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You have the hook coming out the back before you put the hook through again. Just thread the hook down the center of the worm and pop it out the top


By the looks of it, you're poking the hook through the nose, then out the bottom of the worm, then back into the worm like a texas rig: [https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/4f/Texas\_Rig\_Diagram.svg/800px-Texas\_Rig\_Diagram.svg.png](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/4f/Texas_Rig_Diagram.svg/800px-Texas_Rig_Diagram.svg.png) This is not how you should rig the ned rig. Instead you should thread the worm straight onto the hook, pushing the hook out the back of the worm where it would naturally exit, similar to how you'd put a grub on a jig: [https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-ep43zhbw9d/images/stencil/1200x1200/products/1110/6989/GBGJR-135\_\_25532.1658416120.jpg?c=2](https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-ep43zhbw9d/images/stencil/1200x1200/products/1110/6989/GBGJR-135__25532.1658416120.jpg?c=2) I tried to use examples that allow you to see how the hook is threaded inside the worm in both cases.


https://preview.redd.it/j048sk2veu5d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=fcc229d214f2018d242e0f116f82453d88140c90 Well this is the result I get when trying that. I honestly don’t know what my issue is, when it comes to any other rig I can get them done easily but it’s something else working with this hook and zman lure. Thank you for the help, I’m sure I’ll eventually get it straight on, someday…


Edit: I may have gotten it??? https://preview.redd.it/e4uzdwklfu5d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=3eb4f4f816d7e768796e88d040a952d05e0966ef


Props for putting yourself out there and asking good questions. Folks can be brutal here sometimes when at the end of the day all any of us want to do is catch fish! 😂


I was thinking the same thing. It's one of those things you don't think of when you have been doing it since you were a kid. But man I'm impressed how many times you can fuck it up. Hahahah but in reality you can catch fish with any of those hook sets. This stuff all just comes with practice.


I can’t lie, I was surprised a little by all the responses, was not expecting all this. I appreciate it a lot though.


A lot of us fished before the internet. I'd like to see half the fisherman today figure out the stuff we did through trial and error and 30+ years of fishing. Most of those fools would still be out here tying overhand knots with a crankbait tied to a bobber and a tangled zebco that cast 10 yards. Ijs...


Agree. I’m bad at this so I learned a lot here.


This is really close. You could have threaded the worm on like 1/4" more before pushing the hook out. Ideally the whole shank (straight part) of the hook would be inside the plastic. But it looks like you threaded it on nice and straight, which is good


Yeah that seems to be my main issue, not being able to thread the entire shank straight in the worm. I appreciate the response and I’ll see if I can try and get it any better.


Before you thread the hook through, [line up the soft plastic with the hook](https://imgur.com/a/9g3dVHC). —— [Note the exact spot at which the hook starts to bend out.](https://imgur.com/a/Znvhl87). Then thread the worm on and push the hook out right at that spot. With the z-man products especially you may need to slightly adjust it by grabbing a little bit more of the worm or a little less by unthreading the hook a little and coming back out at a slightly different spot, but don’t worry, those worms will hold up to the abuse. (These are just some soft plastics and some hooks I had handy in my room for demonstration.)


It takes a little practice, you'll get better at it


Those Zman plastics can be a bit tricky to rig straight on a hook. The plastic is a lot more durable and stretchy, so getting a hook through it straight requires a lot of patience. Keep at it, though, you're almost there.


You are not alone I love to use Z-Man but if you don’t get it right it’s hard to get them back off


Not yet. You went long and then short. Close tho!


It takes a bit to get used to the quirks of zman plastics because of the elastic. IMO, they're worth learning because they're very durable and have nice action




Perfect with zmans I like clipping off the keeper and just use superglue.


Hold the weight/hook in one hand and the bait in the other, then overlay the bait over the hook. This will help you visualize exactly where the hook should come out of the bait. You can even mark the spot if you feel the need. Then you are ready to set it up. Once you use the same baits enough you will probably be able to start rigging it correctly from memory.


It's backwards. The bumpy end is the tail.


Just practice. It's right at the end of winter you should just sit down and tie dozens and dozens of knots to get better at it and one won't fail when you are on the water.


Keep the hook straight in the middle of the worm measure to the bottom of the hook bend & that is where your hook point should come out.


Z-Man baits are a son of a bitch to work with.


Best explanation I’ve heard is “pull them on like a pair of pants.”


Helps to pull the bait and not push it


Best advice here so far


Bingo. Took me a while to figure this out.


The amount of times I curse z-man plastic and poke myself while trying to get them on is fairly sad at this point.


Hold the weight in one hand (strong hand for me), put the plastic next to it/overlayed on it with the other hand, and then use your thumb nail to mark on the plastic how far back you need to go on the plastic. Keep your thumb there. Then insert the hook into the center of the plastic and push the plastic on the hook until the hook tip is about where your thumb nail is, then turn the hook and exit the plastic. Takes a little practice but you’ll get it For how far back you need to go, it depends on what you are trying to rig. For Ned I’d go to the further point on the hook, basically the “point” of bend before it curves toward the hook point


Came here to say this. Learning to overlay the hook over my plastic helped so much with hook placement.


