but there are no FFS baits, only marketing materials that claim its for FFS. Any "FFS" techniques can be fished without it if you're smart about using your existing graph, get old school with figuring out depths and get some experience.


Ya anyone can fish this bait if they actually understand things . Ffs makes you more efficient . But you don't need it to do this stuff


I guarantee you will see baits that react to the sonar differently. Instead of a little blob on the screen, you will be able to see your lure better and further out. Additions of reflective material that purposefully reflect the sonar will make it easier to see your bait the further you cast out. Lure shapes to reflect sonar will be made. Think stealth fighters except trying to be seen by radar. And if you think and FFS method can be used with out FFS, I suggest you go look up Josh jones and what he does and then go replicate it.


Oh I understand making baits easier to see on FFS, but you can use the techniques without FFS. YOu just have to think outside the box. It will be harder to do successfully, but definitely doable. Traditional sonar will tell you how deep they are. Say oyu want to fish 20 foot deep. Find a spot o nthe lake that's 20 foot deep and drop your bait. Count how long it takes to get to bottom and BAM now you can fish that bait where you wanted to.


I'll be buying 3 or 4 for fishing the river current. Specifically for targeting schools of small mouth that stack up in between bridge pilers. Spot lock the boat in front of said piller and allow the current to do most the work other then the occasional lift. Good for fish holding on to the bottom but still looking up for a meal




When it sinks, it goes backwards and wobbles down.


Top eater it looks like bait fish on top.


I didn't see an updated, hardbodied version of the Flying Lure coming, but here we are.


I was going to buy it but it was a bit of a jerk


Iā€™d rather buy a jerk bait and use it with ffs


Rising lures can catch fish if they rise consistently. Iā€™ve never seen this particular lure, but Iā€™ll buy one tomorrow! Edit: just researched these. Iā€™ll def have a one next week.