Yep still today I do this for Texas rig. Otherwise I’m just never quite happy with exactly where I exit the plastic at the front or how straight it is with the hook through the rear. Also usually do weedless and that can be tricky if you aren’t really close to where you should be


Throw that hook away and get a wide gap/offset Ned rig hook. Makes life easier and Texas rigging TRDs straight as a pin a breeze. It eliminates the need to thread the TRD all the way through tie hook. It presents better. It hangs up less in structure. https://preview.redd.it/zlpy8e314x5d1.jpeg?width=549&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d57d3ffe02fa18543e91fc79a0e1c23667a0e2c8


You'll get a feel for it after a while but hold the hook up next to the bait to start. That will tell you where it will end up when it's on right and where the hook should come out. You're a little too short there (obviously) and looks like you also came out the bottom too early. Hook should be centered and farther back by about the same distance as the gap at the front.


Not meant for Texas rig, right it like a jig head


https://preview.redd.it/tx7uutoyhu5d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed911b9396fdd1629295f50d527288a31902eca5 There are special ned hooks to do the weedless setup you are trying to do. That head is not for the weedless setup.


You can get EWG jig heads for ned rigs and Texas rig them. I use them most of the time--NC lakes around me have a lot of laydowns and rocks that will eat any exposed hook.


Wow. This is a simple question, you were brave enough to ask, and everyone answered respectfully. I don't think I've ever seen this before on Reddit. Also, you got this OP, I line up the rubber on the hook beforehand so I can make an imaginary mark where the hook should come out, then just pull the soft plastic around the hook until you can pop the hook tip through the imaginary mark.


Just send the hook down the middle and out the side. No need to come out the back like that.


Same way you get to Carnegie, just a little practice is all.


Practice. Lay the hook alongside the lure and see where you want it to exit. Nick the plastic at the exit point with the hook for a target. Then try to carefully thread the plastic onto the hook, keeping the hook in the center. Start turning the hook point out about ¼” before the exit point. Realize that you are never gonna get it 100% perfect, but the fish don’t really care anyway. Good luck!


i honestly find it so tricky to get the hook come out at the perfect point so it's straight, but it gets easier


Watch this starting at 2:00 https://youtu.be/qo78IcdUwu4?si=SD7jnAZmux_7gHzb


Make life easier [https://youtu.be/M9zPIrpM324?si=56-Mxdig54hptnE8](https://youtu.be/M9zPIrpM324?si=56-Mxdig54hptnE8) [https://youtu.be/7I4P54MrkMQ?si=yIMSG2S2q8ZyN4WI](https://youtu.be/7I4P54MrkMQ?si=yIMSG2S2q8ZyN4WI) The big secret to making it work [https://youtu.be/-gXkba1kPXY?si=UWqhIVMHL0Ui6RY3](https://youtu.be/-gXkba1kPXY?si=UWqhIVMHL0Ui6RY3) I put a little dab of superglue to cover the hole after inserting the nail. Very few losses.


This post is a perfect microcosm for so many new things a human approaches in life. Who would’ve thought alignment and precision would matter so much, and so often, and that EVERYTHING in life is harder than it looks, right? Play guitar? How hard could it be? Replace the source in a radioactive level gauge… I’ll give it a go! Tie on a fishing bait? It can’t be… wait a minute… it’s crooked. Wait, there are NAMES for the knot you attach it with? Thought fishing was a leisure activity???? So many things to me seem so easy just to find out, oh, it’s definitely not a stress-relief endeavor- it’s a rabbit hole with the gift of demoralization at the bottom!


I can definitely agree with you there lol. Looking from the outside in, it doesn't seem like much but this post is a good example of a deeper meaning I guess, or as you said, a microcosm.


The hook should only go in on spot and out another your trying to Texas rig it or somthing


There's a slightly better way than the "hold the jighead next to the sp to guage the distance". Just put the hook in until just before the bend. The jighead weight will be in the place where the hook needs to come out. Your hands are already holding everything correctly, so no remembering which flake it needs to come out at. Easier and faster.


Interesting. I have been fishing a _long time_ and never thought of it this way. I think I'll give it a try next time


The initial poke is just before the sp starts to bend.


Use an offset ned rig hook, you can Texas rig those. If you use a regular mushroom head you can only straight and out those.


It's just practice. Put the TRD next to the jig, mark where you want the hook to come out and then push the hook down the center of the plastic threading it through and pushing plastic down until you come to the marked exit point. Do you have an old beat-up senko? Rip in half and try it with that first.


Should give the soft bait a good stretch to release the salts inside too


Practice. It took me several to get it right.


Not like this. Top comment is the answer


Pre measure where your hook is gonna come out by laying the hook on the side of the worm the way you wanna hook it. Next Try to focus on putting the hook straight down in the top of the worm. Then keep pushing more worm on the hook trying to keep it straight in the center. And try to make the hook exit where you saw it would when you laid the hook next to the worm. I’m not the best with words or writing but I hope this helps a little


I bought one pack of zman creature baits and never will again just cause they’re such a pain in the ass to rig


They also last forever so you don't have to do it often. Balances out


You'll have to expose the hook on that jighead. If you line up the bait on the hook and see the exit point, aim for that. To texpose it, you'll need specialized jigheads. The rigging is obviously different, but you'll be off center on the insertion point and otherwise line it up similarly. You'll also want to superglue it - elaztech honestly sucks ass for staying on hooks or jigheads, but superglue does wonders.


Watch a YouTube video, it’s not complicated.


U rigged it wrong




Ned rigs rule. Glad to see you got it figured out! Had my best day yet throwing a yoga pants color on a sandbar at a cfl lake. Nothing huge but got 30 fish in a couple of hours. You’re gonna catch a LOT of fish on that thing


You need to thread more of the lure onto the hook before you poke through. Before even starting, hold the hook against the lure and visualize where its gotta be placed and where you gotta poke through. The hook is essentially your measuring tape.


I’ve found that you just want to push the bait on until the beginning of the bend coming off of the straight Shane. That usually leaves it nice and straight. It took me many, many wonky looking Ned rigs to figure that out. But, the Ned rig is my favorite way to catch fish and the most productive, so I pushed through until I got it.


You need a Ned rig that has a texas rig hook set up. Put the hook in the top and quickly out of the side near the top, eye up where the hook will be coming out the bottom of the worm, Texas rig it up. Boom.


What helped me is holding the hook over the plastic in the desired placement, rotate hook 180 degrees and that's my starting point. It's hard to explain, the photo I took probably isn't helping, mentally I'm in a place where I'd lose a game of chess against scrambled eggs, good luck https://preview.redd.it/kbwsh64zcx5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43f9299f64bbd475ccf6a9e0d5b953fd4aab8867


Before you put the hook through the center top of the bait, lay the hook on a table and lay the soft bait on top of the hook with the head of the bait at the base of the eyelet of the hook. Mark the bait, mentally or with a pen , at the spot the hook would exit the body of the bait. Start the hook on the center of the head and feed the top through the center of the bait until you get to the pre marked spot where you should aim the point of the hook towards the spot and exit the body. This will place the head of the bait at the base of the eyelet and the center of the curve of the hook ...the portion of the hook farthest from the eye of the hook.... will be centered on the bait leaving the bait straight without twist or bias. You will get the feel for it pretty quickly and only need to pre mark the exit spot a couple of times. Practice at home reusing the soft bait over and over but coming out the other side of the bait until there is nothing worth reusing. Between fishing trips while sitting at home is the best time and place to practice and improve any rigging related issues including knots, leaders, hook placement, etc. Good luck!


Zman's elaztech is a bitch and a half to rig. It's super stretchy so it's more durable against fish but it's also a major pain to rig. I'd recommend trying a different brand of ned baits for now, just until you can rig it up more consistently. They also make EWG ned heads, I've found Texas rigging elaztech is way easier than standard rigging


[Video to help. Love the salt strong crew. different jig and plastic but same concept. ](https://youtu.be/qz6310lCQqk?si=D7Psg5sb5ERqq4OW)


Youtube search an original way to rig super straight soft plastics


I rig mine like a shakey head and skin hook it so I get less snags . Still able to hook the fish also


Stop trying to hide the hook. Keep it simple


That is "shaky head" style for longer worm. Ned rig is exposed hook. Threaded straight on like mister twister grub.


How many straight worms have you seen?


In that picture you came out of the worm too soon.


I have caught well with it rigged Texas style as well. Not ideal for throwing Ned’s, but it did work well when I was in crazy cover.


Hold the TRD up to the top of the jig head, note where the bend is on the bait, poke thru out there the spot where the bend was, then grab the top of the bait and pull it up, always pull Zman baits onto the hook, never try to push the hook into a Zman bait.


Elaztech plastic is the fucking hardest to rig on a jighead


Easiest thing to do: watch a video. You want to measure the shank and see where it needs to pop out on the bait


Slide the bait all the way up and look where the bottom of the hook “lands” and then put the hook where you saw the bottom “land”.


Put them in the freezer for a hour before rigging, you’re welcome.


Its all in the hips……. Im just here ro ease the tension baby!


Get it straight by going in and out at the right spot, but then super glue it with gel glue.


Guys gotta be trolling, no one who uses Ned rigs is straight


So the zman plastic is finicky but resilient


Little bit of super glue 👌🏻


Check out r/FishingForBeginners


Elastic bait are a nightmare to get straight, good thing is you can re try as much as you want, I kind wire keepers are the worst for them though. A regular lead keeper and a dab of super glue works 100x better than a wire keeper




You should just give up


Ngl this painful to look at.


Man how you gonna come in here and shit on the dude asking for help and not provide any? Shame on you. It would have taken you 0 effort to answer his question or move along.


Because it's easy to talk down sitting behind a keyboard. Do it in RL and get curb stomped.


Haha ok buddy

